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The Council, A Witch's Memory

Page 12

by J. C. Isabella

  It didn’t sound right.

  I listened carefully, trying to hear their separate rhythms. But they were synchronized, beating at exactly the same time.

  As they slowed simultaneously, it dawned on me, what had just happened.

  I felt his contentment, his happiness, his fear, and his love.

  Our souls were one.

  Chapter 20


  “Venna?” I gave her a shake. She looked dazed, staring up at me with glassy, unfocused eyes. “Please, say something. Are you all right?”

  She blinked. “I…we…”

  I was debating weather or not to tell her what happened between us, and what it meant. She seemed too befuddled right now for me to say anything.

  Unless…unless she was acting so strangely because she knew.

  Someone, I’m positive that little someone was Flora, told her about binding. She must have explained to Venna what occurred once you were bound to another person.

  “Did Flora explain to you about the binding?”

  She nodded, taking a step back from me. “We’re not even really a couple. We’ve never talked or, or gone on a first date! That can’t be enough time.”

  “We have no control over when we wanted this to happen, it just does.” I hesitated, “what did Flora tell you, exactly?”

  She raised an eyebrow, “I think the question you’re looking for is…what didn’t she tell me?”


  “Yeah, she gave me the run down on the feelings sharing, the soul sharing, the power sharing…just seems like a whole lot of sharing.”

  “Which you aren’t in the mood for.”

  “No, not really. This was bad timing! Couldn’t it have happened after the people wanting to kill me, or use me to help some crazy man, who also happens to be my father…this whole being bound thing? Maybe at a happier time when I’m not mad at you? Is that too much to ask?” She slapped her hand over my mouth before I had the opportunity to speak. “Henry, I should be scared, really freaking out about being glued to you for all eternity, but I’m not. I’m not in the least bit worried or anything, which is why I’m panicking right now. No, I’m not done talking yet. Let me get this out. I, I’m just so…I’ve got a serious problem, because any normal person would be in a coma right now. After everything I’ve learned about you and who I really am, over the past, oh, twenty-four hours, I should be scared. But I’m not afraid when I’m with you, and that scares me. I feel comfortable here, like I belong, when this world is completely new to me. And at the same time it’s not new. Like none of this is a surprise. But of course it’s not a surprise, since, well, lucky me, I’m remembering! Shouldn’t I need more time to get acclimated, to be so comfortable with this craziness? Which, honestly, feels more normal to me than it should? Or shouldn’t it?”

  When I was certain she was finished, I spoke, “You feel comfortable because this world isn’t really new to you, deep down you know who you are.”

  She swallowed, “I guess we’re stuck with each other.”

  We jumped at a whirring mechanical sound. I turned to see the fax machine on the desk come to life and produce a few freshly printed sheets of paper.

  “Hold on.” I said. Picking up the small stack as the machine finished, I grimaced at the papers in my hands, flipping from one to the next. There were only four. Glancing back at Venna, I tried to keep my expression unfazed and indifferent. I didn’t want her to be in the room when I got the faxes. I wasn’t expecting our connection to solidify, or I’d have taken her out of the room before they came. Grabbing a pen, I signed the bottom of the first document.

  “What are those?” I felt her beside me, leaning around to see what I was doing.

  I couldn’t look her in the eyes yet, and slipped into the chair behind the desk, tapping the pen on the glass.

  “Henry, I can feel how upset you are.”

  And I could feel how curious she was.

  I pursed my lips, knowing she deserved the truth. “My family and I make decisions for the good of our people.”

  She nodded, hopping up to sit on the corner of my desk. “I understand.”

  “And some of the decisions I make are not pleasant.”

  She touched the tip of her index finger to the top sheet bearing my signature. “What’s this one?”

  “I’m approving a the warrant for an arrest, should the man be found alive.”

  She shifted to cross her legs, feeling uneasy. I hated that she felt that way, I’d already put her through so much, and now that she was finally talking to me again, I was going to lay something else on her. “And the others?”

  I held the second and third ones up for her to see. “These men are to be imprisoned for treason. After eighty years the Council will review them. Their sentences will either be extended, or they will be released and monitored for fifty years afterwards.”

  “And the last one?”

  I glanced down at the paper and settled my hand on her knee. Venna was smart and strong. She could handle more than a lot of people I knew. But I still wanted to shield her from the upsetting parts I dealt with. “This is an order stating that John Craven will not be tried or arrested. He is stripped of all rights and is to be executed on sight. No exceptions.”

  She paled. “You can do that?”

  “Yes,” I signed the last three and sent them back through the fax.

  The papers didn’t reappear at the bottom.

  “Where did they go?” She slid closer and inspected the now empty paper tray.

  “Once something of importance is faxed it disintegrates. A paper shredder is not good for such documents, they could easily be reassembled.”

  I swiveled my chair around to watch Zane and Flora. They were lounging on a blanket in the sun, flipping through the large book of history and laws while a dog chewed on a stick.

  “Wait, where did that dog come from?”

  “I healed him. His name’s Bruno.” I smiled. “Flora said it was good practice for me. I think I’m going to keep him.”

  Flora was a good teacher, I could see Zane picking up things quickly; she was telling him about memory charms and covens. He ate up the information with such enthusiasm. I knew he needed to be around his own kind.

  There was a small private school he could attend, a very exclusive one in Richmond for magical beings. It taught what every other school was required to, instructing kindergarten through twelfth grade, although its extra courses were not made known to the general public.

  Brighton Hall was named after one of the current members of the Royal Council, Andrew Brighton, King of the Werewolves, and Quinn’s father. He founded the school so magical children could grow and learn with their own kind.

  I decided to offer Zane the opportunity to attend Brighton Hall. He and Flora would be together, and I expected he would make friends easily. The commute for him would be nothing.

  “I was thinking about lunch.” Venna smiled, her eyes careful. I could feel she was wary of me, but not afraid.

  My stomach growled in response. “Great, I’ve been here all morning, skipped breakfast completely.”

  “What were you doing?”

  “I spoke to Davy. He went to New Orleans to see a witch doctor who said he thought he saw your father.”

  “Really, when?”

  “Two days ago. Then I spoke to Captain Fulk about Cal. His trial is in three days.”

  Her eyes narrowed, assessing what I said with interest. She wasn’t used to hearing me speak about my duties. Frankly, I wasn’t used to it either. I’d been helping my parents for years now, but to have the reins completely during such a crisis was daunting. “Be honest with me Henry. Is this the first time you’ve ever had so much power?”

  “Yes and no.” I leaned back in my chair to better watch her reaction. “This is the first time I’ve had to perform so many different tasks at once. I do not doubt my abilities, only hope that the decisions I make are the right ones. This is the first time I’v
e had anyone I care about involved.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Thanks.” Her faith in me was amazing, despite what I’ve done.

  She smirked. “But you have something you didn’t have before.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes, you have me.”

  “And two heads are better than one.”

  “Precisely. Now, I’m hungry. Lets take a break and eat.”

  I was looking forward to lunch, except my cell phone rang shrilly in the quiet room. Maybe I could talk her into eating in the office. I was obviously needed here.

  The Halls number flashed bright blue on the screen.

  Venna groaned. “Oh, crap.”

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Henry?” Mr. Hall asked, his voice anxious.

  “Mr. Hall, how are you?” Venna pressed her ear next to mine to listen.

  “Fine. What are you kids are up to? I haven’t seen or heard from Venna or Zane.”

  “We’ve been busy.” I offered. Venna laughed nervously, busy was an understatement. “My cousin came to stay with us.”

  “Oh,” He grumbled, not sounding like he believed me. “Let me speak to Venna.”

  She took the phone from me. “Hi, Jackson. I’m sorry I didn’t call you or Mara. Yeah, Zane’s here with us too. No, you don’t have to worry. We’re fine.” She winked at me. “Uh, I’m not sure when we’ll be home. Henry’s parents invited Zane and I to spend the week with them in North Dakota. Remember when we went last year? I showed you the pictures.”

  I smirked. Actually, we’d stayed at a house my parents rented and pretended to live in while we were there. Venna and Zane never suspected. I couldn’t bring them to the compound with me.

  Venna let out a relieved sigh and clutched the phone in both hands. “Great, of course I’ll call and check in. Yeah, nine, actually. I think we can do that. Okay, bye.”

  “Well?” I asked when she handed me back the phone.

  “Mr. Langley, I just bought us a week of freedom. They think we are flying out tonight.”

  “Smart thinking, Miss Greer.” I met her eyes, feeling her apprehension. “What’s the catch?”

  “We have to have dinner with them before we leave.”

  I stood. At least they would let Venna stay with me for a while. Hopefully a week was enough time.

  We went to make lunch, and although I could feel she was still upset with me, Venna was warming up as the minutes passed. She even managed a few smiles.

  I found Zane rummaging through the cupboards when we entered the kitchen.

  “What are you looking for?” I asked. This wasn’t Zane’s home, but it might as well be. He spent enough time here with Venna and I to know his way around.

  He dumped a bag of sugar on the counter. “Stuff.”

  Venna went to the fridge and got out what we needed for sandwiches. “For?

  Zane straightened and crossed his arms. “Flora and I are baking cupcakes.”

  She laughed. “Boy, hanging around with has changed your view on cool activities.”

  “Baking is a science.” He glanced at a cookbook open on the counter and went back to the cupboard.

  “Since when have you enjoyed academics?” I asked.

  “Dude, its butter and sugar, need I say more?” He turned around and shouted, “Flora, did you find the blender?”

  She came out of the pantry scowling. “For the last time, it’s a mixer, Zane.”

  By the time we were getting ready to go to Mara and Jackson’s, the kitchen was a disaster. The mess didn’t bother me. I was happy Zane and Flora were at least trying to get along. They could surprise us all and become friends. Though I had a feeling that would take a while.

  A tub of blue frosting sat on the counter next to a tray of still warm cup cakes, and every baking utensil I owned. Next to that the mixer was half full of unused batter. Sprinkles, food coloring, and flour covered the countertop. Bruno wound around our legs, mopping any fallen crumbs off the floor with his tongue. I tried feeding him the dog food that had appeared in the pantry, thanks to Zane, but he was more interested in the human treats.

  Zane insisted on icing one of the cakes as soon as it came out of the oven, it sat in a big squishy lump on a napkin.

  “Is it supposed to look like that?” He poked it with the end of a spatula.

  I was not a good cook by any means; I did know enough to realize that a warm cupcake would melt frosting.

  Venna packed the cooled and frosted cupcakes in a plastic tub to take to Mara and Jackson. “What if they figure out we’re lying?”

  “They won’t.” I glanced at the faucet to turn the water on and sent dishes flying across the room into the sink, while putting away leftovers.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “If the Hall’s find out, I’ll make them forget.”

  Venna put her hands on her hips. I felt her temper flare. “Uh, no. Sorry, never happening.”

  “It’s perfectly safe.”

  “Tell that to my feet.”

  “Right, sorry. I’m talking about a different kind of charm.” I said, but she wasn’t listening, and turned back to her cupcakes.

  Zane took a messy bite of the gooey blue cupcake and grinned at Flora, waving frosting covered fingers in the air.

  She shrieked at him. “Don’t come any nearer!”

  “What are you going to do, charm me to death?” he licked his fingers.

  I rolled my eyes and hit the lights. We had plenty of time, so we left through the back gate covered in ivy and took the trail to the Hall’s house.

  Venna seemed a little uneasy walking through the woods. She felt even more so and looked back at me a few times. I smiled, trying to convey she didn’t have anything to worry over. It was till light out. I didn’t sense anything threatening, and neither did Zane or Flora.

  We were climbing the back porch, about to go inside the hall’s house, when Flora gasped at the sight of an old apple tree in the side yard. “Oh, no. What happened to you?”

  Zane lowered his voice, “Uh, Henry, is she talking to a tree?”

  I grinned, knowing Flora was finally getting comfortable enough to be herself around Zane and Venna. They were in for a surprise. “Yeah.”

  “It’s been like that for years.” Venna said. “Jackson is debating chopping it down.”

  Flora ran for it, appalled. “Why would someone do that?”

  We watched her walk around the tree, whispering, talking to it in a sweet voice. Zane and Venna eyed her like she’d lost it. Soon though, the tree started to come to life. No longer wilted and rotted. Its leaves were green and vibrant. Crisp red apples slowly appeared.

  “That is so freaking cool.” Zane’s voice cracked. I laughed and he punched me in the arm. “Hey, a few years ago, you sounded just as strange.”

  “Oh, my lord!” a shrill voice nearly busted my eardrums and Mara pushed past me, throwing off her frilled apron. “Jackson, come look at the tree!”

  Zane and I helped Jackson fire up the grill and we fixed hamburgers for dinner. Venna and Flora provided the side dishes with Mara. We had a pleasant evening out on the back porch. Flora, who was a diehard monopoly fan, coerced us into a game that lasted two hours. Zane ended up losing all his money to her, and was in debt by at least ten thousand dollars from an I-O-U.

  Mara sat back in her chair and studied me over the rims of her blue, horn-rimmed glasses. She was a round little woman with a hearty laugh and puffy white hair. She reminded me of my grandmother. She was warm and caring, and had a tendency to worry we weren’t being fed enough.

  “So, North Dakota?” she asked as the evening was winding down. We would have to leave soon, pretend we had to make our flight with my parents.

  I nodded. “We’re going to go jet skiing on the lake behind my house.”

  Jackson tugged on his ear, smirking. “Is that what they are calling it these days?”

  Venna went pink and Zane burst out laughing.

; Mara threw her napkin at Jackson, “I wish you would behave yourself. Venna and Henry have good heads on their shoulders.”

  The phone rang, and Jackson went to answer it, grumbling about how no one seemed to have a sense of humor anymore.

  Mara looked at me again, and tapped her fingers to her chin. I was starting to get a tad uncomfortable when she smirked at the tree. “Nice handy work.”

  I stared at her. “I’m sorry?”

  Mara glanced at my cousin, who looked ready to melt out of her chair, and winked. “Don’t look so worried, Flora.”

  We stared at Mara, speechless. She merely waved her hand through the air and gurgled with laughter. “Please, you all look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “You know?” Venna came up out of her chair.

  “Of course I know.” She reached out to nudge Zane in the ribs until he started laughing. “How could I miss it? He’s fast, but he’s not that fast.”

  Venna planted both hands on the table and leaned forward. “How much do you know, exactly?”

  “I know you’d scrape a knee when you were little, and it’d be healed in two or three days. It wasn’t natural. I also know who Henry really is,” Mara smiled at Venna. “I know what you are…” She shrugged, her eyes misty, “and I know you’re going to leave someday. I just hope you wont forget me.”

  Venna rounded the table to hug Mara, “I will visit any chance I get. I promise. Besides, Zane still has to finish school.”

  Zane nodded and hugged her when Venna went back to her seat. “But how did you figure all of this out?”

  “It was the Langley’s. They were a funny family, and so private. Show up and buy the house that nobody could afford or wanted, and not long after we were given you and your sister.” She said. “At first I didn’t suspect anything, but they were so attentive. Always coming up to us in town and wanting to know how Venna and Zane were adjusting. So I went over one day, rang the bell, and asked them right out if they had any connections to my foster children.”

  I was in disbelief, mostly. “And the fact that we’re magical, doesn’t bother you?”

  “Darling,” Mara patted my shoulder. “I nearly fainted when I found out about witches and warlocks. Then, I just decided I didn’t care anymore, and that I would never tell Jackson.”


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