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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

Page 13

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Selena finished cleaning up the dishes, and put on a pot of beans to simmer while she was gone. She gathered her own clothes along with Liam’s, fetched the washboard, towel and soap out of the wagon and set off through the woods.

  It took her a few minutes to reach the creek, and she set her bundles down near the bank. As she rolled up her sleeves, Selena took in the scenery around her. The small clearing was surrounded on all sides by dense forest, and just as Liam had predicted, there was no one around. The creek was narrow, but the water was clear and clean. The shallow water spilled over rocks and logs, making a pleasant burbling noise that soothed her anger. A shallow pool had been formed by an outcropping of large boulders, and Selena chose that spot to wash the clothes. She wanted to wash everything before they left on their trip, since she wasn’t sure how long it might be before she had another chance to do laundry. She looked around once more to ensure that she was entirely alone and then stripped down to her chemise and pantalets.

  Selena washed each item and wrung as much water out as she could before spreading them out on the boulders to dry in the sun. Her anger dissipated as she worked, and Selena began to enjoy the serenity of the secluded clearing. She worked diligently on the clothes, and an hour had passed by the time that she shook out her last dress that needed washing.

  As she worked on the garment, Selena’s thoughts returned to Liam and she released a deep sigh. She wasn’t normally so moody, but he made her feel uncertain and that made her irritable. Perhaps she had been too quick to get angry. After all, he had been tender and compassionate when she confessed what had happened with Jeb. She bit her lip as she remembered the way Liam had looked at her. His eyes had been full of concern before he kissed her. Maybe he did care about her, even if only a little.

  Selena closed her eyes and remembered how it felt to be wrapped securely in his arms. The warmth that suffused her body was not due to the weak spring sunshine, and she sighed again. Without conscious direction, her mind conjured an image of Liam when she had seen him remove his breeches. Her wicked imagination was quick to fill in the details of his naked form, and her cheeks flamed from the wantonness of her thoughts. Still, she was reluctant to abandon the image, and she sat back on her heels for several moments replaying it in her mind. The perfection of his body more than surpassed her girlish fantasies, and with the curiosity of a mature woman, she longed to examine it more thoroughly. As was quickly becoming her habit since that night, she wondered what it might feel like to have him make love to her. If his kisses were any indication, she was inclined to think that she wouldn’t mind fulfilling her wifely duties if the time ever came when she and Liam grew closer.

  Selena was so caught up in her musings that she didn’t hear Liam approaching from the woods. By the time he spoke, he was standing directly behind her.

  “How is it going?” he inquired.

  Selena jumped up with a startled gasp, and took a step backward. Her foot caught on the washboard, and she toppled headlong into the pool. She surfaced, gasping for breath and from the shock of the cold water. She sputtered and pushed her dripping hair back from her face, ignoring the rivulets of water that streamed down her cheeks while she glared up at Liam through wet spiky lashes. He was standing on the bank, doubled over at the waist and laughing as if he had never seen anything so funny in his life.

  Selena had never felt more humiliated, and when Liam sobered enough to offer her his hand to help her out of the creek, she pointedly refused it, choosing instead to make her own way. However, just as she was almost to the bank, her foot slipped on a mossy rock, and her arms thrashed wildly in the air before she fell on her bottom in the water again, sending up a geyser of water around her. Liam howled even louder, and Selena felt cold rage well up inside her.

  “You braying ass! Don’t you have anything better to do than to stand there laughing at me?”

  As she said the words, Selena struggled to her feet and managed to scramble out of the creek. She was so incensed that she didn’t think about her severely strained modesty as she faced him. Liam abruptly stopped laughing as he took in her appearance. The wet chemise clung to her like a transparent veil, holding nothing from his regard. It lovingly hugged each generous curve. Her breasts were molded in stark detail, standing high and firm. Her nipples were clearly visible on top of the luscious mounds, standing proudly erect from the cold water. He could even make out their color, a mouthwatering pink. The lacy straps had fallen off her shoulders, and Liam held his breath in hopeful anticipation that the garment would lose its tenuous hold on her curved form. The soaked pantalets were even more provocative, as they hugged her slender hips and buttocks. Liam couldn’t help but notice the triangular patch of black hair visible at the juncture of her thighs. He swallowed against the sudden dryness in his throat as he fully appreciated the sights.

  Selena stalked up to him and put her hands on her hips as she berated him. She had no idea how enticingly her breasts jiggled during her heated tirade. “What is the matter with you that you always have to scare the living daylights out of me? I thought you had some work to do, so why aren’t you doing it?”

  Liam gave a helpless shrug, unable to peel his eyes from the tempting orbs displayed before him. “I just thought I would check on you to see if you needed anything.”

  Selena mistook his downward gaze for a guilty conscience on his part, and it only fired her temper more. “I was perfectly fine before you showed up. I’m more than capable of doing the laundry without any help from you!” Selena’s anger was out of all proportion to the incident, but it was fueled by her frustration over all the other incidents that had preceded it. Liam had a way of making her feel self-conscious and inadequate and she was tired of it. “I’d be able to cook breakfast without burning it if you would just leave me alone! You must think I really am some brainless twit who always needs you to tell me what to do and how to do it. Well for your information, I don’t need you to pay for my purchases or tell me where to sleep or who I can talk to!” She stamped her foot for emphasis, and her breasts nearly bounced free of the sagging chemise. The transparent cloth was barely holding over the tips of her erect nipples.

  Liam’s eyes bulged at the sight of her barely concealed breasts. He could see the edges of her areolas, and he held his breath in anticipation of the cloth slipping even further. Hot blood flooded to his loins.

  All at once, Selena noticed the swollen ridge of his erection. She stopped midsentence with a puzzled frown. When she finally realized where his gaze was directed, she looked down in horror at her near nakedness. She whirled away from him, crossing her arms over her bosom and, releasing a mortified groan. She was oblivious to the fact that she was presenting him with an equally delectable view of her well-formed backside.

  Seeking a way to soothe her, Liam approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m sorry, Selena. I honestly didn’t mean to scare you.” His eyes widened again as he realized that, with her arm clutched protectively across her chest, her breasts were pushed even higher. From his vantage point, her nipples were now clearly visible. They pouted enticingly, and he released an involuntary groan of longing.

  Selena once again noticed where his stare was directed, and she screeched in outrage. She jabbed him sharply in the ribs and shrugged free of his embrace. She turned to face him, crossing her arms protectively over her bosom. When he made to reach for her again, she fixed him with a murderous glare.

  “Don’t touch me! Just go away and leave me alone!”

  Liam’s own anger was starting to flare. “Selena, stop acting silly and calm down.”

  “No I will not calm down!” She blinked back tears of humiliation and rage. “I’m tired of you bossing me around. Go away! Now!”

  “Fine,” he growled, turning on his heel to stalk back through the woods.

  Selena watched his retreating back, and her tears overflowed. When he disappeared from view, she collapsed on the grass and buried her face in her hands. What w
as the matter with her? She always ended up looking foolish one way or another with him. In the ten days she had known him, she had been accosted by a gang of men, gotten drunk, been accused of flirting with Hank, confessed her most private secret, burned not one but two meals, and now, she had topped it all off by falling into a creek. As if that weren’t bad enough, she had allowed Liam to see her nearly naked twice. It was no wonder that he thought she was a helpless ninny. How was she ever going to win his love if she kept playing the part of some incompetent idiot whenever she was with him?

  After a long time, Selena rose and took another look around to make sure she was alone before she stripped off her soaked undergarments. She quickly washed them and hung them up to dry, giving furtive glances over her shoulder to make sure Liam hadn’t returned. She took the soap and waded into the pool to have a bath and wash her hair. The water was cold but refreshing. Selena briskly dried off with the towel and dressed in fresh clothes. She gathered up the clean laundry and trudged her way back to camp, once again dreading the need to face Liam.

  He ignored her completely, giving no indication that he even noticed her return. Selena checked on the beans and found that they were nearly ready. She prepared a pan of cornbread and hung the iron pot over the fire to cook. While she was waiting, she brushed out her long hair and braided it neatly before wrapping the long braids into an intricate knot on top of her head. Satisfied that she looked presentable, she set out the dishes for lunch before approaching Liam. He was lying on his back beneath the wagon, and she had to bend over to see his face.

  “Lunch is ready,” she said quietly.

  “I can’t come right now,” he said, never pausing in his labor.

  She knew he was angry with her, but she couldn’t bring herself to apologize. “Do you want me to make a plate for you for when you finish?”

  He shot her a brief glare before returning his attention to the axle he was greasing. “I wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do. I don’t want to be accused of bossing you around.”

  “Liam, I didn’t mean . . .”

  “Save it, Selena. I’m not in the mood.” The coldness in his voice put a definite end to the conversation.

  Selena stalked back to the camp fire and fixed herself a plate of beans and cornbread. She sat down with her back to Liam and started to eat, but the food tasted like sawdust in her mouth, and she set the dish aside. Apparently, their truce had come to an end.

  Selena occupied herself with small tasks for a while, but eventually ran out of things to do. She stole frequent glances at Liam, but he was paying her no heed whatsoever. She felt miserable. Finally, she decided to check on Marcia.

  Marcia was busy organizing their wagon, much as Selena had done the previous day. However, she was at a loss as to where everything should go. Selena pitched in, along with Susan, and within a short time, the three of them had the wagon packed so that everything was accessible and protected. Realizing that she hadn’t seen Natasha anywhere that afternoon, Selena turned to Marcia with raised brows.

  “Where’s Natasha?” she inquired.

  Marcia and Susan exchanged a long-suffering glance before Marcia responded. “She said she had a headache from the heat. I swear, every time there’s work to be done, that girl develops a headache.” Marcia heaved a deep sigh and sat down on a stump, brushing her hair back off her sweaty brow. “Thank you so much, Selena. We would have been lost without your help.”

  Selena colored briefly and fiddled with her hands as she joined Marcia on the stump. Selena was thinking that it had really been Liam’s guidance that had been used, since he was the one who knew how to organize the wagons. Selena bit her lip, feeling guilty, and she blinked back tears. Marcia noticed her discomfort and asked Susan to go and see whether she could help her father. When her daughter was out of earshot, she turned back to Selena.

  “What’s the matter, Selena?”

  Selena gave a small shrug. “It’s just that I can’t seem to do anything right. Liam and I had a fight, and I yelled at him and told him to just leave me alone. I accused him of always bossing me around, but I know that he only means to help. It’s just that he makes me so nervous that I usually end up embarrassing myself in front of him and looking totally ridiculous. Now, he’s not even speaking to me.”

  Marcia startled her when she started to chuckle, and she reached over to pat Selena’s hand. “Oh, my dear, don’t worry. Liam only makes you nervous because he is constantly watching you, and he only does that because he’s completely fascinated by you. You should take heart, knowing that you have his full and undivided attention.”

  Selena gave her a puzzled frown. “Marcia, I know you mean well, but Liam isn’t fascinated by me. He thinks I’m a…well, to use his words…a ‘brainless twit’. He watches me because he thinks I’m incapable of doing anything for myself, and he’s concerned I’ll mess something up.”

  Marcia laughed at the thought and put a comforting arm around Selena’s shoulders. “Selena, it’s not concern that lights up his eyes whenever they turn in your direction. The poor man is head over heels in love with you.”

  Selena’s snort of disbelief was far from ladylike. “Right. That’s why he won’t even look at me or speak to me.”

  “Well what do you expect, dear? You’ve discovered a chink in his armor, and it’s bothering him. Men like to be in charge, and it irks them to think that we don’t need their help for every little thing. The challenge for you is to stake out your territory where he knows you’re in charge, but still leave him enough room to come to your aid and feel useful and manly. It’s the same for all newlyweds. There’s a period of adjustment.”

  Selena still didn’t look convinced. “But Marcia, Liam doesn’t really want me as his wife, he said so. He views our marriage as temporary. I’m sure when we get to Oregon he will want to get it annulled so he can have his freedom.”

  Marcia only laughed again, as if the idea were ludicrous. “Men can be so silly sometimes, thinking that they don’t want to be tied down.” Marcia leaned close to Selena and there was a twinkle in her eyes. “But I can guarantee you that he’s not going to let you go. Mark my words, if you showed an interest in any other man, Liam would likely rip him apart.”

  Selena thought back to those moments on the river bank. She could be mistaken, but she had thought there was desire in Liam’s eyes when he had stared at her breasts. Selena chewed her lip thoughtfully as she also remembered Liam’s jealousy over Hank. “You know, Liam has shown a tendency to get angry when I talk with other men.”

  “I’ll just bet he has. Give him time to let his anger play out. He’ll come around. But whatever you do, don’t back down now or he’ll think he can run all over you. Let him know you’re capable of doing things for yourself, but ask for his help every now and then, just so he knows that you still need him.” Giving Selena’s shoulders one last squeeze, Marcia rose from the stump. “Now, I’d better see about supper.”

  Selena sat by herself for several more minutes, as she began to see Liam’s actions in an entirely different light. A small grin split her face. Perhaps there was hope for them yet.

  For the rest of the day and evening, Liam refused to speak to Selena unless it was absolutely necessary, and then he did so in curt tones. Selena took heart from Marcia’s words and decided to ride out the storm. By the time it was sundown, she knew that Liam must be famished, since he had skipped lunch entirely. The beans were cooked to perfection, having simmered slowly all day over the fire. Selena added slices of onion and bacon to the thick juices, and she warmed the cornbread over the fire until it was steaming hot, being especially careful not to burn it. She had churned a small crock of butter, and she sliced the cornbread and smeared it with butter before handing a heaping plate to Liam.

  “Thanks,” he said, refusing to meet her eye.

  Selena took her own plate and sat down beside him. She stole glances at Liam from the corner of her eye, and she noticed that he appeared to be enjoying his dinner, even
though he offered no comment.

  “Would you like some more?” she inquired sweetly, when he had cleaned every crumb from his dish. “Or would you prefer dessert? I made some peach cobbler.”

  Liam frowned. “No thanks, I’m full.”

  “Surely you could eat just a small helping,” Selena insisted softly.

  She took his plate and put a generous serving of cobbler on it before handing it back to him. Liam looked as if he wanted to refuse, but the tantalizing smell got the better of him, and he reluctantly tasted the cobbler. His reaction was much the same as the first night they had met.

  “It’s good,” he grumbled, refusing to look at her as he ate every bite with obvious relish.

  “Thank you,” Selena smiled, sitting beside him once more. She hesitated for only a moment before turning toward him. “Liam, I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

  He frowned at her and set his empty plate aside. “I’m sorry for startling you. I didn’t mean to.”

  “I know,” Selena said softly. “I just felt so embarrassed after making a ninny of myself by falling into the creek. I guess I overreacted.”

  When Liam looked at her, his hazel eyes were warm, and he gave her a grudging smile. He was remembering every detail of how she had looked in her wet chemise, and his eyes glowed even brighter.

  “If it’s any consolation, you didn’t look like a ninny. You looked downright delectable.”

  Selena’s cheeks flamed, but she nibbled her bottom lip between small white teeth as she smiled shyly up at him from beneath her lashes. “Come to think of it, you did look like you were ready to gobble me up.”

  “The thought definitely crossed my mind,” he said with a widening grin.

  He made no move to touch her, but his gaze dropped to her lips. Selena set her own plate down behind her without looking away from him, and her heart thumped heavily as he slowly leaned toward her until their lips met. He tasted sweet from the cobbler, and she leaned closer, placing her palms on his chest as she kissed him back. She opened her mouth beneath his probing tongue, and he boldly surged in, deepening the kiss as he pulled her halfway across his lap. Several moments passed with them lost in their embrace before Selena reluctantly drew back but remained in his arms. She caressed Liam’s cheek and smiled up at him with lustrous eyes.


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