TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2)

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TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2) Page 10

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Motherfucker,” I growl as I look at my woman’s beautiful face swollen and bruised. I will make them all suffer for hurting her. I pull the sheet over them and then sit down, waiting for Raven to awaken and see her son in her arms. I have been sitting for about half an hour when Alexey stands and walks to the end of Raven’s bed.

  “Dimitri tells me that we caught three of the men who attacked our woman today,” Alexey whispers. “Also, the footage shows one of Bjorn’s men driving into the garage. We need to find out why he was let in. The other explosion was upstairs in the dumbwaiter. Someone placed an explosive in it.”

  I can only imagine Alexey’s anger at knowing that someone got close enough to place a bomb inside our stronghold.

  “I want to know how it got in there,” he snaps quietly. “When your woman is better and at home, I want answers from the men we have downstairs.”

  “Da,” I reply.

  He turns to walk back to Jade but then stops and looks back at me. “The guy who grabbed Raven when she was living at her apartment has been found. When you’re ready, they will bring him in.” With that, he returns to his seat next to Jade. Looking over at my woman, I see her stir, but her eyes are still closed.

  “Raven,” I whisper as I stroke my thumb over her hand. She whimpers, and my stomach clenches at the thought of her being in pain. “Angel, open your eyes.” I can see when she starts to wake, because her body tenses.

  “Nik,” she murmurs as her good eye slits open.

  “It’s okay. Look who’s cuddling against you,” I murmur, and smile when she gasps. Tears start to course down her cheeks as her arm circles Luke, and she lowers her head until her lips are touching his dark hair.

  “Oh . . . he’s back. Thank you.” The hand I was holding turns, and she grips mine. I can feel her fingers shaking with emotion in mine. “Is . . . is he okay?” she asks as she looks at me.

  “I think he will be okay. He was scared, but he isn’t hurt,” I state as I stroke her hair. All the emotions I’ve been repressing for the last few years is choking me. I’m a man others fear, a man who has withstood torture and pain without breaking, but this little woman before me brings me to my knees.

  From the moment I met her, I knew she would be my weakness. I know she’s too good for me, that her soul will be tinged by the violence in my life, but I also know I will go to the ends of the earth to make her happy. She may be my weakness, but she’s also my strength. She gives me purpose and hope that violence and vengeance aren’t the only things left in my life.

  “Can we go home?” she asks as she cuddles Luke closer against her.

  “I will have to ask the doctor. Are you in pain?”

  “Not that much,” she says, and I frown when I see her flinch. I know that her face must be paining, but I also know how stubborn she can be; therefore, I stand and go look for the doctor. A few minutes later, I am carrying Luke and guiding Raven into our apartment.

  “Why are they after us?” Raven suddenly asks as I help her onto the bed. I know I have to tell her the truth, but the thought of her looking at me differently doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t want my woman to look at me differently, but I know that if I tell her the whole truth, she will.

  “The man after you, his name is Bjorn,” I say. “I killed his son.” She gasps at my revelation but doesn’t interrupt. “His son raped and hurt a captain’s daughter. In the Bratva Fury, we don’t condone that kind of behaviour. Women and children are to be protected. Bjorn and his men don’t follow our beliefs.”

  “What will happen now?” she asks.

  “I will have to end this. He came after you and Luke. I will not let anyone hurt you, and the only way to do it is to stop Bjorn.”

  “Is he the one with the tattoo on his hand?” she asks, and I can hear a tremor in her voice.

  “No, that’s his righthand man. Was he the one who took Luke away from you?” By the way her hands are fisted and her head is bent, I can tell it was that motherfucker who took my son away from her, and then a thought pops into my head, and the anger just below my skin rises. “Was he the one who punched you?”

  She doesn’t say anything for a minute, but then she nods and looks up at me. The tears in her eyes gut me. Taking hold of her upper arms, I pull her against my chest, careful not to hurt her face. My arms encircle her waist as I nuzzle her neck. “I’m sorry,” I mumble as I kiss her neck. “I promise he will pay.” As soon as Raven is feeling better, I will avenge her. It will be good to have those fuckers stewing for some time. They will know that death is coming for them. What they don’t know is that they will suffer long and hard before they die.

  Vlad will be back tomorrow. By then, we can plan our strategy against Bjorn. I know that Alexey will let me be the one to finish Bjorn off, but we need to be prudent and have all our evidence, because if there is an enquiry, we need to be able to prove to the other Bratvas that we were in our right to find retribution.

  Bjorn always has at least five of his men with him, but that won’t be a problem for me. All I need is Alexey’s go-ahead, and Bjorn will be as good as dead. Today was a day from hell, but having my woman in my arms again and my son where I can see him has slightly calmed the demons within me.

  RAVEN 14

  Since the attack on us a week and a half ago, the women and children haven’t been allowed out without an escort. The swelling on my face has finally gone down, and the bruising can easily be hidden with makeup. Luke was very clingy for the first few days but seems to have bounced back to his chirpy old self. I wish I could forget as easily. Every night since the occurrence, I’ve had nightmares of Luke being ripped out of my arms.

  Nik has always been there, holding me close and comforting me, but I can see the fury in his eyes. I know that something big is happening. I can see by the way the men are acting that something is going down, but Nik always says there is nothing for me to worry about.

  Jade is also worried, but like me, Alexey tells her that everything is fine. The women here have all befriended me, and I have come to realize that everyone here sticks together like a real family. From having no family, I now have a big group of women who are always willing to help. The men are intense, but I have seen how respectful and caring they are with their families.

  Nik mentioned that the Bratva Fury hold their women and children in the highest esteem and that they do not condone any type of violence against them. He said this when I noticed his bruised knuckles and asked him about it. He didn’t directly say that he was fighting with anyone because of what was done to me, Jade, and Luke, but I could tell by his tense body that he was involved in something to do with it.

  Nik is quiet and doesn’t always talk about things. He is more a man of action. If he doesn’t like something, he changes it. I laugh, though, at the way Jade always tries to get under his skin, but I can tell by the way he treats her that he cares about her. Jade told me about how she sees Nik as the older brother she never had and how he was assigned to protect her. She revealed that Nik is one of Alexey’s trusted men and that his function is to interrogate.

  I will be honest—at her revelation, I was surprised to know that Nik is the one who interrogates people for the mafia. I’m also surprised that it doesn’t upset me. Maybe because I know that Nik is a good person with good values, and if he deems it necessary to interrogate someone, it is because that person is hiding something that might hurt those he tries to protect. This revelation helped me understand him and why he deemed it necessary to leave me three years ago.

  I have always known that he has a dark side to him. I saw it when Steve was in the apartment and again every time I wake up from a nightmare. Steve has continued sending me texts, and even though I have blocked his number, he phones and sends me texts from different numbers. I haven’t told Nik because I know he will be upset and will more than likely go after him, and even though I know Nik can take care of himself, Steve has a lot of money and can more than likely make Nik’s life complicated. I don’t
want to risk having Steve lay a charge against Nik, because I’m sure if the police start looking into it, they will find something that might get him into trouble.

  Tonight, Silvia is going to take care of Luke while Nik and I join Alexey, Jade, and Vlad at Alexey’s club. Nik suggested I accompany Jade, as Alexey has a meeting and he will be able to keep an eye on both of us while Alexey is busy. Initially I was reluctant in leaving Luke with Silvia, but she’s been visiting us every day, and Luke is comfortable with her. I haven’t gone out since before Luke was born, and in a way, I am excited.

  I’m about to carry Luke into the room to get changed, when I hear the door opening. Looking back, I see Jade walking in with Nik following close behind her. Our eyes meet, and I feel myself blush when his eyes travel down my body. This morning, I woke up with him between my legs, his mouth making me scream in pleasure. My thighs are still sensitive from the chafing of his unshaven face.

  “Daddy, play,” Luke says as he starts to wiggle to get to the floor, nearly making me drop him when he kicks me on the hip.

  “Stop it,” Nik snaps when he sees me wince. His long strides bring him closer until he’s taking Luke from my arms. “You okay?” he asks. When I nod, he looks at Luke and frowns. “Say sorry to Mama for hurting her.”

  I see Luke’s wobbling lip as he looks up at Nik and then at me. “Sowee,” he says, which makes Nik nod before he tosses him up into the air and then holds him close as Luke laughs.

  “You want to play?” Nik asks as he holds him away.

  “Play,” Luke says excitedly as he pumps his arms and legs.

  Nik looks over his shoulder at a smiling Jade. “Let me know when you’re ready to leave,” he says, and then takes a step closer to me. Bending his head, he kisses my lips gently before he is carrying Luke out of the lounge.

  “I would never have thought that I would see Nik being so caring. It makes me so happy to know that he has you in his life,” Jade says as she walks towards me. I can feel my cheeks redden at Nik’s display of affection.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anyway, for the reason I’m here,” she says. “Silvia is bringing down some of my dresses. You were saying that you haven’t been out in a long time and have nothing to wear. Well, I can’t fit into my clothes anymore, so I thought you would like to wear something of mine.”

  “Oh, wow, are you sure?” I say, surprised she would let me use her clothes. I have realised in the short time that I have known Jade that she will go out of her way to help others. She has a kind heart and a compassionate soul.

  “Of course. I want to see your man sweat for a few hours,” she says playfully just as there is a knock on the door. “That must be Silvia,” she says as she walks towards the door.

  “Hi,” Silvia greets as she walks in with her arms covered with clothes. “Shall we take this to the room?” She’s already making her way towards our room. A few minutes later, I find myself trying on Jade’s clothes. I can hear my baby’s laughter coming from his room as Nik continues playing with him. Walking out of the bathroom with a stunning midnight-blue short dress with a low-cut back, I see Silvia clap when she sees me.

  “Oh, goodness, that looks positively decadent,” Jade says as she looks at me. “You will have to go without a bra, but that will just make your man want to bring you home faster.”

  It’s a beautiful dress, and I must agree with her that it looks great, but I’m not sure I should wear this. I remember how possessive Nik can be, and I don’t think he will like me going out like this. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” I confess as I turn around and look over my shoulder at my back.

  “Oh no, no, dear. You have to wear that. It looks positively breath-taking,” Silvia says as she walks towards me. “Don’t worry about your man. He will be so proud having you on his arm.”

  I really like the dress and the way I look. Why not live a little? “Why not?” I say as I shrug. “I will wear it, and I have the perfect shoes for it.”

  “Great. I will let Nik know that I’m getting ready here and he can go and do whatever he needs to,” Jade says as she starts to stand, but Silvia motions her back down.

  “Don’t worry, dear. I will go take care of Luke and tell Nik that he can go,” she says as she walks out. I make my way towards the bathroom so that I can fix my hair and start applying makeup. We still have a little time, but I haven’t done this in such a long time that now that I’ve decided to wear this dress, I’m excited.

  “Did you bring what you’re going to wear?” I ask, and jump in surprise when Jade answers from behind me.

  “It’s together with the other dresses. I’ve decided on something that’s going to make Alexey steam. Just because I’m starting to look like a whale doesn’t mean I can’t wear sexy,” she quips as she rummages through the clothes Silvia brought. “Here we go,” she says as she pulls out her outfit for the night.

  Jade and I have a great time while we get ready. I have missed having someone to laugh with. A friend I can be silly with.

  “Do you have a jacket that will cover you? We only want our men to see us when we take the jackets off,” Jade says. Now that I’m ready, I’m starting to get nervous again about what Nik is going to think. I know I look good and sexy, something I haven’t felt since having Luke.

  Pulling out my long jacket, I show it to her, which makes her smirk. “That’s perfect. Well, it looks like we’re ready,” she says as she takes my hand and starts pulling me after her down the corridor. We find Silvia in the lounge, packing away Luke’s toys. She brought him in to say goodnight to me earlier and then put him to bed. I was tempted to be the one to put him to bed, but I decided on letting Silvia do it and see if Luke made a fuss, but he was an angel and fell asleep without any fuss at all.

  “Well, look at the two of you,” Silvia says when she sees us. “Those two won’t be able to keep their eyes off you.”

  “Let’s hope it’s not just their eyes,” Jade quips with a wink, which makes us laugh just as the door opens and the men walk in.

  “Well, now I’m jealous,” Vlad quips as he approaches. “Two beautiful women and they’re not mine.”

  “Malysh,” Alexey says as he lowers his head and kisses Jade warmly on the lips. Nik stands behind Vlad, but his eyes haven’t left me since the moment he walked in. His look burns me as his eyes travel over my face and then my covered body.

  “Shall we go?” Alexey asks as he looks at Jade and then over at me.

  “Sure, we’re ready,” Jade says as Alexey places his hand on her lower back to guide her out. I start to follow but am stopped when Nik steps before me.

  “You look beautiful, angel,” he states softly as his hand lifts to my face and he strokes my cheek.

  “Thank you,” I say as his hand snakes around my neck, and he pulls me closer to him.

  “I would rather take you to bed right now,” he mutters as his lips take mine in a possessive kiss that is over way too quickly, and then he guides me towards the others who are already standing by the lift. I’m surprised when we make our way to different cars. I thought we would all be travelling together, but Nik says it’s safer to travel like this.

  When we arrive at the club, I see that Ivan and Andrei are already waiting by the doors for us. I’m glad to see that Andrei is fine. After the incident at the apartments, I was worried that he was seriously injured, and even though Nik tried to calm my worries by saying he was fine, it’s good to see for myself that he’s okay.

  The men guide us into the club that is already blasting with loud music. Nik pulls me before him, his hands on my hips as he guides me through the crowd. I see that Jade is between Alexey and Vlad, with Andrei walking ahead. It is touching how protective these men are of us women.

  We reach an enclosed area with tables where Alexey starts to help Jade out of her jacket. He tenses, and then his eyes travel up and down her body. I smile when I see his eyes snap up to hers. Jade is dressed in a loose pair of black flowy pants with a cropped bla
ck top that shows off her ample breasts. Her very pregnant stomach is only covered with a sheer black organza.

  Alexey says something to Jade that makes her throw back her head in laughter. I see Alexey’s head snap up and to the side where a man has just walked past them and looked at Jade. By Alexey’s murderous look, I don’t think he’s finding it amusing. Now that it’s my turn to take off my jacket, I’m feeling nervous.

  Nik places his hands on my shoulders and helps me out of the jacket. Vlad, who is sitting at the table before us, looks at me. His mouth falls open before his eyes snap up to Nik, and then he roars with laughter as he shakes his head.

  “Fuck,” I hear Nik mutter from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I see his frown as he looks down at my back, and then his hand is on my upper arm and he turns me around to look at him. His eyes travel down the length of my body and then come back up and stop on my covered breasts. “You want me to kill someone today?” he asks seriously as his eyes lift to mine.

  “Why?” I ask innocently.

  “You are my woman. I see any motherfucker’s eyes on you and he will lose them,” he promises in a growl.

  “Don’t be silly, Nik.” His eyebrow lifts, and I know he isn’t joking. Huffing, I turn and take the chair opposite Vlad and next to Jade. I see that Alexey and Jade are talking earnestly, so I try not to pry. I look around until I feel a hand on my leg. Jumping slightly in surprise, my head snaps around to encounter Nik’s scorching gaze on me.

  “What would you like to drink?” he asks, his head bent close to me so that I can hear him over the noise of the music. Noticing for the first time the waitress standing by the table, I see her inquisitive eyes on Nik’s hand and then on me.


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