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Michelle (A Hotwife Adventure)

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by C. K. Ralston


  A Hotwife Adventure

  C.K. Ralston


  Michelle, A Hotwife Tales

  Copyright © 2016 by C.K. Ralston

  Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only

  and any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  Book Design by KMD Web Designs

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any

  form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including

  photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and

  retrieval system, without written permission from B.C. Summer.

  Published in the United States of America

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons

  living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  This story contains graphic sexual descriptions of such acts as consensual sex between two men and a woman, lesbian sex, and fellatio. If stories which feature scenes that go into great detail when relaying such acts offend you, please do not buy this book.

  Please keep out of reach of anyone 18 years or younger.


  Seeing My Wife Clearly

  I suppose you could blame the start of the whole thing on the airline. Somehow, they had gotten our reservations screwed up and I wasn’t on the passenger list at all on our return flight from Hawaii, as our weeklong vacation getaway ended. However my wife, Michelle, was.

  After a strenuous argument at the ticket counter which lasted a good half hour, I was able to get seated on the same flight—barely—but I wasn’t able to sit next to my wife. I was a row back, in the middle, scrunched in between two portly fellow male passengers.

  Michelle’s long, dark hair and gorgeous face were visible between the seats occasionally, when she turned just the right way, but due to the separate seating arrangement, it was a hassle to talk to each other and so--after we were seated on the plane--we largely didn’t. Instead, she began carrying on a lively conversation with the young man sitting next to her. They were laughing and chatting right after the plane took off as if they were a pair of old friends.

  My wife is like that; gregarious, completely at ease in all social situations. An unkind assessment might be that she is somewhat of a flirt by nature.

  But a person jumping to that conclusion would soon regret it, as he came to know Michelle better. She was just naturally an outgoing and friendly sort of person; not someone who was cruising to meet new men for some sort of sexual “hook-up”.

  I had been married to her for ten years now and thus I was in a position to know her personality better than anyone. The guy seated next to her, however, wasn’t acquainted with her at all, so he quickly mistook her laughing, smiling demeanor for something else.

  You could tell he thought he might have a chance with her. He clearly noticed the large diamond ring set on the appropriate finger of her left hand, but he asked her to have drinks and dinner with him once we landed anyway.

  Michelle has been a strikingly beautiful woman throughout her life. She is the type of girl who finds herself being elected Homecoming Queen with almost no effort on her part back in high school, and the kind who is invariably picked by her peers on the yearbook staff to be the “girl most likely to succeed” at whatever she chose to do for a living.

  Her high school classmates had been right. Michelle now had her own one-woman consulting firm and she was hugely successful.

  I, on the other hand, was a professional idea man. A partner in a mid-sized advertising agency, I was the one who came up with theme for an ad campaign; my vision of a client’s latest image on television or in print ads was what the agency actually sold to prospective patrons.

  Someone else might do the selling, but my concepts were what they were hawking.

  Michelle’s bell-like laughter floated back to me just then. She was loosely gripping her new male friend’s arm, smiling at something he’d just said.

  She was like that; a “toucher”, a very tactile person. It was a big part of who she was.

  Most men love to be touched by a gorgeous woman, even if the brief intimacy such contact affords is quite innocent. At some primal level, males—especially alpha males—take such touching to mean…“she’s making herself available to me; she’s interested…”

  Deep down inside their own psyches, women like Michelle realize this instinctively. They know how a light touch on the arm will be interpreted by a man, but they choose to do it anyway.

  Confident, sure of themselves women like my wife always think they can control a man’s impulses with just a tilt of the head, or by flashing him a different sort of smile; by a slight downturn of the mouth. After all, they grew up doing it, when they were beautiful little girls!

  “No, I’m afraid I can’t,” I heard her saying just then. “I doubt my husband would approve of me having dinner with a handsome young stranger. And my children will want to spend their evening with Mommy, after she and Daddy have been away on vacation all week.”

  “You have kids?” Her admirer asked incredulously. “With that body…you don’t look like mom to me!”

  “Two,” said Michelle proudly, “a boy and a little girl; they are my angels; even though they don’t always act like angels!”

  “You’ve managed to maintain that awesome shape, even though you’ve got two kids at home?” Her seatmate sounded as if he still didn’t quite believe her.

  “The product of hours at the gym and countless miles spent on the jogging trails,” my wife answered modestly.

  “Well, all I’ve got to say is that your husband is a lucky man,” her suitor said.

  Michelle turned slightly, so that she could see my face between the seats and answered with a knowing little smile, “He is at that. I hope he knows it.”

  It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. She had managed to tease her newfound admirer shamelessly, built up his desire for her to a near fever pitch, and then had effortlessly shut him down; all within a few air-miles!


  The rest of the remaining four hours of the flight between Honolulu and Los Angeles passed with Michelle reading a novel on her Kindle. The disappointed young man seated next to her read the magazines provided by the airline, listened to something on his iPod, and finally fell asleep for the last two and a half hours of the trip.

  I occupied myself by daydreaming. What if Michelle had really been alone on the plane with this would-be Romeo?

  Would she have been more open to the hunky young man’s pick up attempts? In my heart, I knew she wouldn’t have been.

  As I said before, we had been married for over ten years now, right out of college, and I knew her as well as I knew myself. She wasn’t interested in other guys, extra-marital flings, affairs, or one-night stands; not my Michelle!

  But, as I also explained before, I spend a lot of time inside my own head, both at work and at home. It was part of my job to do so.

  I’ve earned a lot of money, just noodling through things in my office all day long with my door shut, thinking up ideas to promote other people’s products or services. Mental flights of fancy are thus a big part of who I am as a person.

  The temptation to imagine my sexy, gorgeous wife falling prey to another man’s blandishments—being swept off her feet by his youth, his great looks, his line of B.S., and checking into a airport hotel with him for a few hours of forbidden pleasure—was simply too tantalizing to ignore. My cock got rock hard as I imagined young Sleeping Beauty, seated next to her, successfully talking her into drinks and a grabbing a quick dinner with him, had I been delayed on ano
ther flight today.

  After all, it had almost happened. Had I not been able to talk my way onto this flight, we would have had two options: stay another night in Hawaii and book a new flight as soon as we could, or take separate planes back to L.A.

  If we’d been forced to do the latter, my flight could easily have been delayed by several hours. She might have met this guy, or someone like him--perhaps a man who was a bit more suave, more polished in his approach than this one had been--someone whose masterful seduction attempts might have proven irresistible!

  I could easily fantasize about them up in that mythical hotel room, her with one eye on the digital clock on the nightstand, so that she could still be on hand to meet my flight when it finally arrived. Him with eyes only for her…those long, perfect legs…that incomparable ass…those sumptuous breasts…and that face!

  In my mind’s eye, I could see him turning her on with his hot kisses, stripping off her comfy travel outfit, revealing her matchless body. He would have had a big cock, of course; or at least he had one in my fantasy.

  My own equipment is adequate; not extremely huge, but a little bigger than average. And I’m no muscleman. I never have been.

  People are always amazed that a tall, voluptuous creature like Michelle fell for an average Joe like me. I’m about six feet tall, thirty-four years old--to her thirty-two—and I have sandy blond hair. Unfortunately, I also possess a very run-of-the-mill, slightly out of shape body.

  You see, I don’t spend hours every week in the gym or on the jogging trails, the way Michelle does. My fitness regimen consists of watching what I eat and playing with the kids whenever I can; teaching Brandon Jr., that’s my boy, how to catch and throw a baseball, and Dina, my little girl, how to play soccer.

  I realized that I had a goofy, proud-papa grin on my face as I thought of our wonderful kids. But then my thoughts returned to that imaginary hotel bedroom and of Michelle and her phantom lover rolling around on the king size bed together, both naked, both oh, so hot for each other!

  She would suck his huge cock, of course. Michelle has always been great at giving blowjobs; she really enjoys the feel of a man’s hard dick in her mouth. She still swallows when I come in her mouth occasionally, just to give me a little extra treat once in while!

  I imagined her doing that for her nameless lover, noisily gulping down his big load. He would have been so turned on by her performance that--in my mind’s eye at least--he would have remained half-hard in her mouth even after he’d come for the first time.

  In no time at all, her worshipping lips would have him as firm as a brick again, and he’d be plunging that awesome tool of his deep into her belly! I squirmed about uncomfortably in my seat as I pictured the two of them…fucking!

  There was really no other way to say it. The steamy tableau I imagined couldn’t have been glossed over by calling what my wife and her fictional lover were doing in my illicit thoughts “making love”.

  No, they were fucking, pure and simple! They were doing the horizontal mambo…they were burying the salami…they were…

  “Fasten your seatbelt, please, sir,” the flight attendant was urging, peering down at my lap with a disapproving scowl on her face.

  Below the still unfastened seat belt, my dick was so hard it was making a noticeable bulge in my cargo shorts. Red-faced with embarrassment, I snapped my seatbelt into place and prayed that both she and my towering hard on would just go away!

  Chapter One


  “Daddy, Daddy, what did you bring me?” Brandon Junior’s childish voice was just below a shriek.

  “And me,” his little sister shouted at the top of her lungs as well. “Me, too, what did you bring me?”

  I grinned and stooped to gather them both into my arms. They were hugging my neck and kissing my cheeks when I stood back up with one child in each arm and asked Michelle facetiously, “Who are these young mercenaries? Where are our perfectly behaved, loving children?”

  She laughed and said, “It’s your fault, dear. You go out of town a lot more often than I do, and you never fail to bring them presents when you get back home.”

  I set the children back down on the floor, turned to our long-suffering housekeeper/nanny, Brenda, and asked, “Was their behavior moderately acceptable while we were gone. Or were they like this all the time?”

  She grinned at me and said, “Oh, they were alright, I guess.”

  Her face morphed into a faux glare as she looked down at them and went on to add, “There was that one incident, where they tried to coax the dog into the clothes dryer, but I was able to stop them before anything serious happened.”

  “He was wet,” Brandon explained with an innocent look on his face. “He got dirty, and so Dina and me washed him. And we wanted to get him dry before we let him out of the garage and back into the house.”

  “Dina and I washed him, sweetheart,” Michelle said, correcting his grammar automatically, dropping to her knees to embrace the two young scamps.

  “He was dripping wet!” Dina said, as if that added bit of clarification would make everything clear to her somewhat thick-headed parents. “We had to get him dry!”

  “That’s what towels are for, dear,” her mother told her patiently, still smiling.

  “Well, as it turns out, I did bring you each something,” I said, beaming down at the two young scamps. “And since you didn’t set the place afire or flood it with water while we were gone, or break anything that can’t be replaced…I guess I’ll give them to you now.”

  Dina and her brother squealed with excitement as I bent over and zipped open the bigger of our two suitcases on the foyer floor. I drew out two bags. One contained a “Hawaiian Barbie”, complete with hula skirt, and the other held a real Hawaiian ukulele for Brandon to strum on.

  Both kids seized our presents from the islands with glee and stormed off into the house, mom and dad temporarily forgotten. I heard off-key ukulele music floating in from the front room and peels of girlish laughter as the Barbie box was ripped open.

  “Well, I see we’re no longer needed,” I commented wryly to the two women.

  “I have dinner just about ready,” our nanny said. “I didn’t think you’d want to cook on your first night back.”

  “We’ll be down soon,” I told her, bending down and rezipping the bag. “Our flight was a long one and I think we’d both like to rest up a little before dinner, Brenda.”

  Clearly mystified by my sudden bout of ‘tiredness’, Michelle nevertheless dutifully followed me up the stairs, carrying her own bag, while I wrestled the heavier one up the steps. When we got inside the master bedroom and had sat our bags on the floor, I closed and locked the door behind us.

  “What’s that all about?” She asked me the question warily, staring the doorknob, knowing as well as I did that the only time we locked the door was when we were going to make love, to guard against the children being traumatized by the sight of their parents all naked and sweaty together atop the bed.

  “Just this,” I replied.

  I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately, my tongue seeking and being granted entry into her luscious mouth. She nestled her body into my arms and snaked her own arms around my neck as she pushed her lush breasts up against my chest while we kissed.

  One thing I’ve always loved about my wife is that she’s never lost her enthusiasm for sex. She may rarely initiate it, but whenever I do, she’s always ready to enter into it wholeheartedly!

  Before we knew it, we were rolling around on the nearby bed, stripping off each others clothes while still making out like a pair of randy teenagers. As soon as we were both naked, she grabbed hold of my rigid cock and began to stroke it while we kissed.

  I, in turn, slipped one finger through the close-cropped triangle of dark fur just above her pussy and into her juicy slit while teasing her nipples with my other hand. She moaned into my mouth and ground her clit against my invading finger, ruffling my hair as she sucked
at my tongue and played with my cock.

  God, she was a hot-blooded woman! I felt, for the zillionth time over the ten years we’d been doing this, that I was the luckiest man on earth!

  “I want you, right now,” she sighed, breaking off the kiss. “I need this hard thing of yours inside me as deep as it will go!”

  Her wish was my command, as far as that went. I rolled her onto her back and climbed between her widespread legs, centering my steel-hard cock in her extremely wet gash.

  “Oh, oh, that’s the way!” She cooed out the words, closing her sparkling grey eyes in gathering ecstasy and hunching her hips up to drive me inside her all the way up to my balls. “Fuck me, darling, fuck my hot pussy and make me come!”

  I did my best to do just that. My cock glided up and down in her perfect little pink slit and I was careful to keep it pressed tightly up against her aroused clit.

  After a few minutes of our frantic coupling, Michelle’s big eyes suddenly flew open wide the way they always did when she got ready to climax. She gripped me tighter in her arms and whispered into my ear, “Oh, oh, God, you’re giving me a great fucking, darling! I don’t know what brought this on, but I love it! I simply adore it!”

  I knew what she was referring to, of course. We’d made love just the night before, our last in the earthly paradise that is Hawaii, in our hotel suite overlooking the beach.

  And it had been anything but business as usual. We had fucked like two high school sweethearts for more than an hour, with her coming three times and me coming twice!

  Tonight’s little tryst was therefore totally unexpected on her part. Lately, we had only made love once a week or so and even then, not like this!

  I was really drilling her. My dick was flying up and down inside her and she was moaning, running her fingers through my hair, her eyes closed tightly through most of it.

  Now they were open and she was gasping, “Oh, fuck, oh, God, I’m coming, honey! Oh, Jesus, you’re making me come so…hard!”


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