Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 10

by Debbie Behan


  Surprised that after a few weeks they had not yet been called upon, the team filled in the days exploring their new surroundings. At night they discussed and planned the parts they would now play when called out on a mission. The two-storey home had fourteen rooms, four bathrooms and the biggest kitchen Caitlin ever saw. Outside was a lap pool and spa and as Caitlin walked around the grounds she noted that the flower beds had only just been planted, that the fresh smelling grass had only just been laid and all needed water. In the barn she searched for a hose and stepped on the landing that took them down to the offices and satellite room underground. Their very own home base was secretly locked away from prying eyes. If the bale of hay was shifted, it meant someone was down there. She hadn’t realised Rory was working today and went down to see him.

  ‘You right down here? Thought we were all having the day off.’

  ‘You know me.’ He shrugged.

  ‘Yes, you’re a workaholic. I’m going to tend the garden; sure you don’t want to have a break and get down and dirty with me?’

  ‘Gardening! Cait, you have to be kidding me. Are you really?’

  ‘Yep. Come or not!’ She waved her hand in the air upon leaving.

  ‘Gardening!’ she heard him laugh, ‘might just have to come up later to see that miracle.’

  They had spent weeks educating themselves on the Gods that ruled the planets and issues they faced on a daily basis. Not able to deal with home schooling or cramming for any more tests on the subject, Caitlin grabbed what she needed and headed off to tend to the garden. They had a gardener twice a week, but Caitlin wanted to dig, weed and feel the earth. She didn’t care if it meant spending the day in the scorching sun.

  The sound of her horse’s grunt disturbed her at one stage and she stretched and lifted her head. Over in the paddock, Shargan, her magical ride, stood in the river bopping her head up and down frantically as her hoofs beat in the water, the motion splashing the new horses. Kayden had dropped them off for them to care for earlier in the week and were not yet used of the surrounding or her horse. The excessive playful motion sprayed water on the others, annoying them enough that they backed away from her. Shargan sounded almost as if she laughed at them. Caitlin grinned. Her horse was a chestnut red and she had her temper but also her sense of fun.

  It was nice to have time on her hands to enjoy these moments and to think. To reflect was something of a rarity in a house full of rowdy friends. She looked far into the distance but the others were well out of sight now. Jarvis, Nathan, Lisha and Bree had taken their horses for a ride. They said they were following the river to where Axon had pointed out that there was a waterfall. Thinking of him, she dropped down and dug energetically at some tough weeds that had lodged between two rocks. Finally, she pulled them free and stood up, wiped the back of her hand across the perspiration on her brow and thought maybe she should go get one of the trail bikes out and catch up to the others. A swim in dark forbidden waters somewhere cool that would scare the life out of her if she rubbed up against an unknown predator appealed to her about now. She had seen aerial shots of where the waterfall fell into the waters below and it looked as if shapes were lurking in the depths. That would surely take my mind off … she wasn’t sure what. She just knew she was a bit out of sorts and had felt like this for a couple of weeks. Her roommates on the other hand had taken to their new surroundings and had settled in just fine. Rory had commented that they should enjoy it while it lasted; it would not be long before Axon said, enough fun, it’s time to earn what you have been given. Sometimes in these peaceful surrounding, I could easily forget we are actually laying our lives on the line for the planet now.


  It had been a long day. Caitlin glanced in the mirror as she brushed her teeth. Her eyes were sunken and dark from lack of sleep, but she was hopeful that the hours of weeding would mean tonight she would be physically tired enough to do more than doze for a few minutes at a time.


  Caitlin looked at the clock. Had it really been four hours of tossing and turning? In the morning a call to Woody might help her state of mind. Maybe he could come for a visit and help with whatever it was that haunted her so. Remembering back to their last meeting, he had warned her she might feel strange due to a power overload. Maybe that was all this was and after all, he had told her to ring him the minute she felt a bit off. Why had she not remembered sooner? A moan passed her lips as she rolled out of bed, opted for some fresh air that would do for now and wandered outside. A slight breeze that whipped up made her shiver. To stroll in silky shortie pyjamas was not a good idea. Caitlin cursed that she hadn’t grabbed a robe and considered going back, but instead continued, her mind taking her into nothingness, her pace fast, each step stretched out until it turned into a jog, as each stride helped to ease … what? Enjoying the freshness against her cheeks, her body numb and with her mind in tatters, she pushed forward to have it feel again, any sensation would do. I feel free.


  The sight of stables and horse paddocks blurred as she passed them and tuned out on all sounds as this hazed state of mind drew her in deeper. Chaotic images left imprints and rattled her inner consciousness that was not at all in tune with her body, but deep within itself.

  The new day broke, and an exhausted Caitlin plopped down on the ground to watch the sun come up and continued to dream of a time when she was back up in the stars, where she felt the happiest she’d ever felt in her whole life. Where did my happiness go? Was it all just magic?

  Her focus fell on her feet as her eyes dropped sadly to the ground. ‘Oh my GOD!’ Panic built inside her at the damage this walk had caused. Her head bent she viewed the most painful side. The right leg was dirty, and scratched up. Red blood seeped from gashes, some wide open, is that bone? An inspection of the right brought the realisation the other was no better, and in distress she pushed the other foot away with horror. Her hands gripped at the gravel with the pain the action caused, her breaths came short and sharp, and her heart pumped at a rapid pace. She was ready to throw up, not knowing how this happened to her. I have to calm down. She swung her head around in every direction, not knowing where she was. She gingerly moved her gaze to each arm. The scratches and slashes made her look as if she had been attacked by a pack of wild animals with claws. Could the bush have done all this? She viewed the thick prickly scrub that surrounded her, knowing she must have pushed her way through it to get to this open space.

  Grabbing a solid branch from a tree that had fallen, Caitlin used it to hoist herself up and screamed out with pain, ‘Someone help, please, can anyone hear me?’ With her throat dry and emotions running high, the sound was barely a whisper. ‘Which way is home?’ Her hopes shattered, as that too was hardly a sound against the faint splash of water. Water! The sound perked her up and reaching out, she grabbed another dried stick for support. Delicately placing each step, her face pinched with pain as her aching torn feet shuffled towards the waft of dampness. Her immediate thought was that the guys always followed the river and maybe, just maybe they might think to do it this time. Surely, they would know if I was lost, that is where I would go. She freaked out with each step, already seeing the frustrated look on Rory’s face when he saw the magnitude of her wounds. She was cross she hadn’t gone to him if she had problems and wished now her mind had not hidden them, from her as well. Even worse was Axon’s predicted response, kicking her out of the group because they couldn’t trust her not to do something so bizarre again.

  Overwhelmed and in much pain, a distressed Caitlin collapsed awkwardly on the ground to rest. If he doesn’t, Rory will for sure. She was still lost in thought and confused, and the possibility of her being off her tree scared her. Rory would think it to be jealousy as they had only started to argue since he and Bree had become an item. Sure it wasn’t jealousy and that he was just getting on her nerves she shook that theory off. But the concern didn’t go away. That was what he would think. This might be all h
e needs to get rid of me for good. Her eyes welled up again. Her temper had been out of control lately and now this! Loud sobs sent tears streaming down her face and she snuffled into the back of her hand, wiping the sadness from her face.

  After much heartache the gloomy mood lifted as her passion to survive stirred. Sitting here wallowing in my own self-pity is not going to help.

  With a heave the strain and pain of getting to her feet with gusto hurt but that soon was transferred into positive energy, giving her the strength to move. Maybe once she made it to water and washed the blood and dirt off, it would look much better. Yes! Caitlin gave herself a pep talk. A clean-up, a rest and then … The positive thoughts as she crept ever so slowly battled the mindset not to go any further. Just one more step and then another.


  The water was a welcome sight. Caitlin crawled the last few metres, and saw the waterfall over the other side of the stream. It was stunning. How could I have made it this far? That thought slipped from her mind as the feet she was dangling in the water hurt, the damage evident, her feet swollen so much they were twice the normal size. After a good soak and with the pain manageable, just a throb, Caitlin pulled her legs out to dry. The hot sun that bit into her skin worried her more than her injuries as she carefully dragged her tired, battered self under a lush old willow tree nearby, thankful for its huge branches and droopy leaves that gave her shade from the harsh climate. Sleep had evaded her for so long and yet here, in this secluded heaven, she slept heavily, curled up without movement until night fell again. Thirsty, she used her hands and knees to get back to the water, not even being able to stand any more, glad for the full moon that gave light as she soaked her soreness again in the cool, clean and refreshing water. Huddled back under a tree, the cold breeze didn’t bother her. The sun and wind burn from the day kept a warm sting to her skin as her eyes closed and the comfort of sleep took hold. Her last thoughts were of planets, home worlds and castles in the sky. Dare she imagine a new life, or was it now just a dream? Had she ruined it all?

  The sun was high up in the sky when a sound disturbed her. Instinct and fear had her sit up and tense, her eyes blinded by the light of day. A distorted shape headed for her, but was it animal or human? Her eyes were out of focus and she couldn’t tell.

  ‘Who is it?’ Caitlin cringed, pressed her back into the trunk of the tree, her words barely a sound, although she prayed it was help. A hand reached for her, shading the light, closer now.

  ‘Axon!’ She gulped air as she heaved out a cry of gratitude as he lifted her into his arms.

  ‘Don’t sack me.’ She freaked out as he checked her feet, his eyes saying what he didn’t.

  He bent his head, shading her face from the light. ‘Sshh, you aren’t going anywhere. Just relax and let me get you somewhere safe.’

  He held her with one hand as if she were a light-weight and touched a device in his ear. ‘I’ve found her and she is in quite a state.’

  There was silence while Rory talked.

  ‘No, just scratched up and bruised,’ Axon said.

  Rory must have flipped out as usual. He trusted no doctors, ever.

  ‘I realise your doctors aren’t trustworthy. I will take her to my home and have her checked out there.’

  He listened again. Rory talked so loudly she almost heard his words, or could imagine them, going off his tree at her recent behaviour and now this.

  ‘I know you want her home there with you Rory, but I have a mission for your team. You will not be there to care for her. I’m sorry but this out of your hands. She will need bed rest and my employees are well equipped to care for her.’ He hung up.


  Caitlin closed her eyes, ready for the strange trip she was to experience, glad she didn’t have to face Rory just yet, amazed when she opened them to a huge room, antique furniture, walls of murals and heritage paintings. Many she thought might be of family; she expected the scenery on others to depict the world outside this stylish manor. As Axon carried her up the staircase, she heard the irritated snap in his tone as he barked out orders, half in English, the other in an ancient tongue. The instructions had the servants scurrying off and out of sight. She did pick up some of it.

  ‘Ring Doc Petersen! Run a bath! Cook a plain omelette! And bring me some clean clothes.’ He held her out and viewed her. ‘Size 4,’ he grumbled, kicking open a bedroom door, and carried her inside. Another call must have come through. He tapped his ear again and listened with eyebrows squeezed together while placing her gently on a bed.

  ‘Wow!’ She swept her eyes around the room at the elegance. Her frame felt tiny on the four-poster bed draped in silk. The softness was dreamy, but her eyes dropped and snapped open at his stern voice. ‘I need you now!’ The tap of the ear again had her guess he’d hung up.

  ‘It’s just a few scratches, really; I feel fine.’

  ‘Caitlin you’re far from fine. You’re a mess and you need to just relax until I’ve had you seen to. Don’t fight me on this!’ His temper frayed; his worry for her health as one of his team was just one more problem he didn’t need.

  ‘You have given us one hell of a fright Cait. Please keep quiet and give me time to think. You were meant to go on a mission today, so this has not only mucked up my plans, but now I have to explain to Zoren why I have brought you to my home. This can’t be about us, Caitlin, there are bigger issues facing us than petty jealousies.’

  ‘It’s got nothing to do with you Axon.’ Her eyes glared at the insult.

  ‘Then what? Just thank your lucky stars it was me that found you and not Rory. Your boyfriend sure can swear.’

  ‘He’s not my boyfriend.’ Her voice was sulky.

  ‘Well he sure acts like he is. To tell you the truth I got sick of watching him pull you aside and the both of you secretly whispering. Christ if it wasn’t Bree he had hold of it was you. It didn’t look good from where I stood.’

  ‘He is my boss, that’s it. There may have been more once, but he is with Bree now. Has been since the night I first met you.’ She put her hand over her face. Her last words faded with weary discord.

  Caitlin turned her head from him, an apology stuck in her throat. Apology for what, though? She had done nothing wrong. The man she loved hated her and looked at her with disdain.

  A knock at the door kept her from bursting into tears. In came a woman with lion-like features and sunburnt orange hair that hung down to her waist. The overly long nails, even though painted, looked like claws and her thin tapered body slinked in and viewed Caitlin as if she were prey instead of a patient. The only way Caitlin could tell this was the doctor was the black medical bag and a stethoscope that loosely hung around her neck. The harsh features dissolved when she looked at Axon. The stunning smile with pure lust was her issue with Caitlin. The Doc had the hots for her boss.

  ‘This is your precious commodity?’ she scoffed, directing hostility towards Caitlin. ‘One of the Macro Riders,’ she said, and smirked. ‘I think this new job has done your head in sweetie. Better give a real woman a call to straighten you out.’

  Axon replied in the foreign language he used earlier and, after she snapped a retort in the same tongue, he turned on his heels and stomped out the door, leaving Doc Lioness with Caitlin.

  Caitlin felt as if she had an aura around her lately turning everyone she met against her and so far it didn’t look as if it was lifting any time soon. With quick precision, after a clean down with a smelly substance, a needle (‘Ouch!’) and some sutures, the doc snapped off the surgical gloves.

  ‘You will have to stay off your feet for two days and bathe in this.’ She held out a vial of purple powder. ‘Time waster,’ she muttered as she scooped up her equipment.

  ‘Excuse me!’

  ‘Look, you got yourself into this mess, so go home like a good little girl and get Mummy to pander to you. Axon hasn’t time for employees who can’t handle their God-given gift. Grow up and stop trying to get everyone’s attention.’
r />   ‘So you’re not just a doctor, you read minds and think you know mine.’

  ‘Just one look tells me all I need to know. Well, you got his attention but don’t you think it will last. I’ve watched him sidestep many and you, my love, are not worth even the sidestep.’

  Footsteps broke up their dispute and the door flung open.

  ‘Well!’ Axon crossed his arms, standing strong and stubborn, obviously still angry at whatever went down between the two of them beforehand.

  The doc spread her evil mouth in a twisted smile that an hour ago Caitlin might have thought sweet. Now she knew what the Doc Lioness was like, it was way overdone. Again, they talked in their own lingo. Note to self; learn that language.

  Before the doctor left she tried to put on a friendly expression that so didn’t work. ‘Remember sweetie, stay off those feet, okay.’

  ‘Bathroom that way, but how do I get there, by shank’s pony?’ To snub me is one thing but this doctor was a real piece of work. Caitlin was glad Rory had kept her from medical practitioners if this is what they were like. She sure had a problem, then realised what it was; Axon. Having Caitlin in his house for a few days really got up her nose. It has to be that.

  ‘I’m sure you’ll work it out. I have advised Axon to take you home immediately. Recovery is always quicker around your family and friends.’

  That sneaky witch!

  ‘That’s okay Doc, you need not worry about my welfare. Axon is my boss and a friend and has already taken very good care of me. If I need another visit from you it is best I stay with him. Thanks for coming.’ Caitlin turned her back from the doctor quickly, pulled the blanket that lay over her up around her shoulders, and hoped Doc really couldn’t read minds or she would hear Caitlin laughing inside. Gotcha!


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