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Saving Each Other (Saving Series Book 1)

Page 10

by S. A. Terrence

  “Po!” I shout as I jog up to them. Dani stiffens at the sound of my voice and I’m saddened by the look of surprise and worry that clouds her beautiful face. I put that there and I vow, right then and there, I’m going to do everything under my power to not only take it away, but to make sure it never comes back. Po hasn’t stopped licking her and his tail is going a million miles an hour.

  I’ve been thinking about her, a lot. I had wanted to apologize for how I acted and to thank her for all she did, but I was positive I’d never see her again. I’m glad I’ll now get that chance.

  When Dani sees I’m smiling she visibly relaxes and returns my smile. Did I say WOW! That word doesn’t even come close to how her smile looks up close. The smile that just lit up her face surpasses the brilliance of the California sun. I knew she’d be stunning when she smiled; I just underestimated exactly how exquisitely beautiful she’d actually be.

  “You were expecting angry Ean, weren’t you?” I say as I approach her.

  She blushes and lowers her gaze. “Well, yes, now that you mention it, I was expecting angry Ian,” she admits.

  I crouch down next to her and drape my arms over my knees, letting my hands fall between them. I stretch one arm out and put my hand on her chin to tilt her face up so our eyes can meet. I can’t help but smile when I do what I should have done two weeks ago. “I’m sorry for the way I acted, Dani. I was horrible and you were so helpful. I have no excuse except to say that it brought up some pretty awful memories, but you didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of that.”

  She looks shocked by my sudden change in demeanor and a bit apprehensive. Her brow is furrowed and I want to take that away too. Her smile is so beautiful, it’s the only thing I want to see on her gorgeous face. So I take it away. I raise my hand from her chin and smooth out her brow with the tip of my thumb.

  Acting on her silence, I add, “I also want to say thank you for everything you did. For holding him, for letting me drive, for helping, for paying, and for being there.”

  Her smile comes back in full force and I feel like I could fly. No wonder Po is so infatuated with her. Not waiting for a response, I extend my right hand to hers and introduce myself.

  “Hi, my name is Ean. Ean Montgomery.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. She has such a beautiful, throaty laugh and that just makes me smile, inside and out. I’m sure she’s laughing at the absurdity of this whole situation but I don’t care. I just like hearing her laugh.

  She meets my hand and shakes it. “Dani. Dani Adams, it’s very nice to meet you, Ian Montgomery.”

  I sit on the sand next to her with my legs crossed underneath me. “He really likes you.” I nod at Po, who’s now lying with his head in her lap. His eyes are fixed on her, his tongue is lolling out, and he’s wearing a look of pure contentment on his smiling face as she pets him.

  “That he does,” she laughs. She then shifts her position to get more comfortable and with a serious expression, she says, “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see him well. I was really worried.”

  “I know, and I’m really sorry,” I sigh. “I should never have told you to leave.”

  “I completely understand,” she replies. “No need to apologize, I should never have hit him.”

  I laugh, hard. The type of laugh that cleanses your soul. “No, you shouldn’t have. But he’s okay now, so all is good.”

  We remain seated by the ocean chatting and enjoying each other’s company. She’s really easy to talk to and I feel like I’ve known her for a really long time. It’s always strange how you can meet some people and feel like you’ve known them forever. We discuss our mutual love of both the beach and the area. I learn that she works at one of my favorite local restaurants, The Spot, which is just down the street from my house. After a while, I move to get up and say, “I should get Po back home now. I just wanted to take him out for a little sun but I don’t want to overdo it.”

  I help her to her feet. We say our goodbyes and I turn and head away from the shore, but I only make it a few feet before Po turns and jogs back to her. It’s then that I notice she’s right behind us, walking in our direction. She must notice my confused expression because she stops and says, “I’ve decided to head home too.”

  “Walk with us,” I suggest. “Po wouldn’t have it any other way. If you don’t, he’ll just keep going back to you. I think he may have a crush on you.”

  Dani laughs and jogs to catch up with me. I clip Po to his leash and together we head away from the beach. When we near The Spot, I realize I’m not ready to let her go yet. I’m enjoying her company and have nothing to go home to, so I take a chance and ask, “Are you hungry? I’m starving and I’d love to take you to lunch and repay you for your kindness.” I hit my pockets with an exaggerated pat and say, “I do have my phone, keys, and wallet this time. I never leave home without them anymore.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. God, I love her laugh.

  “Touché,” she says through another laugh. “I’d love to.”

  “Why don’t you head in and get us a table,” I suggest. “I live nearby so I’m just going to run him home. I’ll be right back.”

  I make it back to The Spot in record time. It’s funny how quickly a person can move when motivated, and I’m definitely motivated. As I enter the small restaurant, I see her right away laughing with a waitress at a table near the window. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing her laugh. I hope we can become friends.

  As I approach their table, they both look up and smile. “Hello, ladies,” I say once I’m in front of them. I extend my hand to her friend and with a wide smile, my dimples on full display, I introduce myself.

  Their smiles grow even wider and I get the distinct impression they’ve been talking about me. “Lysee,” she says, returning my greeting. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  I take the seat next to Dani and we place our orders. It turns out, we both love their veggie burgers with their savory sauce. Everything they serve here is really good but that dish has always been my favorite and I’m thrilled to see it’s hers too. We also get a couple of organic beers and a plate of carrots and tahini to enjoy while we’re waiting.

  We talk about anything and everything. Nothing too personal. I’m not ready to go there. I’m lonely and Dani is great. We haven’t stopped laughing. It’s such a departure from how I’ve lived the last six months. I’m glad fate has brought us together for a second time.

  After lunch, she hugs Lysee goodbye and then her friend surprises me with a hug. “It was really great meeting you, Ian. Take care of my girl here.” I let her know that I always will and we head out.

  “I live up there, on Monterey Avenue.” I gesture with my thumb towards the houses up the road.

  Her eyes light up and she exclaims, “Me too!”

  “No way!” I say, shock evident in my voice. Doesn’t that just figure? And how haven’t I noticed her before?

  “Way!” She laughs at my reaction. Her laugh is free and unabashed. It’s music to my battered soul.

  We head up the hill and discover that not only do we live on the same street but we’re also next-door neighbors.

  “Oh my God, I cannot believe we’re neighbors,” I say, shaking my head in disbelief. “Life is too weird.”

  “It figures, doesn’t it?” she responds, also laughing in disbelief. “Though I guess with our history, I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  “Did you just move in? I’ve been here a while and that house has been vacant the whole time.”

  “I own it, actually. I’ve been out of town and didn’t want to rent it out. Just came back about…” she holds out her wrist, squinting at an invisible watch, taps it and with a bright smile, she says, “…two weeks ago.”

  This time I throw my head back and laugh, a deep belly laugh. “I don’t know if I should say that I’m upset you moved back or glad that you did.”

  “Well,” she says, gesturing to her house
with the sweep of her arm. “I’m clean and I’m quiet and I like you. It would be nice to have you as a friend. So let’s go with the latter.”

  “Let’s go with the latter,” I repeat, reaching for her hand to shake it. “Thanks for joining me for lunch, neighbor Dani.”

  “My pleasure, neighbor Ian,” she says, bypassing my hand and going in for a hug.

  “We’re friends, and friends hug,” she tells me, her arms around me now. And damn if it doesn’t feel good.

  “That they do, neighbor Dani,” I say as I hug her back. “That they do.”

  With that I enter my house with a potential new friend, a new contact in my phone, and a huge smile on my face.

  DANI AND I DO INDEED become friends. It’s been wonderful getting to know her. She really is a special person and it shows in everything she does. She’s hugely sarcastic, insanely funny, and incredibly smart. I remember her wit the day she hit Po. I was too out of it to really appreciate it then, but I do now. I’ve also been helping out around her house when Chloe’s been with her grandparents. She was so happy when I offered but I’m more than happy to help. It gives me something to do and it feels really fucking good to feel needed again.

  Although we’ve become close in many ways, we haven’t taken our relationship to a sexual level. I’m not ready for that and I’m not sure I’ll ever be. Aside from my wife, Dee’s the only person I’ve ever been sexual with and that was through texts. I’m still so happy I went there. It strengthened our bond and took our relationship to a new level. Dee told me how she never would’ve opened up and said some of the things she said if I had actually been there with her. Even though I would love to physically meet her, I’m glad our first time was virtual because she was so unguarded. We’ve also sexted again and each time it just keeps getting better.

  Dani invited me over for dinner to thank me for all the work I’ve done and while I accepted with a smile, I was nervous about actually going. I haven’t seen Chloe since the accident and I think I really scared her that day. I’m also nervous about spending time with her because I haven’t spent any time around kids since I lost Alex. I really like Dani, and Chloe is the biggest part of who she is, so I need to do this right.

  I shaved and I’m wearing one of my nicer shirts. I smile at the thought I’m dressing this way to impress Dani; she’s beautiful and I’m no idiot. I’m also determined to be on my best behavior, so after several minutes of deep breathing to steady my frazzled nerves, I call Po to the door. “It’s now or never, boy,” I say as I clip on his leash, take another calming breath, and head out.

  “Wow!” Dani exclaims when she answers her door. “Who are you and what have you done with Ian?” Her compliment makes me exceedingly happy and when she follows with, “Mighty handsome, Mr. Montgomery!” I smile.

  I know I look different without my usual five o’clock shadow and my usual uniform: a t-shirt and basketball shorts. I’m happy I’ve made a good impression. I start to thank her but my words are quickly cut off when Chloe comes barreling up to the front door. “Mommy! Is that Mr. Ian and Po?”

  “Woof!” Po barks on hearing his name.

  “Yes, it is, sweetheart,” Dani tells her while still looking at me as she opens the door wider to let us in. She winks and then adds, “And he’s looking incredibly handsome this evening.”

  I give Dani a wide smile and turn my attention to her daughter. “Aaah, Princess Chloe!” I say with an exaggerated bow and tell her, in an incredibly terrible British accent, how happy I am to be invited into her castle. Dani’s told me how everybody calls her a princess and since I made such a bad first impression I’m pulling out all the stops to rectify that.

  Chloe giggles but immediately spins on her heel and tears out of the room. Maybe I was wrong.

  Dani and I both stare stupidly at the empty hall Chloe just ran down. When she turns back to me, I frown and ask, “Did I say something wrong?” Dani shrugs, and begins to answer my question, but is stopped before she gets the chance. Chloe returns as quickly as she left. When she comes racing back, she’s decked out in full Frozen regalia, crown and all. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop the laugh threatening to burst from my mouth. That was fast.

  “I’m ready, King Ian!” she announces and I smile at the title. She’s so adorable. Maybe this night will work out after all. Going with what works, I bow and announce once again in my horrendous British accent, “My dog, Po, for thee, Princess Chloe.”

  Po barks and Chloe turns to look at him. She puts her little hands on her little hips and speaks to him in a very serious tone. “Now, Po, Olaf is in my room and he is a very nice kitty so I expect you to play nice with him.”

  “Woof!” Po barks again. I’m so grateful he’s trained to bark when he hears his name because it makes Chloe light up in a way that lets me know she thinks he understands what she’s saying.

  “Olaf?” I ask, curiosity written all over my face. She has a cat?

  “Long story,” she says to me, waving her arm in a way that almost looks like she’s saying, “You really don’t want to know.”

  I release Po and he goes running to her. Chloe giggles and runs off to her room with Po right on her heels barking happily all the way. Oh boy, I think Po is in for it.

  “I think Po is in for it!” Dani says, giggling.

  “My thoughts exactly,” I reply, laughing too.

  It’s astonishing how alike we think.

  “You want a beer?” she asks as we head towards her kitchen.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely!” I answer. “I have a feeling I, too, shall be summoned.”

  Dani turns her head and over her shoulder she laughs and says, “Well, you did start it!”

  This isn’t my first time inside of Dani’s house and each time I’m here, I’m surprised by the lack of photographs and other personal details; it seems so unlike her. I want to ask her about it but I won’t. I often see her fall into her head and whenever she’s there, she usually looks incredibly sad. My instincts say something very tragic happened to her but I refuse to ask. I staunchly guard my privacy and I worry if I do ask, she’ll ask me personal questions that I obstinately refuse to answer. I don’t need, nor want her pity.

  Although there are times where she’s in her head and looks incredibly happy which just confuses the fuck out of me.

  Her kitchen makes up for what her house lacks. It’s gorgeous, a chef’s wet dream, and loaded with personal touches. I can’t help but be incredibly impressed every time I’m in here. Not for the first time I think how much Dee would love this kitchen; she loves to cook. And not for the first time, I chastise myself for thinking of Dee in Dani’s presence.

  “I did indeed,” I reply, keeping myself in the here and now.

  “I ordered pizza. Chloe likes cheese so I kept it simple and just got a half-cheese, half-pepperoni,” Dani tells me as she circles around her breakfast bar, heading to the refrigerator. I take a seat on the other side and let her know what she ordered is perfect.

  She then grabs two bottles of Blue Moon and hands one to me. Dani always does the most kindhearted things, like having my favorite beer on hand. Her amazing soul always makes my heart soar. When she gets back to where I’m seated, she tilts her bottle to mine and we clink in a toast.

  “To friends,” she says.

  “To friends,” I parrot, knowing what a wonderful friend she’s becoming.

  “So, Ian, what happened to the scruff?” she asks as she runs a finger over my shaved jawline. I know she likes my five o’clock shadow, she’s told me, but I wanted to make a good impression on Chloe.

  “Well, I’d like to say I shaved it so you could see more of this incredibly handsome face,” I answer with a cocky smile. “But honestly, it’s because I think I may have scared Chloe when we first met and I want her to feel safe around me.”

  “Thank you, Ian,” she replies. “Seeing you and Po here makes me happy.” Her eyes shine with a look of sincere appreciation and when she adds, “I’m glad
you agreed to come to dinner,” I’m instantly glad I took the extra step.

  “Though, to be perfectly honest…” Dani’s eyes light up and with a coy look on her beautiful face, she reiterates how much she loves my “scruff.”

  “I know,” I say with a wink. I like that she thinks I’m good-looking.

  Once again, our conversation is brought to an immediate halt when Chloe comes racing into the room, with a now dressed-up Po, and I just smile.

  Let the games begin!

  When the pizza arrives, we move outside. It’s yet another beautiful night in Hermosa Beach and the weather is perfect with no hint of the coastal fog that usually blankets the area. I persuade Chloe to try a piece of pepperoni and laugh when she scrunches her little nose, makes a “bleh” sound, and feeds it to a very happy Po.

  After dinner, Chloe hosts a tea party and we all sit at a little plastic tea party table that Dani probably bought at Toys “R” Us. She’s quite the little hostess. We all end up with crowns on our heads. I’m trying to be a good sport; I want her to feel comfortable with me. It’s really important to me that she likes me. I can’t explain why, it just is.

  After a while, we leave Chloe with Po and head back up to the patio for another beer while Chloe puts her dolls in our places. Looking around at Dani’s inexpensive and old furniture, I can’t help thinking, as I always do, how the pieces I made for Dee would look here, especially the set I made for her daughter. When I was making the furniture for Dee, I decided to make a small table and chairs for her little girl. I’m still not sure why I made it. She never asked and she’ll never see it, but something in my gut had me making miniature furniture.

  I’d love nothing more than to say, “I make outdoor furniture and I have the perfect set in my garage which I’d love to give you,” but I can’t and I won’t. Like I said, I’m not ready to share that part of myself with her…yet.

  Dani brings the fixings for do-it-yourself sundaes outside and by the time we’re finished, there’s more sundae on the table, ground, and all over Po than in the actual bowls.


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