TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2)

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TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2) Page 9

by Alexi Ferreira

  I am speeding towards Raven’s old apartment in a few seconds, Alexey sitting beside me, trying to get hold of Jade on her phone. He throws his phone against the dashboard when once again, she doesn’t answer.

  “I will kill every single one of them,” I promise, my heart squeezing when I think of what I might find when I reach the apartment block.

  RAVEN 12

  “We need to go,” Andrei calls from where he’s standing by the door, his body tense as he places his hand on the door handle.

  “But you just got here,” Dory says from the kitchen where she insisted on making us all coffee, except for Jade, who is going to have tea. She was so happy to see us when she opened the door. Luke has become like a grandson to her, and I believe it has kept her happier knowing that he was with her during the week.

  “We are just about to have coffee, Andrei,” Jade says as she points to the kitchen.

  “Sorry, but there’s an emergency. They say we need to go now,” he states, a frown on his face as he looks down at his ringing phone.

  “Nik,” I hear him answer, and then he continues to talk in Russian.

  “I guess we will have to make that coffee for another day, Dory,” I say as I stand and pick up Luke. “We will be back soon, promise.” I walk towards the kitchen so that Luke can kiss her goodbye. I see Jade also stand and walk towards Andrei.

  “Say bye-bye to Dory,” I say to Luke just as I hear the window shatter and Jade scream. Turning in surprise, I quickly drop to the floor as I hear shots. “Get down, Dory!” Dory stands in shock, looking at everything break around her. Letting go of Luke, I jump up and pull her down onto the floor. “Stay down,” I scream above the noise, and turn back around just as the door bursts open and two men with machine guns rush in.

  Andrei fires, and one is thrown back with the impact of the shot, but then his companion has the gun to Andrei’s head and says something in Russian that I don’t understand, but I’m guessing he is promising to shoot him if he doesn’t put the gun down. I crawl towards Luke, who is now screaming with fright, tears coursing down his cheeks.

  Pulling him into my arms, I cuddle him against my chest. “It’s okay baby,” I whisper as tears course down my cheeks. Never have I been so scared in my life. Will they kill us? They tried to shoot us before. Another man walks in, this one also hooded, but I see a cross tattooed on the back of his hand. He walks past Andrei and the other man still standing over Andrei. He strokes his finger over Jade’s cheek when he stands before her.

  Andrei starts to struggle, which has the guy hitting him with the gun over his head. I gasp when I see him fall forward, blood running down the side of his head. “Andrei,” Jade calls as she sees him fall, but the man before her takes hold of her arm and pulls her against the wall.

  “Stay,” he grunts, and then he walks towards Luke and me. When he is standing over us, he stops and then pulls me up by my forearms. I hold on to Luke tighter and hear him whimper, but I can’t loosen my hold. “You Nikolai’s woman?” he asks in a deep Russian accent. I don’t respond, which has him shaking me, and then he rips Luke out of my arms.

  “No!” I scream as I lunge for Luke, but he holds him away from me as he slaps me.

  “Mama,” Luke screams as he stretches his arms out to me. I once again rush forward as the guy starts to walk away. Pulling at his arm, I try to take hold of Luke again, but this time, he punches me so hard that I fall back, hitting my hip on the corner of the couch as I fall.

  Scrambling to my feet once again, I’m just in time to see him walking out the apartment door with Luke still screaming for me in his arms. “Luke,” I call as I rush after them. Stepping out of the apartment, I’m just in time to see the guy climb into the back of an SUV and close the door. “No, please! Luke!” I run after them.

  Just then, Nik races into the parking lot, missing the SUV by a miracle. I don’t stop as I run after the SUV. I hear the Mustang come to a screeching halt.

  “Raven!” he roars as he opens his car door.

  “They have Luke,” I scream as I bend over, sobbing.

  “Motherfuckers,” I hear before the car is revving again, and it shoots past me. I feel arms come around me. Looking over, I see one of the men who had been with us earlier. There is blood running down his neck, and his shirt is torn.

  “Come,” he says as he starts to guide me back to the apartment. My mind is a dark pit. My arms feel empty. I keep on replaying Luke’s face and his screams as he was pulled from my arms and taken away. Oh Lord, I hope Nik will get our baby back. The tears are streaking down my cheeks, but I don’t bother cleaning them away. My feet are moving, but I don’t take notice of anything around me except that I don’t have my son with me.

  People talk around me, but I don’t pay attention. I can hear the blood roaring in my veins, and then I can’t hear anything else as darkness takes me.

  “Raven.” I hear someone calling my name, but the heaviness in my eyes prevents me from opening them, and then everything comes crashing back. I open my eyes, or should I say eye, because I think the punch I received to the face has made my face swell and closed my eye. I can feel the throbbing, but it’s nothing like the pain ripping me apart as I remember Luke.

  “My baby?” I ask, and only then realize that I’m in the back of a car and Jade is sitting next to me. Her hand is entwined in mine, and I can feel it shaking in my hand. Sitting up, I see Alexey sitting in the passenger seat, growling into his phone.

  “I don’t know. I’m sorry,” she says, and I can hear the tears in her voice.

  “Nik went after them,” I whisper, hoping that he was able to stop them somehow. My baby must be so scared, and those men had guns. I pray that Nik gets him back. Please, please, let him get our baby back.

  “Nik won’t give up until he gets his son back,” Jade says quietly.

  “Why? Why would they want our son?” I ask. “They should have taken me.” A sob breaks through, and I once again break down in sobs.

  “Hang in there. You will see, everything will be okay,” Jade comforts, but she doesn’t know that. No one knows that. The car stops, and a minute later, I am lifted out of the car into strong arms and carried into the lift.

  “I’m taking you to the infirmary. We need to check your face.” Only now do I realize that I’m in Dimitri’s arms. I’ve been introduced to him but never really had a conversation with him before.

  “Do you know anything about Luke and Nik yet?” I ask.

  “Niet. We are tracking Nik’s car, and it’s still moving. We have men following,” Alexey says from beside us. “Nik will not let them get away.”

  I know how protective Nik is, and the way he was when Luke was sick. He may not have been with Luke for long, but I can see that he loves him and he would do anything to protect his son.

  This last week has brought us closer, and even though we only had sex the one time just before we found out Luke was sick, it has changed everything between us. Nik constantly checked in to see how Luke was doing and how I was.

  Nik suggested that we move Luke into his own room, but I insisted on having him in our room while he was still sick, compromising on letting him go to his room once he was feeling better. If I had known that Luke was going to be wrenched out of my arms the way he was, I would have kept him in our bed and as close to me as possible.

  What will I do if Nik doesn’t get our son back? Will he blame me for letting that man take him from me? He should, because I blame myself. What kind of mother am I who lets someone take her son from her arms?

  “It’s going to be okay, I promise,” Dimitri says as we walk into the infirmary. “Nik and Luke will be with you soon; I will make sure of it.” I look up and squint at him, trying to focus with my one good eye.

  I see his tense features as he looks ahead, a muscle ticking in his neck. I wish I could believe him, but I saw how determined they were to take Luke. In broad daylight, they attacked all the men protecting us. How will Nik be able to stop men like that?<
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  Dimitri sets me down on a bed and then steps back. I hear Alexey’s angry voice as he talks to someone. Turning my head, I see Jade lying on a bed next to me with Alexey leaning over her while he snaps at a woman examining her. I hope Jade and the baby are okay, but at the moment, I can’t concentrate on them, as I need to focus my attention on anything that will let me know what is happening with Nik and my baby.

  “Dimitri, please let me know what is happening,” I plead as I grab Dimitri’s hand before he can walk away. I see him tense as he looks down at me, and then he’s nodding. I know it’s not much, but it gives me a semblance of comfort to know that these men will keep me updated.

  “I have communication with my men. They are still after the car with your son,” he says, and then pats my hand comfortingly. “Your man will not let anything happen to your son. You need to have faith in him.”

  “What have we got here?” a woman I have never met says as she places her hand on my face and turns it towards her. “Hello, dear. I’m just going to examine you, okay?”

  I nod. I don’t care about myself at the moment. I actually just want them to leave me alone. All I want is to know what is happening out there with my baby.

  She pokes and probes until she’s certain the only real injury I have is my face. I flinch as she rubs something on my face, but I don’t say anything, because the pain is nothing like the pain in my heart. I want to roll myself into a ball and hide. It is amazing how everything changes in the blink of an eye. One minute I was on top of the world, and then everything is taken from me.

  “Open up, sweetheart. Drink this,” the woman says as she gently lifts my head and places something by my lips. I let her slip some kind of tablet into my mouth, and then she gives me water and I swallow whatever she gave me. “The pain will start to lessen soon, and you will be able to sleep for a while.”

  I will never be able to sleep again, not until I know that my son is safe in my arms again and that Nik isn’t hurt either. I turn my head and close my eyes, trying to block out all the noise and the people around me.

  I know that the other woman is still with Jade, as I can hear her asking questions. I also know that Alexey is still here, because I can feel his presence without having to see him, and every now and again, he snaps something. I hear a door open, and then there is a man talking. A minute later, Alexey swears.

  I try to open my eye, but I can’t, as darkness is pulling me down into its fold. Only then do I realize that the woman who was examining me must have given me something to sleep. I try to fight it, as I really want to stay awake and find out what is happening, but it’s stronger than me, and soon, darkness takes me.

  NIK 13

  When I pulled into the parking lot and saw Raven running, I breathed in relief until she screamed that they had taken our son. At that moment, I felt darkness descend over me like never before. My concentration is directed at the SUV before me, and nothing is going to stop me from getting my son back except my death. These sons of bitches think they can take my son? When I was pulling away, I saw the way Raven was slumped over, sobbing. I promised myself I would deliver my son back into her arms even if I had to die trying. My woman shouldn’t have to go through this. She has been through enough because of me.

  My rage knows no bounds when I think about how scared Luke must be and how devastated Raven looked. They went after my family. They think they can pull them away from me without consequences? Well, they will find out who they have messed with. I won’t rest until every last one of the men involved today pays. I hope Alexey gives the order to kill Bjorn, because if he doesn’t, I will have to go against him for the first time.

  I’m going to kill Bjorn. Not only that, but I am going to enjoy killing him after the hell he is putting Raven and Luke through. I would accept him coming after me. I won’t accept him going after innocents. The explosion must have been them too. That’s why they wanted the meeting—to get Alexey out of there. My phone starts to ring again. I haven’t answered any calls since pulling away, but I know I need help in case they manage to get away. I will need the others to follow.


  “Nik, I have two cars on your tail,” Dimitri updates, “and another one coming from the east, trying to block them in.”

  “How is Raven?” I know I’m holding my breath waiting for his reply, but we have just started to mend the gap between us. What will this do to her acceptance of me and what I am? Will she still want to be with me, share my life? I know I won’t let her go. I tried once, and the universe brought her back into my life. Now that I have finally brought her into the Bratva Fury fold, she is one of us and will never be safe again if she’s away from our protection.

  “Not good. Someone punched her. Her face is swollen, and her right eye is shut,” Dimitri says. “But mostly, she’s in shock.”

  My hands tighten on the steering wheel at the thought of someone punching her. The fucker who touched her will lose his hands. I should have been with them.

  They’re in extreme danger now because of Bjorn’s revenge, but I will soon rid our lives of him, and then there will be no more immediate danger. First, though, I have to get my son back. I slap the steering wheel in frustration as my rage fights to explode. My eyes focus on the SUV speeding before me. I would shoot at their tyres to stop them, but they know that I won’t do that and take the chance of hurting Luke.

  “Keep an eye on her until I’m back,” I state before I disconnect the call. We are about to cross an intersection, when I see one of our cars shoot out of the side street and slide before the SUV. The driver from the SUV swerves and loses control. I hold my breath as I see it slide across the road and crash into a light pole. I step on the brake and slide before them. Stopping, I jump out of the car. Drawing my gun, I rush towards the back door, but before I can reach it, the door bursts open and a motherfucker slides out holding my crying son.

  “Well, well, look who it is,” he says as he looks down at Luke and then back at me, a sneer on his face.

  “Daddy,” Luke screams, and stretches out his arms to me when he sees me standing a few metres away. “Daddy.”

  “It’s okay, Luke,” I say in a calm voice, not showing any emotion. “Let him go and take me.” I look at the fucker holding him, only now realizing that he’s Bjorn’s righthand man. Suddenly, there is a shot, and the windshield of the SUV shatters as one of our men takes out the driver.

  “Well, that’s not going to get you your son, now is it?”

  “Stop shooting,” I snap as I look around and see our men standing around. “You can’t leave. We’re all around. Give me the kid.” My muscles are tense, as Luke’s crying is like a knife in my heart. I would shoot him where he stands, but his gun is pointed at Luke’s chest. If I shoot him, he might shoot Luke, and that I can’t take a chance with. “What are you doing? We don’t go after women and children.” I try to get to his morals, but I know Bjorn and his men don’t have many morals that they stick to.

  “I am Bratva. I will die for my cause,” he snaps.

  I know I don’t have much time, because as a Bratva captain, he knows that we will never let him go. I need to make my move now or I might not get another chance. For the first time in my life, my hands are clammy, my heart racing in fear. In the blink of an eye, I lift my gun and shoot, aiming for his arm, knowing that he won’t be able to shoot if I hit it just right. I am running even before the bullet hits its mark, wrenching Luke out of his arm and into mine.

  “Daddy.” I hear Luke hiccup as his arms snap around my neck and he buries his head in my chest. Two of our guys rush forward and hold the bastard down as I step back with Luke to safety.

  “It’s okay, I’ve got you,” I murmur as I rub his back reassuringly. I’m sure this has taken ten years out of my life. My heart is still racing, my muscles still tense with adrenaline. “Take him. I want him for questioning.” I make my way to my car and stand next to it, just holding Luke, assuring myself that he’s alive. When I finally t
ry to place him in his seat, he starts to cry again. “Stephan, drive the car,” I call as I slide into the car and hold Luke close against me.

  “It’s okay. No one is going to take you. Papa has you now,” I promise, and hear his hiccups as he starts to quieten. I will make this asshole suffer for how he frightened my son, and I will find out who punched Raven and make the fucker pay.

  Stephen slides into the driver’s seat, and soon, we are on our way home. Now that I have Luke in my arms, my mind is on Raven and getting Luke to her. I will never allow this kind of danger again. Everything I tried to prevent has happened.

  When we pull into the basement, I see Dimitri waiting for us by the lifts. “How is he?” he asks as I step into the lift.

  “He’s fine, just frightened,” I reply. “Where’s Raven?”

  “In the infirmary. They gave her something to calm her down,” he says as the doors to the lift close behind him. I press the button to the floor where the infirmary is located. I want to see my woman, and I’m sure Luke will want to see Raven too.

  “You want to see Mama?” I ask against Luke’s ear, and I feel him nod against my chest. Stepping out of the lift, I make my way to the infirmary.

  When I walk in, I tense. Jade is also here. “Is she hurt?” I ask in a growl when I see her eyes are closed and Alexey is sitting on the chair, holding her hand, but when she hears my voice, her eyes snap open and she looks at me.

  “Oh, thank goodness,” she whispers when she sees Luke. “is he okay?”

  “He is fine. How are you?” I ask, but look at Alexey.

  “She’s fine, but the doctor said that she should rest for a while and she will check on her again.”

  I breathe in relief and nod as I walk towards where Raven is lying. Her head is facing the other side. She looks so fragile lying here. When I’m standing over her, I gently stroke her hair. “Raven,” I call, but she doesn’t respond.

  “Look, Luke, Mama.” He lifts his head from my shoulder, and then he tries to wiggle down to her. “Wait, let me go around so that you can lie down next to her.” I walk around the bed to her other side. Lifting the sheet, I lay him down against her, making sure not to let him hurt her. He immediately snuggles against her. I look up and freeze as I see her face for the first time.


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