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Almost Home

Page 21

by India Masters

  Glancing at this wife, Wyatt wrapped an arm around her. “Here now,” he said, wiping her tears with his thumb. “It’s just a house, sweet pea. Everything in it can be replaced.”

  She shook her stubborn head. “Not everything.” She swiped her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. “You grew up in that house. All those pictures. Your daddy’s prized possessions. Your 1873 Winchester rifle. It’s all gone and it’s my fault.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Now how do you figure that? If I recollect correctly, you were with me when Grady set that fire.”

  Haley glared at him through tear-swollen eyes and hopped off the tailgate. She flung her arm out in the direction of the house.

  “That house is burning down because of my family!” Her words came out harsh with fury and remorse. She was taking on the responsibility for everything that was happening and for the first time since all this had started, fear knotted his belly. She took a deep breath and nodded once, as she always did when she’d come to some decision or another. “This was a mistake. I should never have married you.” She turned her back on him, spine ramrod straight.

  Wyatt couldn’t say he was surprised she’d gone there. Guilt had been his wife’s bed partner for more years than he cared to think about. Her conversations were laced with “I should haves” and “if onlys”. I should have done better by Conner. If only I’d been a better daughter. If he could get his hands on Kent Kilpatrick, he’d gladly kill the man with his bare hands. Instead, he hopped off the tailgate and confronted her.

  “That’s a load of horseshit and you know it,” he growled.

  She spun around. “The hell it is. My father is responsible for this and you damn well know it.”

  “So what?” he shouted back, reaching for her.

  She sidestepped him. “You are unbelievable. You don’t even have the sense to see what’s right in front of you. My father will kill you, Wyatt.”


  “No.” She ducked under his outstretched arm and ran to the truck.

  Before he could stop her, Haley was in the vehicle, the doors locked. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he said, pounding on the window.

  Tears were coursing down her cheeks when she replied. “Keeping you safe.” She cranked the engine and the truck roared to life. “Goodbye, Wyatt.”

  “Haley…” He swept his hat off his head and smacked it on his thigh. “Damn it!” He stormed toward his own truck, cussing up a storm. “Goddamned, hard-headed woman…keeping me safe…fuck that.” He passed Lloyd Mattson, leaning against the fender of his cruiser, arms folded across his chest, a shit-eating grin on his face and snapped, “What’re you looking at?”

  The sheriff chuckled. “A fella getting ready to wrestle a hundred-twenty-pound wildcat, unless I miss my guess.”

  “Everybody’s a fucking comedian,” Wyatt snarled, climbing behind the wheel. He gunned the engine, peeling out in a spray of gravel that had Mattson sliding across the hood to avoid a pelting. “Ain’t so funny now, is it Lloyd?”

  * * * * *

  Wyatt was close on Haley’s tail and grimaced when she skidded to a stop and cut the engine. She vaulted from the truck. “Conner!” she bellowed.

  Just as her brother hobbled out of the bunkhouse, Wyatt slammed his truck into park before launching himself from the vehicle.

  “Go on back inside,” he roared. “Every one of you, or you’re all fired.”

  Haley threw her Resistol on the ground. “You can’t fire my hands.”

  He approached with a ground-eating stride. “The hell I can’t. I’m your husband.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him in a now familiar scowl. “Not for much longer you ain’t.”

  “Bullshit.” He grabbed her wrist and yanked, bending to toss her over his shoulder.

  “What the hell?” Conner called.

  Haley pounded on Wyatt’s back. “You let me down, Wyatt Brody. Conner, pack your shit, we’re getting the hell outta Dodge.”

  “I ain’t letting you down and you ain’t going nowhere. Go on back inside Conner.” He stomped up the steps, nodding at the deputy sitting in the rocker. “You’re liable to hear a ruckus but I ain’t gonna hurt her.”

  The deputy nodded, then got up and opened the door for him. “Carry on then.”

  “Ohhh,” Hailey yowled as Wyatt stepped across the threshold. “I’m so gonna kick your ass.”

  “You keep on thinking that, sweet pea.” Wyatt chuckled.

  When he walked by the kitchen island toward the stairway she latched onto the underside of the granite slab and hung on with all her might. He staggered and she took the opportunity to wriggle free.

  “Ha,” she crowed, skittering around to the far side of the island. “I ain’t some delicate little thing you can manhandle like a doll. I fight back.”

  That was more like it. She was spitting mad but she wasn’t worrying about anybody trying to kill him.

  Wyatt grinned. “I can see that, sweet pea. And I gotta say, I like a woman with a little fight in her.” He edged toward her and she countered his move, picking up crystal vase of wildflowers to hurl at him. “You throw that thing and hit me, I’ll tan your hide, woman.” She simply snorted and lobbed the heavy vase at him. It shattered against the tile backsplash behind him. “If you were a better aim that could’a been my head.” He grinned again. “You’re just asking for it, darlin’.”

  “In your dreams, asshole.” She grabbed the wooden pepper grinder and hurled it at him.

  From his spot on the sun porch, Scuzz screeched and squawked, “Kick him in the balls, kick him in the balls.” Clearly, the bird knew the sound of a brawl when he heard one.

  “Excellent idea,” Haley said, eyes narrowed. “Maybe I’ll kick your balls up to your throat.”

  Wyatt laughed then launched himself up and over the top of the island, pinning her to the cabinet. “Now then, you were saying?”

  Oh, the look on her face was priceless. She was shocked and at the same time pissed as a cornered rattlesnake. But judging by the way her eyes dilated, she was aroused too. He gave her a pointed smile and figured he’d stir her up a little more by pressing is groin against her. The hard bulk of his cock nestled against her mound and her eyes widened.

  “You’re gonna take them duds off when we get upstairs, sweet pea.” Her jaw dropped and she gave him a venomous one-eyed squint. “Unless you don’t mind ‘em being torn.”

  “I. Will. Not.” Her teeth clenched as she spoke but her breath came fast and shallow and her nipples suddenly bloomed into hard little points. Definitely aroused.

  “Well, I hope that ain’t one of your favorite shirts, darlin’,” he drawled, taking her wrist in a firm grasp.

  He took the stairs two at a time, pulling her behind him, and didn’t stop until he had her in the bedroom with the door securely locked. He spun her around and backed her up until she fell back onto the bed, then began to unbutton his shirt.

  “You need help with your boots?”

  She was laying on the bed, propped up on her elbows. “Sure…darlin’…do help me with my boots.” A smug smile curved her lips.

  Wyatt stifled a laugh. His adorable little wife thought she was clever did she? He leaned down to help her with a boot, catching her foot when she kicked at him. With a fluid motion, he rolled her onto her belly and carefully kneeled across her thighs. He gave her good, hard swat on the ass while he was at it. She uttered a little screech of outrage but he made short work of her boots anyway. He flipped her onto her back.

  “I will not have sex with you,” Haley said between clenched teeth.

  Wyatt smiled and shrugged. “You don’t have to have sex with me but I’m thinking you’ll change your mind soon enough. Of course, that’s after I warm that sweet bottom of yours.”

  Wyatt’s cock swelled and pressed hard against his zipper when Haley’s nostrils flared. Jesus he was the luckiest man alive. He’d always wanted to play around with erotic spanking but he’d never had th
e nerve to ask a woman to play those kinds of games with him. From all appearances, his wife was more than willing.

  She practically hissed at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Wyatt snorted. “Of course I would,” he said, and reached for her.

  * * * * *

  Holy crow, he meant to spank her? She squinted an eye at him and practically dared him to do it. What the hell was wrong with her? She shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t be turned on by it but when he leaned over her and gave her shirt a yank, her panties immediately dampened. Buttons pinged off the walls and then the clasp on her bra snapped.

  Haley tried to stifle a moan when Wyatt grabbed the waistband of her jeans and hauled her to her feet.

  “You are not leaving me, Mrs. Brody,” her husband said fiercely. “If I have to keep you on your back with my cock buried inside you twenty-four hours a day, you are not leaving me.” He flicked open the button on her jeans and slowly unzipped them. “Now, unbuckle my belt and undo my pants.”

  Haley swallowed hard. Heaven help her but this was the most erotic experience of her life. Wyatt was determined to have his way and she had no doubt he would. Or that she would obey his every command. She opened his pants. He lowered them, along with his boxers, then sat on the bed to remove his boots and socks.

  “Get those britches and panties off.” His tone dared her to disobey.

  Suddenly Haley felt more self-conscious than she’d ever felt in her life. Wyatt was taking things to a whole new level, farther than he’d taken them in their fancy Las Vegas hotel room when he’d talked dirty to her. She took a deep breath and shoved her jeans and panties down, stepping out of them.

  “That’s my good little wife,” he told her. She could hear the arousal in his voice. If he’d been serious about the good little wife comment she would have happily castrated him. But he was a hot as she was, maybe more. He scooted back on the bed and crooked his finger at her. “Get on up here and lay yourself over my lap.”


  “Uh-uh, darlin’. I told you this was gonna happen and I’m nothing if not a man of my word. Now you tip that pert little bottom over my lap and do it now.”

  Haley was practically vibrating with anticipation when she climbed on the bed and stretched out over her husband’s lap. She gasped when one hand caressed her ass then moved to adjust her legs just the way he wanted them.

  “You do have a first rate ass, wife, and I’m gonna enjoy warming it for you.” He caressed her again, letting his hand glide between her parted thighs to delve and tease. She couldn’t help it, she moaned. “Mmm-hmm, that’s what I thought. You’re soaking wet, darlin’.”

  Haley took a deep breath and exhaled as Wyatt toyed with her. Dear lord, he had her so close, she was practically ready to come, and then…whap.

  “Ow!” she screeched. “Damn it, Wyatt.” He chuckled and…whap…that one really stung.

  “Never again, Haley,” he gritted out. “If you ever put yourself in harm’s way again,” whap, “you’ll be eating standing up for a week.” Whap. “Are we clear?”

  When she didn’t answer, he gave her another sharp smack. “Yes! Yes, we’re clear.”

  “Good.” He stroked her stinging backside, then wedged his hand between her legs again. “Open up, baby, let me play.” She opened her thighs, uttering a keening moan when two fingers wormed inside her and pumped. “I think you like getting your bottom spanked,” Wyatt crooned. “Isn’t that right?”

  When she didn’t answer, he withdrew from her and gave her another swat. “I said, isn’t that right?”

  “Yes,” Haley gasped. “Please Wyatt…I—”

  “You want my cock, darlin’? Is that what you need?”

  “God yes,” she groaned when he probed her again. “I need you inside me.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” he said softly. “And you’re not gonna try to run out on me?” He added another finger and went deeper.

  “No,” she wailed. “I swear. I was just scared.”

  He withdrew from her and stroked her bottom. “I know you were, darlin’ but we’re a team and we’re gonna get through this together.” He gave her a little pat. “Get up on your hands and knees, sweet pea. Turn around and face the headboard. You might wanna hang on cause it’s gonna be a hard ride.”

  Haley shivered in anticipation when Wyatt moved into place behind her. God but she loved it when he took her like this.

  “Wider,” he demanded, giving her inner thigh a little smack. She spread herself wider and grabbed on to the headboard slats. “That’s perfect, darlin’. You’re so pretty, all pink and swollen like this.” He ran his index finger through the silky threads of moisture. When she moaned loudly, he chuckled. “I think you’re ready for good, hard ride, ain’t you?”

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  “Well, let’s make you come first.”

  She nearly screamed when he stretched out beneath her and pulled her down over his face to torment her with his wickedly skilled mouth.

  “Oh god,” Haley moaned.

  The man had talent with his lips and tongue, sucking and licking her from anus to clit and back again. But he didn’t stop there, oh no, not her husband. His fingers poked and probed, stroked and pinched, tormenting her. Her pussy quivered and gushed as he ate at her and she sobbed and begged him to please let her come. His only response was “soon” and then he went back to driving her absolutely wild with need.

  Haley gasped and moaned as he fed, so close to release. “Please, please,” she begged. The orgasm that rocked her was the first of what she knew would be many.

  “God.” She moaned, the sound a mix between a gasp and a sigh. “Wyaaattt!” Her whole body quaked with anticipation when he slid from beneath her and rolled to his knees. She held her breath when the head of his cock nudged, then pushed inside.

  “Is this what you want, sweet pea? You want my cock?”

  Haley groaned in frustration. “Yes, yes. Damn it, Wyatt, stop teasing.”

  Wyatt chuckled and gave her another inch. “You want slow and easy? Or do you want hard and fast.”

  “Hard,” she shrieked. “And fast, Wyatt. Now.”

  “Okay baby,” he crooned and thrust deep.

  Haley’s eyes nearly rolled back in her head. The orgasm that rocked her had to have been an eight on the Richter scale.

  “More?” Wyatt rasped.

  “Yes, yes. Ah god, I need you.”

  Her rode her hard, giving her everything she wanted and more, lifting her until she straddled his thighs. He was so deep and she was so full, all they could do was rock together. One hand cupped her breast, tugging and pinching the nipple, the other stroking between her thighs to worry her clit. Her pussy clenched and the slow spiral into ecstasy began. Heat coursed through her, radiating from deep inside her, down her thighs to her toes, shooting back up to her belly, bursting like a dying star through her entire body.

  Behind her, Wyatt cursed. “Ah fuck, I’m gonna come, darlin’,” Wyatt croaked. He pushed her down until her chest and forehead rested on the mattress and then picked up the pace, driving deep, nearly withdrawing, then plunging in again.

  Haley keened, thrusting back against him, panting. “Yes, yes, yes.” When he slammed into her once last time, she came with a violence that stunned her. And then the world went black.

  Her husband was still inside her, holding her tight against his body, when Haley opened her eyes.

  “Welcome back, darlin’.” He pressed a kiss against her bare shoulder and she felt her body flush with embarrassment over her shameless behavior, reacting to a spanking like she had and begging him fuck her. Seemed like he always had her begging for more. It was downright unseemly. “Hey now, what’s with the blushing? We’re married and nothin’ we do together is wrong.”

  She nodded. “I know. It’s just that I…you spanked me and…I liked it. And I passed out. Is that, you know, normal?”

  “I like that you liked it. It made me so hot and hard it’s a pure wonde
r I didn’t come the second I got inside you.” He chuckled and his softening cock slid from her. “As for the other, I’ve heard of it but I ain’t never seen it happen before. Seemed like it was one hell of an orgasm.”

  Haley bit her lower lip. “It was the most powerful feeling I ever had.” She could tell by his smile that he was pretty damn pleased with himself. “You make me feel like that all the time.” She looked away for a long moment, then met his gaze. “I’m scared, Wyatt. If anything happened…if I lost you. I wouldn’t wanna live.”


  “No.” She put two fingers over his lips. “Let me finish. You and this place are the first good things I ever had in my whole life but I’d give it all up if it meant keeping you safe.”

  He took hold of her wrist, brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “Well, I appreciate that, darlin’, I really do, but we ain’t gonna let your daddy drive either of us outta our homes.”

  Haley raised an eyebrow. “Appears to me like he’s already done it. Your house is gone.” Tears welled again. “You’ll never know how bad I feel about that.”

  “Like I said, it ain’t your fault.” He leaned down and kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes. “Does it piss me off? Hell yeah. Is that fucking house worth more to me than your life, than my life with you? Hell no. And that’s what he’s counting on, darlin’…he was betting on you setting me aside to keep me safe and then he woulda made his move. But we ain’t gonna let that happen, are we?”

  “No. No we’re not. Fact is we need to order up the lumber for a new barn and plan us a wedding party.”

  Wyatt tipped her chin up. “That’s my girl. I’m glad we got that settled.” He gave her a wide grin and a wink. “But I gotta admit I’d like to do the spanking thing again.”


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