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Fit for a Queen (Royal Scandals: San Rimini Book 1)

Page 31

by Nicole Burnham

  “I imagine the queen’s charities will be in good stead for the coming fiscal year,” Royce said.

  “Several already are. The king put a few special items up for early bidding, and opened it solely to people who had a special relationship with Queen Aletta. A cousin of the queen’s purchased the scarf Aletta wore to a family baptism, and a woman who was a close friend from school purchased a necklace Aletta wore when she was a teenager. They’ll be on display just outside the auction room. Hopefully, seeing those early items and reading the stories behind them will inspire guests to bid high.”

  “Smart idea.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re smiling. What’s going on?”

  “I happen to have a ticket for the auction itself, so I’ll see it all in person, too.”

  “It came through? You didn’t tell me!” Her hand went to his forearm in her excitement. She’d put in a request for an auction ticket with the king’s assistant, but with the limited space at Villa Alfieri, not many would be in the room for the auction itself. Royce had let her believe he’d only secured entry to the reception.

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “That’s wonderful! I can meet you near the entrance. There’s an archway inside the—”

  He cut off her suggestion with a shake of the head. “I have a work meeting, so I’ll be a little late. You should walk around the exhibition when it starts or do whatever else you need to do. I’ll find you before the auction itself begins. Maybe meet you somewhere near those early auction items, if it’s not too crowded.”


  He covered her hand with his, then leaned to kiss her. “No force in the universe could stop me.”

  Daniela’s throat clogged as she studied the cover of the oversized auction book. The photograph showed Aletta in a pantsuit, sitting on the floor of a hospital physical therapy room, her eyes wide with delight. Her shoes were kicked to the side and a thick exercise band encircled her ankles. A young boy, the target of her brilliant look, stood across from her, a huge smile lighting his face. He’d been at the hospital learning to use his new leg after having surgery to remove a limb devastated by bone cancer, and Aletta had asked him to demonstrate his exercises. He’d convulsed with laughter when she’d fallen down, unable to balance as well as he had while testing his routine.

  The casual photo, taken by the boy’s mother, became one of the most famous of the late queen. The pantsuit was part of tonight’s auction, and the hospital—particularly its pediatric cancer and physical therapy units—were among the beneficiaries of the night’s event.

  Eduardo had chosen the perfect shot to showcase both his wife’s heart and the importance of the auction.

  Daniela smiled, then handed the book to one of the staff members, who’d offered to place it on her seat in the auction room. Daniela had seen the book two weeks earlier, when King Eduardo’s assistant mailed her a copy fresh off the press, but seeing it again tonight, with the adrenaline of the crowd fueling her, felt both momentous and satisfying.

  She smoothed a hand over the waist of her emerald green cocktail gown, then made a slow perusal of the room.

  Though Daniela had spent her afternoon at Villa Alfieri, she’d been seated at a desk in one of the rear salons, proofreading each display placard before staff posted it, then reviewing the auctioneer’s script to ensure it was free of errors. She hadn’t had much time to survey the event layout. Now, with all the lights and glitter and happy chatter surrounding her, she was glad this was her first real opportunity.

  To her right, guests funneled through security at the villa entrance before being welcomed with copies of the auction book. Miroslav and two other security officers stood back from the scanners, alert for anything out of the ordinary, while Chiara and several other staff members occupied a room on the villa’s second floor, monitoring the entire property via camera feeds. Daniela fanned her fingers at one of the hidden lenses, just in case Chiara was watching, then joined the flow of foot traffic heading into the villa’s expansive foyer.

  Her heart soared as she reached the arched doorway, where a framed sign read Aletta: The Exhibition. Palpable excitement filled the air. As she stepped through, the volume increased as guests pointed and gaped. A heavy velvet rope guided guests in a circle around the foyer to view the tall display cases, each containing a mannequin highlighting one of Aletta’s most iconic outfits. The first, which held her wedding gown and shoes, had drawn a large crowd. Daniela kept to the rear as she moved through the exhibit, allowing others to approach the glass. After the wedding ensemble stood the delicately embroidered cape and gown that Aletta had worn to her husband’s coronation, then the airy blue dress from Prince Federico’s wedding. She and King Eduardo had decided that those three pieces would form the core of the traveling exhibition. At his request, she’d selected other pieces that would rotate in and out of the collection to add interest. Given the space tonight and the presence of the Norwegian royalty, she’d selected a blush dress and hat Aletta had worn to a royal wedding in Norway, a bright yellow Christian Dior gown worn on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, and a midnight blue belted dress from the baptism of her eldest son, Prince Antony. Beside each display case, easels held oversized photos of the queen in the outfits, along with information on their provenance and the events to which she’d worn them.

  Traffic flowed through the room as well as could be hoped, given the number of guests. A high ceiling and glittering chandeliers helped keep the foyer from feeling crowded, as did the festive mood. Guests were thrilled to see an outfit the queen had worn during Paris Couture Week that had sparked weeks of fashion controversy: a Miu Miu bustier that many considered too risqué for a queen, and the long, classic floral skirt with which she’d paired it. Even tonight, years later, Daniela heard several guests question whether or not it had been appropriate, though all considered it beautiful, now that they could see it in person.

  She heard the buzz surrounding the final display case before she could get close enough to see it.

  “The king designed them as an anniversary gift,” she heard a male voice near the display case say in German, apparently reading to someone from the description.

  At the same time, an English-speaking woman said, “Look at the way it’s done! Only Eduardo and Aletta knew about it.”

  Her friend replied, “I’d take those over another pair of hoop earrings any day. It’s so romantic!”

  “But would Mark order the correct size?” the first woman asked, which sent both of them into a fit of laughter, no doubt fueled by the glasses of champagne each of them held.

  Daniela smiled to herself, thrilled for the shoes to receive the response she’d hoped.

  Two men Daniela guessed to be in their early forties stood back from the display, listening to the women’s conversation in silence as they waited their turn to view the shoes. The taller of the two gently elbowed his partner, who glanced at the thick silver watch he wore on his left wrist before returning the elbow with a smoldering look. Daniela was certain the watch, too, was engraved on the inside, and the couple’s shared understanding made her heart do a little flip.

  As the pair moved on, Daniela’s thoughts went to Royce. She scanned the crowd, but given the long line at security and what he’d said about a delayed arrival, she doubted he’d appear until the first items hit the auction block.

  She moved forward with the crowd and counseled herself to remain patient. Queen Fabrizia had urged Daniela to take an extra two or three days in San Rimini so she could enjoy some free time before returning home, and she’d gladly taken the queen’s suggestion. She and Royce had planned a trip on the Donati for the following day. Given the excitement with which he talked about being on the open water, out of sight of land, she couldn’t wait. She’d resolved to set aside her fears about the relationship’s long-term potential and focus on the moment, and had packed a new swimsuit, a protective hat, and plenty of sunscreen, and had ordered a basket of food and
wine to be delivered to the marina the next morning.

  Tonight would be fun. Tomorrow would be heavenly.

  Once guests made their way around the perimeter, finishing their tour of the exhibition with the personalized shoes, the velvet rope guided them to the center of the room, where waiters circulated with trays of champagne. Many of the invitees appeared to know each other, and they clustered to chat and exchange air kisses. At the side of the room opposite the arched entrance, a sign pointed toward the hall where the auction would be held. Daniela sidestepped the knots of happy guests to make her way there. The long hallway connecting the foyer with the auction room contained the early auction items. These display cases were more subdued than those in the exhibition area, but were separated to afford guests plenty of room to approach and read the descriptions. Most guests hadn’t made it this far, leaving the hallway less crowded.

  She approached a wall-mounted case to read the description she’d written for the scarf the queen had worn to the baptism of her cousin’s youngest child, then noted the name of the queen’s cousin as the purchaser.

  At the next case, a staff member answered a guest’s question about the watch on display. It had been purchased by one of Aletta’s childhood friends, as had the necklace in the next case. As Daniela passed them, a case farther along the hallway caught her eye. Frowning, she skipped two other displays and approached. The alligator print bag Helena had stolen rested on a stand, its rich leather gleaming under the small light.

  Eduardo hadn’t mentioned that the bag was to be part of the early auction. Then again, he’d moved items from the general auction to this one based on what he believed would be valued by Aletta’s closest friends and relatives. He must’ve added it after Daniela returned to Sarcaccia, though she hadn’t seen the description in order to proofread it. She wondered who had.

  Her eye went to the small card set below the handbag, which stated that it had been a gift to the queen from American businessman and philanthropist Darius Weathers following his visit to the palace in San Rimini. The purchaser of the item was listed as an R. Dekker.


  Daniela leaned closer, rereading the card. There couldn’t be another R. Dekker with ties to the palace, could there?

  “I was wondering when you’d make it to this area.”

  She whipped around at Royce’s voice. His self-satisfied grin caught her attention first—it brought out that swoon-worthy dimple that made an appearance on special occasions—then she took a step backward to drink in the full sight of him. His crisp black tuxedo and white shirt fit him to perfection, showing off the breadth of his shoulders and long line of his torso.

  She inhaled sharply. “How did you make it to this area?”

  “I walked.”

  “Without being stopped by every single female with a pulse?”

  The grin broadened. “That’s such a cheesy line.”

  “It’s also true.”

  “This, on the other hand” —he swept a hand in front of her to indicate her cocktail dress— “is a heart stopper. You look phenomenal.”

  He moved to give her a soft kiss on the cheek, one appropriate for the setting, then indicated the display case. “You read the card?”

  “You really bought that bag?”

  “King Eduardo told me he was considering adding it to the early auction, and I told him I’d be interested. I wanted you to have it. He held it back so you’d be surprised when you walked in here tonight.”

  Daniela felt her jaw soften. “You bought it…for me?”

  His eyes grew bright. “Given the number of events you attend with Queen Fabrizia, I assume you’ll find occasions to carry it.”

  She pressed a hand to her chest. “Royce, that’s…thank you. I don’t know what to say. It’s gorgeous. And it will always make me think of you.”

  “Well, that’s the reason my ego wanted you to have it.” He shot a quick look down the hall, then looked back at her. “And there’s something else.”

  At that moment, Miroslav slipped from a nearby alcove holding a box wrapped in shiny silver paper, topped with a bow in exactly the same emerald shade as her dress. He handed the box to Royce, flashed a smile at Daniela, then walked to the end of the hall to stand near the closed doors to the auction room.

  “This is also for you.” Royce presented the gift to her with both hands. “Miroslav let me know what you were wearing. He found the ribbon and bow.”

  She stole a look down the hall. Miroslav was watching them, but pretending to have his attention on the guests, who were moving from the foyer to the hallway in increasing numbers as the time for the auction drew near.

  “I’ve never heard of color coordinating gifts to the recipient’s outfit.”

  “I wanted it to be special. But you’d better open it before everyone downs their champagne and heads this way.”

  Carefully, she removed the ribbon—handing it to Royce as it came free from the box—then ran her index finger under the tape to lift the paper. She raised her eyes as she saw the printing on the box. “Shoes?”

  “Can’t have the bag without the shoes.”

  She met his grin with one of her own. “Now you’re a fashion expert?”

  “Not at all. Hurry up.”

  She popped the lid from the box. The shoes were instantly recognizable. Tears filled her eyes. “They’re the same style as the pair King Eduardo designed for Aletta.”

  “I had them done in a color to match the bag. And take a peek inside.”

  She exhaled slowly, digging deep to rein in her emotions. This was the last place she wanted to cry. But when she saw the insoles and realized what Royce had done, she knew her control wasn’t that solid.

  A miniature map of the Italian peninsula occupied the arch, with San Rimini to the east and Sarcaccia to the west. Above the map, near the heel, the Big Dipper sparkled.

  “Follow the arc of the handle.”

  She did. And there they were. Fainter than the Big Dipper, but visible.

  “Arcturus,” she whispered. “And Virgo.”

  “You asked about my astrological sign the night we found Virgo.” He pointed to the side. “I cheated and went below the horizon. Those dots are Cancer.”

  Daniela couldn’t speak. She couldn’t imagine a more perfect, more meaningful gift.

  Thankfully, Royce understood. He cupped her elbow, then guided her down the hall toward the auction room. Without being asked, Miroslav keyed them in, then closed the door behind them.

  “We have a few minutes before Miroslav opens the doors for the guests,” Royce said. The auctioneer and King Eduardo’s assistant stood at the front of the room, near a lectern, but were deep in conversation and hadn’t seemed to notice their entrance.

  She nodded, then used one knuckle to blot the tears that had flowed down her cheeks. She wasn’t sloppy crying, but she felt as if she were. Her makeup had to be a disaster.

  “Royce, this is the kindest and most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  He smiled, then brushed a hand over her shoulder before letting it drop, as if sensing that closer contact would spur more waterworks. “It goes both ways. You’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know.”

  She started to protest, but his earnest expression silenced her. “It’s time to pursue what’s most important to me. That’s you, and that’s a different career.”

  He took a deep breath before continuing. “I talked to my father and told him that I’m not going to join his firm. When I explained why, he understood. My mother even looked relieved. She knew my heart wasn’t in it. I suspect she’s known for years. In the meantime, I started the process of applying to the graduate astrophysics programs at several universities. The University of Cateri has one of the best in the world, and it’s my top choice. I have no idea whether either you or the program will accept me, but you reminded me of the importance of taking risks. I studied my tail off for the entrance exam and took it last weekend. I think I did well, so I�
�m confident I’ll get in somewhere. Once I do, I’ll wind down my business. My father will likely sell his business to two of his employees, so I’ll refer my clients there.”

  Voices filtered in from the hallway as the time for the auction approached. They wouldn’t have long before Miroslav opened the doors.

  “I’m…I’m stunned,” Daniela said.

  His voice held an endearing mixture of confidence and nerves. “The bag and the shoes are a thank you. Life is unpredictable. The fact that Eduardo is hosting an auction of his late wife’s belongings evidence of that, if nothing else. No matter what happens with us, it’s you who made me stop and think about how I want to spend my time. I will value that until my dying day. You changed the course of my life for the better.”

  Daniela leaned into Royce, clutching the shoebox between them. “You’ve changed mine, too. I’d never have worked for Fabrizia—and never would have worked for King Eduardo—if not for you.”

  He embraced her, encouraging her to relax into his shoulder. As with every time he held her, she marveled at the power and calm that emanated from him. When he spoke into her hair, it felt as if she’d come home.

  “I’ve never believed in the pop culture concept of soulmates. The idea that there’s only one perfect person on the planet for any other person is ludicrous.” He eased back so he could meet her eyes. “However, I do believe in the idea that there are people with whom you feel comfortable, yet who aren’t afraid to challenge you when you need it. Within that group, there are a few special people who make you want to be better. Who make you think. And amongst that set—and it’s a small set by now—there are those you find undeniably sexy. When you find a person who fits that, you want a relationship. Not a magical soulmate, where being together takes zero effort and everything is rainbows and glitter, but a person who’s so compelling that you make an effort every day, because that effort is worth it.”


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