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Vow of Deception

Page 26

by C. J. Archer

  "Poor Lichfield," I said on a sigh. "We only just finished fixing the kitchen after General Eastbrooke's explosion, and now this."

  Lincoln laid a hand on mine. "We'll set it to rights quickly. The damage doesn't look too extensive."

  "At least the tower is intact," Gus said.

  "Now," Lord Marchbank said, "I have to know what you two have been up to."

  "Ewan, this is a celebration," his wife scolded.

  "It's all right," I said. "I'd rather get it over with now so we can move on to happier things." I looked to Lincoln and he urged me to go on with a nod. "Lady Harcourt and Andrew Buchanan are dead. He pushed her out a window then he followed her."

  I expected a barrage of questions, but not the stunned silence. I gave a brief account of what happened and my conversation with the ghosts afterward.

  "I know I ought to feel sympathy for them," Lady Marchbank said, "but I find I don't."

  I suspected she was not alone in her feelings.

  "I am glad they crossed over," Lady Vickers said. "Imagine how the new tenant would feel having the spirits of Lady Harcourt and Andrew Buchanan haunting the house."

  "So that is the end of that," Seth said, leaning back on his hands. He looked to Alice but she didn't notice. Her tired gaze darted around the garden. The army's presence, only a few hours earlier, was evident in the divots made in the lawn from the boots and horses' hooves. She needed a distraction from that nightmare.

  "Alice, I need you in the house," I said. "You too, Eva, if you wouldn't mind."

  My room was at the opposite end of the house to the damage, fortunately. With Eva and Alice's help, I shucked out of my old dress and put on my wedding gown. "I was determined to wear this thing at some point," I told them with a laugh.

  Alice did up the hooks and eyes at the back while Eva brushed out my hair. It was a bit of a mess after all the activity of the morning. It took some time for them both to arrange it with the string of pearls Lady Vickers had left on my bedside table. She also left a scented note saying she hoped I could make use of the loan. I certainly did. The effect was very becoming.

  "I feel like a princess," I said, studying my reflection.

  "You look lovely," Eva said, stepping back. "What a beautiful bride. Lincoln will be delighted to see you in the dress."

  "I suspect Lincoln would rather see her out of it," Alice said with a wicked smile.

  A hot flush heated my entire body, and I suddenly didn't know where to look.

  "Speaking of which," Alice went on, "we've all made arrangements to stay with Mrs. Sullivan tonight so you'll have Lichfield to yourselves. She has room in that big old house if some of us share a bedroom."

  I slipped on my heeled shoes and we headed back outside. Lincoln stood upon seeing me, an odd smile on his lips. It took me a moment to realize it was somewhere between a stunned smile and a happy one. I did a twirl upon Lady Vickers' command then found myself scooped up into Lincoln's arms. He kissed me more thoroughly than was acceptable in front of our guests, but nobody minded.

  "Do you like the dress?" I asked.

  "I do," he murmured. "But I like what's in the dress more."

  I circled my arms around his neck and kissed him again until Lady Vickers declared enough was enough. "There'll be time for all of that later."

  "Is the dress easy to get off?" Lincoln whispered in my ear as he set me on my feet.

  "It could provide you with a challenge," I said.

  "Good." He nuzzled my neck. "I like a challenge."

  "I wish we had music for dancing," Lady Vickers said. "Why didn't we organize a quartet?"

  "We could sing," Gus said. "I'm a good singer."

  Seth snorted. "You sound like a strangled cat."

  Gus threw a strawberry at him.

  Lincoln suddenly turned in the direction of the front gate. His sister and mother did the same thing. A rider appeared a moment later. I recognized him as one of the Gillinghams' servants. He handed a message to Lincoln then rode off again.

  "What does it say?" Lord Marchbank asked.

  "It's from Harriet," Lincoln said, lowering the note so I could read it too.

  "She's had the baby!" I told them.

  "Isn't she only a few months along?" Lady Marchbank asked.

  "Ah, I forgot to fill you in on that little piece of news, my dear," her husband said.

  "She was near full term when she found out?"

  "No, the gestation period of wolves is shorter, apparently."

  David pulled a face. "Did she give birth to a wolf?"

  "According to this," I said, "the baby looks normal. She and the baby are well but Lord Gillingham fainted."

  That produced a round of chuckles.

  "The letter also says that she encouraged Gillingham to tell Mr. Salter that he made up the story about werewolves and Gawler's involvement in the murders," Lincoln said. "A retraction will be printed in tomorrow's edition." He folded up the letter. "That should ease the public's fear."

  "And be the final nail in the coffin of Mr. Yallop's select committee," Seth added.

  "Once the palace exert some pressure in the same direction, I think Mr. Yallop will have no choice but to stop his investigation."

  It was an immense relief and meant I could enjoy the rest of the afternoon. The only problem left to tackle now was what to do about the army. I was at a loss for suggestions, but I also didn't want to think too much about it. Not today. Today was for laughter and feasting, and enjoying Lincoln's company, and the heady anticipation of being alone with him tonight.

  He excused himself and headed back to the house. I watched him go, admiring the shape of his body as it tapered from broad shoulders to narrow hips, and the way his trousers fit nicely.

  Gus came to stretch out alongside me, leaning on his elbow. He nodded in the direction of Eva and Leisl, having a quietly earnest discussion. I wouldn't have thought much of it except they kept glancing in Seth's direction as he lay flat on his back near Alice, his eyes closed.

  "They're arguing about him," Gus whispered.

  "Why?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "Do you see the way Alice is looking at him too?"

  I studied Alice, sitting with her feet out to the side, leaning on her hand. She was looking at Seth, perhaps taking advantage of his eyes being closed to study him properly, but her features were unreadable. She looked away when Lady Vickers called her name then joined her with a smile. At least those two were getting along now.

  Leisl nudged her daughter but Eva shook her head and spoke crossly. I was extremely curious and was trying to think of a way to get closer without making it too obvious that I was eavesdropping when Lady Marchbank interrupted me.

  "Where will you go on your honeymoon, Charlie?" she asked.

  "I don't know. I think Lincoln has something planned, but we can't go yet." I didn't dare glance in Alice's direction. "When things settle down."

  "You must go," Leisl declared. "Alice has her destiny and it does not involve you or Lincoln."

  "Destiny?" Alice echoed. "What do you mean?"

  Seth sat up abruptly. "Who else does it involve? Me?"

  "Not everything's about you." Gus threw another strawberry at him. Seth caught it and popped it in his mouth.

  Leisl waved away their questions and claimed she could see very little, although I could tell from Eva's face that she didn't believe her mother. Fortunately, further interrogation was headed off by Lady Marchbank.

  "What's Lincoln holding?" she asked.

  He strode across the lawn toward us carrying a basket considerably smaller than the picnic one.

  "Is the cake in there?" I asked Cook.

  "No, but thanks for the reminder." He got up and headed toward the house.

  Beside me, Gus chuckled. "Is this the thing you were sent to fetch after the ceremony?" I asked him.

  He smiled smugly and refused to answer.

  Lincoln knelt before me and set the basket down on the rug. "My wedding gift to you, Ch
arlie." He leaned across the basket and planted a light, airy kiss on my lips that promised more later.

  "But you've given me so much already," I said. "The wedding dress, jewelry, all of this today and everything to come."

  "Those weren't my wedding gift. This is. Open it."

  What could he possibly give me that had to arrive in a basket? And why was the basket moving? It yapped.

  I lifted the lid and a little brown ball of fur with long floppy ears and a white patch on its chest leapt up. "A puppy! Lincoln, you got me a puppy!" I gathered up the wriggling dog and snuggled him in my arms. I giggled as he licked my hand. "He's adorable."

  "You mentioned wanting a dog."

  "Oh, Lincoln, he's the sweetest thing. What's his name?"

  "He doesn't have one yet."

  I set the puppy in my lap but he wanted to explore so I let him go. We had to put away all of the leftover food but he seemed happy enough to wander around sniffing everything and everyone.

  "Where did you find him?" I asked.

  "An advertisement in the paper. I took a look at the litter last week and picked him out. It was the day I came home smelling like lavender."

  "Why lavender?"

  "I didn't want to smell like dog or you'd guess, so the owner gave me some lavender water to wash my hands in after handling the puppies. I didn't consider how it would seem to you until later. Then I worried you might think I'd been doing something else."

  I smiled. "No, Lincoln. It never entered my head."

  He settled behind me and I leaned against him, watching the puppy explore. Lincoln put his arm around me and murmured, "Happy, Mrs. Fitzroy?"

  I tilted my head back to peer up at him. "Very. You?"

  "Yes." He languidly stroked my chin with his thumb and held my gaze. "I never thought I would be this happy. Never allowed myself to even consider it. Never felt I deserved it," he added in a quieter tone.

  I turned in his arms to look at him directly. "You deserve it more than anyone I know, Lincoln. And if anyone says otherwise, they'll have to answer to me."

  He smiled as he touched my hair near my ear. "If you believe I'm a good person, Charlie, then I believe it too."

  He kissed me, his lips pecking and teasing mine. It wasn't enough. I leaned into him and deepened the kiss, only breaking away when the puppy yapped at us.

  A while later, when the sun lost some of its heat, we packed up our picnic and headed inside. The Marchbanks went home, the Cornells too, and Cook, Gus and Alice packed the leftovers, including slices of wedding cake, for Mrs. Sullivan and her orphan charges. Seth and Lincoln had quiet, serious words in the library. The snippets I caught mentioned the army and Wonderland. I didn't want to think about that now.

  I went to my room to rest, only to find Lady Vickers there, waiting for me. She patted the bed beside her.

  "We need to talk," she said crisply.

  I groaned. "No, Lady V, please, spare me. I know you want to discuss marital relations, but I already know how everything works."

  Her spine stiffened. "That wasn't what I was going to talk to you about."

  "Oh." I sat beside her and she took my hand. "Is it about Seth and Alice?"

  "It's about you, my dear." Her eyes filled with tears. "You're the closest thing I have to a daughter and I wanted you to know that I couldn't be prouder of you if you were."

  I felt my own eyes well. "Thank you, Lady V, you're a wonderful mother figure. I'm very lucky to have you in my life." I drew her into a hug and kissed her cheek.

  She hugged me back then pulled away. "Now," she said, "I've brought up some water and dropped in a few rose petals." She indicated the basin on the washstand. "You must prepare for your husband."

  So it would seem we were having that discussion after all. Would it be rude if I ordered her out?

  "I hope you're not too tired," she said. "From the way your husband looks at you, I suspect it's going to be a long night."

  I was almost too shocked to ask, but I had to know. "How does he look at me?"

  "Like a man who has desired you for a year and not acted on it."

  I blinked at her. She smiled then signaled for me to turn around so she could undo the dress. "My wedding gift to you both is on your dressing table."

  "Oh. Thank you. That's very kind."

  The conversation I'd expected to happen never eventuated. Indeed, she departed after helping me out of the dress and I was left to my own devices. I laughed when I unwrapped her gift. For both of us indeed.

  By the time I went downstairs, Lincoln was alone in the library, reading, the puppy asleep on the hearth rug. He'd shed his tie and waistcoat and sat in his shirt, the top buttons undone to reveal a spray of dark hair on his chest. I found it difficult to focus my attention anywhere else.

  "Have they all gone?" I asked.

  "Yes," he said, voice raspy.

  "I thought I heard the carriage leave. What are you reading?"

  He looked at the book as if surprised to see it in his hand. He shut it and set it down on the table. "I have no idea. I wasn't really reading."

  I padded in my bare feet toward him, my hands clasped behind me. His Adam's apple bobbed with his swallow. "What were you doing if not reading?" I asked.

  He gripped the chair arms. "Thinking."

  "What about?"


  I got within a foot of his outstretched legs and stopped. "What were you thinking about me?"

  "That I can't wait to get you out of your wedding dress." His eyes turned smoky as his gaze dipped to my bare thighs. "But I see I'm too late."

  I looked down at my new outfit, a short chemise that fell below my rear but not much further. "It's a gift from Lady V. Do you like it?"

  A low growl rumbled from his chest. "Remind me to thank her."

  I moved my shoulder, dislodging one of the chemise's thin straps. It fell down my arm, revealing the swell of my breast. "Apparently it's for both of us, but I don't think it'll fit you."

  He stood slowly and prowled toward me, stopping so close I could almost taste him. "I think it looks better on you anyway."

  He cupped my breast through the muslin and stroked his thumb across my nipple. We both moaned. Then he picked me up and carried me upstairs to our bedroom.


  Coming Soon:

  * * *

  The 10th Ministry of Curiosities Novel

  by C.J. Archer

  * * *

  Seth, Gus, Alice and Eva have their own adventure in Wonderland to resolve Alice’s problem once and for all. But with the evil queen intent on capturing her, Alice must rely on her friends, both new and old, and follow her heart. Meanwhile, back at Lichfield, see what Charlie and Lincoln are up to.

  * * *

  Sign up to C.J.'s newsletter via her website to be notified when she releases the next Ministry of Curiosities novel plus get access to exclusive content. All subscribers get exclusive access to a Ministry of Curiosities / Freak House cross-over story.

  A Message From The Author

  I hope you enjoyed reading VOW OF DECEPTION as much as I enjoyed writing it. As an independent author, getting the word out about my book is vital to its success, so if you liked this book please consider telling your friends and writing a review at the store where you purchased it. If you would like to be contacted when I release a new book, subscribe to my newsletter at You will only be contacted when I have a new book out.

  Get a FREE Short Story

  I wrote a short story featuring Lincoln Fitzroy that is set before THE LAST NECROMANCER. Titled STRANGE HORIZONS, it reveals how he learned where to look for Charlie during a visit to Paris. While the story can be read as a standalone, it contains spoilers from The 1st Freak House Trilogy, so I advise you to read that series first. The best part is, the short story is FREE, but only to my newsletter subscribers. So subscribe now via my website if you haven't already.

  Also by C.J. Archer


  Glass and Steele

  The Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy

  The 1st Freak House Trilogy

  The 2nd Freak House Trilogy

  The 3rd Freak House Trilogy

  The Ministry of Curiosities Series

  The Assassins Guild Series

  Lord Hawkesbury's Players Series

  The Witchblade Chronicles


  Courting His Countess



  The Mercenary's Price

  About the Author

  C.J. Archer has loved history and books for as long as she can remember and feels fortunate that she found a way to combine the two. She spent her early childhood in the dramatic beauty of outback Queensland, Australia, but now lives in suburban Melbourne with her husband, two children and a mischievous black & white cat named Coco.

  Subscribe to C.J.'s newsletter through her website to be notified when she releases a new book, as well as get access to exclusive content and subscriber-only giveaways. Her website also contains up to date details on all her books: She loves to hear from readers. You can contact her through email or follow her on social media to get the latest updates on her books:

  Twitter: @cj_archer









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