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Royal's Wildfire & Lance's Stars (Black Hills)

Page 2

by A. C. Wilson

  “So love and heartache. A devastating combination.” Ainsley’s voice took on that little bit of accent he had heard earlier when she had called him a cad. Swallowing hard, Royal decided to deflect.

  “What about you? There’s an accent and it isn’t from this country. What are you doing here?”

  She pursed her lips, her eyes taking on a hard edge.

  “Brave man again, huh? Why should I answer you? You didn’t answer my question.” She had a point. Royal smiled at her. They were quite a pair.

  “We can just sit here. There’s no reason we need to share intimate details with a perfect stranger.” Royal goaded the beautiful woman sitting next to him. He didn’t want to tell her about his broken heart or the fact that he had begged a pregnant, nearly married woman to come back to him.

  “I guess we could.” Ainsley’s confident voice was less sure. She was on the ropes. Royal knew that he shouldn’t give her the chance to tell him what was going on. He shied away from most intimate sharing. Women became clingy and possessive—totally the opposite of what he wanted.

  “So heartbreak or love?” Royal jumped in with both feet. There was nothing like being up in an airplane to make him completely lose all sense.

  She sighed. “Both. My father is from Scotland and that’s why you hear the accent occasionally. I try hard to hide it.”

  “Why would you hide it?” Royal asked, acknowledging how attractive he found that slip up. He liked the lilted sing-song in her voice.

  “A fall out many years ago sent me running from my family and everything they had ever touched. Sadly, I am on my way back to Scotland at the request of my mother.”

  “Why aren’t you ordering shots? I certainly would be.”

  “Trust me, I am plenty nervous.” Her fingers twined in her lap, her silver rings glinting with the movement. Royal’s eyes widened. Had he just looked at her left hand for a band? It stunned him into silence. “Now you.”

  “Me?” Royal grinned. “Wouldn’t you rather I stay a mystery?” He batted his eyes to mimic a long lashed damsel. Ainsley laughed softly.

  “I have a feeling that would be very much in your wheelhouse. You like being a mystery.” Again she nailed the truth right on the head.

  “Touché.” He took a breath. “I just lost the love of my life. I can’t go home, so I’m moving to Florida to work with a friend.”

  “Ouch.” Ainsley’s face tightened, showing her experience with love and loss. “That is devastating. I’m sorry.”

  Royal wasn’t sure if his heart was constricting in pain or swelling under her sympathy. He decided that he didn’t want to know. His whole body reacted to this intriguing woman beside him.

  “Now we are both on the same page. Could you stop pretending that you aren’t attracted to me?” Royal grinned, a hint of wickedness in its gleam. Ainsley laughed in a musical way. It was decadent and utterly sinful.

  “Oh, come on! You are the one attracted to me and I can’t take that as a compliment, because you chase any female that wiggles for you.”

  “Ouch!” Royal covered his heart. “Now I am truly wounded, sweetheart.” Just like that the pain he felt was lifted as if it might not have existed at all. She could only roll her eyes at him.

  “I’m sure you will recover brilliantly.” She had snuck in that accent again and it just tightened his response to her. Royal wanted her in a way that went beyond hunger.

  “I already have.”

  The flight landed safely and without incident, although that hardly helped Royal’s angst about flying. It was clear that his time with Ainsley was coming quickly to an end. He still hadn’t gotten her last name or any way that he might contact her in the future. Of course, she was leaving the country.

  “When do you connect to your other flight?” Royal asked, trying to wrangle the helpless feeling spreading inside him. Ainsley adjusted her purse on her shoulder.

  “An hour. I was going to grab something to eat. I don’t care for in-flight food.”

  Royal wanted more, needed more time.

  “Can I buy you dinner?” He asked, hoping he didn’t sound like he was a complete and utter stalker. She looked up at him as they neared to pick up his bag.

  “Isn’t your friend waiting for you?” He understood. He hadn’t exactly told her that his friend was or wasn’t female.

  “No, he isn’t. He won’t be back into town until tomorrow.” He watched as something of relief left her cheeks tinged in pink. “If you won’t have dinner with me, I’ll be headed to find a hotel room for the night.”

  He watched for his bag and stepped forward when it rounded the corner. Ainsley hadn’t said a word until he had his bag in hand.

  “Dinner would be lovely.”

  Royal inwardly cheered. She had come a long way from wanting to kick him in the balls and run away screaming. He might have a chance after all.


  Royal stared at his steak and at his loaded baked potato. The enticingly fragrant steam should have been enough to make him hungry. Usually he couldn’t wait to inhale a nicely grilled steak, so something was completely off. Ainsley picked through her Chef’s Salad, turning over a couple of leaves until they were soggy with dressing. She looked as distracted as he felt.

  “I guess I’m not as hungry as I thought I was.” Ainsley offered a weak smile. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s fine. I’m not either.”

  The conversation was stilted, painfully so. Ainsley kept looking at her cell phone that was resting on the table near her plate. The waiter asked if their meals were to their satisfaction and Ainsley quickly assured him that it was perfect.

  “Will you be coming back to the United States after you settle things with your family?” Royal asked, slipping a piece of steak into his mouth. He watched as her cheeks pinkened under his gaze. Her dark eyes wouldn’t meet his.

  “I don’t know.” Ainsley’s voice was quiet. “Honestly, I’m not sure what will happen next.” He could feel her insecurity. She hadn’t been blowing smoke at him when she mentioned not getting along with her family. “What about you? What does the future hold?”

  Royal cocked his head, offering a small grin, but in truth, he felt about as insecure as she.

  “I’ve been a veterinarian for a while and I’m going to keep doing it. I just haven’t found my place yet.” He took a drink of his beer. “I have about as much direction as you do.”

  “Don’t we make a pair?” Ainsley tried to hide her smile behind her water glass, but Royal saw it. It was oddly comforting to know they were in the same boat. As she took a sip, her phone’s screen lit up. She swiped across it and shook her head. “Oh no! That’s just perfect.”

  “What’s wrong?” Royal asked, trying to gauge the true emotions behind her reaction.

  “My flight to New York has been cancelled due to a snow storm. They are rebooking me on another flight tomorrow as long as the weather clears up.”

  “It is that time of year, I guess. I’m glad you won’t be traveling in it though.” Royal smiled as she watched him with rounded eyes. “Did I mention I hate planes?” Ainsley smiled back and nodded her head.

  “Dually noted.” She clicked off her phone and tucked it into her purse. “Well since I’ll be staying in town, I guess I’ll need to find a hotel. I’m hoping they won’t be totally booked up.”

  Royal felt the shift in his gears. Perhaps fate was intervening and Ainsley was supposed to layover here. It was silly and probably a bit stupid, but he couldn’t let this opportunity pass by. He would never see her again after tonight. It was the best chance he would have to investigate his interest in her. Royal couldn’t kid himself into thinking that Ainsley was going to be just a one-night stand, because every fiber of his being told him she would be far more than that.

  “We can catch a ride over to the hotel.” Royal got the waiter’s attention and slipped the man his credit card.

  “That sounds like a plan. I’ll pay for the cab since you bought
dinner.” Her dark eyes brooked no argument and so Royal merely nodded. The flight taught him that she was plenty stubborn. It wasn’t worth making them both miserable.


  Ainsley Fenella watched the light-haired, green-eyed stranger as he paid for their meal and suggested they continue to the hotel. He was hoping to get lucky. She wasn’t offended. Truly, she was actually flattered by his attention. Royal was a backwoods cowboy looking for his next sexual fix, but he had proven himself to be sweet and charming as well. Not all men could be perfect and the search for that perfect gentleman was daunting. Now she was summoned home to deal with a father who had never supported her point of view. It unnerved her to go back to Scotland, even after vowing that she never would.

  Royal waited for her to gather her things and she slipped her purse over her shoulder. She proceeded him out the door and tried to ignore what the pressure of his hand on the small of her back did to her nerves. Bits of electricity zipped and sparked through her blood. It was exhilarating to say the least.

  “There’s one.” Royal pointed to the cab parked on the side of the street. She allowed him to propel her towards it. The cab driver accepted their request to be taken to the nearest hotel and they got into the backseat. It smelled strangely of stale cigarettes and an old lady’s perfume. She smiled as she thought it reminded her of her grandmother’s clothes.

  Royal adjusted his position next to her and it slid his thigh closer to hers until they tentatively touched. The jolt of awareness had her full attention. Still she faced forward and watched as they drove through busy intersections. Each breath seemed to take an eternity as she waited for the man beside her to make his move. She knew that he would. His mind had already traveled to sharing a room with her and not to mention messing up the neatly covered bed.

  The cab pulled up under a stone archway and she handed the driver cash. “Thank you.” She smiled and allowed Royal to help her out. His strong fingers tangled with hers and he didn’t make an attempt to remove them. It felt nice. She figured she should give him some idea that she knew exactly how this was going to go down.

  “I just realized something.” She watched as Royal turned sideways and looked at her, waiting for her to continue. “My luggage will make it to Scotland before I do.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. I bet the hotel will have the basic necessities.”

  “Right. I can’t be the only one this happens to, can I?” She chuckled, squeezing his fingers. Royal smiled at her and she felt her body react to him.

  The attendant at the counter smiled in greeting and welcomed them to the hotel.

  “Thank you. We don’t have reservations, but we need a room for the night.” Royal’s voice sounded a bit unsure. Ainsley bit her lip to keep from grinning at the poor man.

  “The hotel is nearly full, but I can tell you what we have available.” The woman typed something into her computer and nodded to herself. “I have a King Suite, or Double Queen room available.” Royal was quiet and she could see the wheels turning in his head. Ainsley knew she should jump into the conversation and save the poor devil, but this was entirely too much fun.

  “Is there a pull out in the suite?” He asked, hedging his bet that if she wouldn’t sleep with him, then one of them could sleep on the pull out. Smart man!

  “Yes, sir. The sofa pulls out into a queen sized bed.” The woman looked between them. “Shall I book that room for you?”

  Ainsley’s phone began to ring and she excused herself from the counter. Turning her back to them, she fished out her phone from her purse. A text message had come in from her assistant.

  A flight for New York departs in an hour. Book it?

  Therein lies the dilemma, she thought. Staring at the text message, her ears were listening to Royal and the hotel clerk.

  “That much?” Royal was definitely surprised by the total and Ainsley had to agree that it seemed like an exorbitant amount for one night. On the other hand, it was for one night of no-strings-attached passion.

  No. Leave the reservation for tomorrow.

  Her decision had been made from the moment she had gotten the notification that her flight had been canceled. She hadn’t been ready to leave the frustrating, but devastatingly handsome cowboy. Ainsley closed the message and shut down her ringer. No more interruptions tonight.

  “Ready?” A husky tone whispered near her ear and she felt his hand on the small of her back. Her cheeks warmed at all that the word implied.

  “Of course.” She turned her head and smiled softly back at him. Royal rewarded her with a smile that could have made many women swoon. He was hers for tonight. She wasn’t a possessive woman by nature, but years of being alone had taught her how valuable personal things were. Royal was hers tonight. Only hers.

  They walked to the double elevators and waited for the arrow to indicate that one would be available. It was still relatively early and the lobby of the hotel was deserted.

  “What room?” Ainsley smiled to herself at the lack of coy reserve. She knew was he only getting one room. Royal looked at the key card holder and shook his head.

  “411. That seems ominous, doesn’t it?”

  “I wonder if she meant to do that or if it is just another quirk in our trip?” Ainsley stepped forward as the metal doors opened. Royal was so close behind her that she could feel his breath on her neck. It sent wonderful shivers of anticipation down her spine.

  “I don’t know if any of this had been coincidence.”

  “How’s that?” Royal paused a second to hit the floor selection and then turned to her. “Right time, right place? I think this was supposed to happen without question. Things like this don’t happen to me, ever.”

  Ainsley thought about that for a moment, but she couldn’t dwell on it. Tonight would be about a shared experience and two people finding a measure of comfort in each other’s bodies. They would be fools if they thought it could be more than that. So she turned her questions and concerns off. She wanted to be perfectly clear about what she wanted.

  “Tonight can be anything you want it to be. Tomorrow isn’t ours.” It was as simple as that. Royal tilted his head and a lock of sandy brown hair fell over his forehead. His green eyes were quick and discerning.

  “Well…if all we have is tonight…” He cut the words short. He leaned into her and captured her lips like a man about to lose the only thing that mattered to him in his entire life. It was soul searing and it touched an inner part of her that was barren of all care. Her hands speared into the short, sheared hairs on his neck as his lips plucked at hers. A large hand reached around her waist and cupped her backside. Someone moaned, maybe they both had at the physical contact. The banked fires were smoldering in anticipation.

  The elevator dinged as it opened onto the fourth floor. Dragging her lips from his, Ainsley felt almost drunk. Her nerves were snowed under with all the desire she felt. Royal took the lead, threaded his fingers with hers and walked down the hallway guided by the signs on the wall.

  “Here we are.” He mumbled, taking the plastic card keys from his back pocket. On the first try, the card fell from the reader and onto the floor. A muffled curse and Royal had the card back in hand to swipe the lock. Ainsley tried not to chuckle, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “I don’t do this all the time.”

  “No need to be defensive.” She answered in a seductive whisper as she pressed the door open and walked through it into the suite. It was beautifully decorated in rose and ivory tones. A small sitting room with a bathroom off of it and another room where a large king bed was placed. It was simple and clean. It wasn’t warm though and she immediately looked for the thermostat.

  “If you aren’t comfortable sharing a bed with me, I can sleep on the couch.” Royal started, setting his suitcase on the floor beside the couch. Ainsley turned to look at him as if they had just settled this conversation. “I didn’t want to assume anything.” He hurried on with an adorable blush creeping up his cheeks.

  She smiled
at him. He watched her, his green eyes darken in the dim light. Taking a breath, Ainsley decided that it was time to put all of her cards on the table. No doubts would be left between them as to what she wanted.

  Settling her purse onto the chair, then reaching up to pull the elastic band out of her hair, letting it tumble to her shoulders. Her hands tugged the bottom of her blouse out of her waistband and started to slip the little white buttons through their moorings. Each button was freed in a painfully slow manner and Ainsley bit her bottom lip as she heard Royal’s breathing becoming ragged. It served to send further shivers through her body. The last button sprang free as she reached for the button of her slacks and teasingly unzipped the short zipper. The sound was loud in the silence of the room.

  “Mmmhmm.” Royal’s appreciation was inspiring and it pushed her on. Slipping the smooth material over her hips, it fell to the floor and she stepped free, kicking her heels loose. The cooler air touched her warm legs and it sent goosebumps skating along her arms and bare stomach.

  She dared to look up at him as he stood immobile, his hands clenching and unclenching at his side. Her unspoken challenge was too much and Royal swooped forward. His work roughened hands connected with the soft skin of her hips as he pressed her back into the wall, his lips crashing into hers. It was maddening and everything carnal. He wanted her and by God, she desperately wanted him.


  His heart was thumping in his chest, his blood pounding in his head as his fingers connected with the laced edge of Ainsley’s panties. She had shocked him by disrobing in such a decisive manner. Whatever breath he had was locked inside his chest as she moaned into his mouth. It had been a desperately long time since he had felt so unhinged by a woman, by anyone other than Rayne. Of course his ex-wife would enter his brain at a time like this, but of all his conquests, he hadn’t anyone else to compare this to.


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