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Page 4

by Tynessa

  Teyana couldn’t help but to laugh as she looked around, noticing Gambino wasn’t in sight. Just as she was about to asked where he was, he walked around the corner looking sexy as ever. It’s like that nigga gets sexier every time she saw him. They just stared at one another with a smile, both in a trance. The chemistry between Teyana and Gambino was undeniable.

  “For a minute, I didn’t think you could get out,” Gambino finally said embracing her. She smelled so good to him and felt so good in his arms that he didn’t wanna let go. The only reason he did so soon was because Zywon spoke up.

  “Aye cuz, me and Sevyn about to head out. Y’all welcome to any room in the house, except my bedroom,” Zywon laughed. Sevyn noticed the unease look on Teyana’s face and hit Zywon on the arm.

  “You okay, Teyana boo? I mean I don’t have to go out. I can stay here with you,” Sevyn said.

  She knew Teyana was nervous about being alone in the house with Gambino. Shit, she didn’t know him from a can of paint so Sevyn didn’t blame her best friend if she didn’t want to be left alone with him. Plus, for eight years Teyana had been with only one man, so she totally understood her.

  Teyana was a little embarrassed that Sevyn was calling her out. She didn’t want Gambino to think she was a scary ass little girl or no shit like that. Though she was a nervous wreck, she decided to put on her big girl panties and speak up.

  “No, I’m good. Nothing will happen that shouldn’t. Right Gambino?” Teyana looked at him with raised brow.

  “Oh, of course not! I will never disrespect you like that, ma,” he said.

  “See, we’re good! Plus, I’m not going to be here long anyways. I do have a fiancé to get home to and Gambino has a girlfriend waiting for him,” Teyana smiled. Sevyn and Zywon took that as their cue to leave. Last thing they wanted to do was hear about Tyriq’s woman beater, sorry, good for nothing ass or Jazz rude, ungrateful, spoiled ass!

  Once they were out the door, Teyana sat on the couch as Gambino made them a drink. She was thankful because she needed something to calm her damn nerves.

  “Yo, I’m sorry about my girl rudeness earlier,” Gambino felt her owed her an apology.

  Teyana laughed.

  “There’s no need to apologize to me. She was just letting me know her name was Jazmine and not Jazz,” she said though she knew the little bitch was trying to be funny. Gambino just nodded his head up and down.

  “So, are you going to apologize for your rudeness?” she asked.

  Gambino almost choked on his damn drink, she’d caught him off guard with that shit. In the back of his mind he knew he was wrong for going over to her table while she was out with her fiancé, but he really didn’t give a fuck about that nigga.

  “Okay, yea I was wrong for going over to your table or whatever but I couldn’t help myself,” was all he said with smirk.

  “I’m not even tripping about you coming to our table. What I was tripping about is, how the hell you going to introduce me and my son to your girl but not my damn fiancé? We’re not fucking around but if we were that was a damn give away,” Teyana said to him.

  Gambino laughed because he’d honestly forgotten he did that, but he wasn’t about to apologize for doing it. He could tell Tyriq was a pussy ass nigga and he knew he wasn’t going to say shit to him for doing some disrespectful ass shit like that, and Gambino dared him to have put his hands on Teyana in front of him.

  Teyana was still going in on him but Gambino wasn’t hearing a word she was saying. She noticed that he was staring at her a little too hard and wasn’t responding to the question she’d just asked him.

  “Hello?” said Teyana snapping her fingers in front of his face causing him to snap back to reality.

  “I’m sorry, ma. Yo, what happened to your neck?” he finally asked and Teyana dropped her head. To say she was embarrassed would’ve been an understatement. When she met him the other day she had the damn bruises on her face and now she had fresh ones on her damn neck.

  “How long have this nigga been beating on you?” he asked. Gambino already knew it was Tyriq’s bitch ass.

  “I don’t want to talk about that,Terrean,” Teyana said. She didn’t need him judging her like everyone else did. Telling her that she needed to leave Tyriq and he wasn’t a real man; that was the type of shit she didn’t want to hear. No one knew what went on inside her home or the reason her fiancé would spaz out on her. People would never understand!

  “Ma, you shouldn’t be going through that shit. You’re too beautiful to be letting that fuck nigga put his hands on you!” Gambino said angrily. He didn’t condone in any man putting their hands on a female.

  “Look, I think it’s time for me to go because that’s the shit I don’t wanna hear,” Teyana said as she grabbed her purse and got off the couch. Gambino sat there wondering what the fuck was up with her. She needed someone to talk some sense into her ass. She’d rather run than to hear the truth, her fiancé was a bitch!

  “Yo ma, I’m sorry. Maybe I overstepped my boundaries. I just think no man should put his hands on a woman. It’s just the way I was raised.” Gambino stopped her before she could walk out the door. Turning her around to face him, she had tears I her eyes. That fucked him all the way up.

  “Yo Tee, if you need to talk I’m here,” he said to her as he wiped her tears with his thumbs. Teyana looked up at him smiling. She noticed that he’d given her a nickname and thought it was cute.

  Teyana didn’t say anything as she ran her hands up his arms until they were around his neck and she was pulling him in for a kiss. Gambino lips was so fucking soft to her. Just thinking about Tyriq putting his hands on her made Teyana put her all into the kiss, as she parted his lips with her tongue. Gambino was the first to pull back. Staring at her briefly, he finally picked her up and carried her upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. All that was on his mind was making love to her.

  When Gambino got to the first guest room, he pushed the door open and laid Teyana on the bed. Starting from her forehead, he kissed his way down to her soft lips, then down each side of her neck. He stopped and took his time kissing the bruises on her neck. As he pulled her shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra, Gambino was getting mad all over again. Seeing the bruises, old and new ones, caused his blood to boil; but because he didn’t wanna ruin the moment, he moved further down taking each of her breast into his mouth, taking his time showing them both equal attention.

  Moving down to her belly button, he placed soft kisses while unfastening her jeans. He then pulled them down before kissing his way back up her legs until he reached her honey love. Taking his time, he kissed the inside of each thigh before wrapping his lips around her pearl. Gambino had to control his mouth because he was having the urge to suck her dry. Teyana tasted just like strawberries and cream. Gambino was in heaven, and if she tasted that good then he knew her pussy game was vicious.

  Teyana was on cloud nine, she had never had her pussy ate like that before. Being that Tyriq was the only man she had ever been with, she didn’t know how it was supposed to feel but she damn sure knew he never made her feel like that before. She was nervous but excited at the thrill of another man making her feel good.

  “Damn ma, you taste good as hell,” Gambino said. Teyana had come all over his mouth and he didn’t waste a drop of it.

  “Shit, that felt good, baby,”she said as Gambino stood up and pulled his shirt over his head. Teyana felt like she was about to cum again just from seeing the sight of his ripped chest. He had muscles for days and his tattoos made his body irresistible.

  When he pulled his jeans off, Teyana’s eyes grew at the size of his dick. Tyriq wasn’t little but he damn sure didn’t measure up to Gambino. He had width and length over Tyriq and for the first time since they started, she began to get nervous. Gambino walked back over to her and climbed in between her legs, kissing her passionately.

  Gradually, he entered her but had to stop to take a breath. She was so warm and tight that he felt he would b
ust prematurely. Her pussy wrapped around his dick like a glove.

  “Damn ma, yo shit tight as hell,” Gambino said as he long stroked her.

  “Hmmm, that feels so good, Terrean,” Teyana said calling him by his government. He liked when she called him by his first name. It turned him on in the worst way. Gambino made love to Teyana in a way that surprised himself. He had never taken his time like that when he and Jazz had sex. Gambino felt he needed to show Teyana that she was delicate and worth taking his time with. They made love for hours and neither of them thought about using any protection.

  Gambino and Teyana both had fallen asleep after the love making session, neither realizing that their phones had been ringing up a storm downstairs where they left them. Sevyn knocked on the door and waited for one of them to tell her to come in before she entered. She loved Teyana and Gambino both but she damn sure didn’t wanna see them in no compromising positions.

  Teyana was nudging Gambino trying to wake him up. She couldn’t believe that they had fallen asleep like that. Looking at the clock, she realized it was almost 3 am.

  “Come in,” she finally said.

  “I would much rather you stay here, but I know you gotta get home to my god-son plus that asshole has been calling your phone for the last hour. I didn’t answer because I could care less about his ass looking for you.” With that Sevyn walked back out.

  “Fuck, I can’t believe I fell asleep,” Teyana said shaking Gambino again.

  “What’s wrong, luv?” Gambino asked while looking over at the clock. He didn’t realize it was that late, but he didn’t care. He was where he wanted to be.

  “Terrean, I gotta go. I didn’t know it was this late. I was only supposed to be gone an hour or two.” Gambino really loved when she called him by his real name. Teyana went into the bathroom off the guest room and did a quick hoe bath before she threw her clothes back on and walked out the bedroom.

  When she got downstairs Gambino was sitting on the couch passing a blunt back and forth between him, Sevyn and Zywon. Teyana walked over to the couch where he was sitting and sat down next to him. Throwing his arm around her, he pulled her closer to him. Being with Teyana felt so right to him. He didn’t want her to go but he knew she had to. He on the other hand, didn’t care to go back to the room with Jazz nagging ass.

  “I gotta get home, but I truly enjoyed spending time with you this evening. How long will you be in town?” Teyana asked. She hoped she could see him one more time before he left.

  “I’m leaving tonight, ma. My flight leaves at 7pm,” Gambino answered.

  “I doubt I’ll be able to get out tonight considering I haven’t made it home yet,” Teyana said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  “Don’t worry Ma. I will make sure it don’t be too long before I see you again. I will text you in a couple hours.”

  Teyana stood up and Gambino stood up to walk her to her car. When they got outside, he pulled her in for a hug and she surprised him by kissing him. To them, being together felt so right yet they knew it was so wrong. They had only known each other a few days but it was like they had been around each other for years.


  When Teyana made it home surprisingly Tyriq was asleep. She went into the bathroom and showered. When she stepped out, she put on some lotion then her night gown and slowly climbed in bed careful not to wake Tyriq up.

  Just as she got comfortable, she felt Tyriq move so she braced herself. Teyana just knew he was about to hit her, but she was shocked when all he did was pull her closer to him and wrapped his arm around her. He snuggled up closer to her and whispered in her ear.

  “I’m sorry Teyana. I love you baby.”

  “I love you too Tyriq.” Before she knew it, she was sleep.

  Teyana didn’t know how long she had been asleep but she knew Tyriq wasn’t in the bed with her anymore. She reached over to grab her phone, only to realize it wasn’t on the nightstand, but then remembered that she’d left it in her purse. Getting it out, she seen she had three text messages. She swiped the screen and seen she had messages from Sevyn, her mom and Gambino. She decided to open the message from Gambino first.

  Terrean: Good Morning Tee. Ma, you made a nigga night last night. I hate that I had to let you go.

  Teyana: Aww Good morning you. I hate that I had to leave too. I hope it’s not too long before you come back.

  He hit her back immediately.

  Terrean: Well ain’t no reason that you can’t come to my town for a few days. My girl gone be gone to visit her parents in a few weeks.

  Teyana: Sounds nice, but I can’t leave Camari.

  Terrean: Nobody told you to. Bring my lil man with you. I got nieces and nephews he will get along with just fine.

  Teyana: I will think about it.

  Teyana got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to handle her hygiene. She heard Camari downstairs laughing with Tyriq. She was gonna freshen up and go make her men some breakfast. She was surprised when Tyriq didn’t flip or question her about why she was coming in so late. He had been nice since the last fight they had and she only hoped that it would stay that way.

  When Teyana got downstairs, Tyriq had breakfast on the table and was helping Camari get up in his chair.

  “Good Morning, Mommy,” Camari said when he noticed his mother walk in the kitchen.

  “Good Morning, baby. Good Morning, bae,” she said kissing both Camari and Tyriq

  “Morning, baby,”Tyriq said back. Teyana wanted to know why he was being so nice but she wasn’t about to try her luck. She was just going to enjoy it while she could.

  Chapter 10

  Gambino and Teyana talked every day since the day he left to go back to Buffalo. That was almost two weeks ago. He asked Teyana on a few occasions how things had been going and much to his surprise; Teyana told him that Tyriq had been on his best behavior. Something in her felt that this was the calm before the storm but she was gonna wait and see how it all played out.

  Gambino felt like he had been neglecting Jazz, so he decided that he was gonna take her to her favorite restaurant tonight. He called and made reservations at The Buffalo Chophouse which was located in the greater downtown area.

  He had already sent her on a spa day and to get her hair done. He thought tonight would also be the night he brought up his thoughts on relocating to ATL. He knew that he needed to make this move simple because he had more money floating down there and it was an added bonus that Teyana was there. He knew they both were in relationships but something about Teyana brought out a side of Gambino that he hadn’t seen himself since he first got with Jazz years ago.

  When Jazz came in from getting her hair done, Gambino was just hopping out the shower. She looked over him with lust in her eyes, she was horny. It had been weeks since they had sex and she was well overdue. Jazz knew she didn’t have time to get some at the moment because they had dinner reservations in less than an hour, but she was damn sure gone get some dick when they made it back home.

  Jazz went and hopped in the shower, when she got out, she put on some of her Forever Midnight lotion from Bath and Body works. She pulled out a little black spaghetti strap dress and accessorized it with her yellow Giuseppe Zanotti heels and yellow costume jewelry. She pinned her hair up in a neat bun and grabbed her yellow clutch purse.

  Gambino naturally matched her fly in a pair of black True religion jeans and matching Tee. He wore his rose gold Rolex and on his feet he donned a pair of Gamma 11s. Gambino decided to drive his 2014 Range Rover and was silently praying that this conversation went in the right direction. He had ill feelings towards his relationship with Jazz because he fell out of love with her years ago, but he also knew that she wasn’t just gonna let him go without a fight.

  When they made it to the restaurant and were seated, the waitress took their drink order. Gambino ordered a double shot of Hennessey Privilege and Jazz ordered a glass of white Zinfandel. Once the waitress returned with their drinks, she took their order.
  Since they had gotten all that out the way, Gambino figured it was the best time to bring up him wanting to relocate.

  “Jazz, I got something I need to talk to you about,” Gambino said.

  “Ok. What’s up?”

  “I know it would be a huge change, but I got more money and business in ATL and I think it’s about time for me to relocate. There are too many bad memories here and I really want a fresh start, ma.”

  “Wait, are you saying that you’re moving to Atlanta?” Jazz asked confusedly.

  “Yes, I am. I don’t know if you wanna move with me but I’m telling you now, that if you decide not to go that’s on you. I will pay the taxes and bills in the crib for the rest of this year but then you on your own. I can’t stay here no more.”

  “So, just like that, if I say I don’t wanna go, it’s fuck me?” Jazz said. She was getting mad and Gambino knew this conversation was about to get out of hand but he was dead ass serious. He was moving with or without her ass.

  “Pretty much, Jazmine! Shit, the only reason I hadn’t moved yet is because I knew you didn’t want to. I’m not trying to be mean at all when I say this but at this point I really don’t give a fuck if you want to or not. I’m out within the next two months. The only reason I’m staying that long is because I have to make sure shit is running smoothly before I dip. So, you have until then to figure out what it is you gonna do.” With that, Gambino got up from his seat and walked towards the direction of the bathroom.

  Jazz just sat there speechless. This was some straight up bullshit to her. Any other time Jazz knew she could talk Gambino out of anything. All she had to do was bring up their unborn child she lost due to a beef he had with a couple of niggas around the way. They felt the need to shoot up their home on some retaliation type shit and caused her to lose their child. She was seven months pregnant at the time. Jazz wasn’t tripping over it because she never wanted kids anyways, but, she knew Gambino on the other hand, was fucked up over it and blamed himself. She took fully advantage of that and threw it in his face whenever she wanted her way. She wasn’t so sure it would work this time around, being that he’d just called her Jazmine and not Jazz. Something he rarely did.


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