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Fletcher: The Cursed Clan: Book 4

Page 4

by Schroeder, Melissa

  “Are you going to answer me?”

  “Yes, I am speaking from experience, and I advised Maggie to keep him home until he can control those thoughts.”

  “Do you truly believe that he needs to be hidden?”

  She shook her head. She had reached the end of the hallway where a large window overlooked the rose garden. The windowsill was wide enough for her to sit on. She eased up on it.

  “Not hidden…but protected. I am not saying he shouldn’t go out into public. School might be too much for him. All the thoughts of teachers and children…especially children. They don’t know how to control their thoughts. It was a nightmare for me.”

  Interest sparked in his blue gaze. “So, you did go to school?”

  She frowned. “Yes.”


  “You think I’m ignorant.”


  “You questioned if I went to school.”

  “There is no way I could think you are stupid. You are probably one of the smartest women I know.”

  She ignored the way the simple admonition warmed her heart. “Either way, I did go to school. Without my parents to guide me, I was lost.”

  “Did you have no family to take you in?’

  She shook her head remembering those days. Still traumatized, she’d been thrown into the system with humans. Just weeks later, her true nature had started to manifest. Staying in a group home with all the pain and confusion children experience had almost overwhelmed her.

  “Hey,” Fletcher said, his voice softening. “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “I thought I had before. I lost my family. Everyone. My father’s family had cut ties with him when he married my mother, since she was a human. We were seen as abominations to them.”


  “Yes. My parents, my brother, and me.” Then she felt it. The empathy, the bit that would reach out to her at odd times. Like right now. The emotion wrapped around her and warmed her from the inside out. It left her head spinning and her entire soul craving more. Day by day, Fletcher’s feelings were easier for her to feel. That was not a good thing. She seemed unable to control it other than avoid him.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’ve got some things to do before dinner tonight.”

  Without waiting for his reply, she slipped off the windowsill and hurried down the hall, then up the stairs to her room. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. Her heart beat hard against her chest. Her entire body felt as if it was lit up, again.

  After calming herself, she walked over to her bed and saw that her phone had a text message. It was from the investigator she’d hired. She clicked on it.

  Your quarry is in Ackergill. -M. Roberts

  She closed her eyes. Triumph filled her. Finally, she found the bastard who had killed her family. She would be able to corner the demon spawn once and for all. She would not let anything get in her way. She had waited decades for this. One thing was for sure. She needed to avoid Fletcher if she ever wanted to succeed in seeking her revenge.

  Chapter Four

  Fletcher clicked off his mobile and set it on the desk. He glanced past his bed toward the window. Still raining. It was one of those days that he had been happy to have a small office in the antechamber off his bedroom. Many of the deals he worked were all over the world. He did a better job if he acclimated to a twenty-four-hour work day. Granted, he rarely worked more than five hours total in a day, but they came at different hours than his cousins and sister were accustomed to working. He would often be up at one in the morning for a video conference halfway around the world.

  The office at their Edinburgh headquarters was mostly cosmetic, but he did go in every now and then. Less these days since Rena had joined them at their estate. Today, with the rain and dreariness, he was happy to be home.

  His gaze settled on his bed. It was late in the afternoon and he had nothing going on until the family meeting that his cousin-in-law had called for after dinner. Although, now, there was a reason to spend time with Rena.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. Bloody hell, he was getting bad. More than once this afternoon, he had thought about looking for Rena. He was sure she could do with a proper lay in. The idea of spending a lazy day with Rena in bed was tempting. Before he could dwell on that thought, there was a knock on his door. Two distinct knocks. It was Callum.

  “Come in,” he said.

  The door opened and Callum stepped into the room. He was still wearing his suit from the office. Fletcher had never known a man who loved suits the way his cousin did. Callum had a suit in almost every color a businessman would want, meaning most of them were gray, navy, and black. He glanced at the unmade bed, then to Fletcher.

  “I see you’re up.”

  “I’ve been up, although I took a nap earlier. I have a video conference late tonight with our Sydney office.”

  He nodded and walked further into the room. The oldest of all the cousins, Callum had been the only cousin at Culloden and had almost died from his wounds. Fletcher knew that he carried the emotional wounds from that day, and the heavy weight of their quest was on his shoulders. He had sacrificed so much for the other four cousins, so much so, he’d tried not to fall in love with Phoebe.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  Callum smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “A good deal, and none of it is about business.”

  “You’re worried about Phoebe and your…baby.”

  “Why did you hesitate on the word baby?”

  Dammit, Callum never missed anything.

  “No reason.”

  He eyed Fletcher long enough to make him want to squirm, he controlled the impulse…barely.

  “I understand there’s to be a family meeting.”

  Fletcher nodded and glanced at the time. “Five already?”

  “Yes, and we are eating early.”


  “Because Phoebe is hungry.”

  “She’s always hungry.”

  Callum smiled. “Yes, but for good reason.”

  “The way she is eating makes me think she’s going to give birth to a twenty-pound monster.”

  “Shall I tell her you said that?” Callum asked with a smile. It was the kind of evil grin that he used when defeating someone in business.

  “No. I doona want to deal with the repercussions.”

  “True. My first impression of her did not do her justice.”

  “You wanted to bed her. That was all you cared about.”

  He said nothing but continued to smile.

  “Do you know what the meeting is about?” Fletcher asked.

  “She’s been working on a few passages that deal with the ruby.”

  His pulse skipped. Any mention of the jewels always did that to him. It was as if someone had exposed his soul to a bright light, one that threatened to destroy him. Fletcher hadn’t figured out why. Was it the fear of hoping for something that might not happen?

  Fletcher noticed his cousin studying him with a curious expression on his face.

  “Is that a fact?”

  Callum nodded. “I need to change out of these clothes.”

  “Used to be that you didn’t care about comfortable clothes. Business was all that mattered.”

  “No. The Clan was all that mattered. But now, that Clan includes the love of my life. Seeing that I’m over two centuries old, that means a lot.”

  Fletcher smiled. “True. We’re all happy you found her.”

  “Because she’s deciphering the diary?”

  Fletcher shook his head. “You’re not so much of a dour bugger now.”

  The quick smile Callum offered reminded Fletcher of his cousin when they were both younger, when they thought Scotland would prevail against the bloody Sassenachs.

  “True and you should try it.”


  “Letting yourself feel.”

  There was that jiggle in his stomach again. “I’ve never h
ad a problem with that.”

  “I’m not talking about sex, Fletcher. I’m talking about a real relationship. Being with a woman beyond a night or two. Sharing each other’s burdens.”

  The picture he painted was tempting, but Fletcher knew that he wasn’t the kind of man who inspired forever. He had learned that at an early age and it had almost cost them their lives. “I’ve no use for one, and how do I explain myself to that woman? Hey, I think we should date, long term, and my idea of long term is a century?”

  “There’s a woman here that would understand.”

  He didn’t need Callum to say her name. “No.”

  “Why? You seem infatuated with her.”

  “She’s easy to be infatuated with.”

  “True, but usually, you get bored.”

  He sighed. “I’m trying to keep my wits about me, Callum.”

  “Because of the diary and the quest to find the jewels?”

  “There are two remaining. We all understand what that means. One is for me and one is for Anice.”

  “And you would rather it was you for both of them?”

  He nodded. “I don’t want her exposed again, not like with that…” Fletcher couldn’t even bear to say the name of the bastard who had hurt Anice. Physically she had been fine, but the emotional toll had been horrible.

  “I know. But she’s stronger now and she’s been the driving force behind the quest. Although, I have a feeling she is not the next of the Clan to go after the next jewel.”

  He studied Callum. “She’s said it’s me then?”

  Callum shook his head. “She’s not said, but I think it would be like those witches to leave her for last.”

  He nodded. “Makes sense. She’s the one who has been more into this idea than any of us. And the strongest.”

  “You get that too?”

  Fletcher nodded. “Although, I don’t think she sees herself as strong.”

  “She will, according to Phoebe.”

  “So, it’s to be me probably.”

  Callum nodded. “She’s been mumbling about the ruby.”


  “You know how she gets. She finds a passage, which leads to another, then just mumbles about it until she gets it all sorted out.”

  “Can’t get her to tell you?”

  “I doona even try. Last time I did, she got very grumpy with me.”

  He snorted. “Callum McLennan being led around by a woman.”

  “And happily. Off to change.”

  Callum left him with his thoughts then. He did envy his cousins a bit. Angus, Logan, and Callum had found their loves during the quest for the jewel assigned to them. He dreaded his turn. He didn’t want to face the one thing he had been afraid to tell Callum.

  He pushed himself out of the chair and padded over to the window. From the moment he’d found out about Laire’s treachery, he knew that love was not for him. He was incapable of ever loving the right woman. He had proven that. This time around, he wouldn’t trust his heart.

  * * *

  Dinner had been a raucous affair. Of course, Serena thought, that was normal for the McLennan Clan. With the core five members and now five more included in the group, it was always loud. Arguments, jokes, and stories always kept them entertained and definitely louder than the normal family. At least, Serena assumed. She barely remembered her own family. She glanced around the room watching the various conversations until her gaze landed on Fletcher. Most of them had probably not noticed the brooding member of the Clan tonight.

  Fletcher was usually the loudest of the group, always with a story to tell. Tonight, he said barely a word. He kept tossing glances her way, but she could barely get a read on him. He was guarded tonight, unlike he had been before. By the time they had finished dinner and moved into Callum’s office, her nerves were on edge. Was it all the emotions bouncing around the small enclosed area? No. She could handle that. She’d learned years ago how to deal with people’s emotions. No, it was more of her impending departure. For once in her life, she didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay with these people.

  Other than Meghan and Maggie, she had never really had a family. Not since she had lost hers. She glanced at her friends, happily married. Their auras always seemed to pulse with joy these days. Just seeing it made her happy—and a little envious. She’d never thought to want that happiness, with one man, for the rest of her life. But now, she glanced at Fletcher. She almost jumped when she realized he had been watching her. Not with seduction in mind. Instead, he looked at her, his expression sending a cold chill down her spine. Why was he mad at her? She shivered.

  A small hand slipped into hers. She looked down at Jack. “Don’t worry, Rena. Everything will be all right.”

  Serena could deny her worries, but she knew Jack understood. She smiled and nodded.

  “I know you have a journey ahead of you, but just remember, you have us.”


  He nodded and glanced at his mother and then Meghan. “You will always have your friends.”

  “Did your mother tell you to tell me that?”

  “No. Your mother did.”

  For a moment she stood frozen, unable to say anything. Her breath clogged her throat as her heart beat out of control.

  “Rena are you okay?” Jack asked.

  “You’ve talked to my mother?”

  He shook his head. “I had a dream. She said to tell you everything will be all right. You will have everything you need.”

  She nodded.

  “I think we need to get started,” Callum said as he stood behind Phoebe at his desk. Maggie and Angus sat on the floor, and Logan, Meghan, and Anice sat on the couch. Fletcher was brooding from his spot in the corner. There was only the settee open, so she moved to sit down.

  Jack looked at his mother. “Rena needs me to sit with her.”

  Maggie was accustomed to her son and his abilities so, other than a worried glance in Serena’s direction, she said nothing but nodded.

  “Good. I’ve told a few of you I’ve been working on the next jewel,” Phoebe said,

  “It’s the ruby,” Anice said.

  “Yes, and I think I might have figured out a bit. That along with the information that Angus found for me today, I’ve confirmed my thoughts. Ruby is the next one.”

  “You’ve found it?” This question came from Fletcher.

  Angus looked back at him. “Yes.”

  “That’s it? Yes?” Fletcher spat out. It was just so un-Fletcher like that she stared at him. No one else seemed to notice his tone, or they were totally ignoring him.

  “It’s Phoebe’s show. I’m just a minor player.”

  She smiled. Angus always downplayed his part of anything.

  “So, we’ve found the ruby in Ackergill up by Wick.”

  The moment she heard the location, a chill swept over her and her heart sank. Jack’s small hand slipped over hers. It was then that she realized she had fisted both of her hands. When she looked at him, his solemn expression told her everything. He knew about her plot. He knew everything.

  Still, he said nothing. Instead, he urged her to open her hand, so he could hold it again. Then he leaned against her.

  “Ackergill?” Logan asked. “Bloody cold there.”

  “It’s bloody cold everywhere in Scotland,” Meghan said. She’d been raised in the American South, so she was always bundled up.

  “And you’re sure it’s the ruby?” Maggie asked.

  Phoebe nodded. “Yes. Especially after I found some passages today.”

  “How do you know for sure it’s the one for now? Is there an order they have to be found in?” Maggie asked.

  “You know how it goes. They seem to reveal themselves to me.”

  “So, what did you find today?” Logan asked.

  “They had a lot of information about the jewel of love, which I thought would be the ruby.”

  “Why?” Fletcher asked.

  “Why is it the jewel of love?

  “No, why do you think it is the jewel of love?”

  “Because it’s red,” she said. It was funny how the three other women in his family all nodded at Phoebe’s explanation. Callum might be Laird and leader of the family, but Phoebe definitely had the dedication from the women.

  “Really? That’s all you’ve got?” Fletcher asked, his tone dubious.

  “What’s got you going?” Anice said. “There are two jewels left. Ruby and amethyst. Amethyst isn’t anything that would make people think of love.”

  “To some people it might,” Angus said. The studious McLennan pursed his lips. “You know that many cultures have different meanings for different colors. Many Asian cultures use red for wedding and white for funerals.”

  “What the bloody hell does Asian culture have to do with a bunch of barmy witches writing a bloody diary?” Anice asked.

  “That’s enough,” Callum bellowed. Silence descended on the library. He looked down at his wife. “Go on, love. Tell them what you found.”

  “First, I’ll answer one of those questions.”

  “Hopefully, not the stupid one from my brother,” Anice said.

  Callum shot Anice a quelling look. Serena understood. Once the cousins started to argue, it could go on for hours. Sometimes it amused her. Tonight, it was like nails on a chalkboard.

  “Yes, it’s the ruby,” Phoebe said. “But, I’ve been getting a lot of passages about it lately. The translations are harder if I try to force them. If I let them reveal themselves to me organically, I find the translation easier.”

  “What the bloody hell does that mean?” Fletcher asked, sarcasm dripping from every word. His tone stirred something inside of Serena…was it fear? He glanced in her direction and she knew it then. This was his jewel.

  “Don’t take that tone with her,” Callum said, but Phoebe held her hand up.

  “I’ll handle this myself,” she said. Callum shot her a dark look, but Phoebe frowned up at him. “I can handle a grumpy McLennan just fine. Lord knows I’ve had enough experience with you.”

  She turned back to her cousin-in-law. “Fletcher, I gather you have already discerned this is your jewel.”


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