Book Read Free

Angel on my Shoulder

Page 43

by Carl Leckey

  We are aren’t we? It was just a matter of bargaining. I had a Leyland catalogue when the reps visited in full view on my desk.

  Bobs your Uncle?” “You crafty bugger Harry.” I congratulate him. Denise doesn’t hesitate she is sitting behind the wheel in seconds a wide grin on her face she exclaims. “For me? My very own little car Oh! It’s lovely. Oh! It fits me perfectly. She is not too big like, Rolly Polly over there.” She points at my beloved Rolls. She continues to enthuse. “Daisy will love our little car. We shall have to give her a proper name. Look Adam, it has the steering wheel on the proper side.” I am thanking Harry, Marcel, and Paul when I exclaim. “Marcel I have just realised, you are driving yourself, when did this happen?” He grins. “I have been practicing around the yard until I got my confidence back. Today was my first venture onto the open road. I must admit I enjoyed it. That is a great little car.” I answer. “Right in that case how do you fancy driving the Rolls? We are off to the farm and we want your opinion as an architect. I have cleared it with Harry already. Come on Denise get into a real car and leave your little toy here with Harry. No one will steal it while we are away, I’m sure he will guard it with his life. I add scornfully but in a joking manner because she insulted my car.

  “We’ll return later and then you may play with your new tiny automobile.” Denise pulls a face at me.

  Marcel requests. “Give me a moment to get my drawing pad and I will be right with you.” Within minutes we are on our way to Denise’s Paradise with Marcel behind the wheel. I am sitting alongside him when Marcel without prompting explains. “One of the reasons I was in a mess when I came to work for you.

  The car I was driving in the war was blown up and my three companions were killed.” He pauses for a moment as if considering what to say next. “We were demolishing bridges ahead of the enemy advance. Because we were in a hurry we had the detonators and the explosives together. Something we shouldn’t have done. The explosives must have been unstable. We knew they were old stock when we acquired them. But needs must, we were using anything we could lay our hands on at the time. You know what it is like in war, chaos usually reigns? Enemy artillery began targeting the road. We had a near miss I swerved and ran up an incline, the car turned over. I was thrown clear and rolled into a drainage channel. There was an explosion. When I came to there was an enormous hole where the car should have been. I don’t know whether the car was hit by shellfire or the explosives spontaneously blew up, or a there was combination of both. Whatever happened, there was no sign of my men. I staggered about until refugees picked me up. They loaded me onto a cart and got me to the British lines. I couldn’t face the army again. I felt responsible for my men’s deaths.

  Why was I spared, what is the logic in that? If only I hadn’t swerved the car?” “Good God Marcel! You can hardly blame yourself for swerving the car to avoid artillery fire?” He answers glumly. “I wish that was all, that’s not the complete story Adam. You see? I was the officer in charge. It was my orders they obeyed when they loaded the explosive and detonators together.” “Ah my friend I believe the French have a saying. C’est la geurre? It sums up everything we have suffered. You are over it now; the war is behind us, time to get on with our lives. To tell you the truth Marcel I still have nightmares and flashbacks. I don’t know how long they will go on for, and I wasn’t in the killing part of the war. I am suffering from the sights I witnessed as a result of it. Thankfully my involvement with OSCADA and my family help me forget the horrors. We have big plans ahead that will interest you professionally if you choose to remain with OSCADA. Nice driving by the way Marcel, turn right up this lane here.”

  The house on the lake

  After greeting the old man Denise disappears into the house with him. Marcel wanders around outside the cottage making notes and drawings.

  I decide to explore the farm in an area I have not previously been. Following the track of an overgrown carriageway it leads me to copse of trees. I push on through nettles and scrub although it is quite a struggle making headway I am following the track albeit with difficulty.

  Suddenly I burst out of the trees to be confronted by an expanse of water. The ruins of a house are located on a peninsula of land extending into the lake. Alongside the ruins is a fast running stream presumably draining the lake, somewhere there must be a feeder stream this must be the house the old man mentioned that the mob destroyed in the revolution. A fascinating piece of French tumultuous past confronts me. What a beautiful location, it’s a pity about the house. After exploring the area I begin making my way back to the cottage when I hear Denise calling my name. Marcel, Denise and the old man are standing outside the cottage chatting when I approach them. The old man enquires. “Oh! You have been up the old carriageway I see? Did you get through the trees?” I reply enthusiastically. “Yes, with a struggle. What a lovely spot? I couldn’t believe it when I broke through to the lake it’s like something out of a dream.” He replies. “Oh! I haven’t been near there for about seventy five years or more. Mother forbade me to play there when I was a child you see, she was terrified I might drown in the lake. Dad used to catch trout, eels and other fish in the stream by the house. I just never bothered going there when I grew up, it is no value to the farm and I am not fond of fish.” I enquire. “Is that lake all part of the estate?” He replies. “Oh yes my ancestors purchased everything many years ago. I believe the lake was created by the quarrying of sand stone to build the big house. The stone from here was used in many other projects in the district. Did you not notice all the boundary walls are constructed of the same material?” Marcel requests. “Do you mind if I have a look?” The old man shrugs his shoulders. “It is of no interest to me, please yourself.” I offer to go with him. “Yes I would like you to see the ruins. As an architect the building might interest you? Come on I’ll show you. Are you coming Denise? Believe me it’s lovely and worth seeing, if you don’t mind a few scratches?” “Wait a moment?” The old man requests, he disappears into a shed and returns with a sharp slashing tool. “Take this with you it might help. I will go and put the coffee on while you explore.” He turns to Denise. “You may as well have a look my dear? After all it will be all yours shortly.” With much less struggle than I encountered first time thanks to the slasher the three of us make it to the lake side. When she is confronted by the lovely vista Denise remarks. “Oh yes! I see what you mean, it is beautiful here.” Marcel is beside himself with excitement. “Adam, forget the cottage, this is where you want to live. A sandstone building! I could do wonders with this given the finance. What a fantastic location.” His excitement is contagious. I make an instant decision. “Then let’s do it Marcel, what do you think Denise?” Before she answers Marcel intercedes. “I must warn you, restoring this place to its former glory will not be cheap. Without a detailed survey I wouldn’t even try to guess what it will cost. But what a project, what a magnificent enterprise it would be. What a wonderful building it must have been?” I retort. “I agree what a wonderful building it will be. What do you say Denise is this to be our future home?” She replies dreamily. “Oh yes this will be our place, Denise and Adam’s paradise.” I have yet to see anyone so enthusiastic over a weed covered heap of rubble and the skeleton of a once large house as Marcel. I feel myself being caught up in his fantasies. By the look on Denise’s face she is also in the dream world. Marcel continues. “Imagine the carriageway cleared. The trees have been cut back. You arrive in your open Landau carriage to be confronted by this restored magnificent building? The entire staff are lined up to greet you. Tonight you have arranged a grand ball.” I cut him short with a laugh. Enough Marcel I am convinced already I don’t know about the ball though?” I turn to Denise she is lost in a dream world. “What do you really think Denise should we?” Denise is aware of my inheritance unlike Marcel. “Yes Adam. This is a wonderful place I feel it has been waiting for us to rediscover it. Fate brought us here. There is something else that I should tell you. Although the old man has a
greed to sell us the property he really doesn’t want to leave here, despite what he said originally. If we rebuild the house he could remain where he is, happy in the cottage. I would like him to stay close by us. You know how I feel about him?” I address a question to Marcel. “Could you handle this project Marcel?” I hold my hand up blocking his reply. “Before you answer? I was going to put an idea to you at the hotel on Saturday but I believe the time is right now. You know I have talked about expanding into the construction business?” He replies “I know you considered it but?” I elucidate. “It is no longer just an idea. I would like you to lead OSCADA construction. I want you to build up the company and this will be your first project. We have the personal resources to finance this reconstruction. If you agree we will find a replacement for you at the depot. You will concentrate on the construction and architectural side of the company. Ever since I learned from Suzanne about your past I feel your talents have been wasted.” He begins to object I cut him off. “My next question is? If you agree to my proposal how soon will you begin work on this site?” He replies and shakes my hand. “Adam I would be happy to accept your offer. I won’t guarantee anything until I have completed an in depth assessment of the task ahead.As for my replacement at the depot, the workshop practically runs itself since you introduced the share and incentive scheme, after all the men are in theory working for themselves. Now we deal with the setting up a construction company from scratch? You know I organised contactors to reconstruct the lodging house by the café also the refurbishment of Alec and Marguerites hotel?” “Yes I am aware of that.” I reply. He explains “For the two contracts I engaged an excellent family run company I have used them many times before the war. Given the right approach I am sure we could absorb them into OSCADA? I know they have a few financial problems and require investment. The company has an excellent workforce with all the expertise we would have to search for if we start from scratch. Plus they have the construction equipment, although much of that needs modernising.” I reply with enthusiasm. “When we get back to the depot we will meet with Harry to get his blessing, it sounds good to me. Let’s go and join the old man for coffee and lunch. With a bit of luck we may enjoy a flagon of his excellent cider. I’m starving all this high finance talk makes me hungry. As we make our way back to the cottage I enquire. “Could you have this job completed before winter sets in Marcel?” Marcel refuses to pass an opinion until after the survey. When Denise breaks the news to the old man he is delighted. He immediately offers to sell me the lake and wooded surrounding area separate from the farm and orchards. Denise is right. He truly does not want to leave his farm, especially now he sees the opportunity to have our company near at hand. I agree to his offer and we shake hands on the deal. While we are having our picnic and talking about the ruined house the old man suddenly excuses himself and hurries into one of the numerous sheds located in the yard. After a few minutes he returns carrying a picture covered in dirt and cobwebs. He stands the frame against a post brushes it off to reveal an oil painting of the house on the lake. Denise gasps with amazement. “It’s gorgeous!” She exclaims. Marcel steps forward and examines it in detail. The old man says. “Take it with you it’s of no use to me.” Marcel says enthusiastically. “This is just what I need to see the layout. Oh! Look at that chimney? Adam look at that fancy brickwork and the arches over the door and windows? I am really looking forward to restoring this building Adam.” Marcel agrees to arrange an independent valuation of the land for the old man. Later I drive us back to the depot for the meeting with Harry. While I am briefing him on the latest developments Marcel demonstrates the controls of the Renault to Denise. The change of Marcel’s status from workshop manager to company architect and construction head pleases Harry. He admits. “His talents were being wasted in the workshop. Leave it to me to find a replacement if we need one. I have been keeping an eye on his brother Paul, he’s an enterprising lad. Now if Marcel is to be organising the reconstruction of your ruin and getting the construction business up and running we will have to adjust his remuneration to reflect his new position. He will also need transport to get back and to? What about the company supplying him with a vehicle now he is driving again?” I agree without hesitation. “Arrange it Harry but you should ask Marcel to pick a car to suit himself. In the meanwhile he can use the Rolls. I will get about in Denise’s new car. He can use this place as an office until we reorganise the depot? Harry I have to tell you this now. I won’t be around here very much after the board meeting I am going to leave it to you and our new legal advisor Gunter to meet Gastoyne and his weird partner. I want to keep an eye on the reconstruction of the house and spend more time with Denise and Daisy. Will you arrange to have a telephone installed at the coach house and if possible another one at the farm? I shall drop in every day to see if there is anything urgent. By the way Denise does not want to be involved with the board please take her off the list. It was a nice idea of yours to include her but I am afraid my Denise is not business minded. Now about Jean and Yvette purchasing the Denise’s property? I have had a change of mind on that one, I have my reasons.” He responds. “Oh! It is too late unless we cancel? I have already arranged finance for Jean and the paperwork has been completed. He signed this morning to purchase the entire site.” I reply glumly. “Oh shit! Well if he is content with the arrangements leave it for the moment I will have a word with Denise, it is her property. Or should I say it was her property. Bloody Hell! To be honest it’s what Denise wants anyway.” I explain Denise’s reasoning and her idea of depositing their payments into a bank account. Harry approves of the plan. Suddenly a thought strikes me. “Oh Shit Harry! Do you realise her sister is now our landlord? This should be interesting? We shall have to pay her rent. Another thing and this is important! The cash for the purchase of the land at the farm is to be paid for with the money from the sale of the coach houses to Jean. The expenses for the reconstruction of the house is to come out of my personal account. It has nothing to do with OSCADA. I want Denise to believe it has all been paid for by her. I know Oscar wanted her to own her own house. That’s what we will do in his memory. I won’t be going to England until November maybe December. I want all the paperwork for the deal with Suzanne and the other transport depot plus the purchase of land at the farm dealt with as soon as possible. Gunter has agreed to invest in the construction and shipping part of OSCADA. He will explain everything at the meeting he is a good man very astute. I believe you two will get on well together. He comes to us highly recommended by Oscar. That is good enough for me. We don’t want to overstretch ourselves? His new cash should give us the opportunity to expand without borrowing. No reflection on your ability Harry but don’t meet the banker or his associate in future without Gunter being present. Monsieur Gastoyne has dealings with Gunter’s Swiss bank. I am not sure but I believe he can be a bit of a shifty character. Anyway we will still do business with his bank Gunter has promised to keep an eye on him.” Harry replies. “I shall be glad of Günter’s input there is something about those characters I can’t put my finger on. I must add all the dealings we have had with them so far have appeared above board but? Apart from them being nosy buggers. But using the example of my own Father I bet they are pissed off we paid back the loan so quickly. If I was a banker I would have liked to have shares in OSCADA.” That being settled I move on. “It should be an interesting meeting Saturday? I will take Marcel to the coast if you will bring Captain Hawkins in your car. Wait until you see what Alec and Marguerite have done to the place? Oh Yes! I have a little warning for you? Pack an evening suit if you have one? It is very posh at the hotel OSCADA.” I stand about to leave when Harry stops me. “Just a couple more things I need to tell you about, not business but it affects you and me personally. I have had a telephone call from Billy.” I enquire. “Ha! Where was he calling from?” Harry reveals. “They have a telephone in the village now. He is bringing a load in for the Saturday market. He is picking up the trailer he wants a load back if I can arrang
e it. Hazel is travelling with him he has asked me to arrange a ferry crossing for her. It seems she has had a letter from home, her Mother is seriously ill. He is also bringing the eldest orphan lad with him Thomas. Billy said you know about him? Anyway I have arranged for him to stay with me. Billy wants him to spend time with our fitters learning all about truck maintenance.” I reply. “That’s good Harry, he is a smashing kid you will like him. Billy thinks the world of him. Would you believe he is teaching Bill to speak French while they travel about? Most of the kids have been adopted by the villagers. There is only Thomas and Daisy left out of the eight orphans the girls rescued, I don’t think they are going anywhere? Billy has taken to Thomas and Daisy. Well we all know Daisy?” Harry continues. “That’s one of the things I was about to tell you. This affects you and Denise. Daisy is coming to Le Havre in Pompey Lill with Louise on Friday. She won’t stay at the village. Daisy insists she will only remain with Denise and you when Hazel goes home. Hazel doesn’t know how long she will have to remain in England. I didn’t have an opportunity to consult you and Denise. Billy went off the phone suddenly and I can’t get a line to call him back. I could send them a telegram if you don’t agree I suppose?” I reply. “No leave it as it is. Poor Hazel I hope her Mum is alright if there is anything we can do? I’m sorry for Hazel’s predicament but I have to admit Denise will be over the moon when I tell her the news about the kid. Daisy can stay with us forever if she wants to. Three treats in one day for Denise. First she gets the new car? Then we have the plans for the house on the lake? Now, the kid is coming for a visit? I think I am spoiling my wife.” Harry smiles knowingly “I thought so? One more thing, there always is isn’t there? It’s just a bit of news about your family, well he’s nearly your family. Paul came in the other day and told Jean the local funeral director has died, his widow has put the hearse and the two lovely black horses up for sale. Jean wants to buy them but raising the finance for the property has made things a little difficult, he won’t be able to raise anymore finance until he proves the business is viable.” “Wow! I have seen them around town, they are great looking beasts and the hearse is something else.” I mull it over for a few seconds then make a decision. “Say no more Harry, arrange it. I’ll buy the bloody things for them; it will salve my conscience for making them purchase the property. May as well keep it in the family, at least we will be able to get cheap funerals. Incidentally, just for the record, I bet you thought I was a real skin flint, selling the property to them didn’t you?” Good old Harry is none committal. “Well it wasn’t my idea. Denise was attempting to give her sister a lesson in thrift.” I put my hands up in a gesture indicating futility. “If there is nothing else on the urgent list, I am going to break the good news about Daisy and then I will attempt to teach my wife to drive her new toy.” Denise has improved her driving ability since her lesson in the Rolls. She has mastered the basics by the time I take over for the drive home. Yvette is still out when we arrive. Pegasus the horse is wandering around the paddock Jean has constructed for him. Denise goes to the flat to prepare the evening meal. Pegasus trots over to the fence he evidently likes company. I stand talking to him and stroking his head. From a window high up in the big house a voice hails me. “Are you alright today dear? I know you were a teensy weensy bit disappointed the other day, maybe we could do better next time? I have some letters for you my dear. I was about to send one of the boys around to the truck depot with them. Hang on a moment I’ll toss them over the wall.” When I look up two of the er men /women are leaning out of the widow. On hearing the voices Denise leans out of our upstairs window to investigate. “Is that you Yvette?” She enquires. “No dear, over here. It’s not Yvette sweetheart; it’s us, your husband’s friends Collette and Annette.” Bloody hell, I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. It takes a great deal to embarrass me since my varied experiences in the army. But this encounter is something I can’t handle, especially in front of my wife. The clip clop of horse’s hooves on cobbles saves me from further embarrassment. The hearse appears with the two black horses in the harness. Yvette and Jean are in control high up in the driver’s seat. By the time they have climbed down Denise is downstairs standing alongside me. “Oh! Aren’t they beautiful?” She exclaims referring to the matching horses. Her next question refers to the occupants of the big house “Who are those women? I heard one of them say they are your friends? How friendly are they? Are they wanting a little bit of comfort from you?” She adds sweetly but with hidden menace. I retort knowing I am blushing. “Behave yourself Denise. They are the women I told you about, they are just being er friendly.” She replies. “Oh! Annette and Collette is it? They look such a charming couple. I should like to meet them socially. I know? I shall invite them over for a meal? We should get to know our close neighbours more er, intimately or they might think we are very unfriendly.” Fortunately I recognise the twinkle in her eye and realise she is teasing me. Jean saves me from any more of her jibes as he calls us over to the hearse. I whisper “You little minx, you shall suffer for that tonight. Hello Jean, Yvette, what a magnificent outfit?” “Thanks to you Adam, as soon as Harry told me what you had arranged, I rushed over and settled the deal. I had to be quick I heard there was someone else interested in buying the outfit. By the way, the widow Madam Merchant is keeping the funeral parlour going, but she just couldn’t handle the horses. She has agreed to let me do the funeral transportations for her. Hey Adam! This is the scary part of the deal. I have my first funeral tomorrow, would you believe it, the funeral, my first one is her own husbands? I believe she is testing me, I have to get it right” He adds nervously. “I shall be depending on her for work until I establish myself in my own right.” I assure him. “Jean I have every faith in you.” His next request is a little odd. “I have another favour to ask Adam. Would you permit us to name our little enterprise OSCADA funeral and wedding services?” I start to laugh, but cease immediately when I realise he is making a serious request. “Er. Hmmm, I am flattered, if that’s what you want to name it Jean, but why? Let me remind you that it’s your business and has nothing to do with my company. You are totally independent and since this morning you even have your own premises now?” He replies. “I am not so naive as to believe without your assistance our little enterprise would not exist?” Slightly embarrassed but feeling good at the same time I change the subject and ask Denise’s sister. “So Yvette are you going to drive one of these magnificent coaches?” She replies indignantly. “I already have driven the other two.” “Good for you.” I praise her she adds. “Give me more time and I will Master this one as well. Adam you must not assume all women are the useless playthings of men. Given the opportunity women are as competent as men in most endeavours.” she repeats “If we are given the opportunity that is.” Denise adds with a sweet smile on her face. “Some females are better than others at housekeeping and cooking though Adam. We have to remember, life is not a bowl of cherries?” What my dear wife means by this phrase I haven’t a clue. It evidently has a hidden meaning, only Denise and her sister understand. Anyway what she says shuts Yvette up immediately. Any further conversation is interrupted by a voice coming from the other side of the wall. “Here are your letters my dear. I have wrapped them around a little stone stand clear, here they come.” The bundle of letters lands with a thud on our side of the wall. Before I am able to say anything Denise calls. “Thank you Collette you are so kind?” A voice answers. “You are welcome my dear anything for that handsome brute of a husband of yours.” Denise replies. “We must get together sometime and swap stories. I bet you have a few good yarns to tell?” “You better believe it my dear. I look forward to that bye, bye for now.” Yvette is appalled at the exchange she witnesses and scolds her sister. “Denise how could you? Do you know who you are talking to?” Denise snaps. “Of course I do. Adam has told me all about the women in the house. I don’t hold anything against them after all they did comfort the troops during the war?” Yvette replies shaking her head. “I don
’t know Denise? It’s alright being broad minded in this day and age but associating with those? Tut! Tut! What would our Grandfather have said?” Denise refuses to be drawn and replies. “Yvette! Don’t be such a prude. They are our closest neighbours after all.” She closes the subject abruptly by asking. “I suppose you are coming to us for supper? Come Adam I wish to have a word with you upstairs?” Boy! Now I’m for it, I nervously follow my wife up to the flat. When we are in the sitting room she stands in front of me with a stern look on her face, arms akimbo. Oh! Oh! Here it comes. Now my past sexual adventures in the big house have caught up with me. Denise exclaims. “Did you see Yvette’s face?” Oh joy! I am off the hook.She bursts out laughing. “Do you know what tickles me Adam?” She explains when she stops giggling. “We will be moving away from here to the farm, the comfort Ladies will be Yvette’s neighbours. She will have to live with them next door, not me. I hate to be bitchy but, sometimes my sister brings out the worst in me?” “I enquire. “What was all that about cherries?” “Ha!” She explains. “Yvette knows what it means alright. It is an expression our Grandfather used when Yvette made one of her constant pleas for something we couldn’t afford, or he did not want her to have. I do love my sister dearly you know Adam? But I sometimes wonder if she is my sister. She is so different from Louise and myself.” I declare admiringly. “Well you certainly scored points with that last one Denise, my little minx. Come here let me hug my champion.” Let’s hope we move away from here before Denise discovers the real truth about the so called comfort Ladies/men. Nothing is mentioned about the brief over the wall encounter with the occupants of the big house at supper.


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