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Page 14

by Sophia Kenzie

  The man in front of her was no such man. He knew power, he knew pain, and he wasn’t afraid.

  She wanted to reach him, to find the boy she had met so long ago. Because of her, he was hidden away. But she still loved him; she couldn’t give up. “Kiss me, Evan. Kiss me.”

  Slowly and deliberately, he stopped tightening the ropes and looked at her face. He crawled next to her and pushed a strand of hair from in front of her eye. His lips upturned as he looked down upon her, and his fingers slid down her cheeks, tickling her skin under their touch.

  “I love you, Megan.”

  She let out a brief sigh of relief. “I love you too, Evan.”

  He touched his lips to hers, sending a burst of electricity through her body in a single instant. But in the next instant, his lips were gone, and his dark, foreboding eyes were upon her yet again.

  “I’m going to take you now.”


  Megan didn’t reply, and she didn’t move; she only prayed that she could handle the monster.

  One small button at a time, Evan meticulously split her shirt down the center, revealing her cherry red bra. He took his finger and outlined the curves of her breasts, circling her form over and over again. When he felt satisfied with that, he reached into the same drawer where he had earlier found the ropes, but this time he pulled out a large fishing knife.

  Megan felt her body tense when her eyes caught the gleam of the polished metal. That very toy had come in handy earlier in their relationship, but now, to her it looked less like a toy and more like a weapon.

  Evan slipped the blade between her breasts and twisted it so the searing edge faced upwards. In one quick swoop, he pulled the knife toward him, breaking the thin cloth that held together the two cups of her bra. Megan’s breasts fell from their confinement, and peaked from the chill of the room air.

  With his hand still wrapped around the handle of the knife, Evan laid the cool flat edge of the metal against Megan’s erect nipples.

  “Is this cold?” He whispered?

  Megan quickly nodded, her fear not subsiding.

  “Then I better warm you up.”

  He lowered his mouth to her and sucked, first gently, but then more aggressively until Megan’s moans became cries and her cries became screams. And then, as her screams escalated, he still didn’t stop.

  But the torture was still pleasurable; there was no mistaking that. Had Megan not feared the extent to which Evan might go, she would have been lost in the pain of the pleasure. And in some moments, she was.

  The blade of the knife skid down her torso ever so gently and then swiped quickly to its side, popping off the button on her pants.

  Megan screamed, but more out of surprise.

  “Since I have you bound, I’m going to need to cut these pants off of you.”

  “Okay.” Megan quickly agreed.

  Her pants were a simple polyester fabric, and she knew the knife could handle the task. She closed her eyes as Evan methodically snipped away at each and every thread in each and every seam. He slowly made his way up her inseam, trailing his finger behind on her bare skin. She felt the blade round her thigh, and then stop when it reached her hip flexor. Evan came in closer, spreading her legs with his movement.

  He continued the laboring task, obviously delighting in her tensity.

  “Five more stitches to go.”

  She hummed in anticipation.


  He snatched the ripped fabric from under her body and threw it behind him. He quickly lowered the knife to her again, and in two blinding slices, he tore her panties from her body.

  “I think we’re done with this now.” Evan winked as he set the knife back in the drawer.

  But he was far from finished.

  Starting at her bound right foot, Evan nipped up the inside of her leg: her ankle, her calf, the back of her knee, and the inside of her thigh, his bites growing in comparison with her expectancy. Then, as he came upon her eager loins, he paused.

  “Not just yet.” He whispered, blowing cool air onto her as he skipped over her wanting and made his way down the inside of her left thigh, the back of her knee, her calf, and her ankle.

  Megan became dizzy from the mix of fear and desire. She still needed and wanted him: there was no mistaking that fact. She craved his attention, his power, and his body. Her head snapped back as he began to massage her legs. He dug his fingers deep into her muscles, breaking up the stress of so many years. He rubbed up and down and side to side. He circled the pad of his thumb into her knots, and when that wasn’t enough, he crunched his knuckles into them. He dug his elbow into the slender crease in the side of her thigh, making her arch her back up in response. Then he dug his fingers into her hips, releasing any tension she was still holding onto.

  He moved his attention to her wrists, giving them a small kiss before turning his strong digits to her forearms. He moved to her shoulders, swinging his leg over her and coming at her from above.

  Megan was in bliss and completely relaxed. Her earlier fear was hidden behind her now weightless feeling body. She looked up at him with half closed eyes and opened her mouth.

  “Well, I’d hate to turn down a request.” Evan cooed as he pulled himself from his pants and lowered his stiffness into her mouth.

  Megan slowly played with him as he continued his work on her shoulders. She wasn’t on a mission to satisfy him, she only wanted to hold him in her mouth while he kept at his massage. She spiraled her tongue around, slowly, over and over again, and purred as he grew harder still surrounded by her lips.

  The harder she sucked, the harder he dug his thumbs into her muscles: the faster her tongue, the faster his fingers.

  He drove deep into her mouth, touching himself to the back of her throat, before he pulled out quickly. He laid himself between her perked breasts and fondled at her nipples while he thrust his hips into her cleavage. He moved faster, creating more and more friction between them, and leaving Megan begging for more. Just when he could see that her hunger was at its apex, he quickly shot down and pushed his finger inside of her. He pushed down on her pelvis, creating a more appealing position for her G-spot, and curled the tip of his finger each time he pulled down, making her scream in elation. His left thumb fondled her clit, as with his right pointer finger, he brought her own wetness down. He circled her southern opening, and slowly slipped in his finger.

  Megan felt her body begin to shake uncontrollably, but she had no intention of stopping him. Her shaking only intensified his actions. Evan opened her up further with another finger, as he pushed his cock into her to take her wetness.

  He yanked her down further on the bed so her arms were outstretched and above her head, and her knees were in the air. He continued thrusting as he grabbed a pillow and slipped it under her hips. Pulling his now wet cock from her, he removed his three fingers, spread her ass, and slowly pushed into her. Megan tensed around him, her body taking his girth in for the first time. He began slow, pushing and pulling an inch, and then two, and then three, and then further and further and further, until she was finally able to take in all of him. His hips moved faster and harder and she could feel him all over her body.

  “Do you feel me?” Evan groaned in his deep, ominous voice.

  “I feel you.” Megan whispered through her cries.

  “Do you feel me?” His tone deepened still.

  “I feel you.” She found her voice.

  “How about now?” Evan lowered his hand to her neck, and lightly pinched his fingers around her.

  “I feel you, Evan.”

  He gripped harder, and harder, and her breath became shallow.

  “Do you feel me?”

  “I feel you.” Megan choked out. She could feel her consciousness waning as he pushed the heel of his hand against her windpipe. She wouldn’t be able to handle much more.

  She blinked open, and Evan was staring at her, his eyes the darkest she had yet to see th
em. His other hand wrapped around her throat, and he squeezed. She wanted to hold on, she wanted to see to what heights he could take her, but something felt wrong; it felt off. She wasn’t completely sure that Evan was the person inside his own body.

  She had to stop before it was too late.

  “Dandelion.” Megan mouthed their safe word for the very first time, hitting the consonants as hard as she could. But then, her breath stopped all together; she could only move her lips. “Dandelion!”

  Evan saw her lips move, he might have even heard her squeal, but he kept squeezing.

  Megan felt her eyes roll back in her head as the blackness took over.


  “Megan. Megan. Megan.” Evan kept calling her name as he quickly undid her bindings. “Oh God, what did I do? What did I do?”

  He had checked her heart rate and her breath, but for some reason, her eyes remained closed. She wouldn’t wake to his pleas.

  As he pulled the final rope from her wrist, she began to stir. “Megan!” He wrapped his arms around her, flushing with a sense of relief. Her eyes fluttered open as she regained consciousness. “Megan, are you okay?”

  Her bright blue eyes pierced with streaks of white focused solely on him. She studied his face, placing him in her memory. Evan pushed a strand of her thick black hair from her paler than normal face. “You scared me for a second there.” She remembered him. She remembered him pushing her hair back during an assignment where they were sitting across from each other in chairs. She remembered his face from her bedroom doorway at school. She remembered his face from the room she was in. She remembered his face from the kitchen, from the moonlit living room. She remembered his face from the restaurant. They were all happy memories.

  Then the realization, the recollection hit her. At the tail end of all those happy memories, came something dark; something she wished never to see again.

  “Don’t touch me.” She skirted to the other end of the bed.

  Evan put his hand up as if to announce that he was harmless, but at that point, she wasn’t quite sure even he believed that of himself.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” He inched just slightly toward her.

  “I used the safe word.” She pulled at her hair.

  “I know.” He bobbed his head.

  “But you didn’t stop.”

  “I know. Believe me, I know.”

  “Why didn’t you stop?”

  Megan had curled her body into a ball, covering her nakedness with a sheet. She was shivering, but had no intention of allowing him to get close to her. She would rather be cold than face the monster again.

  “I don’t know what came over me. I really don’t. But I’m fine now. I am.” He shifted his weight forward.

  “No!” She screamed. “Stay there. Just, stay there.”

  She slowly slipped off the bed, bringing the sheet with her, and grabbed a pair of sweat pants out of his top drawer. She pulled them over her hips, dropped the sheet, and quickly buttoned three random buttons on her shirt. Her eyes never left his. All trust was gone.

  “Megan, stay with me. Talk to me.”

  “I’m done talking, Evan. I’m done.” She sidestepped her way around the edges of the room, toward the door.

  “Okay, we don’t have to talk.”

  “No, Evan, you’re not getting it: I’m through. I’m finished.”

  “Wait.” He froze. “What do you mean by that?”

  She reached out her hand, making sure he didn’t come any closer in an outrage. “This was supposed to be about trust; an extreme level of trust. You broke that. You can’t just apologize and move past this.”

  He felt the fire rise again in his chest. He felt the need to cause pain, the need to exert his power. He grabbed swiftly onto his bedpost, attempting to subdue himself. Evan’s hand began to shake from the restraint. He didn’t know how to make it stop.

  “No. No. You can’t leave me. Not after everything.”

  Megan’s face flushed with pink color. “I can’t stay here. I told you that I feel you. I really do feel you. And now, I always feel you.” Her breath became choppy as it prepared for tears.

  “And I feel you, Megan.” He squeezed the post tighter.

  “Not if you were able to do that, Evan; it’s not possible. You can’t feel me. I’ve lost you.”

  It was the secret that was holding him back: he was certain of that. He was unable to be completely honest with her, therefore unable to feel her the way she was now able to feel him. All the pain, suffering, guilt that he had endured, and kept hidden for the past ten years had finally found their way to the surface: he was defenseless against them.

  But he would be even more defenseless without Megan: he knew that. She was his rock, the one stable thing in his life. In his new volatile state, he was sure to explode without her guidance.

  He would have to tell her. It was the only way. Then her crusade would be over and she could either forgive him or send him away to some institution. Either way, his suffering would be over. Either way, they could both get on with their lives, be it together, or apart.

  But, although he had worked it all out in his head, he still fought his logic. He needed them to be together. Apart was not an option, not for him. He needed her to forgive him. He needed her to see that night through his eyes.

  He would make her understand.

  But when he looked up to explain it all to her, she was gone.


  “Darren, I know you’re in there. Open up!”

  Evan pounded on his brother’s front door: the same front door that used to belong to his uncle. A light flicked on inside, and he could hear stumbled footstep coming down the stairs. He pounded again. His brother wasn’t coming to his need quickly enough.

  The first latch clicked, and then the second. The door swung open, revealing a sleep-deprived Darren in a forest green silk robe. He stood there with one hand on the door and the other leaning against the frame.

  “What the Hell are you doing here, little bro? I have a pregnant wife. You can’t just come over and start pounding on my door at one in the morning.”

  Evan ignored his brother’s caution and pushed through his blockade, into the house.

  “Evan, where are you going?”

  “Into the study.”

  “What the Hell would you do that for?”

  Evan made a point never to go anywhere near the study. He actually made a point never to come to the house at all. After his uncle’s death, Evan spent his time at either school, or in Connecticut with his father. Though the house was still in the family, Evan wanted nothing to do with it. He didn’t want to be reminded of that night every single day. Instead of facing it, he fled.

  But not tonight. Tonight he was facing it.

  Darren followed on his brother’s heels. “Have you been drinking?”

  Evan pushed into the room, and stood in the center of the rug. “I have.” Evan proudly announced. Not only had he been drinking, he finished off an entire bottle of bourbon. It wasn’t a giant bottle, but it was still a bottle.

  “And then you drove here? Very smart, Evan.”

  “Oh, like you never did the same thing.” Evan spat at him.

  “I’m not saying I haven’t. But I’m still saying it’s stupid.”

  “Stupid enough to make you agree to plant Uncle Billy’s gun?”

  Darren looked up with a sigh. “This is what we’re doing right now? This is about Megan? Of course it is. It’s fucking always about Megan.”

  “She left me, Darren.”

  “Good! Good riddance to her. This can all finally be over now.”

  Evan turned around to him, his eyes bloodshot. “She’s still going to find out. She’s going to do it. I have to tell her, Darren. I have to. If she finds out on her own…”

  Darren grabbed his brother by the shoulders. “And then what, Evan? Huh? She’s going to give you a hug and thank you for killing the big scary man who forced h
imself onto her?”

  Evan silently took a step back from his brother, but Darren closed the gap.

  “No, she’s not, Evan. She’s going to slap you across the face and tell you that you ruined her life. Then she’s going to find out about the part I played. And then, you and I will be sharing a cell in the state penitentiary. Is that what you want, little bro? Is it? Because I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but I have a baby on the way. Prison is not an option for me.”

  Evan fell to the ground, bringing his knees into his chest, mirroring exactly how his brother and father had found him ten years earlier. What kind of mess had he gotten himself into now? Why could he not control himself any longer? Why was the world toppling down around him?

  He was conflicted. His brother was right: if he confessed to Megan, a woman who both was an officer of the law and was very angry with him, she could very well turn around and have him taken down. The likelihood that his brother wouldn’t get pulled into that situation was very small. Plus, Darren was eighteen at the time. He was an adult. The courts wouldn’t be forced to consider leniency with him.


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