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Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione

Page 17

by Chuck Black


  As Kendrick moves closer to the castle and Ra’s forces, he begins to experience fear. Find a verse about overcoming fear. If we are believers in Jesus Christ, why don’t we have to be afraid? (Refer to 1 John 4:4.)

  Kendrick is hindered in his mission to rescue Duncan by Ra’s beasts. First Thessalonians 2:18 says that Paul was also hindered by Satan. In what ways does Satan try to hinder our work for the Lord?


  Looking into Teara’s eyes, Kendrick vows “never to forget her image” because it is “a picture of Lord Ra’s work in the souls of men and women.” Do you react this way to lost people you encounter? What does Jesus say in Matthew 9:37–38 about reaching the lost?


  In this chapter, Landor explains the three responses to participating in Ra’s festivals. Take some time to consider the three roads a person can take once he decides to enter the stronghold of rebellion.

  What is the most common response? When these people grow up, what do they expect from their own children? Why don’t they realize what is really going on? What does this response look like in our society? Do you see examples of this response in anyone you know … or even in yourself?

  What is the second response? What eventually happens to these people? What kinds of “snares of death” does the devil set for people in our society who respond this way? What are the possible outcomes for people who fall into these traps? Do you know any examples of this response?

  What is the response that Lord Ra is most earnestly seeking? What does he do with these people? What are some examples of who these people might be in our society today?

  There is actually a fourth possible response to Lord Ra’s festivals. What is it? How do youth in our society make this response? Can you think of at least one character in the book who chose this response?

  Near the end of the chapter, Kendrick tells Landor that the Prince came “to restore this land, these people … and to restore you, no matter what you’ve done.” Find two verses that offer salvation to anyone who believes.


  Kendrick says, “I can promise you one thing. When you say yes to the Prince, you had better hang on tight, for His stallion rides far and fast!” What does Isaiah 64:4 say about God’s amazing plans for you? Have you experienced adventure in Christ?

  Kendrick calls many Knights of the Prince into battle against Lord Ra. What does this symbolize for believers? How do we battle against evil?

  There are several examples in the Bible of battles in which God used a highly outnumbered force to bring victory to His people. Find one of these instances. Why do you think God did this? Does He still work on this principle today? Have you seen an example of this in your own life (maybe not with numbers, but perhaps with ability or experience)? If yes, what was it?

  Reread Kendrick’s speech to prepare his knights for battle. His powerful words are based on several Bible verses. Can you find the references?


  As Landor, Duncan, and the other knights neared the castle’s dungeon, Duncan started to become fearful and anxious because of his past experiences. How did he deal with this? Look up Matthew 16:24–25. How do these verses apply to us?


  When Kendrick defeats Ra, he tells Ra that the Prince makes all things possible. Find a Bible verse that supports this. Have you seen an example of this in your own life or the life of someone close to you?

  Kendrick and the other Knights of the Prince are victorious over the stronghold of rebellion. Find a Bible verse that assures us of having power through God to destroy strongholds.

  When Landor reveals the truth of his past to Kendrick, Kendrick struggles between the way of his former life and his new life in the Prince. What is it that finally draws Kendrick to forgive Landor? What does this symbolize for Christians? Forgiveness is another virtue addressed in Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione. Why is forgiveness so important? What does Colossians 2:13–15 say about forgiveness?

  What is it that finally convinces Landor to believe in the Prince, and how is this an example for Christians?


  Bronwyn tells Kendrick he is taking the Shadow Warriors to a “place prepared for them where they will not be able to influence Arrethtraens anymore … at least not for a long while.” What does he mean?

  When Kendrick brings Teara up out of the dungeon, he refuses the credit for setting her free. Instead, he tells her that the Prince saved her, just as He saved Kendrick from his own prison. What was that prison? What other kinds of “prisons” does Jesus set people free from?

  The reunion scene at the end of chapter 19 is a picture of the joy and healing that the Lord can bring when He frees a lost child from rebellion and brings him home, repentant, to his family. Can you find a similar story in one of Jesus’ parables?

  When Kendrick is preparing to share the story of the Prince with the citizens of Bel Lione, he looks out over the many thousands of people and feels their need. Jesus also felt compassion for a large crowd. Can you find an example of this in the Bible?


  Because of Kendrick’s loyalty and faithfulness to the Prince, a haven is started in a city that only weeks earlier was in almost total rebellion to the King’s good ways. All of this was accomplished by the power of the Prince. The power of Christ doesn’t change and is always available to those who seek it, yet our efforts for Him are not always so successful. What does this tell you about the importance of faithfulness and loyalty on our part?

  We learned that each book in the Knights of Arrethtrae Series deals with a specific set of vices and virtues. Review the two vices and two virtues that are dealt with in Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione. What are they? Which characters represented these traits?

  Did any of the characters you identified in question 2 have a heart change in regard to their vices? If so, what do you think caused the change in each case? What circumstances developed the virtues in the characters you identified?

  Have you realized anything new or thought about changing anything in your own life because of the tale of Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione?

  The theme verse for this book is Isaiah 42:6–7. What does this verse say about the power of Christ in people’s lives?


  Review Questions from the Kingdom Series

  The Prince represents Jesus Christ.

  The Knights of the Prince represent all Christians.

  The Noble Knights represent the Jewish religious leaders during the time of Christ (for example, the scribes, Pharisees, teachers of the Law, and so on).

  Chessington represents Jerusalem, and Arrethtrae represents the whole world (the words earth and terra are combined backward to make up this word).

  The Dark Knight, also referred to as Lucius, represents Satan.

  The Silent Warriors are God’s angels, and the Shadow Warriors are Satan’s demons.

  A haven represents a local church where believers are trained, discipled, and sent out to share the gospel with others.

  Questions for Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione


  Jesus deals with us in grace, while the world is geared toward evaluating others based on performance and works. The Bible teaches that a person can be instantly saved through faith in Christ. The training and discipleship come afterward.

  One choice is 2 Corinthians 10:17–18; answers based on personal experience.

  For example, “The church is a body of believers, not a building,” or “I don’t find my worth in trendy clothes but in my identity in Christ.”

  The Council of Knights represents the leadership of the early church and primarily the apostles.

  When we have conflicts with other people, we must realize that the problem is not actually with those people but with the work the devil is trying to do in all of our lives. People often don’t realize that their actions are sinf
ul and in line with what Satan would want, especially if those people aren’t saved. (Rest of answer based on personal experience.)

  If we are living godly Christian lives, we will experience persecution, but we can welcome it without shame and with rejoicing because the spirit of glory and of God rests upon us. When the fullness of Christ’s glory is revealed to us, we will be exceedingly joyful that God counted us worthy to share in even a little bit of Jesus’ sufferings so that the gospel could be spread! See what Jesus had to say about persecution in John 15:18–20 and 16:33. Christians all over the world are experiencing different levels of persecution; an Internet search for “Christian persecution” will bring up several Christian Internet news sources.

  Being aware of Satan’s devices can help us live more victorious Christian lives by keeping us safe from the deception, confusion, and torment he can so craftily bring to unsuspecting and vulnerable people. Several things might happen if we dwell on the plans of the devil instead of focusing on the good plans of the Lord. First of all, we might begin to fear. Even though we know we have no reason to fear since “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18) and “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4), spending too much time investigating evil can sometimes affect our perspective. Second, we might unwittingly allow the devil to steal our joy—and the joy of the Lord is a precious and powerful thing that should be carefully guarded. Third, we might give the devil undue attention (which is really what he wants—to get the glory God deserves) and begin to see him as bigger and more powerful than he really is. Fourth, our mission to share the good news can be thwarted by our spending too much time battling darkness. Though it is necessary to take time and effort to tear down strongholds, allowing more people to come to the knowledge of the truth, we must remember that the devil has already been defeated by Jesus. Finally, we might miss the precious guidance, direction, and quality time building our relationship with the Lord if we spend all of our time talking to and rebuking the devil. (Other responses possible.)


  Answer based on personal experience.

  The tournaments bring to remembrance Kendrick’s painful past. However, once he recognizes the intensity of evil in Sir Casimir, Kendrick realizes the depth of what he is facing and the importance of his mission for the Prince. This recognition brings a renewed willingness to do what is necessary to find the information that brought him to the tournament. This applies to us as believers because we need, as 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, to “Be sober, be vigilant; because [our] adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We need to be able to see with clarity as Kendrick did and be willing to do what it takes to stand up to evil, even if it means doing something we dislike.

  One possibility is 2 Corinthians 5:17.


  The word evil is contrasted with the word single. The Message paraphrases Matthew 6:22–23 like this: “Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!” Single in this verse refers to having your focus and direction set on God and God alone—singularity of vision.

  Read Romans 12:17–21. (Rest of answer based on personal experience.)


  Duncan wants to prove himself as a knight to Kendrick and the Council of Knights in order to get the respect he feels he deserves as a Knight of the Prince. He should be content with his identity in the Prince and know that his own achievements can do nothing to elevate himself any further than being considered worthy to be called a Knight of the Prince.

  The giant man may be frustrated or perhaps even angry with Duncan for his impulsive behavior and for risking the mission by acting alone without counsel.


  A few choices include Mark 6:7 and Luke 10:1; Proverbs 12:15; 15:22; and 20:18; and also Genesis 25:29–34 and Hebrews 12:14–17.

  Answer based on personal experience. Though it’s not easy, the Bible clearly tells us that we must die to ourselves (Galatians 2:20) and present ourselves to God as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). John the Baptist put it this way: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Kendrick puts the mission of the Prince first. Since Duncan and Kendrick have obtained the information they needed, further participation is not only unnecessary but a waste of time and energy and a pointless risk of injury and discovery.


  Ra + Bel Lione = RaBelLione (rebellion). The vice or stronghold of rebellion is visible in the conversation between Brack and his friends, in the tavern when a father expected that his daughter would sneak out and attend the festival if he didn’t allow her to go, in Hamlin’s leaving in the middle of the night to join his friends at the festival, and in the fact that Hamlin and the youth of Bel Lione refuse to discuss the festivals with adults.

  The festival represents the temptation to rebel against authority, and going to the festival represents rebelling. No one can attend just once because once a person tastes the “adventure” of choosing to sin, he or she finds it difficult to refuse in the future, especially if it is seen as acceptable in the culture. Consciously choosing to walk in darkness changes a person.


  When we focus on the Lord, our priorities fall into proper alignment. Not only do our relationships with others improve, but we also begin to see positive changes in our attitudes, reactions, choices, and our lives in general. When we make God our top priority, we become spiritually mature. See Matthew 6:33 and Ephesians 4:14–15.


  First, Duncan went alone. Second, he did not have his sword or his armor. The sword represents God’s Word, which is our only offensive weapon in our battle against Satan (as described in Ephesians 6:10–17). Duncan was injured because he didn’t have his full armor.

  Answers based on personal experience. The best way to deal with temptation is the same way Jesus dealt with it—with the sword of God’s Word. Matthew 4:1–11 gives us an account of how Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness and how Jesus quoted Scripture in every instance to defeat Satan. It is important for us to read God’s Word and to memorize Scripture so we are ready to use it when the tempter comes our way. Also see James 4:7 and 1 Corinthians 10:13.

  3. John 1:3 says Jesus (the Word) made everything, including all heavenly beings. Satan and his demons know the power of Christ and tremble, for they also know their future. Matthew 25:41 says that the everlasting fire is prepared for the devil and his angels. Christ’s ultimate victory over Satan occurred at the cross and through His resurrection, when the works of Satan were destroyed. See James 2:19; 1 John 4:4; Romans 16:20; 2 Timothy 1:7–12; 1 John 3:8; Romans 8:37.


  Kendrick is not afraid because he has something great and powerful to draw upon. The resource he draws on is his identity as a Knight of the Prince, who confers His power and authority on those who follow Him. This represents the power and authority given to us by Jesus (see Matthew 16:19; Luke 10:19; 1 John 4:4; Romans 15:13; 1 Corinthians 1:23–25; and Revelation 12:11).

  Isaiah 14:12–20 and Revelation 12:1–11.

  Bronwyn is deeply affected by Lucius’s insurrection since his best friend was won over by the darkness. Answers based on personal experience.


  People “play in the shadows of darkness” by choosing to participate in sinful activities as a result of peer pressure. For young people, the “fun” but mischievous activities they participate in can often quickly lead to a stronghold that they may struggle with for the rest of their lives. Drinking alcohol, taking drugs, viewing inappropriate movies or images, and gambling are just a few examples of activities that can lead to life-destroying addictions.

  This is dangerous because Satan is crafty and effective in using this attitude to capture people into living a lifestyle of sin. It is t
he hook that is not easily dislodged.

  The stronghold of rebellion is manifested in the youth as they participate in getting drunk, showing inappropriate affection with each other, and reveling in violence.


  Kendrick’s actions finally convinced Landor when words could not. He displayed mercy (by not striking Landor when he had the chance), vulnerability (by opening his arms and lowering his sword when he could have continued the duel), and trust (by removing his breastplate and allowing Landor to advance in spite of the obvious risk of attack) to demonstrate his intention of peace. Our witness as Christians is much more effective if we “walk the talk” and are courageous enough to befriend those who need Christ.


  Kendrick is speaking of the Prince (Jesus). One choice is John 6:28–58.

  Answers based on personal experience.

  Hypocrisy (Hypoc), lying (Deceptor), intoxication (Toxica), partying (Revel), self-indulgence (Plezior), pride (Arrogoy), destruction (Destroyer), death (Carnage), turmoil (Chaos), and affliction (Tormentor). Rebellion breeds destructive behavior just as Lord Ra breeds the beasts. This behavior in turn guards the darkened heart from allowing the righteousness of the Lord to enter in, just as the beasts guard the walls of the castle to help secure this evil stronghold from good entering in and triumphing.

  Jesus faithfully faced and overcame the obstacles of being tempted to sin, being completely separated from the Father for a time, and having to endure extreme suffering on the cross to pay for our salvation and triumph over evil. While all this was difficult and His humanity cried out against doing these things (see Mark 14:32–36), He was faithful to the end and loyal in accomplishing His mission.


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