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Delayed Offsides

Page 15

by Shey Stahl

  The ref came up, pushing the two of them apart and me away completely. “Knock it off, boys.”

  Mase smiled, trying to make us laugh as he looked over at me, and then Remy, a child-like amusement to his tone. “I tapped his penis.”

  “I said knock it off.” The ref pushed Mase forward, away from the Penguins bench. So far, Mase was in good spirits but I saw it in his eyes. Nothing mattered more to us, to these fans, than the win.

  With a few seconds left in the second period, I snagged a beautiful upper left corner goal. Gloating, as usual, I raised my hand in the air and skated past our bench knocking gloves with my boys.

  Directly after the play, Remy took a nasty hit into the boards and then laughed when the Penguin came back at him, slashing his stick. We’d be lucky if this didn’t end in a power play but you had to laugh. Or at least I did.

  “Nice slash, ya fuckin’ bitch.” Remy snorted, circling him. “If you’re gonna high stick me, take me out.”

  I took my stick and placed it between the Penguins legs as he skated back to his bench for the shift change. He noticed and glared at me.

  “Is that fuckin’ necessary?”

  “Absolutely.” I drew out, circling him. “I got more where that came from too, cupcake.” I stroked my stick. “Bend over just a little more and I’ll show you.”

  “Orting!” O’Brien yelled shaking his head. “Knock it off and play fuckin’ hockey.”

  I pointed to the goal, you know, the one I just scored. “What’s that?”

  You could play a physical game in hockey without the penalties but it wasn’t easy. You had to be sneaky about it. I haven’t… okay, I don’t think I’ve ever mastered sneaky when it comes to penalties. I could be sneaky with goals, not so much on the penalty side because I was called on taunting after that play, a penalty I saw quite often.

  I don’t think the Penguins’ defenseman, Rozen, who I’d so discreetly stuck my stick up his ass, was looking to give me some lessons on professionalism.

  “You wanna do this?” I wasn’t going to fight him. Remember, I don’t like the sight of blood. At all. But I also shouldn’t have provoked him. He had fifty pounds on me. “You’re a fuckin pussy, aren’t ya?”

  “Why don’t you ask your girl.” Rozen taunted, with a nod to the stands. “I ate her pussy. She can tell ya a thing or two.”

  More than likely, this was his way of getting under my skin. Guaranteed he hadn’t done a goddamn thing with Callie but it was all part of his plan to get me to drop my gloves. Worked every time when you knew what and when to say it.

  Guess what I did?

  Dropped my gloves. I was the fuckin’ pussy then because by doing that, Rozen let me make the first move and I created a power play for the Penguins. Exactly what we didn’t need. “You gutless piece of shit!” I said, shoving him, heading back to the penalty box.

  Sure enough, they tied the game up.

  When I was released, back on the bench, I could see the guy’s morale was slipping. Next to Ryan, I started singing, “I kissed a girl and I liked it.”

  “Stop singing. You sound horrible.” Ryan tried to ignore me. And then he realized how much time I’d spent in the sin bin tonight. “What’s with you and Rozen?”

  I laughed. “What a dick eater that guy is, huh?”

  He just shook his head, laughing. Got some humor out of him though. Every game in hockey is different from the last. Not only are you playing different guys, but your team’s morale is different. Games like this when they’re close and your fighting for all your worth just to get that damn puck in the net, you have to keep the guys positive. They got down and that’s when we started to make mistakes. I felt like it was my job to get them up because when we were up, we are fucking golden. We all had each other’s backs, not a chance in hell of anyone touching us when we were all on our game, fighting for the win in our house. We were struggling tonight though and it was up to me to turn the heat up in this icebox.

  We headed into overtime, and didn’t make any ground other than arguing with each other.

  When I squared up for the drop, I winked at the Penguins’ center. “Hey baby, what’s the safe word?”

  He just glared at me but I snagged the puck and sent a saucer towards Travis.

  “Pass it!” Remy shouted, hitting his stick against the ice, wide-open and ready to just tap the puck in only I’d be passing to him through two defenders.

  “Hold your tits, Carsey. I’ll pass the puck when I’m good and ready.” I spun around the left winger on my back right and then came around the back of the goal.

  “I’m open!” He shouted again.

  “I bet you are.” I teased, smiling at him when I dropped the puck back to Ryan who came up behind me. “Sweet fuck, look at that pass, eh.”

  “Fuck you.” Remy said, shoving me backwards when the horn sound signifying the end of the period.

  “No, fuck you.” I was on a roll pissing everyone off but it made me laugh because now Remy was hungrier for the win than ever.

  Once the period was over, it was time for the shoot-out. Each team got a shot at the goal. If no one scored, you moved down your list of snipers until someone scored.

  “Listen up, boys,” O’Brien shouted over the screaming fans announcing the shootout order. “Shawzer, Carsey, Orting!”

  Ryan and Remy’s attempts at the shoot-out goals went unanswered and it left me.

  Circling the blue line, I looked up at Callie, standing, cheering me on like she had been the entire game with her hands clutched tightly together. Like I said, nothing mattered more to the players, and the fans, than the win. It mattered to Callie if we won or lost. This wasn’t just a game to her. It was a way of life. When we lost, she felt that too.

  My eyes dropped to the puck, I circled it, went wide and the came back around to grab it heading up ice towards the Penguins’ goalie, poised and ready for me, rocking back and forth. With my eyes trained on the puck and the chopping motions like cutting vegetables. My skates glided over the ice unheard because of the screaming fans and my heavy breaths. When I got within five feet of the goal, I stopped completely, stick handling, chopping back and forth, faked right, then left and back right before raising the puck up, using my poise and patience before lopping it in over the line.

  I was looking for retribution on that one and shoved it down their throats. Circling around the Penguins’ bench, I found Rozen and said, “Eat that, fucker.”

  Good thing the game was over because I would have earned myself a major for taunting. Again.

  I kind of expected her to be waiting when we got done with the press and showers, after all, she wore my jersey to the game for the first time since the first home game. There was a high present in the atmosphere around us, product of the win in shoot out fashion.

  “Hey,” I greeted her, leaning into the brick wall with my shoulder.

  Callie did the same, smiling, her brown eyes meeting mine. “Listen,” her gaze fell from mine to the concrete floor. I wanted her eyes on mine so I reached over and touched her cheek. “I’m sorry that I ignored you…and you found out so suddenly about the baby. I realized that after you brought the flowers over, and the chocolate, that I…it couldn’t have been easy for you.”

  I nodded, knowing she never intentionally wanted to hurt me or withhold anything from me. Hurting me was the last thing she wanted to do. I understood completely why she had apprehensions about saying anything at all. What we had was confusing. We went from fuck buddies to feelings and no way of knowing how to handle them and Dave, and New Year’s. And then an unplanned pregnancy. Of course she was hesitant to tell me.

  “I know…I just—”

  By the look in her eyes, there was nothing to say. Or at least nothing she wanted me to say right then. “Don’t say anything. I just wanted you to know that.”

  I wasn’t good at a lot of things and making bad decisions, that was nothing new to me. Never did I think that Callie felt the same way about herself, until

  I reached forward wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her against my chest. “It might not mean anything at this point but I’m sorry for the way I acted. It wasn’t right.”

  “I know you are.” She whispered into my chest, her voice wavering.

  Pulling away, I got her to look at me again, my hands cradling her face. “Can we go on a date on Friday, when I get back from Nashville?”

  She smiled, no hesitation to her answer. “Sure.”

  I couldn’t tell you how many dates I have asked Callie on. And now she agreed. I was kind of shocked at first, taken back by her willingness. “Is it because I dropped gloves tonight, huh?”

  “Wow,” she laughed, taking a step back. “You’re really full of yourself after the win, aren’t you?”

  “Or maybe I just want to fill you.”

  Callie chucked at my response, shrugging casually as her eyes flashed up to meet mine. “Nah,” she winked and leaned in, even closer, her lips at my ear. I wanted to take her in the locker room right then. “It’s because I’m hoping you drop gloves tomorrow night.”

  “You can count on that.” I said, angling my head to the side to kiss her cheek. My body instantly wanted her but my brain told me to control it, wait until I treated her right and took her on a date.

  Two games on the road, St. Louis and Nashville, and then it was back home Thursday night and a home game on Sunday. But before that, I was taking Callie Pratt on a date.

  I met Callie during my first game with the Blackhawks back in 2008. She was in my bed that same night.

  Now our situation was completely different. None of this was about getting her in my bed. Though I wanted that, it was about showing her I was going to be there for her.

  I am a very confident guy. My body is my tool, and I stay in the ultimate shape. And I’m attractive, take care of myself, and it shows. I got the ladies in the past with my moves on the ice first, my body was just icing on the cake. This isn’t something where I’m going to tell you that I’m the hottest man alive but I bet you I could make the top twenty.

  With that said, Callie was the one girl who made me question that confidence. I didn’t know what to think around her. She played me like that, used it to her advantage. Hey, more power to her though. I’m okay with that because the feeling I got when she finally let me in after two years, was fucking worth it.

  And then came the nerves. At first I couldn’t place them, had no idea how to process that feeling, much like being a dad.

  And that’s when I realized why I was nervous. Me. Leo Orting was nervous. Callie wasn’t just some puck bunny to me. She was going to be the mother of my child. That’s what scared the shit out of me. Not only did being a father, or the word itself, scare me to death but dating Callie wasn’t going to be easy for me. There was so much meaning behind what she was now.

  It was nearing the time I was going to pick her up for dinner when I decided to call Mase, thinking if they came, it might not be so nerve wracking.

  “I’m going to dinner with Callie.” I blurted out as soon as he answered the phone. “Like a date.”

  “Good for you.” He laughed, not understanding what my problem was.

  “Yeah, sure, uh… can you and Ami come?”

  “Why?” He sounded confused and I’m not sure why. He knows me.

  “So she doesn’t yell at me. If you’re there she won’t.”

  Mase laughed. “I hate to break it to you but she will.” And then he paused, a long drawn out pause like the sudden moments of silence he had at times that pissed me the fuck off. Who paused for that long? Mase did. “And I have Granny B with me. It’s her birthday.”

  “Bring her, too.” I hung up before he could argue, because he would. “Meet us at Hub 51 at six.”

  It could potentially go either way tonight.

  “Did you see these cups?” Granny B raised her glass that had one last drink of beer in it, downed it, and then stuffed it inside her duffle bag of a purse. She’s a klepto. Always has been. “They can hold a lot of vodka.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, Mase lowered his voice. “Granny B, put that back on the fuckin’ table.” Letting out a deep sigh, he closed his eyes. “I told you guys we shouldn’t have brought her.”

  “It’s fine.” Callie reassured him. When I picked her up for dinner, and told her about Mase and Ami joining us, she almost seemed relieved. Maybe she was nervous too. Hell, even Ami looked relieved when we walked in because then she wouldn’t have to deal with Mase and Granny B, alone.

  “I’m so glad you guys came.” Ami whispered to Callie, making her relax into her chair a little more.

  “So what are we celebrating?” Granny B asked, flagging down a waiter. “Excuse me, son, I need another glass. Mine has disappeared.”

  “We’re celebrating yours and Evan’s birthday.” Ami said and then smiled at Callie. “And a baby.”

  “Are you pregnant, Ami?” Granny B gleamed at her and then nudged Mase. “Way to hit a home run.”

  Mase gave her a blank stare.

  “Oh no,” Ami shook her head pointing at Callie. “Callie is. Callie and Leo are having a baby.”

  Taken by surprise, Callie swallowed a laugh but didn’t say anything and looked over at me. I gave her a wink, my right hand resting lightly on her bare thigh under the table and then raised my beer to my lips.

  Granny B laughed. “You mean to tell me Leo knocked you up?”

  Callie nodded, wordless to the question, watching me. And then said, “Leo said it wasn’t his, but now he’s owned up. He doesn’t want to be a dad.”

  Callie held onto grudges. I understood that but I wasn’t expecting her to say that, right then, in front of everyone.

  Mase coughed lightly and then reached for his water glass. “We should go.”

  “No, don’t.” Callie mumbled, staring at her napkin in her lap.

  “I said I was sorry” I stared at Callie hoping she would look at me. “I know it’s mine. And yeah, I don’t want to be a dad. Mine was about as useful as a blown out sweat sock.”

  Mase and Ami gawked at us, not knowing what to say.

  “This is really awkward.” Granny B said, getting up with her bulging purse. “I’m going to find that waiter with my beer.”

  I couldn’t look at Callie after that. I was a dick, that much was clear but I thought for sure tonight would have helped. Turned out I needed to up my game.

  There was a moment of silence, each one of us not sure what to say, when Granny B returned. “He said he was on his way with the drinks.” Granny B smiled, widely, taking an overly large bite of the chips and guacamole at the center of the table and then talking with her mouth full. “I always knew Leo had super sperm.”

  At least she was good for diverting the conversation.

  “Granny B!” Mase laughed, mostly under his breath. “Shut up.”

  “Don’t talk to your grandmother like that.” She slapped the back of his head and then stared at him. “See, Evan, at least Leo is gonna make me a Granny before I die. I want great grandbabies. I’m an old woman. I can’t wait forever.”

  Mase cleared his throat. “I don’t think you’re ever going to die, Granny B.” He said, only to have Ami slap his arm.

  “You know, I think I saw this on a card once.” Granny B glared at Mase. “But life is like toilet paper. You’re either on a roll or taking shit from some asshole.”

  Mase rolled his eyes shaking his head only to have Ami stare him and Granny B down. “Knock it off you two.”

  Callie elbowed me, her eyes on mine. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to out you in front of everyone. Let’s just start over. I don’t want to fight with you tonight,” she had my attention after that but she surprised me when her face scrunched, almost as if she wanted to be mad but was fighting with herself not to be. “Is that okay with you?”

  Granny B leaned forward. “Honey, try saying that without looking like you’re going to kill him.”

  I glared pla
yfully at Granny B and winked at Callie. “I like that idea. Sounds great.”

  “What does the B stand for?” Callie asked diverting the conversation back to the table where our drinks had just arrived, apparently never knowing Granny B’s real name.

  In her best erotic voice, Granny B turned to Callie and whispered, “Beverly.” With as much seduction as a phone sex operator did.

  Mase cleared his throat, again, and straightened his tie. “Maybe we should go.” He said again, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

  “The hell we are! I’m eating here.” Granny B announced, cutting into her steak again. “And it’s my anniversary.”

  “It’s your birthday.” Mase hissed at her. “I am not getting kicked out of another restaurant because of you.”

  “Well then, stop trying to control me.” Granny B had a mean streak. She’s got some Italian in her and I don’t know about you but I don’t piss off Italian women.

  “So when’s the little guy due?”

  Callie snorted. “We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. I’m only two months.”

  All the baby talk was making me sweat. I had just accepted the fact that she was pregnant and now here we were talking about the gender.

  It made my heart race as a sheen of sweat broke out over my body.

  Mase noticed and nudged me. “You okay, bud?”

  “Yeah,” I stood, my legs knocking against the table. “I’ll be back.”

  Without looking at anyone, I made my way to the back of the restaurant and to the bathrooms.

  What the fuck was my problem? Why couldn’t I just get my shit together and be normal?

  I stood there, staring at myself in the mirror when Mase came in and leaned against the sink beside me, crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s up with you?”

  I hung my head. “I don’t fuckin’ know.”

  “You’re scared.” He said in a calming manner. “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Our eyes met right then and he saw the apprehension I held. “But don’t be a douche to her. She deserves better than that.”


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