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The Stagecoach Bride

Page 16

by Stephannie Beman

  “I’ll take a dip in the river. The cold water will do me good.”

  “Are you sure? Cold water isn’t that comfortable. I don’t mind waiting.”

  He smiled and kissed her deeply. “Thank you, my Uzizitka, but I think being uncomfortable will be for the best right now.”

  Not sure what he meant, she kissed him in return. “I’ll put on my best outfit to marry you in then.”

  As he gathered his clothes and shaving kit, she went to the loft and sorted through her trunk. She wanted to wear her favorite shirtwaist and skirt, even if it didn’t belong out here in the wilderness. So much had happened during the day. She’d been through a wide range of emotions that it felt as if the day had spanned years instead of hours.

  There was a lot to still come to terms with, but she’d sort through all of it later. She made an important decision earlier, and that was to start enjoying the good moments granted her. It might only last for the rest of the day, but she’d take what she could get. Then she’d never have any regrets.

  She sorted through her trunk and grabbed a clean chemise, bloomers, and two layers of petticoats. While she was used to wearing seven or eight, she didn’t feel like wearing that many. She also decided to forgo the corset. If she had someone to help her with it, she’d wear it, but there was no way she’d ask any of the men for their assistance in such a personal matter. Then she selected her deep purple shirtwaist, matching skirt, vest, jacket, and hat. Though they wouldn’t be comfortable on the grass where her heels would slip into the softer areas of the ground, she picked up her favorite boots. This was about being as pretty as possible, not being comfortable.

  “Miss Christian,” Wade called out from downstairs.

  She stopped sorting through her trunk. “What?” He’d better not tell her Jeremiah left.

  “Your bath is ready.”

  Relieved, she thanked him and gathered the rest of her things as the door closed, signaling she was alone. She went down the stairs and hastened to get into the bath. The water wouldn’t stay warm for long, and she was eager to get the grime off of her. But more than that, she was excited to see Mic again. She scrubbed off the dirt, and to her surprise, she had to comb through her hair for several minutes before she finally got all the dirt clumps out. It was a blessing she hadn’t been forced to look in a mirror. She didn’t want to know what she looked like.

  When she was finally clean, she stepped out of the tub and dried off. She felt much better. She’d never take being clean for granted again. She dressed then slipped into her vest and jacket. She remembered the cameo her mother gave her when she was a little girl. She retrieved it from the trunk and slipped it in her shirtwaist at the base of her throat.

  Picking up the handheld mirror, she inspected her reflection. Yes, that was much better. Though she didn’t know exactly how filthy she’d been, she knew for a fact that she looked much better now. Slipping two hatpins through the hat, she anchored it to her head.

  She closed the lid to her trunk and took a deep breath. It was strange to be back in the clothes she’d been used to in Virginia, but it was comforting as well. The familiar was comforting. But now it was time to go outside and face Mic, knowing that soon she’d be his wife. Excited, she pushed down the butterflies in her stomach and slipped on her gloves before carefully descending the stairs, no easy feat in her layers of clothing and high-heeled boots.

  Straightening her shoulders back, she crossed the small room and opened the door, peeking outside to see where everyone was. Mic, Jeremiah, Wade, and Noah stood not too far from the cabin, all nicely dressed. Her gaze immediately went to Mic who wore a black suit that had seen better days, but regardless, he looked larger than life to her—handsome, powerful, strong. He took her breath away, and she wished she had thought to bring her smelling salts so she wouldn’t faint. She assured herself she wouldn’t, even though her heart was pounding much too fast.

  She opened the door wider and gingerly stepped out of the cabin, careful in case she tripped as she got used to the uneven surface of the ground. Lifting her skirt to make it easier to stroll over to them, she was mindful not to show her ankles in case it got anyone hot and bothered who need not be hot and bothered. While she’d like to get Mic that way, she had no such inclination to do that with the others.

  She stepped up to Mic, offering him a shy smile.

  Mic grinned. “You look lovely, Uzizitka.”

  Jeremiah punched Mic’s shoulder. “Whooie, she’s a beauty. Sure I can’t have her?”

  She placed her hand on Mic’s arm. “I am only for Mic. For now and forever.”

  Mic placed his hand over hers and squeezed.

  Jeremiah grinned at her. “Good answer, Spitfire. Let’s get started. What’s your full name, little one?”

  “Uzizitka Lewis,” she said, a mischievous gleam in her eye. With a sly look at Mic, she added, “Or at least it will be soon enough.”

  Jeremiah turned toward Mic. “Repeat after me. I, Michaiah Bennett Lewis, take you, Little Spitfire, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and more likely for worse, for richer and definitely for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish. ” He glanced at Lillian. “Because if he doesn’t, I’ll take a switch to him. So you better love and honor her all the days of your lives.”

  Mic shook his head and repeated most of it word for word, leaving out most of Jeremiah’s added words. “I will love and honor you all the days of our lives, Uzizitka,” he concluded.

  Lillian’s cheeks warmed and she gave his arm a gentle squeeze, and Mic grinned down at her.

  Jeremiah turned to her. “Repeat after me. I, Little Spitfire Uzizitka, take you, Michaiah Bennett Lewis, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and if you really feel like it obey. But I won’t suggest it. ” He glanced at Mic. “It’ll give him a sense of self-importance that would be unbearable. Whether you obey him or not, you’d better love and honor him all the days of your lives, though. ”

  She struggled not to laugh as she started to repeat the vows, but the way Mic sighed was too much and she burst out laughing. Pressing her hand to her chest, she struggled to regain her composure.

  “This is serious business, Spitfire,” Jeremiah chided her.

  She gasped for air and struggled to say, “I know.” Then she burst into another fit of giggles, tears filling her eyes. No matter how hard she tried to stop, she just couldn’t, especially with the way everyone was watching her.

  “I don’t get it,” Noah whispered to Wade.

  Mic placed his arm around her waist to help her remain standing.

  After a moment, she was able to take a deep breath. Clearing her throat, she said, “All the things Jeremiah just said, I’ll do.” Then, unable to stop herself, she giggled again. “I’m sorry, Mic. I’m trying not to laugh, but everything’s so funny.”

  Mic squeezed her waist. “Jere makes it very hard not to laugh. It’s one of the reasons we let him come around.”

  Jeremiah shook his head. “Life ought to be interesting with you two outlaws. If you’re ready?”

  She leaned against Mic and though she continued to chuckle, nodded. “I’m ready.”

  “If the Lord be in a good mood, may He strengthen your troth and bless this union. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen.” Jeremiah grinned. “You may kiss the groom.”

  She turned to face Mic ready to give him a kiss when Noah asked Wade, “Isn’t the Lord always in a good mood?”

  Another laughing fit overcame her, and she settled for hugging Mic instead of kissing him. Mic gathered her to him, his chest rumbling with laughter.

  “Time for a drink,” Jeremiah announced, walking past them with a shake of his head. “Then we need to talk.”

  Noting his somber tone, Lillian sobered up while Noah and Wade followed Jeremiah into the cabin. She kissed Mic. “I figured I should get
that kiss in before everything turns serious.”

  “They can wait a moment.” Mic cupped her face and kissed her deeply.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Holding Lillian’s hand, Mic opened the cabin door and stepped inside. Wade, Noah, and Jeremiah sat around the table speaking in low voices and drinking. Noah had his usual enthusiasm, and by the scrunched up look on Jeremiah’s face as he took a gulp from his mug, it wasn’t alcohol or coffee. Wade had probably given him milk or water since—to the best of Mic’s knowledge—the only whiskey in the place was resting in the hip flask in the medical chest upstairs.

  After Wade’s nearly destructive bout of drinking himself insensible after Jane’s death and the incident that had almost cost Wade and Noah their lives, Mic had refused to have any on the premises. Mic wasn’t going to lose Wade to drink or Noah to some dumb accident caused by Wade’s carelessness while drunk. Wade hadn’t protested much; the incident had shaken him worse than Noah.

  Mic took a seat, tugging Lillian down onto his lap when she would have sat beside him, and wrapped his arms around her to hold her still. She didn’t protest. Instead, she sank into his arms.

  Resting his chin on her shoulder, he looked toward Jeremiah. He was pretty sure he already knew what Jeremiah had to say and if Lloyd wasn’t involved, he would have told them to get lost until morning. He’d like some time with his wife that included lots of kissing and a bed. “Is it time?”

  Jeremiah grinned at them, shaking his bear-like head. “Always to the point, Mic. Abby says Charles’ men entered Laramie about sunset yesterday. They’ll be sleeping off their excess today and heading out for the range tomorrow. And I want in.”

  “Jere, this isn’t the time for revenge,” Wade said. “We’re going to get Lloyd and get away.”

  Jeremiah glared at Wade. “Charles’ day will come, but I owe it to Jane to bring her son home safe.”

  “Let him come, Wade.” Mic tightened his arms around Lillian, sudden fear in his heart. She’d want to go too and while he’d like to refuse her, they needed everyone they could get. Which at the moment included himself, a vengeful brother, a furious father, two green boys, his very smart but vulnerable wife, and a knife-wielding sister. Not much of an army against Charles and the few men that would remain behind. “We’ll leave tomorrow and head for Charles’ place.”

  The men nodded, all knowing what they needed to do. It wasn’t like they hadn’t discussed it a dozen times before now. They’d just decided that it would be their last recourse.

  Wade rose when it was obvious that there was nothing else to say. “Come on, Noah, Jeremiah, might as well get the supplies ready.”

  Nobody could claim his brother was too daft. Noah looked ready to protest, but Wade gently pulled him from the cabin. Jeremiah was a little slower to move.

  “What?” Mic asked, recognizing the look on Jeremiah’s face.

  “Do you know who she is, Mic?”

  Lillian stiffened in his arms and Mic drew her tighter against his chest, rubbing her arm. “Yes.”

  Jeremiah nodded, downing the rest of his drink with a grimace, and stood. “Good to know.” He left the cabin, closing the door gently.

  Lillian glanced at Mic, fear in her liquid green eyes. “Do you think he knows I’m Prudence?”

  Mic wasn’t sure what his brother knew, not that it would matter who she was to Jeremiah. He gave her a reassuring smile, tugging on a lock of hair and curling it around his finger. “Would it matter?”

  “It might. If he knows, then someone else knows, too, and that could mean it might get to Robert.”

  He sighed, pulling the hatpins from her hair then removing the hat from her head and setting it on the table. “He was most likely referring to your lack of name during the wedding.” At least he hoped that was what Jeremiah was referring to, because the alternative meant his new wife wasn’t safe and he would do anything to make her safe. “You did, after all, call yourself Uzizitka Lewis.”

  “Yes, that’s true. But I thought he’d ask my real name when I did that. I was only kidding.”

  “Would you have given it to him?” He placed his focus on pulling the rest of the pins from her hair and pretending her answer was of no note, even if it was important. “Would you have told them who you really are, Prudence?”

  She smiled and leaned closer to him, stroking the back of his neck with her fingers. “I never liked the name Prudence. I chose Lillian because I like it. ”

  His body responded to her touch, tightening and hardening beneath her rear. He was almost glad for the padding of her petticoats that would keep her from feeling his desire. He’d have hated to scare her. From what his few friends had said about their wedding nights, women seemed particularly frightened of that part of a man.

  “I like your names. All of them.” He drew the last pin from her hair, watching the fiery curtain cascade around her shoulders. He liked her hair down, even if it wasn’t considered modest in the white man’s world. Cupping the back of her head, he leaned in, nuzzling her neck. “If Jeremiah had asked again, what name would you have given him?”

  “Mrs. Mic Lewis. Though I’m partial to Uzizitka. ”

  She gasped when he nipped the skin of her throat lightly with his teeth. “Then you shall be Uzizitka. My wild rose. ”

  He lifted her off his lap and set her on the table. Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, her soft lips touching his. Her tongue hesitantly licked the seam of his mouth, seeking entrance. He opened to her, nudging her knees apart, and settling between her thighs.

  While there were far more clothes than he wished for either of them to be wearing right now, tearing them off like the mad man he felt at the moment wouldn’t do either of them any good. He had to take it slow and let her set the pace. His fingers tangled in her hair as their tongues mated.

  Her fingers fiddled with his shirt, the buttons popping open one by one. Her hands slid up his chest, pushing the edges of the shirt down his arms, and off his hands. She dropped it on the floor. Her fingers skimmed back up his arms and traced over his shoulders, exploring the contours of his chest.

  “You feel good,” she whispered, her breathing ragged, her cheeks flushed with pleasure.

  She leaned forward, tasting his skin with little nips and licks. She was going to kill him and his resolve to take it slow was heading out the window. Her tongue flicked across his nipple and he groaned, grinding himself against her. She glanced up at him through her lashes, a slight smile curving her lips, and her tongue flicked out, circling his nipple.

  “Minx,” he growled.

  Shoving her voluminous skirts out of the way, he pushed them to her waist and revealed the silky bloomers beneath. The shadowed triangle of red hair between her legs was barely hidden by the delicate cloth. He cupped her, his finger caressing her secret place through the slit of her drawers, feeling the wet warmth that awaited him.

  She jerked against his hand, her eyes wide and her mouth open on a gasp. “Mic,” she moaned in pleasure and wiggled against him.

  He reluctantly moved up her body, his fingers flying across the buttons of her shirtwaist, a few sailing through the air in his rush to reveal her creamy flesh.

  She reached for him and he pushed the jacket and shirt down her arms, successfully trapping her hands. “Mic?”

  She pulled against the tangled cloth and he took her moment of distraction to tease her. Bending over her, his lips closed over the rosy nipple pressing against her chemise, sucking it into his mouth.

  She let out a soft cry of delight. Both palms hit the table top, her back arching, pushing her breasts toward him. His hand dipped under the cloth, skimming over her ribs, cupping the other breast. Kneading the small globe, he brushed his finger over her nipple, and she groaned. He played for several more seconds, then switched, giving her other breast the same loving attention.

  Her hips bucked against his stomach. Her fingers scrabbled to hold onto something, her hands still trapped in
her clothes. She tossed her head back as he sucked harder on her nipple, lightly nipping it with his lips. “Mic,” she keened.

  Grinning, he gripped her hips and jerked her toward him, grinding his fully erect cock against her. A flash of guilt struck him. He should be doing this properly, taking his time in the soft bed above their heads, not on the kitchen table where anyone could see them. His thoughts went no further when she moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist and rubbing her most secret place against him. He couldn’t wait to claim his wife.

  Unbuttoning his pants, he positioned himself at her opening and buried himself inside her wet passage. She yelped, her eyes widening with surprise, and he stilled.

  His body stiff with tension and need, he rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “Sorry, Uzizitka.”

  After a moment, she rocked her hips, taking him slowly into her, as if testing the way he felt inside her. He groaned, forcing himself to remain still until she was ready. He kissed the tip of her nose, brushing his lips across her mouth, her chin, and her throat. He pulled out slightly and her legs tightened around him, drawing him deeper inside her with a contented sigh.

  She stared up at him with a mischievous smile and desire-filled eyes. “I’m not done yet.”

  Mic grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her thoroughly, his tongue sparing with hers, a fight neither of them would win. He rocked his hips, taking shallow strokes at first and deepening them as her noises of pleasure against his mouth increased.

  Grasping her hips, he drew her to the edge of the table and withdrew until only the tip of his cock rested inside her. Her muscles contracted around him, seeking to pull him in. “Mic,” she whimpered. Her heels dug into his back, striving to draw him back to her. Her hands, finally free of her clothes, clutched his forearms.

  He grinned down at her, thinking she had to be the most beautiful, loving woman he’d ever met and that he would do anything to please her. He would move heaven and earth to make her happy. Maybe he was a fool, but he loved and trusted her with everything that he was.


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