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The Wizard Merlin: Second Edition

Page 5

by Emrys Apollo

  Hector blushed and buttoned his shirt back up. "Thank you, sire. But you mentioned another with a mark?"

  Merlin nodded and looked away. "Yes, Lance. He's marked, but I don't know what it means. I've never seen that color before."

  "What color is that?"

  Merlin hesitated. "It's green. I've seen black, red, and blue. In my studies I've read about yellow and purple, but I've never seen them in person. Do you know what green means?"

  Hector shook his head. "No sire, I don't. I've only seen black and blue. I never had any studies in magic, I just figured it out on my own."

  Merlin smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Sometimes that's the best training.....but wait...." He turned to Tristan and frowned. "You knew about Hector's mark and never told me."

  Tristan nodded. "Yes sire, I did. Hector asked me to keep it a secret and I obliged. I'm sorry for deceiving you."

  Merlin opened his mouth to say something just as Lance entered the camp area.


  All eyes followed the long haired man's movement when he dropped off his wet clothes by his pack.

  Tristan called out to him. "Lance, come here."

  Lance glanced up. "What's wrong?"

  "Just come over here for a minute. We need to talk to you about something."

  Lance looked over at Merlin and frowned. "Did...did I do something wrong? Whatever it was, I'm sorry."

  Merlin smiled. "No, you've done nothing wrong, I just need to ask you something."

  Lance nodded and walked over to the gathering with trepidation. He stopped in front of Merlin and swallowed the lump in his throat.

  Merlin reached over to Lance’s shirt and pulled it open to show the others. "See Hector, it's green."

  Lance bit his lip and turned his head away.

  Hector moved in closer to take a better look. "Wow, it's like an emerald. But why wasn't it glowing like that when I was fixing his injury last week?"

  Lance licked his dry lips and looked back at Merlin. "I don't think it does that when I'm asleep. It only seems to glow when I'm by myself or when someone else is looking at it."

  Merlin grinned. "Or when you're using your powers. What are your powers, Lance?"

  Lance shrugged. "I don't know. I've only had this mark since I was a teenager."

  Merlin nodded. "As have I and probably Hector too. But these marks aren't just random, they're granted to those God has deemed worthy of his powers. Or in the case of the black circle, the powers the Dark Lord has granted."

  Lance stared at Merlin in confusion. "You have one too?"

  Merlin nodded and opened his shirt to show Lance his mark. "Yes, a blue one. It means I'm a magic wielder."

  Lance reached out to touch it, but Merlin's hand stopped him. He blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry, sire. I forgot."

  Merlin smiled at Lance and pulled his shirt closed again. "It happens. Hector has a red one which makes him a healer. Though I wouldn't advise you to touch his unless you want Tristan growling at you."

  Hector giggled and Tristan snorted.

  Lance blushed. "I'll...I'll take your word for that."


  Merlin walked into town and looked around for the library. The others followed behind him glancing around for anyone or anything that might attack him.

  Hector's eyes scanned the people walking around with brilliant velvet robes and cloaks. He swallowed the lump in his throat and wished he was invisible.

  Lance turned to Tristan. "Where are we? I've never seen this place before?"

  "It's a town for scholars and scribes. Not exactly a place for us to be if we weren't escorting a mage."

  Lance nodded and glanced over at a group of older men. They were chatting amongst themselves until they spotted Merlin. Their eyes widened in shock and they watched Merlin's every movement.

  Merlin snorted and walked past them without a word. "Everywhere I go I'm stared at like some kind of freak. It gets annoying after a while."

  Hector chuckled. "At least you don't have people thinking you're a stupid drunk like they did in my old town."

  Lance licked his dry lips. "Do they, um, do they have a tavern here? I haven't had good ale in a long while."

  Tristan laughed and patted Lance on the back. "Now you're talking. In fact, I think that place is one."

  Lance followed Tristan's finger to a small building with ancient scripture above the door. He frowned and turned to Tristan. "How do you know that? I can't even read the writing on it."

  Merlin stopped walking and turned around. "You can't? I thought all people could read at least the bare minimum of scripture."

  Lance blushed and looked away. "I....I never really learned it. My family was poor and we could never afford schooling. So I learned whatever my parents taught me."

  Merlin nodded and started to walk again. "Well if you want to learn, just let me know and I'll teach you."

  Lance stared at Merlin. "Really? I mean, I don't want to be a bother to your journey with it."

  Merlin laughed and headed for a large building in the middle of town. "It's no bother, I love to read and I don't mind being a teacher."

  "Thank...thank you, sire."

  An older gentleman standing by the steps rushed forward to the group. "The savior, you grace us with your presence! Please, please come inside from the weather."

  Merlin nodded. "Thank you and I assume my group may enter as well?"

  The man's eyes widened at the sight of the dirty group behind Merlin. He bit his lip and nodded. "Of...of course, they are welcome too."

  Merlin grinned and motioned the others to follow him. Lance smiled at the man and he backed away in fright.

  "Did I do something wrong," asked Lance to Tristan.

  "Yes, you looked at him. These are nobles, Lance. They don't like it when 'servants' treat them as equals."

  Lance frowned. "That doesn't make any sense."

  Merlin laughed and entered the room. "Don't worry yourself with it, Lance. It's just how it is."

  Lance nodded and stayed back with Hector, Gareth, and Tristan while Merlin walked forward to the main desk.

  A white bearded man looked up and jumped from his seat. "Savior! Welcome to our library."

  Merlin nodded. "Thank you, for letting us visit. I'm looking for information on the different colored mages. I was told this is the first and foremost source of scripture on the subject."

  "Oh yes, savior, it is. We have ancient texts from all over the world on the subject. Please, come with me."

  Hector licked his lips. "Do you have anything about training on these texts? Like for example, a red mage's training?"

  The man looked over at Hector with disgust. "Sorry, that's only available to saviors and mages."

  Merlin rolled his eyes. "Hector, show him your mark."

  Hector blushed and opened his shirt to reveal the red circle over his chest.

  The man's eyes bugged out. "Oh....I see. Very well, we do have training texts for the mages. Please follow me."

  Hector nodded and buttoned up his shirt.

  Merlin eyed the others. "We'll meet you at the tavern when we're done."

  Lance opened his mouth to say something when Tristan elbowed him in the chest.

  Tristan nodded and pushed the others outside the building. "Very well, sire. See you then."


  Hector studied the red mage books in front of him. His blue eyes scanned the texts for ways to harness his powers more efficiently.

  Merlin dug through books and loose parchment to find anything about Lance’s mark. He pushed them to the side in disgust.

  Hector glanced up and frowned. "What's wrong, sire?"

  "I can't find anything on green mages. It's almost like they don't exist or something."

  A younger man walked up to Merlin's table. "Something wrong, savior?"

  Merlin glanced up. "I thought this place had all there was to know about mages."

  The man nodded. "Oh yes, we do."
/>   Merlin snorted. "Yes well, no you don't. I can't find anything about green mages in these books."

  Silence filled the room.

  Merlin glanced around at all of the men frozen in position looking at him. "Did I say something wrong?"

  The man shook his head fast back and forth. "No, no savior. Um, well, there isn't a lot known on green mages. They only appear every hundred years or so."

  Merlin's eyes widened. "Seriously? No wonder I've never seen it before."

  The man nodded. "Savior, none of us have. In fact, it was believed that they disappeared permanently after the last time the Dark Lord caused havoc."

  Merlin cocked his head to the side. "So if that's the case, then maybe they're only born when the Dark Lord is awakened?"

  "That....that could be, savior. Though there's no way to know if there is one unless they appear."

  Merlin chuckled. "Well, it might be sooner than you think. So, what do they do?"

  The man sighed. "Even though it is not written in a book, it is believed that they regenerate."

  Hector stared at the man. "Regenerate? Like heal themselves?"

  "No, more like they regenerate energy for those who use it. Like for example, if the savior had a green mage he would be able to use that person to replenish his energy."

  Hector's jaw dropped open.

  Merlin stared at the man. "Wait, a green mage feeds the other mages? But what about him? Won't he be drained as well?"

  "I assume they would be, but we have no way to know for sure. Their powers have never been officially documented. Though like with a red mage's power, there must be some sort of way to control how much he gives to others."

  Merlin sat back in his chair. "That makes sense. Though how does he feed me energy if I can't touch him?"

  The man shrugged. "It is not known how their powers work; we only have vague descriptions from scholars back then."

  Merlin nodded and got up from the table to walk over to Hector's. "I've got what I came for, do you need to study some more?"

  Hector looked down. "Um, well, I was in the middle of this scripture. I found something sort of related to mages, but it seems to be a legend. I can stop if you want me to."

  Merlin patted Hector on the shoulder. "No, stay as long as you want. I'll head over to the tavern for something to eat. Come over when you're done."

  Hector nodded and went back to reading.

  Merlin grinned and handed his books and papers back to the young man. "Thank you for your information about green mages. I'll let you know if I run into one."

  The man's eyes widened. "Oh savior, that would be great. Thank you for your presence."

  Merlin snorted and walked out of the library.


  Lance stared down at the ale before him and sighed.

  Tristan's eyebrow rose. "What's wrong with you?"

  Lance frowned. "I'll never figure out what my powers are."

  Tristan chuckled and took a drink from his mug. "Yes, you will. What do you think the sire is researching in there?"

  Lance looked up and shrugged.

  "He's looking for your mage color. If he can find anything, you'll be the first one to know."


  Gareth chuckled and patted Lance’s on the arm. "Yes, really. Sire hates when he runs into something he doesn't know. It will bug him until he finds the answer."

  Lance nodded and took a sip of ale, a frown still on his face.


  Merlin walked into the tavern and everyone stopped what they were doing. He snorted and headed for the table with his men at it.

  Tristan chuckled and grabbed another chair for Merlin to sit at the table. "Nice entrance, sire."

  Merlin rolled his eyes and gestured around the room with his hand. "You know, I'll be happy when that sort of thing stops. I feel like everyone is watching my every move."

  Gareth looked around the still silent room. "Sire, they are."

  Merlin glanced over at the bartender. "Can I get something to eat, or are you going to keep staring at me?"

  The bartender snapped out of his haze and nodded. "Yes, of course, savior. Right away."

  Lance snickered and looked back down at his ale. Merlin rolled his eyes.

  He leaned over the table and touched Lance’s arm. "I finally know what your powers are. Well, sort of at least. Apparently the scholars aren't really sure."

  Lance met Merlin's eyes. "Really? What are they?"

  Merlin glanced over at Tristan before turning back to Lance. "Well, let's just say that Tristan can stop giving me power every night."

  Tristan's eyes widened. "You knew? But how?"

  Merlin chuckled at the shocked look on Tristan's face. "Of course I knew. When I drain someone, or in your case be granted power, I can feel a part of them for a little while. And since I know I didn't ask you to give me power, you were doing it when I was asleep."

  Tristan looked down at the table. "I'm sorry, sire. I were weakened all of the time that I thought it was the only way to keep you going."

  Merlin nodded. "And it did. Though how did you manage to do it? It's not like I have an off switch when I'm asleep."

  Tristan chuckled. "Well, I kind of built up a tolerance to it that I could regulate how much I gave you. I only touched you for maybe a half of a minute."

  Lance finished off his ale and stared at the wooden table. "So, I'm a power source?"

  Merlin grinned. "Indeed you are. Though only for other mages. You can't give any power to Gareth or Tristan."

  "But...but how do I use my powers?"

  Merlin accepted the plate from the bartender. "Thank you." He turned back to Lance. "I don't know. The books don't even mention your kind of mage at all. I got lucky that one of the scholars knew the information from memory."

  Lance stared at Merlin dumbfounded. "The books don't mention me? So I'm an inferior mage?"

  Merlin chuckled and shook his head. "No Lance, you're a rare one. According to the scholars, born once every hundred years or so. That's why they don't have much on you."

  Gareth's widened. "Wow. So he's even rarer than you are, sire?"

  Merlin took a bit of food and nodded. "Indeed. My kind is born every fifty years or so. Most are trained to be what I'm doing now, but never get to actually do it. We're only called upon when the Dark Lord is causing havoc."

  Tristan took a sip of his ale. "And what about Hector? Is he rare as well?'

  Merlin shook his head. "No, actually, he's one of the more common ones. Though a lot of them, like Hector is, are untrained in their abilities. They either learn or die off. That's the only good thing about being a rare mage, you get instant training in everything."

  Lance opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again.

  Merlin glanced over at him and sighed. "Don't worry about it, Lance. I have an idea to figure out how your powers work. If they work like I think they do, they'll be immensely helpful on this journey. Especially in battle when I get so easily drained."

  "But...but I haven't had any training. I don't even know what to do."

  Merlin finished off his meal and took a drink of ale. "I don't think you need any training really. I have a feeling your powers work the same way mine do. You just need to focus on something and it will happen. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because you haven't touched any mages."

  Lance frowned. "But we sleep next to each other most nights."

  Merlin chuckled. "I mean on the skin, Lance. Clothing doesn't count."

  Tristan frowned. "But what about Hector? I'm sure Lance has touched his hand or arm in the past."

  Merlin shrugged. "Well, maybe it was because Lance wasn't focusing. I don't think it just immediately happens when he touches someone."

  "So then not exactly like you. He can't drain himself in an instant giving you or Hector power."

  "Maybe, I don't really know. That's why I plan to experiment tonight with Lance. To see what his powers do to us. The l
ast thing I want to do is drain him before he can give me more power."

  Lance’s head shot up. "Experiment? With me?"

  Merlin grinned. "Yes, I think it's best. Especially before we head back out into the wild. If we can figure out what you do exactly, it will give us an advantage if we have to do battle a lot."

  Lance swallowed the lump in his throat and glanced back at the table.

  Merlin watched him before sighing into his glass. The ale was terrible. He looked back at Lance again, and opened his mouth to speak when Hector promptly sat down.

  “Oh, there you are,” Merlin said. “What were you reading about?”

  “Nothing really,” Hector said. “A legend of sorts. I was reading about how a mage becomes a wizard.”

  Lance turned his gaze from the table to Hector. “A wizard?”

  “Yes. Wizards are beings of pure magic, former mages that ascended to a higher plane of power. But I guess there’s never been one,” Hector said. “It’s basically a myth, since it’s never happened.”

  Merlin shrugged, then went back to his ale. A thought emerged in his head. Was the Dark Lord trying to become a wizard?


  Lance walked into Merlin's room and bit his lip. His eyes glanced around the room to find just a table and a bed.

  Merlin motioned for him to sit on the edge of the bed. "You can sit here."

  Lance swallowed hard and sat down next to Merlin, eyes staring at the ground.

  Merlin snorted. "It's not like you haven't been close to me, Lance. We're practically snuggling every night out there."

  "Um, I know. I just....I'm sitting on your bed. It's a little weird."

  Merlin frowned. "Well, it will only be for a bit anyway. I don't think it will take long to figure out what your powers do."

  Lance nodded and glanced over at Merlin. "So, what do I do?"

  Merlin smiled at him. "Close your eyes."

  Lance hesitated and then closed his eyes.

  Merlin bit his lip. "Ok, now I want you to picture your power in your head."

  Lance frowned, deep lines appearing on his forehead. "Um, how do I do that?"

  Merlin thought for a moment. "Hmmm, it's much harder to explain this when you're not doing it. Um, how about picture your hand being a powerful sword? That one touch of it will heal whomever you strike."


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