TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2)

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TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2) Page 11

by Alexi Ferreira

  “A Manhattan, please.” After the waitress leaves, Vlad leans forward and says something to Nik in Russian that makes him frown. Jade has set up the Russian lessons. They are to start in a few days, and I for one can’t wait. Not knowing what these men say most of the time is irritating. Once we know their language, I want to see how they will be hiding things from us.

  There is a commotion to our left, and I see all three men slide their hands into their jackets. I know these men are always armed, and even though I’m not a fan of guns after living in the neighbourhood that I did for the last couple years, I have learnt that sometimes it’s the only way to protect oneself. Nik has moved his body slightly as to block me and Jade, who is sitting next to me.

  I see his tense body as he looks in the direction of the commotion, his eyes taking in everything around him. I snake my hand under his jacket and up his back, feeling how his muscles move under my fingers.

  “Do you want to go dance?” Jade asks.

  Looking over, I see Alexey shaking his head, his hand stroking Jade’s extended belly. “Not now, malysh. Let the men sort out the problem first,” Alexey says, a worried look on his face as he looks at Jade.

  “Sure, we can go later,” I reply with a smile, still not comfortable around this intense man. Jade nods and smiles as she lifts her hand to Alexey’s face and strokes gently as she leans back on her chair. Andrei approaches the table. Leaning down, he says something to Nik and then turns and leaves.

  “They’re here,” Nik says as he turns in his seat to face us again, his eyes focused on Alexey. I see Alexey nod, and then he leans down and kisses Jade gently on the lips.

  “I’ll be right back. Listen to what you’re told,” he says before he walks away, Vlad next to him. Nik has returned his hand to my leg, his thumb stroking the inside of my leg. His eyes continue their perusal of everyone around us. I decide to give him a taste of his own medicine and bring his attention to me. Placing my hand on his upper leg, I start stroking gently up and down. I feel his leg muscles tense under my hand, and his thumb stops its ministration.

  I don’t want him to see me smile, so I turn my head and encounter Jade’s knowing look. I can feel myself blush, but I wink at her, and she bursts out laughing. “Let me know if you still want to dance or just sit here feeling your man off,” she says close to my ear as she leans forward. I smack her arm playfully and laugh just as our drinks arrive.

  Looking over at Nik, I see the waitress lean down and say something to him, which has him frowning as she slips something into his jacket pocket. My good mood disappears instantly as I raise my brows at him when his eyes encounter mine. “What?” he asks, which makes my temper raise. Well, if that’s how he wants to play it, two can play at this game.

  “We’re going to dance,” I snap as I stand, but instantly, his hand is on my arm, holding me still.

  “What?” he asks again as he also stands and looks down at me.

  “Have you got something going on with her?” I ask.

  “Niet,” he grunts.

  “So, the note she placed in your pocket wasn’t her number or address or whatever?”

  “You are my woman. I do not need or want anyone else,” he states as he lifts his hand to my neck and starts stroking just under my ear.

  “That isn’t what I asked,” I mumble. The hand at my waist lifts and pulls out the paper from his pocket. Before my eyes, he scrunches it up in a fist and then tosses it down on the table.

  “I will say this only once, Raven. You are my woman. Others can try, but they will not succeed. I only want you,” he states, his eyes boring into me with an intensity I swear I can feel in my soul. “If you have a problem with me, we talk about it. You do not walk away.” His head lowers, and he takes my lips in a punishing kiss that leaves us both breathless.

  “Wow, you guys should really think about finding a room.” Jade’s teasing voice comes from behind me, which has Nik pulling back reluctantly. “Sorry, didn’t want to mess up the moment,” she says, “but I really need to go to the ladies’, and I know you would freak if I just left.”

  “I will come with you,” I offer, which has her smiling as I pull my arm through hers and start walking with her towards where I see the sign for the bathrooms, but she pulls me another way, and I realise that obviously she uses private bathrooms that aren’t for all the clients at the club. I notice Nik following us and shake my head at how protective he is, that even in the club where several of their men are, he still finds it necessary to protect us.

  I’m about to push the door open, when he steps before me and enters, his body blocking us as he walks in. I follow with Jade behind us, when he suddenly stops. I hear him snap something angrily in Russian, his back tense, and then a man replies also in Russian. I peep around his back and gasp when I see a guy fastening his pants while one of the waitresses arranges her skirt.

  Nik’s eyes snap back at me. “Wait outside,” he says as he inclines his head.

  “What’s going on?” Jade asks as I pull her behind me until we stand outside.

  “There was a couple going at it in there,” I say, and see her surprised look before she throws back her head and laughs.

  “Oh, I really, really need the bathroom,” she groans as she places her hand on her stomach.

  “Is there another one around here?” I ask as I look up and down the hallway, only to encounter Steve standing by the entrance to the hallway, looking at us. “Great, that’s all I needed,” I mutter, which has Jade looking over her shoulder at Steve.

  “Who’s that?” she asks with a frown.

  “My ex-boss,” I reveal. The last thing I want is for Nik to come out here and find Steve, because there will be bloodshed. “Why don’t you go in and let Nik know that you can’t wait any longer?” I suggest as I see Steve making his drunk way towards us.

  “Come with me,” she says.

  “No, you go ahead. Can you imagine what Nik will do if he finds him here? I will just get rid of him and then be in.”

  “Be careful, because if he hurts you, you know Nik will kill him,” Jade says as she once again pushes open the door to the bathroom and steps inside.

  “So, bitch, what are you going to do now that your fancy boyfriend isn’t here?” Steve says as he draws closer.

  “What do you want, Steve? You must stop contacting me and sending me messages. You are becoming a stalker,” I say as I take a step back just as the waitress hurries out of the bathroom, bumping into Steve.

  “Oh, so you do get them? Why aren’t you answering me? Too important now with your fancy apartment?” he says angrily as he approaches. Just as he’s about to reach for me, the door to the bathroom opens, and the guy who was arranging his pants steps out, Nik standing by the door, holding it open. He looks at me, and then his features tense when he sees Steve.

  “Motherfucker,” he growls as he pushes the other guy out of the way and reaches for Steve.

  “Nik!” I cry as he grabs him with one hand by the neck and pulls him back against the wall.

  “I warned you,” he says as his hand pulls back and he punches Steve in the stomach. “You send my woman messages, try and phone her, and then you come here to harass her.” His voice is low but much scarier because of it.

  “Fuck off. I will see her if I want.” Steve gasps. Nik looks back at the guy who was in the bathroom who stopped when Nik attacked Steve and is now standing by the door to the bathroom, looking at what’s happening. He says something to him in Russian, and the guy steps forward. Taking Steve by the arm, he starts to pull him away.

  “Take your hands off me, asshole,” Steve roars, but the guy continues to pull him away until another guy joins him and they help him out. I look over at Nik and see his furious eyes on me, his features tense as he looks over my body to see if I was hurt in any way.

  “Why didn’t you come in with Jade?” he asks, his voice way too quiet.

  “I was trying to get rid of him before you saw him,” I reply, and one min
ute he is standing before me, and the other, I am against the wall and he is caging me in between his arms.

  “You never put yourself in danger again. Do you hear me, Raven?” he snaps before his lips are on mine and he is kissing me with such passion, I forget everything except his touch. His hands entwine in my hair as he turns my head, his body flush against mine so that I can feel his hardness against me. I don’t know for how long we kiss before we hear the bathroom door opening, and Nik straightens, his eyes promising all kinds of evils as he turns to find a smirking Jade.

  “I hear bathrooms have become quite popular for sex these days if you would like to try it. I can always wait out here,” she teases, which has Nik grunting and me blushing.

  NIK 15

  I need to go pay Steve a visit. If he thinks he can just stalk my woman, he has another thing coming. I’m still going to deal with that son of a bitch who let him go. First I find him in the bathroom with the waitress instead of at his post, and then he lets Steve get away. I look at Raven in the passenger seat and feel my cock hardening.

  That fucking dress has given me blue balls. Every time I looked at her, I could see her luscious breasts bouncing slightly with her movements. The fact that she isn’t wearing a fucking bra didn’t go unnoticed by me, and I will make sure she knows before the end of the night.

  “Are you still upset?” she asks suddenly as she turns her head and looks at me. I can see her biting her bottom lip as she waits for my reply. Raven has never been one to stay upset with anyone for long. She doesn’t rest until she’s resolved her issues with whomever it is. That’s why I understand why she would want to talk to Steve, but I will make sure he stops harassing her, and that from now on, she trusts me to keep her safe. She needs to start confiding in me and trusting me to resolve her issues.

  “I’m not upset.”

  “Thank you for taking me today. I enjoyed myself regardless.” After returning to the table, we found Alexey and Vlad already there. The women danced and enjoyed themselves for the rest of the night with no more issues.

  “The night isn’t over yet,” I state, and see her eyes widen as I drive into the garage. Parking the Mustang, I walk around the car and open her door, helping her out. Her fragrance engulfs me as I guide her to the lift. When the doors to the lift close, I pull her into my arms. Her back to my front, I cross my arms before her as my head lowers and I nuzzle her neck. She groans in pleasure. This is a bad idea. All I want to do is take her breasts in my hands and fondle them until she’s crying in passion, but the cameras in the lift will film it, and there is no way in hell I’m going to give anyone a show.

  As soon as the doors open, I lift her into my arms and stride down the corridor to our apartment.

  “Nik.” She gasps, but then she’s got her lips against my neck as she kisses me. Opening the door, I stride in, and Silvia comes out of the kitchen. When she sees us, she smiles.

  “Well, I’ll be off,” she says, and hurriedly makes her way out. I nod to her in thanks.

  “Thank you,” Raven calls out as the door closes behind Silvia. I’m already making my way down the corridor to our room, my lips taking possession of Raven’s luscious ones. Walking into the room, I let her slide down my body, not letting go of her lips, my hands finally finding her breasts that have been tempting me the entire evening.

  “You were killing me tonight,” I grunt as I take hold of her dress and pull it up and over her head. My eyes instantly land on her pebbled nipples, my hands following my eyes. I take her breasts in my hands, fondling them as my head lowers to her neck. Her hands anxiously undo the buttons on my shirt until she can stroke her fingers down my chest, making me groan.

  Taking a step back, I rip off the jacket and then my shirt. My pants follow next until I’m standing before her in my boxers. I see her eyes travel down my tattooed torso as she approaches.

  “Take me,” she murmurs.

  Placing my hands under her ass, I pick her up. Her legs entwine around my waist as she grinds her wetness against my hardness. I can feel the heat of her core scorching me, driving me crazy. Carrying her to the bed while we kiss passionately, I place her on the mattress. My hands grip her panties and pull them off, leaving her bare to my eyes.

  “You are beautiful,” I murmur as I lower myself over her, kissing first her neck and down her chest until I’m pulling at her nipple with my teeth. Her gasps of pleasure drive me wild. My fingers stroke down her stomach until I have them at her core, stroking and pinching gently.

  Her hips start to buck against my hand, wanting more, needing more. “Nik, please,” she pleads as her fingers entwine in my hair while I worship her breasts. Pulling back, I remove my boxers, my engorged cock bouncing against my stomach in anticipation. Lowering myself over her once more, I slot myself in between her legs, pushing into her heat. We both groan at the perfection of the feelings coursing through us.

  “Oh . . . Nikolai.” She gasps as I bury myself deep within her body. Her nails dig into my biceps, her head thrown back. As I plunge and pull out slowly at first and faster as we start to lose control, I pull Raven’s arms over her head, holding her hands with one of mine while I devour her with my mouth. I feel her muscles start to clamp down around me as I continue to plunge harder, deeper, until she comes apart in my arms.

  “Raven,” I grunt as I spend myself within her body, my breathing shallow, my heart racing, and my soul at peace. I slump down over her, trying to keep my weight on my arms as not to crush her. I kiss her forehead, listening to her rapid breathing, her breasts rubbing against my chest every time we breathe. Already I can feel myself hardening again. Pulling out slowly, I turn her on her side as I slot myself behind her. My arms encircle her within my embrace, and I once again enter her body from behind.

  “You are mine,” I grunt as I start to move, my hands tweaking her nipples.

  “Yes, yours,” she mumbles as she thrusts her hips. “You . . . are also mine.” She groans as I pinch her nipple and bite her shoulder at the same time.

  “Da,” I say as I continue our torture, our bodies moving in unison. We spend the night enjoying each other’s body, only falling asleep in the early hours of the morning. I am awakened by Luke calling for his mother. Looking over at Raven, I see that she’s fast asleep, making me smile when I think of everything we did yesterday.

  Sliding out of bed, I pull on a pair of tracks and walk barefoot to his room. “Morning,” I call as I walk towards him. At my voice, he looks up and smiles, his arms instantly raised so that I can pick him up.

  “Daddy,” he says excitedly, not used to having me here when he wakes up, as I’m usually out of the house early.

  “Let’s try not to make a noise, okay? Mama is still sleeping,” I say as I pick him up.

  “Sleep,” he repeats.

  “Yes, now let’s get you changed, and then I will give you some breakfast. Would you like that?” He doesn’t reply, as his hands are happily tracing the tattoos on my arms and chest. I shake my head and smile. Like mother like son; looks like they both have a fascination for my tattoos. I continue talking quietly to Luke while I change him and then carry him into the kitchen to see what we shall have for breakfast.

  “What do you want to eat, Luke?” I ask as I look in the fridge.

  “Biscuit,” he murmurs with a huge smile, which makes me laugh.

  “I don’t think your mom would be too impressed with me if that’s what I gave you for breakfast,” I say. Walking to the phone, I dial the kitchen and order scrambled eggs and toast for Luke and Raven and I eggs benedict.

  “Breakfast will be here soon. Let’s go build your blocks while we wait,” I state as I place him on the floor and walk towards the living room where some of his toys are nicely packed next to the couch. I smile when I see his little legs pumping as he rushes towards his toys. When the food arrives, Luke and I are sitting on the floor in the sitting room with his blocks spread around us. We would usually have the food sent up in the dumbwaiter, but since the bo
mbing, we haven’t had it repaired yet.

  I open the door to see one of our chefs pushing a trolley with our food. “Thank you, Katia,” I say as she pushes the trolley inside.

  “No problem,” she answers as she turns and leaves.

  “You want to eat eggs?” I ask as I carry Luke’s plate to the table where Raven has placed Luke’s high chair. At my words, he drops the blocks he was playing with and runs towards me with a smile.

  “Egg,” he says happily.

  “Yes, egg.” I lift him onto his chair and place his plate before him. Instantly, he takes hold of a piece of toast and brings it to his mouth. I shake my head in amusement at the gusto with which he eats his food. To think we nearly lost him. If Bjorn had managed to get his hands on him, he wouldn’t be here today.

  “You two look so alike.” My head snaps around, as I hadn’t heard Raven approach. My eyes travel over her body, and instantly, mine reacts to her long legs only hidden by my shirt that she put on. I can see that she hasn’t put on a bra, her nipples straining against the material of my shirt.

  “Morning.” My voice comes out in a gruff murmur, and I see her smile as she steps closer. Bending down, she kisses Luke on the forehead and strokes his hair gently while he talks away. My attention is centred on both of them and how they have already started to change my life. She straightens and walks around our son and towards me. Lifting on her tiptoes, she kisses me on the lips. Before she can move away, my hands are under the shirt and on her waist and I am pulling her flush against my body.

  My head dips, and I kiss her, giving her no doubt of how I’m feeling this morning. “I got us breakfast,” I say against her lips, and feel her smile against me.

  “Mmm, I could do with some food. I’m starving,” she says as she steps back.

  “Take a seat. I will bring the food.” Once we are all seated and eating, a warmth fills me. I never thought to have a family to share this with. I don’t remember much of my childhood, but what I do remember is that there was no one I could depend on around, no one to share things with. To have Raven and Luke in my life, to be able to share a simple meal with them, is special to me, as I have never had this before. Yes, Jade invites me for lunch or dinner every now and again, but its not the same.


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