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The Mating Ritual

Page 8

by Tory Richards

  “Sunie is tending him,” Cormac responded. “We don’t fight to the death.”

  “But Malik had a knife.” She was still trembling from the ordeal.

  Cormac smiled, “The challenger is allowed a weapon,” he explained.

  That hardly seemed fair. “I think I have a lot to learn about Oh-Mah,” Toni admitted reluctantly, realizing what she was saying. Had she decided to stay with them? “I’m happy it was you who won.”

  “You are my life-mate now.” He stated passionately, cupping her face as he’d done before Malik had made his presence known.

  “But─” His finger touched her lips, silencing her. Toni gulped, feeling an emotion swell inside her heart that she wasn’t prepared for. She couldn’t exactly call it love, but it was a deep feeling of affection.

  “You will have my babies.” His hand covered her flat belly. “They will suckle from your beautiful breasts.” His hand moved to her breast. “As my woman I will protect you always.”

  Toni felt moisture fill her eyes at the unexpected passion in his voice. His touch was tender, his eyes fiercely claiming. He was committing himself to her in the only way he knew how. Cormac offered her more than she’d ever had outside his world.

  “In time, you will learn our ways. You will accept your new life, and you will learn to be happy with me.”

  Toni thought that time would be sooner than later. She stood on tiptoe and offered him her lips. Cormac didn’t hesitate, and as their kiss grew, so did their passion. As the celebration continued outside, they sank down onto the bed of soft animal hides, exploring each other with eager hands and mouths, their hunger renewed.

  Cormac made love to Toni as if it was their first time, worshipping her body with gentle caresses. He probed her pussy, and the opening to her anus with careful control. His kisses were long and sweet, and he tongued her nipples as if he was savoring sweet, ripe berries. Toni arched her body against his, sighing with pleasure as she ran her hands over his hard, and muscular frame mindful of his wounds.

  “Cormac!” she whispered passionately, using the head of his cock to pleasure her clit. Toni moved her hips up and down, straining for the ultimate ecstasy while at the same time wanting to fulfill his needs. She kissed and nipped her way to his nipples, biting and pulling on them until he sucked in his breath and thrust forward, penetrating her pussy as far as his cock could reach.

  She raised her legs over his shoulders and his deep grunt told her that he liked the new position. Toni liked it too. It allowed her to feel every inch of his magnificent cock as it glided over her clit and sank deeply into her body. Further stimulation came from the feel of his heavy balls slapping against her butt. Cormac’s low groan told her he was nearing an orgasm.

  “Oh God! Oh God!” she cried out, overtaken by a throng of mini orgasms. She jerked uncontrollably beneath Cormac.

  He halted what he was doing. “I’m hurting you?”

  Toni shook her head. “Your cock is rubbing against my G-spot.”


  “It’s a certain spot inside a woman that gives her great pleasure,” she explained, closing her eyes. Every time Cormac’s cock twitched it felt like someone pressing a finger directly on the ultra-sensitive area. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

  “So this feels good?” Cormac shifted his hips so that it forced his cock to move against the roof of Toni’s channel. She sucked in her breath, nodding yes. His passion-filled eyes actually filled with humor. “This, too?” He put his hands on her hips, and the next time that he did it he forced Toni’s body downward at the same time.

  “Ohhhh, Cormac!” she yelled out, overwhelmed by the intense orgasm exploding around his cock.

  Toni shook against him wildly, lost in rapture, her breath stolen from her in a moment of total bliss. She tightened her muscles around his shaft, holding tightly until he, too, lost control. With a thundering bellow, Cormac climaxed. Their sweat covered bodies shuddering uncontrollably as they rested, panting, against each other.

  It took Toni a long time to come back down to earth, and when she finally became aware of the present again, Cormac had rolled to his side and she was wrapped in his muscular arms, held close to his warm body. The last thing Toni realized before drifting into an exhausted slumber was that life in the mountains with him might not be so bad. He offered her protection and more, and she felt completely whole with him.

  She’d tried to escape to go home, but maybe she was already home.

  Chapter 7

  One year later…

  Toni sat on a rock at the water’s edge, kicking her feet blissfully in the cool water, her face turned up to the warm sun. She couldn’t remember ever being this happy, and because of her life with Cormac and his people, she had everything she could ever want or need. She rarely missed her old life now, and when she did, it was Mary’s smiling face that she saw. Mary would understand and be happy for her.

  A splash drew Toni’s attention to the middle of the spring, where Cormac and some of the other men were spear fishing. He glanced over at her at the same time, and they exchanged smiles. Toni didn’t know when she’d fallen in love with him. She just woke one morning, warm and content in his strong arms, and realized that her feelings had grown for him, as well as his people.

  I can feel my heart swelling with love for him. Cormac positioned himself, and the next time he jabbed his spear and pulled back there was a large fish at the end of it. He slipped the fish into a leather pouch with the others, and went back to looking for another one. Toni’s gaze ran over his powerful, Viking-like body, naked but for the pouch tied around his waist. As usual, she felt a stirring in her own body, she hadn’t even tried to learn how to control her constant need for him.

  She’d adjusted to mountain life easily, and found that the simple existence of living off the land was more fulfilling than she could ever have imagined. Plenty of food and fresh water, shelter from the elements, but Toni’s favorite was sleeping beneath the stars when the weather was nice. She’d gotten used to the various stages of nudity displayed, realizing early on that they viewed nakedness as completely natural, just as they did sex.

  Toni had learned a lot living with the Oh-Mah, and what she hadn’t experienced firsthand she’d been educated by Lila and Didi. Having no children of her own, Lila had kind of adopted Toni, in the same way she had adopted Cormac when he’d lost his mother as a young boy. The children were raised strictly by their mothers, the boys until puberty, when they were taught to be men by the men.

  The Oh-Mah were always on the move, staying well away from civilization. They made their homes mostly in caves or old mines, using the shelters while they were on the move. Cormac’s clan consisted of three separate family units that didn’t always travel together. They met up once a year, usually in the spring, finished the journey to the Catskills, Adirondacks, and sometimes even as far as Maine and Canada, depending on the weather.

  She learned that there were other Oh-Mah communities in the mountains. Most were friendly, some weren’t as advanced and kept to themselves, but they all spoke the same primitive language and got along for the most part. In spite of their volatile nature, they were shy, unthreatening people, and just wanted to be left alone. She’d known early on that they went to great means to keep their existence a secret. They burned their dead, and scattered their ashes in the mountains they loved.

  A noise drew Toni’s attention back to Cormac. He was adding another fish to his pouch, and then began walking toward her. She reached for a handful of blueberries in the basket next to her, letting her gaze drop down his body and back up again. “Did you catch enough fish for the mating ritual tonight?” She popped the berries into her mouth.

  Cormac said nothing. He removed the pouch from around his waist, dropped it to the ground, then grabbed Toni and dragged her to the ground with him.

  She swallowed the berries quickly. “Cormac!” she scolded. “We’re not alone.”

  “Then don’t l
ook at me like that,” he said right before covering her mouth with his. He rolled so that Toni was on top of him. As his kiss grew with passion, his hands ran through her hair, undoing the long, thick braid.

  Once the kiss ended, Toni made a show at looking around them to see who might be watching. Three men in the water were still focused on fishing.

  “They are busy,” he grumbled, nuzzling her neck. His hands smoothed down her backside to where the hide she was wearing ended at the backs of her thighs. Toni felt his fingers teasing her skin as he moved beneath her clothes.

  “I wasn’t talking about them,” Toni smiled. She pushed off Cormac and sat back upon the ground. He just lay there, smiling up at her. “Would you like some berries? They are plump and sweet.”

  His gaze fell to her breasts, as she knew they would. “Yes they are very plump and sweet,” he agreed.

  Toni felt her nipples peak from his hard look as she reached into the basket. Her smile faded when she realized that it was empty. Damn, I ate them all! She quickly jumped to her feet, which wiped the sensual grin right off Cormac’s face. “Wait right here while I go get some more.” She grabbed up the basket and rushed off before he could stop her.

  Thank goodness, the blueberry patch was close by. Toni picked off a couple of big handfuls for Cormac, humming as she went along. A rustle in the bushes had her turning with worry, until her gaze landed on the two lovers, Malik and Sunie. They’d snuck away to be together! Considering their mating ritual was that very night, Toni was surprised that they hadn’t been watched more closely.

  Toni was thankful that Malik had gotten over his crush on her, and had found someone he could be happy with. Sunie was a big-boned, beautiful woman who seemed to be able to handle his rough ways. These days Malik barely spared Toni a glance, and when he did, it was impersonal and almost friendly. She couldn’t help wondering if someone would challenge Malik for Sunie at the ritual that night.

  She headed back to where she’d left Cormac and came to a dead stop when he came into view. Instant tears filled Toni’s eyes, and her heart swelled to near bursting. He was still lying on his back, and had apparently fallen asleep, but first he’d taken their two-month-old daughter Rosy out of her basket and set her on his great chest, where she was now sleeping. Cormac’s hand was gentle against her little back to keep her from rolling off.

  It was special moments like this when Toni wished that she had a camera, but she knew that this vision of Cormac and Rosy would remain forever in her mind and heart. She quietly made her way to them, lying next to Cormac. He didn’t speak or open his eyes, but his arm engulfed Tony, drawing her closer to him. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  Her life was complete.

  The End


  Blurb – After ten years of sacrificing everything for his country as a Navy SEAL, Bishop is looking for salvation, and something more permanent in his life. Angel, a pretty kindergarten teacher, thinks she's just what he needs. Their chemistry is instant, and explosive, only Bishop has trouble letting go of his commitment to his country. It's up to Angel to prove there's room for her in his life.


  “The police are on the way, ma’am. Where is the intruder now?” the operator asked.

  Angel listened for a moment. “He’s still in the kitchen.”

  “Is the intruder male?”

  “No, no!” Angel said, and then quickly lowered her voice when she realized she’d spoken too loud. “I don’t know if it’s a woman or a man.” She’d been too afraid to look when she had the chance. Movement coming from the kitchen told her the intruder was still there, but for how long? She was crouched at the end of the couch, too afraid to turn around, frightened that at any moment she would be discovered. “Please hurry!”

  “They’re on their way. Stay calm and—”

  “I think he’s in the room with me!” Angel’s eyes rounded with fear when she sensed someone moving up behind her.

  “Ma’am stay on—”

  Angel knew the intruder was behind her now. She stood up, whipped around and slammed her phone into the side of his head with a piercing scream. All she could make out was a tall, dark outline.

  “What the fuck—” a male voice boomed.

  Angel let out another scream and slammed her hands against a massive chest, shoving him away from her as hard as she could. Her only thought was making it back upstairs to the safety of her room until the police arrived, but the second her palms landed on the man’s rock-hard chest she knew she was in trouble. He stumbled back but she had a feeling it was due more to her catching him by surprise than the force of her push.

  She scooted around him but suddenly his hands were on her, and for a moment they struggled against each other. Angel was hyped up on adrenaline and a strong sense of survival, and she used her nails and teeth on the naked arms and powerful hands trying to subdue her. It gained her enough freedom to make it to the stairs but halfway up she found her ankle being grabbed, she fell, and then she was pinned beneath a heavy weight.

  “No!” she cried out, struggling wildly against him. But she was no match for his superior strength and the honed muscles she felt beneath her hands. In no time his hands had wrapped around her wrists, and she was pinned against the stairs.

  “Who the hell are you?” he demanded, his face too close to hers.

  “Who the hell are you?” Angel demanded right back, twisting beneath him. It was then she felt cool air in places that she shouldn’t, reminding her that all she had on was a thin nightshirt and a pair of bikini panties. Judging by the super hard pecks she felt pressed against her breasts, her shirt had come undone, too. An insane thought crossed her mind, why he wasn’t wearing a shirt. She wiggled wildly, unintentionally scraping her nipples across his flesh.

  “Stop before you get hurt!” he growled. In an effort to subdue her he pressed his body against hers.

  “Then get off me!” Angel hissed, arching her body in an effort to throw him off her. His muscled thighs and powerful legs flexed against hers, easily holding hers still.

  “Not until you tell me who you are,” he grated in a rough voice.

  His warm breath slapped her in the face. “I live here,” Angel said without hesitation, glaring up into his shadowed face. She was aware there was no way he could see her because it was too dark.

  “The hell you do.”

  How did he know that? “The police are on their way so I suggest you let me up and get out of here.” Her energy was beginning to wane. He was too strong and big, and the longer they remained like that, the more she began to feel uncomfortable with their intimate proximity.

  “Good. Then we can get to the bottom of this.”

  That wasn’t the kind of response an intruder would make if he were caught in someone else’s house. Maybe he was delusional or something. Angel decided to switch tactics. “These stairs are hurting me,” she said weakly.

  Things grew still between them and she sensed his silent contemplation, as if he were wondering if he should believe her. She whimpered a little for good measure.

  “Okay, I’m going to let you up, but don’t try anything stupid,” he warned.

  The second he released her and lifted off her body, Angel got to her feet and dashed the rest of the way up the stairs.

  “Son of a bitch!” he cursed behind her.

  Angel slammed and locked her bedroom door in his face. She didn’t know what she hoped to accomplish, except to get away from him until the police arrived. What was taking them so long? She ran to one of the windows and opened it. Maybe she could push out a screen and—

  Without warning her bedroom door was kicked in. She screamed and made a beeline for her connecting bathroom.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.”

  A muscular arm wrapped around Angel’s waist and she was lifted off her feet. “Let me go!” She wiggled and kicked, very much aware that her butt was against a very intimate part of his body. Burning heat replaced t
he fear flowing through her blood because his cock wasn’t as flaccid as it should have been.

  “Look,” he slammed her down onto the bed and for the second time she found herself pinned beneath his superior strength. “Before this goes any further I think we need to talk.”

  “You can talk to the police,” she panted, twisting beneath him.

  “I intend to,” he said without hesitation. There was a confidence in his tone that surprised her.

  Without warning he reached up and turned on the reading light at the head of the bed. How did he know that was there? Meeting eyes the color of blue topaz, everything in Angel froze, including her breath. Oh God, I know those eyes! She didn’t know the man personally, but she knew of him from the pictures on the fireplace mantle downstairs. He was Diana’s older brother, and Navy SEAL Bishop Strong. Suddenly everything made perfect sense.


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