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Michelle (A Hotwife Adventure)

Page 5

by C. K. Ralston

  She had on a very expensive black evening dress by a famous name designer. It featured a plunging neckline and the blue-grey jewel resting between her sumptuous breasts set off her eyes and emphasized the richness of her tanned in-the-southern-California-sun skin tone.

  Michelle hadn’t her worn long, sable-colored hair up tonight, as I suspected she might; the way she tended to wear it on most special occasions. As she primped and posed in front of the mirror, I casually mentioned as much to her.

  “It would all be down around my shoulders eventually, by morning anyway,” she said softly, and I knew what she meant without her having to go into detail.

  Ed’s hands would be all over her thick mane of hair tonight, as he fucked her! He would probably entwine his fingers in it, as she blew him, pulling her in, sinking his cock all the way into her lips!

  I banished such images from my head with some difficultly. After all, she’d be leaving soon on her date, and it wouldn’t do for me to stand up and kiss her goodbye with a towering hard on, now would it?


  “You’ll text later, just to assure me everything’s going okay?”

  “I promise,” she said, looking flushed and excited as she got ready to leave the house.

  Brenda had gone home for the night just before we came downstairs, and the kids were in the rec room, watching television. They had eaten dinner already and showed their usual lack of interest in their parent’s activities when there were shows to watch.

  “You’ll make sure the kids are all tucked into bed on time?”

  Now it was my turn to promise, and I did so, saying, “Sure I will. You can count on me, you know that.”

  “I can…and I do,” she said simply, brushing away the tears that had suddenly sprung to her eyes as she prepared to step out into the garage and start her car.

  “Oh, Brandon, what if we’re making a terrible mistake, in doing this?”

  I moved into her and held her close for long moments, nuzzling her neck with my cheek, drinking in the essence of her perfume and feeling her lush body against mine for a final time on that momentous evening; a body I was about to share with someone I didn’t even know! I kissed her cheek and murmured, “We agreed to give this a try. If it doesn’t work out the way we hope it will; no harm, no foul as far as I’m concerned.”

  Drawing back from her, I looked deeply into those worried grey eyes and said, with considerably more confidence than I was feeling right at that moment, “You should go. If you leave right now, you should be right on time; and you don’t want to be late tonight of all nights, now do you?”

  “No, I guess I don’t at that,” she said, bucking up her own courage and reaching for the door handle that led out to the garage. “I’ll text you; I promise. And I’ll see you soon!”


  She kept half of that promise. The first text came in at eight-thirty or so, from the restaurant.

  In the bathroom, going potty; thot I’d take a minute to do this. Everything is fine.

  Ed has been a perfect gentleman so far. Having fun!

  I smile ruefully and finished my scotch. I told myself I was glad she was having fun, because I sure wasn’t!

  Keeping my promise, I’d made sure that I’d gotten the kids cleaned up and tucked into their respective beds by eight. I’d dutifully kissed them goodnight, explaining once again that mommy had a very important business dinner tonight, and that she probably wouldn’t be home until late.

  After that, I’d adjourned to the downstairs, going into the kitchen, pacing around, staring at the clock which seemed to refuse to move as I watched it, and finally fixing myself a drink as I ate a cold dinner of left-overs out of the fridge. I was on my second scotch by now.

  It was one of those nights when I felt I could have probably drunk the whole bottle and not even felt it. I continued to pace up and down as I drank, looking at the clock, thinking what a jackass I was!

  You’ve always been like this, I admonished myself, wanting more, no matter how perfect what you already had was. Most guys would be more than content with your life. You’ve got a movie star-pretty wife who loves you, two great kids, a nice house, and a great career.

  I drank off the rest of the scotch and added fresh ice cubes to the short glass. Splashing in more of the single-malt, I began to pace the linoleum again, still chiding myself for being in this spot in the first place.

  This is really all your fault. Your overactive imagination is responsible for all of this. Michelle isn’t a girl who would ever have thought of cheating on you, if you hadn’t brought up the subject in the first place.

  I looked over at the digital clock in the microwave. Christ, it wasn’t much past nine!

  They had probably left the restaurant by now, but I’d bet they weren’t even back to his place yet. I had hours to wait for her to get home!

  I drank what was in my glass in two big swallows and refilled it. Any way you cut it; this was going to be a long night!

  And I had only myself to blame. The second, and as it turned out, the last text of the night came in at just slightly after ten: Back at Ed’s place. Everything is good so far; love you!

  Chapter Seven

  Preliminary Accounts

  She was so late in returning home that I had time to stumble up to bed, partially sleep off all of the scotch I’d consumed, and still toss and turn until the wee hours. At last, at around three o’clock in the morning, I’d managed to fall into a fitful, restless sleep.

  I heard her enter the bedroom at around four, being extra quiet, plainly not wanting to awaken me. Michelle could have saved herself the effort of tiptoeing around the room: as soon as I heard the rustle of her gown, I was wide awake and staring at the digital clock beside the bed.

  Not bothering to turn the lights on, I rolled over onto my back and watched her finish getting undressed. Even in the darkened room, I could see she had nothing on under the gown!

  Where did her panties go? I wondered. And what happened to her pantyhose? How did her bra just vanish?

  She wasn’t wearing the elaborate jewelry she had left the house in, either. Except for the gown and her high heels, she was naked!

  As she tossed the dress onto a nearby chair, she kicked off the heels, and started to reach for her pajamas at the foot of the bed. I said simply, “Don’t. I’m not wearing pajamas tonight, and I don’t want you to either.”

  She went stone still, as she realized I was awake and had been watching her. After a few seconds, she seemed to accept my edict and came around to her side of the bed, naked, and peeled back the covers.

  I reached out for her nude body, drawing her into me. Had I sensed reluctance on her part as I did that?

  “What…don’t you want me to touch you tonight?”

  She took a deep breath and then answered me in voice so tiny I barely recognized it as being hers. Michelle whispered, “Are you sure you still want to touch me?”

  For a second, I thought she was going to burst into tears as she said, her voice quavering under the obvious strain she was feeling, “Oh, God, honey, I was so bad tonight! I feel so guilty! I was a total slut with him!”

  All sorts of conflicting emotions engulfed me at that moment; hurt, anger at her “betrayal”, desire—yes, I’ll admit it, knowing that she had actually gone through with it and cheated on me with another guy still turned me on something fierce—loss, as I realized that our marriage had now officially been changed forever. But most of all, I felt love for my wife and pride in the fact that she had somehow found the courage to do what we had both wanted, no matter how much actually doing it had frightened her!

  “Shhhhhh, it’s okay,” I said, cuddling her naked body in close to mine. “It’s alright, whatever you did!”

  “You say that now,” she sniffled into my bare chest, “but you don’t know! You just don’t know how bad I was!”

  I pushed back from her a little, so that I could kiss her on the lips. Just before our mouths met, I whispered, �
�Then why don’t you tell me all about it, and let me decide? After all, that’s what you promised to do.”

  Even in the darkened bedroom, I could now see that tears of remorse stood in her eyes. I kissed them away, saying, “Don’t you know by now that you can tell me anything? I’m always going to be on your side.”

  We kissed then, and I was like no kiss we had ever shared before. It was somehow tinged with regret, on both our parts; with sadness, and doubt.

  But it was also laced with love, and there was an element of lust present, too; just as there almost always was when we kissed like this. After all, we were naked and in our marital bed, and I found that I loved her as much as I ever had—no matter what she had done with this Ed guy tonight!

  The healing kiss went on and on. At last, she pulled away, with just the trace of a smile on her lips.

  “Are you sure?” She asked me. “Are you sure you still love me, in spite of tonight?”

  “Well, try me and see,” I challenged her playfully, wanting desperately to get her out of the funk she seemed to be stuck in. “If I’m too appalled by your behavior, there’s always divorce court.”

  A look of sheer terror gripped her beautiful face and I mentally kicked myself for making that tasteless little joke. I may have only been trying to lighten the mood in our bedroom but I had clearly made a poor choice with that particular comment!

  “Forget I said that,” I urged her. “It was only a poor attempt at humor.”

  She lectured me softly, “Don’t ever say that again, not even in fun!”

  My face went as serious as I could make it as I said, “I won’t. I promise. Don’t you know that you mean the world to me?”

  She studied me in the dim light and finally said, “That’s probably true…now! Maybe it won’t be, after I tell you all about what I did tonight!”

  I reached behind me and snapped on the bedroom lamp on my side. It had been dialed down to its lowest setting, so the room was now bathed in a soft, amber glow.

  “Tell me,” I said simply, “tell me everything.”

  Michelle sucked in another deep breath and nodded that she would. She began to speak in a low, restrained voice.

  “I got there right on time,” she began. “He has a beautiful house—a mansion, really—in the most expensive part of Bel Air.”

  “He greeted me at the door. Ed said he had given the household staff the night off, so that the two of us could be alone. I suspect from the size of the house that he has quite a few servants, normally; probably a butler, maids, a cook; you know the drill.”

  I did, but only in general sort of way. Neither one of us had friends--and damned few acquaintances--who were rich enough to own a house requiring servants; Brenda, our own maid/nanny/cook, came on duty every weekday at two-thirty normally, when the kids got out of school. She usually picked them up, and watched them until she went home at seven or so.

  Several of our friends had girls who had duties and schedules much like Brenda’s. But no one we hung out with on a regular basis had a for real, honest to God, butler!

  “The exception to that rule was his chauffeur, a guy named Maurice, who drives for him and lives in a bachelor cottage at the rear of the estate,” Michelle went on to explain.

  She seemed to gain confidence as she described the house, and the lack of servants, and Maurice, the limo driver. Now, however, her face assumed a worried look again as she said, “I guess I should tell you a little more about Ed, and why I picked him to be the one to…uh…do this with!”

  Michelle looked at me, making sure I was okay with hearing this, before going on. I guess she was satisfied with the expression of unthreatened interest on my face at that moment, because she went on to say: “Ed is tall and lanky; he reminds me of a cowboy, somehow. He has bright blond hair, cut short, with flashes of grey showing on just the sides; that’s the only way you can tell he’s forty-one, not thirty-one.”

  Michelle gave me a hesitant little smile and went on to say, “He’s very handsome, or at least I think so. And he’s also witty and charming; a really nice guy.”

  Before going on, she stopped to see how I was reacting to this description of the man in whose bed she’d spent the night. “Anyway, I have always thought of him as being very attractive. He has a great tan, living here, in southern California.”

  A look like that of a schoolgirl who was admitting to her father that she had recently found his stash of old Playboys flitted over her face as she went on to say softly, “Tonight, I found out its an all-over tan. Ed doesn’t have any marks from a swimsuit on his butt or on his thighs. He must lay out by his pool in the nude!”

  A searing twinge of jealousy…fear….and horniness shot through me as she shared that intimate observation and I realized once again that she had seen another man naked tonight! I tried not to let it show, keeping my face as neutral as I could manage.

  “He made me laugh at the restaurant, even though it must have been obvious to him that I was very nervous about being out on a date,” he told me. “The dinner was great, and the time just seemed to fly by.”

  Michelle paused and then said, “He kissed me for the first time in the limo, on the way back to his house after dinner was over.”

  Her eyes assumed a guilty cast as she admitted, “It felt like it was prom night, back in high school; what with the fancy car, the driver, and us both being dressed to the nines. It just seemed sort of natural to sit right next to him, and for him to have his arm over my shoulder as we rode along, making small talk.”

  I didn’t react, or at least I tried not to. I wanted to keep her talking, now that she was started.

  “The kiss didn’t really surprise me, and yet it did,” she said then, lowering her eyes as if she was ashamed of what she’d done. “My first reaction was to push him away, but then I realized that we were on the way back to his place to have sex together!”

  “Did you like it; the kiss I mean?” I couldn’t help asking. The question just sort of blurted out of my mouth.

  My wife blushed as she admitted that she had, saying, “I did, once I made myself relax in his arms. I let his tongue inside my mouth, and that felt so strange!”

  She looked up at me and said, “I’ve only kissed you that way for the last eleven years or so! And yet here I was in the back seat of that limo, doing it with…him!”

  “Did…did it turn you on to soul kiss him?”

  Again, she colored lightly as she confessed, “It did. I…I felt my nipples getting hard. And I started to get so wet!”

  I once again experienced the phenomenon of an instant hard on! As my dick swelled to fullness within a few rapid heartbeats, I flashed back to my early high school years, when I’d often found myself springing just such a boner at the most awkward moments.

  I was lying far enough from Michelle so that she didn’t notice my erection at first. She was saying, “The trip back to the house seemed to go a lot faster than the trip to the restaurant. Almost before I knew it, I found myself in his arms in the living room, the limo long gone. I don’t even remember the chauffeur letting us out, or walking up the steps with Ed, or him unlocking the front door.”

  “It must have been all that kissing,” I commented wryly.

  She smiled at me, plainly relieved that I was taking this so calmly. I was even making jokes!

  Inwardly, however, I was a hot mess. Here I was, lying naked a few inches away from my wife, as she told all about making out with another guy!

  And I knew the worst was yet to come. Much worse, if her initial description of her behavior tonight was to be believed…

  Chapter Eight

  The Gory Details

  “I guess that explains it,” she said in answer to my bantering comment about her making out with Ed in the back of his limo and losing all concept of time.

  “We’d had several cocktails at the restaurant, while we were settling in and looking at the menu,” she explained, “and we’d drunk a whole bottle of the most delicious Chian
ti with our meal.”

  She looked over at me apologetically and said, “You know how I am when I let myself get that way. I was half drunk and feeling incredibly aroused!”

  I nodded that I did, not trusting myself to speak at that moment. She said simply, “When Ed stopped kissing me and invited me on a tour of the house; I didn’t hesitate, even though I knew the main room he wanted me to see was probably his bedroom. And that proved to be the case.”

  My heart began to hammer, but I tried not to let on to her how excited/aghast I was as her illicit revelations unfolded. I didn’t trust myself to say another word just then.

  “I don’t remember him taking off my clothes,” she whispered, her voice going all low and husky, as she continued to describe her evening with Ed. “We were in his bedroom, and it was almost dark, except for the light from a nightlight in the master bathroom. And almost before I knew it, I was naked in his arms, and we were standing right next to the bed.”

  She rushed on, now that she was into the “meat” of her tale, as if she was afraid of chickening out, saying, “He guided me down onto the bed, and I took his cock in my hand. He was already hard, and I was so wet!”

  “Was he…was he…big?” I heard myself croaking out the question, as surprised as she was at the sound of my own voice.

  Michelle flashed me a tiny smile and said, “Big enough, darling. He’s a little bit longer than you, and thicker; but he’s not a porn star.”

  “What did you do…once you were on the bed with him in your hand?”

  Her smile deepened and she whispered, “I kissed him again, only not just on the lips this time. I did that alright, at first, but then I kissed him on the neck and shoulders too.”

  My cock twitched as she said softly, “I couldn’t seem to help moving my lips downward as I kissed his body for the first time. He was touching my bare nipples, and they were so hard!”

  Her beautiful face colored slightly as she admitted, “That made me want to kiss his nipples, so I did. I used my tongue and teeth on them too, and that made him moan.”


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