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Angel on my Shoulder

Page 13

by Carl Leckey

  Tom shows me to the coach house where a very smart landau coach is parked. He explains this is what the family use to take them to the station and church on Sunday, on all other outings the Ladies ride their horses. Alongside in another barn like building, he throws open the double doors and draws back a dust sheet covering a beautiful 1907 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. I have seen a couple of these vehicles before and have actually had the privilege to briefly drive one. It was while I was convalescing at the chateau hospital in France after nearly dying from the dreaded flu. A visiting dignitary arrived to carry out an inspection of the area. While he stayed at the chateau for a few days I did his driver a favour he in turn gave me the opportunity to drive the magnificent vehicle. I made my mind up there and then if I ever strike it rich this will be the automobile for me. Tom stands at a distance as if wary of the beast as I lovingly examine the vehicle and check out all the usual things. “Adam.” He calls. “I won’t be long. I have to saddle a couple of horses for the Mistresses.” I wave to him, I change hurriedly into to my old army uniform to keep my precious civvies clean and carry on fiddling with the vehicles equipment. All the instructions the Rolls Royce driver had given me floods back.

  Within an hour I have the engine running after topping up the fuel tank from the heap of petrol cans stored in the coach house. Tom is astounded when he returns and reveals. “The Master bought this in 1912 it has never run since it was delivered.” I shout excitedly. “Come on Tom, jump in I’ll take her for a spin to try her out.” He moves even further away, I urge him to join me in the vehicle. Eventually I coax him aboard.

  We roar out of the doors hitting the drive in a shower of gravel.

  I realise I have accelerated too sharply and control my enthusiasm. We sail sedately down the drive to the very end. I reverse at the gates manoeuvre the vehicle around and cruise magnificently back to the house. Tom appears to be enjoying the experience a wide grin adorns his face as we arrive passed the front of the house. Standing on the front step as we pass are two beautiful Ladies dressed in riding apparel. He waves to them and remarks to me. “Bloody hell what time is it?” He looks up at the clock on the coach house roof. “Damn! I forgot about them when I heard the engine start. Take me to the stables Adam I’ll have to get their horses.” I pull up outside the stables Tom leaps out and disappears inside the building. I am about to take the Rolls back to the garage when the two Ladies approach. I climb out of the driving seat and stand uncomfortably by the vehicle.

  I haven’t got a clue what to do next? They stop about six feet away, the Ladies appear nervous about coming any closer to the vehicle. I take the opportunity without appearing rude to look them over. They are indeed beautiful women very elegant dressed in their expensive riding gear, I wonder which one of them is the Lady Angelique, what is more is she my Mother? I find myself apprehensive in their presence. Who will make the next move? I wish Tom would come back. One of the Ladies, a dark haired beauty steps forward. “You must be the driver chap Mr Humphries mentioned?” Yes Ma’am.” I reply. “How shall we address you?” “My name is Adam Bailey Ma’am.” I inform her. Her companion steps closer. “Adam Bailey.” She enquires in a very delightful French accent. I confirm my name. “Hmm! strange, this is very strange indeed.” She responds thoughtfully. The dark Lady introduces herself as Lady Emily and her companion as Lady Angelique. Is this woman really my Mother? I sense a really odd emotion as she moves closer to me? Tom arrives in the nick of time with two saddled horses. Lady Emily informs him. “You may put the horses away Tom, we are going for a ride in the Rolls.” I leap to the rear door and open it. “Come on my dear?” She invites her companion to join her as she climbs aboard. Lady Angelique appears either hesitant or nervous I reach out and offer her my trembling hand. She takes it with a beautiful smile and allows me to assist her into the rear of the Rolls. “Thank you Adam you are very kind.” “Where would you like to go Ma’am?” I ask over my shoulder after I have taken my seat. “Just take us for a drive anywhere will do, after all this is our first ride in an automobile.” I arrive at the gate and blow the horn, here she is again, the old Lady within seconds appears and opens the gates. As I don’t know the area I take them towards the station the road I am familiar with. As we pass the pub a group of locals are about to enter.

  In the mirror I observe the two Ladies waving joyfully back at them and hear them giggling like a couple of excited kids.

  I turn the car around at the station and inform the Ladies as it is getting dark we should head back. Although they appear disappointed they agree to my request. I return to the house, at the front door they dismount. Lady Emily nods her thanks and immediately enters the house without a word. Lady Angelique begins to follow her stops turns around and comes back to the vehicle. “Adam I would like you to take me to Dover tomorrow is that possible?” I am in a dilemma as I have been engaged to teach one of the staff to drive not as a chauffeur. “Er! I don’t know Ma’am. I’m supposed to be teaching Tom to drive, I can’t make that decision. I will be quite willing to take you if I have permission.”

  “Have you any civilian clothes Adam?” She appears to ignore my concern. “Yes Ma’am.” “Good.” She replies “Then pick me up at ten in the morning and wear them please.” I park up in the garage cover the car and find Tom in the stables settling the horses down. When I explain my concern about taking the Lady to Dover he shrugs. “Lady Angelique is going out, on her own you say? That’s unusual they are like Siamese twins them two. I wonder what she’s up to. The last time she went anywhere on her own was let’s see now? Yes I reckon it must have been bloody near on the turn of the century when the young Master went off with his regiment.” His story is intriguing me. He rubs his chin and thinks. “It’s a long way back but I think that’s when she disappeared for a while with that maid of hers.” “You say she disappeared with her maid where did she go? Tom. Can you remember the name of the maid?” He looks at me strangely. “Good God Adam. Remember the name of a maid all that time back? What’s it to you anyway?” I shrug my shoulders. “Just interested that’s all.” He appears to accept it is just my curiosity about the behaviour of the upper classes and begins gossiping again. “There have been twenty or more maids here in my time they keep getting married and buggering off. I do remember the one she went off with was a lovely girl and they were very close for a servant and mistress.” “Was she the same with Lady Emily? The maid I mean.” I enquire. “Ah it was when Lady Emily was away at finishing school in one of those foreign countries. Funny thing when Lady Angelique came back the maid wasn’t with her.”

  Tom seems fed up with my probing and finishes the conversation by saying. “I shouldn’t worry about taking her to Dover lad you know the rules the army laid down. Always obey the last order you receive from an officer. I reckon we should consider the Ladies the officers as they are the bosses here. There is no rush to teach me to drive anyway.”

  He shows me to a bed in a tiny box room over the coach house gives me a bundle of bedding and points out the location of the latrine.

  Before Tom leaves he tells me to be ready for evening meal in half an hour. “You will get to meet the rest of the staff. Ha, ha.

  There are some tasty little parlour maids might take your fancy lad, they won’t have anything to do with me. The cheeky buggers reckon I’m too old in the tooth for them.”

  For our supper we sit around a huge table in the servant’s quarters. Tom introduces me to the eight other staff assembled for the evening meal. Mr Humphreys sits at the head of the table. In order of seniority they progress towards the other end where I have been located alongside two giggling maids. Nice young things but they are young, about fourteen in my estimation. There is a footman and two gardeners.

  A harassed looking scullery maid serves us a splendid meal. We bow our heads as the head of the household says grace. As we begin to eat the gossip begins Tom starts the ball rolling. “Lady Angelique is off to Dover tomorrow, young Adam here is driving her in the automob
ile, and what is more she is going on her own. What do you think about that?” There is a gasp from the assembled diners. One of the parlour maids pops up. “I don’t think she is, I overheard Lady Emily and her arguing about it. I think you will find they are both going to Dover.” “Right that’s enough.” Mr Humphreys rebukes them. “We do not gossip about the Ladies, you all know the rules?” His wife the cook interrupts and overrules her husband, “Oh don’t be such a prude Cecil; it doesn’t do any harm as long as we are not disrespectful. Now then Daisy what’s all this about?” The young girl drops her voice to a whisper and keeps a wary eye on Mr Humphreys. The rest of the servants are forced to lean forward to hear her words. “Lady Angelique came in from her ride in the car and said what a very nice man is the new chauffeur. Lady Emily didn’t sound too happy, told her he’s not a chauffeur then she said that she might be getting rid of the automobile anyway as she preferred the horses and carriage. Lady Angelique then told her she has planned a trip to Dover in the Rolls tomorrow. That’s when things got a bit excitable. Lady Emily told her if she was going she was not going alone. I had to leave then as I heard someone coming towards the door.” “What! I hope you wasn’t listening at the key hole you naughty girl?” Mr Humphreys scolds the girl. “No indeed not Mr Humphreys.” The girls face becomes bright red. “I was er dusting the table just outside the drawing room door.” “Ha! If you believe that you’ll believe anything she’s a nosy little cow that one.” The youngest gardener snaps. The angry maid with tears in her eyes shouts. “He’s only saying that cos’ I wouldn’t let him kiss me.” “Enough! Enough!” Mr Humphreys puts his foot down. “That will be the end of that. I want no more gossip, the rest of this meal will be eaten in silence do you all hear me?” Quietness prevails the only sounds are the clash of cutlery and the maid sobbing quietly.

  When the meal is finished and the staff troop out Mr Humphreys orders Tom and I to remain.

  “I would like a word with you two if you don’t mind.” His manner makes me slightly nervous. I am therefore surprised when the kitchen is clear he invites us to sit and brings three bottles of beer and tankards from a cupboard. He opens the bottles pours them and wishes us cheers. “Now then Adam I think we should have a little talk. Let me explain. Tom and I have been here working for the family all our lives. I reckon we know as much about them as anyone.

  In fact I consider us to be part of the family. As you may have gathered there are no men folk in the family there are just the two Ladies.” Tom cuts in don’t forget Lady Angelique is adopted Cecil?” Mr Humphries replies. “Thanks for reminding me Tom. I was coming to that. General Carstairs the old Master died just after he acquired the automobile in 1912. The last male heir to his title Major Sir Adam Mathew Carstairs died abroad while serving his country in 1901.” He looks meaningfully at Tom as he reveals this fact. He continues. “The reason I am telling you all these details is I don’t want you getting the wrong story from any of the other staff members.

  I don’t want you gossiping about the family with any of them either, do you understand?” “I do Mr Humphreys, thank you for taking me into your confidence.” “Right lad, now that’s out of the way let’s get down to some serious drinking. “So what was it like in France? Did you get to meet that Mademoiselle from Armatiers Tom is always on about?” We consume about six bottles of beer each, chat about all kinds of subjects as we drink. About ten o’clock we call it a night. When the air hits us we find ourselves supporting each other as we stagger back to our sleeping quarters above the coach house. When we arrive at the foot of the stairs we have difficulty climbing them even collapsing a couple of time laughing insanely at our efforts. We finally reach Toms small living room and sink into the two arm chairs. This is the only furniture in the more or less bare room. Out of the blue Tom says in a slurred voice. “Cecil never told you the whole story ha, ha. He kept the juicy bits back.

  Good old Cecil he will shield the families name until his dying day. Well I’ll tell you something Adam my old lad. That bloody Sir Adam Mathew Major Carstairs was nothing but a lousy shit. He was an arrogant spoilt brat when he was a kid and a right bastard when he grew up. The swine thought he was God almighty talked to the servants like dog shit on his boots. The poor maids were terrified of him the lecherous bastard. I for one was glad to see the back of him.

  His Dad the General was a fine gentleman it was a pleasure to serve him, His Mum, Lady Dianne God bless her died giving birth to Lady Emily she was an Angel. I don’t mind telling you, a living Angel.

  Lady Emily is alright as long as you don’t cross her. She can be a bit like her Brother if she doesn’t get her own way.

  I best warn you my boy, watch out for that one Adam.

  Now take the nice one, Lady Angelique she’s a lovely woman so kind and she really cares for the servants. I’ve watched them both grow up. Angelique came here when she was about ten as companion to Emily.

  The old General brought her over from France an obligation to an old friend I believe. He adopted her right away that gave her the title you see?”

  This information pleases me it solves the riddle of the identical surnames on the birth certificate that caused me a great deal of confusion.

  “Why aren’t they married Tom? I mean with their money and at their age? Not forgetting their beauty. I’d have thought they would have been well snapped up.” Tom giggles and taps the side of his nose. “Thereby hangs a tale. Take it from me my old lad. There is no likelihood of any man coming into their lives, say no more.” With the last statement he totters off to bed giggling leaving me puzzling what he means.

  The armchair is very comfy the fire is burning brightly alone with my thoughts I fall asleep to dream of Peggy Denise Christina.

  About five o’clock in the morning I wake up shivering. The fire has burnt almost out. As quietly as possible I stoke the fire and place the iron kettle over the flames after checking it has water in. A quick search around I detect an enamel mug, a spoon, dry tea and a tin of condensed milk. I am savouring the brew when Tom appears blurry eyed. “Sorry for waking you Tom.” I apologise. “Wake me nothing lad I gets up at this time every day.” He slumps into the other arm chair. “I hafta get up to sort out those bleedin horses. The buggers won’t let a fella sleep in. I tried to have a sleep in once on my birthday. The buggers created holy hell neighin and kicking shit outa the bloody doors. Mr Humphreys went off his chump cos it disturbed the Ladies. Of course I blame my old Dad he was too soft with the buggers. Now I have to pay for his softness. Here Lad, do us a brew will you? What did we drink last night I feels as rough as a bears arse?” “Its Mr Humphrey’s own special brew so he told me. Bloody strong stuff eh?” I hand him the steaming mug of tea. He slurps it noisily quickly draining the mug. He congratulates me. “You seem perky after that session? You must have a constitution like one of these bleedin horses.” Tom staggers to his feet and clatters downstairs. At a loss of what to do next, I make up my bed for tonight. There is no sink in the room so I do what we did in the army find a source of running water.

  The only source I can find is the horse trough in the yard. Beggars can’t be choosers. I have washed in stranger places than this in the last few years.


  The Silver Ghost

  My slight hangover is quickly dispelled with a swill under the pump. Shaving is a problem until Tom appears with a bucket of hot water from the kitchen. He smiles as he sees me washing in cold water and offers me a share of his water. He says quietly. “Look Adam I was a bit pissed last night, do me a favour lad don’t mention to anyone what we talked about last night eh lad.” I laugh. “Already forgot it Tom what did we discuss anyway?” He thanks me and heads upstairs. I turn out smart enough for a Guard parade and well fed on one of Mrs Humphries belt buster breakfasts, I wait at the front door at five minutes to ten. They appear together and climb into the Rolls. Lady Angelique wishes me good morning in a pleasant voice as I stand by the door. Lady Emily takes her seat silently with a face
like thunder. We set off the Ladies are wrapped in fur with thick rugs covering their lower half, they are sitting as far as possible apart from each other. “I catch snatches of their conversation as we roll along. “It is ridiculous going all the way to Dover in the Rolls. Why don’t we get the train?” Lady Emily asks. Her companion answers with stressed patience. “Emily we have been over this already. I have never been by road I wish to see the countryside instead of sitting cooped up in a dirty smoky train. Do cheer up Emily my dear enjoy the day out.” Lady Emily replies in a sulky manner. “I don’t know why we have to mix with those.” Her voice drops but I am sure she uses the word “Bitches.” They sit apart for a while; I feel the hostility between them even from my position in the front seat. As I take a turning I glance in the mirror in time to see Angelique reach over and take Emily’s hand. Emily snatches it back but Angelique persists. Eventually she permits her to take her hand. I have to concentrate on my driving for a while. The next time I take a peek they are sitting close together whispering and smiling like plotters. Well at least the strained atmosphere has evaporated. The Ladies are chatting quite openly now excitedly pointing out things of interest to each other. The car is a dream after driving the army trucks and Pompey Lill my beloved charabanc, we virtually purr along. I pull up at a cross road about to enquire where they wish to go in Dover when I glance in the mirror. What I see shocks me. They are entwined in each other’s arms and appear to be kissing passionately. I quickly look away glad that I was halted when I witnessed their embrace or I might have crashed the Rolls. My mind is in confusion as I set off again. This is something beyond my experience.


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