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Page 7

by Vanessa Vale

  Sam came to stand behind me, felt the heat from him as he put his hands on my shoulders.

  Ashe pulled back, caught his breath.

  “Are you on birth control, Natalie?” he asked, moving his right hand down to my arm so he could kiss the spot where my neck met my shoulder.

  “Yes, the pill.”

  “Good,” Sam added. “Since you’re not fucking anyone else ever again, I think it’s time we take you bare, don’t you?”

  Not fucking anyone else? That meant…he really meant…right then and there, between the two of them, safe and protected, I felt…loved.

  I bit my lip, then grinned, went up on tiptoe and kissed Ashe. His cum had cooled and I felt it smear on his bare chest, but didn’t care.

  “I’ve never done that, always used condoms, but yes. God, yes.”

  Ashe smiled, very pleased.

  “I’m the one who suggested it, sweetheart,” Sam murmured. “Why does he get all the attention?”

  Ashe arched a brow and I turned around, faced Sam.

  “That’s right. I was on my knees but you never got any attention, did you? Poor baby.”

  I stroked my hand over his hair, let my fingers tangle at the nape.

  He wrapped his arms around me, lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom. Tossed me onto the bed where I bounced, then laughed. “Spread those legs, sweetheart. Let’s see that pussy. I want to see where my dick is going…bare, as soon as I know you’re ready.”

  Sam was almost feral, his cock even bigger than before, pre-cum slipping down the length in one slow stream. He was on the edge and I didn’t want to tease him any further. Teasing him meant teasing me because I wanted that big, needy dick in me. Now.

  And so I bent my knees, spread my legs wide, then reached down and pulled my thong to the side so they could see me.

  “If you like that little scrap of lace, take it off, or in five seconds it’ll be in shreds on the floor.”

  “I work for a lingerie company. I’ve got drawers full of pretty things.”

  Sam just growled in response. While the idea of him ripping my panties off was, in itself, hot, I did like this set and so I lifted my hips, pushed them down and with my toes, flung them onto the floor. Forgotten.

  Like Ashe had been, I was on edge, and they’d barely touched me. If either of them put their mouth on my clit, I’d come. To move things along—since Sam said he wanted to make sure I was ready before he fucked me and I really wanted that big, glorious dick filling me up—I slid my hand down my belly and over my pussy, coating my fingers. I held them up, showed them how ready I was.

  Sam moved quickly, grabbing my wrist and lifting my fingers to his mouth, licked them clean.

  “A dirty girl, aren’t you?” he asked, when done.

  “A ready girl. Fuck me, Sam. Bare. Be my first.”

  He growled, then moved on top of me, nudging my legs wide so he could settle between them. His cock slid over me, getting coated in my wetness before notching into place.

  His eyes met mine. Held.

  “I meant what I said, Natalie. This is love. This is everything.”

  He pushed in, one big, thick inch at a time until his hips met mine, his balls bumping my ass. I clenched and squeezed to accommodate him and I pushed up to take him deeper.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  He paused for just a second, then his control snapped.

  He fucked me with ruthless abandon, deep and hard, the slick sound of it filling the room along with our ragged breathing.

  I hadn’t known my eyes had fallen closed until my nipple was pinched. Ashe grinned as he played with one, then the other after pushing the bra cups down, all the while Sam fucked me. Neither stopped, neither let up until I came, then came again.

  While Ashe had been the one to come, Sam had the stamina to make me whimper and all but beg for him to come, too. I wanted to share how good it was between us.

  And when he finally did, our skin was slick, my body was lax and my mind fuzzy with too much pleasure. He stiffened, held himself still as he groaned. Harsh lines of painful pleasure slashed his face. I could feel the heat of his cum as he filled me with it, as it slipped out around him to slide down to the mattress.

  It was too much, too good.

  But we weren’t done. For Sam pulled out and sat back on his heels, watched his cum slip from me. Ashe reached behind my back and deftly unhooked my bra. I helped him take it off and he tossed it over his shoulder.

  “My turn. You rode my lap in Boston. It’s time I take you for a ride,” Ashe said. “And see how much you like ass play.”

  Sam moved out of the way as Ashe flipped me onto my stomach, pulled me back and up so I was on my knees, my head resting on the bed. “This is the first time I’ve ever gone without a condom. I can’t wait to mark you, nice and deep. Ready, sweetheart?”

  I nodded and I moaned as he slid deep. “Fuck.”

  I groaned, the new position having Ashe slide over completely new, very sensitive places.

  “Here,” Sam said, but I didn’t know what he was talking about. But when I heard a lid pop open and felt the cool dribble of liquid on my back entrance, I knew what Ashe’s plans were.

  He kept up the slow and consistent pace of his hips, fucking me in a cadence that had me getting closer and closer to coming. But when I felt a finger brush over me there, all slick with the lube, I gasped, clawed at the bedding.

  God, the feeling was electric. Intense. Combined with him deep in my pussy…

  “Like that?”

  “Yes,” I breathed, closed my eyes and just felt.

  “Good girl,” he murmured. His free hand went to my hip, gripped. The slap of him against me the only sound in the room. That and my whimpers as he pressed a little more firmly at my untried hole, trying to gain entrance, although my body was naturally fighting him.

  “Shh, relax, breathe.”

  I did. Breathed and focused on not tensing up. This caused the tip of his finger to slip in me. I moaned, clenched.

  “Shit, sweetheart, you’re squeezing my dick.”

  He rode me then, fucking me as he slipped in and out of my ass. Not any deeper than that initial entry, but that was enough. God, when he pulled back, it lit up nerve endings I didn’t even know existed and I came. Hard. Like really, really hard and I screamed, wanting more. I pushed my hips back, met him thrust for thrust.

  All at once, his control was gone. While he’d removed his finger from me, the feelings lingered. He took me, harder, faster and deeper. Longer and longer still until I came one more time. Only then did he finally come, filling me just as Sam had, marking me inside and out with his cum.

  Right here, with them, I was home. Filled with them, my body and my heart.

  * * *

  “If I didn’t know you just rode a horse for two hours, I’d think Ashe and Sam broke you,” Cricket said, slowly shaking her head and laughing at the way I was walking up the path. She stood on the porch of the main house at Steele Ranch watching me as I gingerly made my way up the walk. She held baby Locke in a football hold, his chubby little hand shoved in his drooling mouth.

  It had been two days before either Sam or Ashe had let me up out of bed. I hadn’t minded as I’d been just as insatiable as them. We’d spent the time fucking, definitely, but also talking, getting to know the things we should have perhaps before the wild night in Boston. But it seemed normal convention didn’t really work for us and we had our first real date in Sam’s bed and without clothes.

  With the text messages and voice mails piling up about a girls’ trip to Bozeman to go shopping, I’d finally told the guys we had to make an appearance at the ranch, otherwise my sisters would show up and start banging on Sam’s front door. Neither was too excited about that—their showing up at the house part—because his house was our sanctuary.

  But my sisters could be held off for only so long. Besides, the guys had work to do. I’d originally come to Montana to find out about my inheritance—since I’
d hated Sam and Ashe then—but now it was also to get to know my sisters. I hadn’t told HR how long I would be away from work, but right about now, I didn’t really care. The office and handsy Alan were two time zones away.

  Sam and Ashe had brought me to Steele Ranch just after breakfast. When Jamison—not only Penny’s husband but also ranch foreman—heard I’d never ridden a horse except at summer camp, he’d insisted playing tour guide and led a ride so I could see the land I’d inherited. The weather was warmer, at least for the moment, with the sun shining…and thankfully no wind. Penny had wanted to join, making up for the time she hadn’t been able to while she’d been pregnant, so Patrick had helped Jamison get five horses ready to go.

  After a two-hour leisurely ride, I’d dismounted, bowlegged and sore, but nothing worse than when fucked by my men. Which was the reason for Cricket’s joke.

  I glanced at Sam. He was smart enough not to say anything, but smiled nonetheless. Leaning in, he murmured, “If you aren’t walking like that after we fuck you, we’re not doing it right.”

  Ashe laughed. “When you get home later, if your ass and thighs are still sore, I’d be happy to rub them down.”

  I whimpered at the thought of a massage, and what Ashe would do after.

  “If you keep talking like that, I won’t be going anywhere with the girls,” I replied.

  Ashe leaned in and kissed me.

  “Hey! None of that,” Cricket called. “Kady’s on a mission.”

  Ashe pulled back, ran his knuckles over my cheek. His eyes held heat, promise and humor. “Go, have fun.”

  Sam spun me about, kissed me as well. “Not too much fun.”

  They walked to Sam’s truck and left.

  I glanced at Cricket on the porch. “Like I said, I think either Sam, Ashe or the horse you rode in on broke you.”

  I went up the walk, stepping gingerly. My inner thighs were quivering from hugging the horse’s flanks and my ass was still numb from the saddle. “Yeah, not only do I obviously lack endurance for a horseback ride, but for fucking two men non-stop for two days,” I grumbled.

  She wrapped her arm around me and led me inside. “You should take three guys for a spin.”

  Three? God, I could only imagine the kinds of things she got up to with Sutton, Lee and Archer. My pussy all but whimpered at that much attention.

  “Sarah and Kady are already here,” she continued. “After you and Penny shower and she feeds little Locke here, we can head out.” The baby shoved his hand greedily into his mouth. She’d played babysitter while Penny was riding with us.

  I groaned. “A hot shower sounds fabulous.”

  “Don’t take too long, Kady’s eager to get to the mall.”

  “I am!” Kady shouted from somewhere inside the house. “The weather’s shifting and the men want us back before dark. If you’re not ready to go in thirty minutes, I’m dragging you to the car.”

  “She will, too,” Cricket whispered. “And Penny will have to nurse Locke by lifting her shirt and leaning over the car seat.”

  God, it felt good to have sisters. A family. Kady cared enough about me now to annoy and pester me, to have experiences with each other like somehow, and in some way, nursing a baby in such a weird way. If that wasn’t a sign of a close sibling bond, I didn’t know what was.



  * * *

  I’d driven from Bozeman to Barlow the day I came from the airport. It was a good thing since I was somehow driving all of us home after our day of shopping. They’d all had wine with our early dinner. I’d taken a muscle relaxer to alleviate the pain in my ass—literally—and so I’d skipped the alcohol. They weren’t drunk, especially since Kady and Penny were nursing, but I’d readily volunteered to be the designated driver.

  Kady’s SUV was huge. A tank compared to my compact car, which was perfect for Boston’s narrow streets and parking. And driving the behemoth felt like steering a tank about; soft turning and heavy on the brakes. But, it was high off the ground and fit five women and two car seats with the three rows of seating.

  We’d left the highway behind and were thirty minutes from Barlow on the two-lane back road. It led up and over a mountain pass with twists and turns. Kady had been right, the weather had turned, especially at the higher elevation. The road was wet from rain mixing with snow and I worried they would get slick.

  “You look like you’re concentrating for your driver’s test,” Sarah said.

  She was in the passenger seat beside me, Cricket and Kady in the back seat with Cecily in her car seat between them, Penny in the third row with Locke’s car seat beside her.

  I loosened my grip on the wheel at her words and offered her a small smile. I hadn’t even realized I was leaning forward until I took a deep breath, relaxed. “I’m not used to these roads.” I angled my head toward the back. “And we’ve got precious cargo.”

  Sarah put a hand to her chest. She wore a white blouse with a spring colored yellow cardigan. She looked like the prim librarian, but when I saw the outlines of nipple rings through her bra when we’d been trying on clothes, I had to assume she wasn’t as prim as she appeared. At least with Wilder and King.

  “I’m not precious cargo?” she asked, grinning.

  “We all are,” I replied. “I think Aiden Steele was a dumbass.”

  That earned a snort from Cricket. I flicked my gaze to the rearview mirror, saw her roll her eyes.

  “He obviously missed the safe sex lecture in school. I mean, didn’t the guy know how to use condoms?”

  She had a point.

  “I think he was a lonely man,” Kady added. “Never married. From what Jamison said, always lived alone in that big house. He had five daughters. Five! He at least knew of you, Sarah, but chose to not have a relationship with you. With any of us. I think it’s sad.”

  I slowed the car around a turn. The sky was leaden with heavy clouds, light snow falling. It was just after six, not close to dark. Visibility was good, but this was a mountain road. Steep drops, sharp curves, lots of animal crossing signs.

  I’d learned Sarah had been the only one of us to grow up in Barlow. She’d known Aiden Steele was her father and he’d never once approached her. This blew my mind because while Peter wasn’t the best stepdad in the world, he had been there for me. Dinner at six every night. He’d even interrogated Ethan French when he’d picked me up for my first date in eleventh grade. While Sarah seemed relatively fine with being ignored as she had been, I could only imagine she had some serious baggage to go with it. From what she said, everyone had been surprised, including Wilder and King, of her parentage when she’d finally told everyone back in the winter. While I doubted the others would divulge any secrets, Sarah was a vault.

  “Yet he brought us all together. Kady’s right, it’s sad he had to die to accomplish it,” Penny added. “I’m not saying I would have liked him much, but knowing he was out there until last year makes me feel like I missed out on getting to know him.”

  Locke fussed and then settled. I hadn’t heard a peep from Cecily and had to assume she was asleep. That girl seemed to like the vibrations of the SUV and had conked out the entire way to Bozeman. Of course, as soon as the car stopped, she screamed bloody murder because she was hungry. Kady had stayed in the car and nursed her before joining us in the mall.

  “You just have to decide to stay,” Sarah said.

  I relaxed into a short straightaway before a sign indicated a left curve up ahead.

  The others fell silent and I knew they were all staring at me.

  Stay in Barlow.

  Sarah didn’t mention Ashe or Sam in her statement, but it was a given. If I were to stay, I’d do so with them. Although, if I ended up hating their guts, my sisters would still want me to remain and I knew they’d have my back.

  I hadn’t made any decision about moving to Barlow and I hadn’t really talked about it with Sam and Ashe. The two had barely let me out of bed enough to get a snack let alone consider reloc
ating across the country. We were tight. The bond we shared was really, really good and well, I’d fallen for them. Hard. If I admitted it to myself, I fell for them from the first time I saw them, just as they’d said it had been for them. Love at first sight.

  It was just this…thing that loomed, but was being ignored. Especially by me.

  “That’s right,” Kady added. “Then we can all be together. A big family.”

  The idea was appealing. It felt…good to have each other, to see Cecily and Locke and know they’d be more than just cousins. With all of the Barlow men being so dang virile, I had to assume the two babies wouldn’t be my only niece and nephew.

  It made me think of having a baby with Ashe and Sam. It was crazy, but possible. Not right this second since I was on the pill, but I had no doubt when I went off them I’d be pregnant just by them looking at me. I squirmed, thinking of the guys, and the fact that my ass was still sore. All of this, even the numb butt showed me what it could be like living here. What my life could be—


  The sound of a tire blowing was loud. A pop or a deep boom, but the SUV shook violently and I was glad I’d been gripping the steering wheel because it jerked. Hard.

  Sarah’s palm slapped the dashboard and gasps came from the back and I couldn’t even think about that. Instinctively, I put my foot on the brake and we swerved. My boring-as-hell winter driving lessons with Peter kicked in and I pulled my foot off the brake a bit, knowing we’d skid and I’d overcorrect. How I thought all that, I had no idea. It was as if time had sped up and slowed down all at once. Instinct took over.

  Tires skidded, screeched and I was thankful there wasn’t a passing car.

  “Oh shit.” We were headed for the guardrail, the only thing that separated us from the steep rocky edge. It wasn’t a cliff, but if we went through it, it was going to be bad.

  So I intentionally overcorrected, turning my wheel sharply to the left. The front turned into the mountain, but the back of the SUV slammed into the guardrail, bouncing us off and across the road.


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