Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 11

by Debbie Behan


  Caitlin surprisingly dozed off, waking at the sound of the bath water running and Axon’s weight on the bed. He smiled. ‘That was very naughty of you Cait, even though she did deserve it. You see, I heard part of the conversation.’

  Caitlin had a coy expression and burst into a giggle. ‘How do you put up with old-stickybeak-doc is beyond me. She was playing with the wrong girl.’

  Axon laughed. ‘Little feisty one, how does Rory put up with you?’

  ‘Don’t start me on him. He is majorly in my bad books at the minute for not knowing I was a basket case and needed Woody.’

  ‘What do you mean you needed Woody? What’s he got to do with this?’ He gave her a nice smile, the one she remembered from that first night. The one that told her she could tell him anything. And she did.

  ‘Woody said if I felt strange at all to give him a call and he would come straight over. I thought I was all right, that it was just sleep deprivation. You see I’ve barely slept since we moved into the farm. I worked hard the entire day and yet I just tossed and turned. I only meant to wander outside and get fresh air.’

  ‘In your night-wear. It didn’t occur to you to put on a robe and slippers.’

  ‘I know, I just wasn’t thinking. My head went in a different direction to me and didn’t join up until I flopped down exhausted. In between, with no idea, I found myself like this in the middle of nowhere.’

  She gave him a sideways glance. ‘So what now?’

  ‘I’m just not quite sure Woody is the answer. I believe I have contributed to your state of mind Cait. If you don’t mind I’d like you to stay here a couple of days so we can work through what happened down there and find that friendship I carelessly threw away.’

  ‘As I told the doc, I’m staying. It’s your punishment for being such a good kisser.’ She grinned.

  ‘Well get your gear off, slasher— man those cuts look gruesome— and let me throw you in the bath. I’m not having my house guest stink up the place any longer.’ He held a towel and turned his head.

  As Caitlin undressed she couldn’t wipe the smile from her lips. He was correct; her body was slashed and a mess. She had finally found someone that could make her laugh, even while in agony. With his eyes averted, it comforted her that he was a man that didn’t just want her for self-satisfaction, but as a friend and wasn’t scared to have a laugh with her. Wrapped up, he carried her to the side of the bath and left her to bathe in private.

  ‘There’s an intercom switch by the towel rail and clean clothes next to the chair. If you need help to bathe yourself I’m available to jump in and lend a hand.’ He chuckled. ‘Other than that, call me when you’re done.’ He left, smiling at her infectious laughter and crude refusal. That’s my girl!

  The purple healing potion worked a treat. Now back in bed, Caitlin sat back on puffed up pillows and had a light meal before snuggling down under the soft bed covers to sleep.

  A tinkle of china on a tray and a sudden stream of light stirred Caitlin as curtains drew back. She stretched, yawned and rolled over to catch Axon smiling at her as he wheeled the trolley of food in

  ‘Hi beautiful! How are you feeling?’

  ‘Much better thanks to you.’ She pulled herself into a sitting position while he placed pillows behind her.

  ‘The doc says you need to eat and drink something or she is recommending drips.’

  ‘The doc- when was she here?’ Caitlin rubbed her eyes and ruffled her bed hair, trying not to look too daggy.

  ‘She’s just left. She redressed your feet and gave me some more medicine for you. There is an infection, so we have to be careful.’

  ‘Really? She was here and I missed her. I’m sad. Not!’

  ‘I thought you’d be happy you missed your cat chat.’ He placed a stable table on the bed loaded with foods she didn’t recognise. ‘Now eat and drink or the doc will be back to put in that drip.’

  ‘You’re joking. I ate last night.’

  ‘Cait, that was over two days ago. You were out of it and I tried everything to wake you. Nothing worked. I’ve pulled my hair out wondering what to do. Doc was off world. Lepius, my regular physician, is in the bad books with Zoren and banned from going off world and Woody’s on a mission. The only reason you woke this morning is the doc freaked out that you haven’t been up and about and gave you a potion to bring you around. She was honestly worried when she left. She’s not that bad, just over-protective. I have to give her credit; she’s one hell of a doctor. Knew exactly what to give you and look at you, awake and as bright as a button.’

  ‘Well I suppose I should forgive her then.’ Catlin sipped the soothing juice. She had no idea even what it was, but it did take the scratchiness out of her throat.

  ‘Nice, bottoms up!’ She lifted the goblet to him and gulped it down. ‘What is this?’

  ‘It’s called moonjuice. Nectar from the moon’s precious underground rivers. Depending on how far away from the sun, the moon brew can be quite potent or very soothing as this one.’

  ‘What other strange drinks do you have? What is equivalent to say, rum.’

  ‘Starstarter shots are quite lethal if you’re not used to them and of course, Ambrosia is the nectar of the gods and very similar to your wine.’

  While Caitlin played with her food, Axon stayed and chatted, hoping she would actually eat something this morning. The tiny nibbles she’d had before were not near enough to sustain her. To his disappointment, she soon gave up and pushed the tray aside.

  ‘Cait there’s nothing of you. If I can’t get you to eat, I’ll have no choice but to call Doc back. You’re fading away. I remember what you looked like when we swam together at Kayden’s. You haven’t been eating much for quite some time, have you?’

  She sighed and lowered her eyes. ‘I just haven’t felt hungry. Maybe there’s something wrong with me. Did the doctor do any tests?’

  ‘Yes, and you’re as healthy as can be expected, except for the scratches that seemed to be healing and your feet. They are taking a little longer due to the infection and so no walking on them. That is non-negotiable.’

  She suddenly felt guilty for staying. Rory was used to her and it never seemed a bother for him to care for her when she wasn’t well. Axon seemed worried. Maybe she should go home.

  ‘I feel guilty doing this to you. You have planets to care for and really, the doctor was right, you don’t need some stupid girl mucking up your life. You could probably do that disappearing thing and take me back to Rory and the others. They won’t mind taking care of me. Then again, Rory’s going to be really pissed off with me so maybe on second thoughts…’ She rolled her eyes and dropped her lip.

  He put his finger to her mouth. ‘Hush, stop worrying all the time. You’re staying here and that’s final. Leave Rory to me.’

  Pulling the pillow from behind her she lay back and sighed. ‘Okay, I’ll try to stop worrying. But something is not right, Axon. I usually heal quicker than this.’ Her voice petered out and her eyes fluttered and dropped, feeling tired again.

  Axon shifted off the bed.

  ‘Can you stay a while, I sure need a hug about now,’ said Caitlin without opening her eyes.

  He stood still for a minute and she thought he would leave, but instead she felt him lie down. He allowed her to roll into him, and his heartbeat and arms that circled around her were just what she needed. She had missed him and was genuinely sorry she’d been such a cow. Regrettably the incident could not be forgotten so instead she asked for forgiveness which he gave as she drifted off to sleep.

  The room was in darkness when she woke, with Axon still by her side, his breaths heavy and deep. He was asleep.

  A call from nature made her fidget.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he whispered.

  ‘How do I go to the bathroom if I can’t walk? This is very embarrassing Axon.’

  He rolled her over him and stood up with her in his arms.

  ‘Just call me when you’re done
,’ he chuckled at her indignant look as she waited for him to leave and give her privacy. ‘Woman, you are so damned shy when it comes to something so natural.’

  With the flick of her hand, she shut the door after him. She wasn’t game to oh and ah with the soreness in case he came back in. He’s such a male. She sucked in her breath as she moved tender feet on the floor. Not an embarrassing bone in his body.

  ’I’m hungry,’ she said when he had carried her back to bed.

  Axon touched his ear and turned to her. ‘What will it be?’

  ‘Umm, ice cream and bananas with chocolate topping.’ She gave him a playful smile.

  ‘Did you get that?’ He paused. ‘Make that for two.’ He shrugged as he obviously didn’t mind the idea.

  Next morning he was gone and it left her to speculate if he had stayed. Could she still be not well and had only dreamed they had eaten a midnight dessert together.

  Where’s that buzzer? She felt around the bedside table and found it.

  Within seconds, Axon stood beside the bed looking worried. ‘You okay?’

  ‘Hungry.’ Her stomach grumbled, and the noise had them both grinning.

  ‘Is that all? Thought I told you that was for emergencies only.’

  ‘This is.’ She leaned on her elbow. ‘I have been stuck in this bed for days. I want to sit up at the table and eat.’

  ‘And you expect me to carry you downstairs, as you don’t trust the help.’

  She threw the covers back and stretched out her arms. ‘Quit your bitching and do that transporting thing you do. It’s quicker and no, they will not do. I’m fussy with who holds me.’

  He shook his head and lifted her, his arms gentle and inviting, telling her that he loved that she just wanted him.

  ‘Bath first though missy.’ He took her into the bathroom that smelled of herbs and lavender crossed with pungent antiseptic. To her surprise there was a tub full of steaming warm water with the potion the doc had already added. Not even letting her get undressed first, he dumped her in the water. ‘This will teach you to give me that cheeky attitude.’ He chuckled and walked out the room and ignored Caitlin’s frustrated shriek.

  ‘Call me when you’re done, spoiled little redhead.’

  ‘Eeeerrrr!’ was the last sound he heard.

  Clean and refreshed, Caitlin sat for the first time on the patio of this most distinguished castle. The flimsy curtains fluttered in the breeze through the open terrace doors that three fair-haired, fair-skinned men bustled in and out. They wore starched white waistcoats over blue pants and shirts and on their feet were strange almost-flippers that covered obviously large, flat feet. The waft of fresh coffee, pastries and other delicacies tore her interest in them to the table and the delicacies that had been placed in front of them.

  ‘Thought you might like to eat out here in the fresh air,’ Axon said and poured them coffee in exquisite china cups.

  ‘This is perfect.’ Caitlin glanced out over the manicured lawns, lush paddocks and, further on, the rolling hills of the forest, home to creatures she had yet to see.

  Axon saw her interest and dropped heavily into the chair beside her, pointing out the dominant species of wildlife.

  ‘This is the home world of the constellation Ara known as the altar. It is here the Gods swore their oaths before they laid claim to their planets of choice.’

  A wolf howled in the distance, with many of the pack stopping to glare straight at them. A shiver ran through Caitlin as the numbers grew. Many hundreds suddenly appeared, their eyes almost red in colour; coats of fur fluffed out on their backs as their hackles stood up in readiness.

  Axon put two fingers in his mouth and whistled out an unusual call, almost like the one she had just heard from the pack leader. The tone dispersed them. The only wolf that stayed was the massive black animal that had originally called the gathering. His body now lay on the ground like a fur rug, his watchful eyes not missing a thing.

  Axon turned to her and smiled. ‘Russo is the pack leader. He is harmless now he knows you are a friend. In the early days and before the gods came here, this is where the Centureans came to sacrifice Lupus the wolf. Zoren and I came to save Lupus and his pack from certain death and in return he left Russo and his pack in charge here, always to guard my home from invaders or ones to wish me harm. I must apologise for their caution, but your red hair has confused them; it is a sign of danger to them.’

  ‘What happened to Lupus?’ Caitlin turned back to Russo who had still not taken his eyes from her.

  ‘Zoren gave him his own home world. The constellation’s named after Lupus and he still rules that group of stars.’

  ‘Am I safe while you are not around? If looks could kill and all.’ She shrugged off the eyes that had become quite disturbing.

  ‘He knows now that you are my guest. When he hears you laugh it will calm him and he will move on.’

  With a movement Caitlin was least expecting he tickled her lightly and she squealed out a giggle, slapped him and stopped as he pointed, and said, ‘See, he doesn’t fear you now.’

  With a sideways glance, Russo heaved up his large frame and disappeared into the woods, as had the others, his eyes still a reminder not to muck with their boy.

  The conflict over, she stretched out on the chair to feel the warmth of the sun. ‘Thanks for bringing me here, Axon your home is stunning and up here, I feel that my Earthly worries no longer affect me. This happiness I have only dared to dream.’ She opened an eye and grinned at him. ‘Well apart from Doc protector and Russo the bully.’ Not expecting a reply she relaxed, at this new world that drenched her in a delightful quest to want more. A niggle of fear to slow down and not let it consume her totally nagged at her to remember, I am only here while I recover.

  ‘I’m the one who’s been the bully, Cait. To a degree, I believe my indifference to form a real relationship has added to your confused state. I broke your trust in me, showed you disrespect and I apologise. I’m not sure where to go from here now you have no confidence in me.’

  Caitlin lifted herself into an upright position, her hand extended, and when he placed his in hers, she gave it a warm handshake. ‘Hi Axon Stanton, my name is Caitlin Warner.’ Her lips parted in a slight smiled. ‘Yes, it was a shock, I admit, to be rejected by someone I had too many feelings for, far too soon, but it was my own fault for jumping in feet first, not getting to know you initially, or vice versa. So this is me telling you a little about me, hoping you will still be a friend at least, once I’ve finished.’

  She let his hand go and leaned back not looking at him. Here I go. She coughed and cleared her throat. ‘I have a quick temper, I speak without thinking, I’m impossible to live with and spend far too much money on clothes and shoes. I’m hopeless in the home and kitchen, and need so much attention all the time I even drive myself away. This said, I do know one thing and that is what I like, and you, Axon Stanton, I like.’

  Axon followed her movement, expressionless as she turned to him. The tilt of her head allowed her soft red curls to fall gracefully over her bare shoulder. The atmosphere had put a honey glow to her skin and within those remarkably large green eyes, he knew there were secrets but they both had them. In his line of work he always would. ‘If after what I have divulged, you still want to be my friend, you are crazier than me.’

  Axon took her hand, the surprise of the heartfelt truth she spoke reflected in his features. ‘I don’t like having to get up in the mornings so can be quite grumpy. I tell terrible jokes and drink too much when I am with the boys. I have never had to share my life with anyone and it scares the hell out of me, but it scares me more when you’re not with me. I’ve never even tried to have a relationship so I don’t know what I should or shouldn’t be doing, but I do know what I like as well and that is you, Caitlin. So, if after all that you still want to be my friend, I would love to try.’

  ‘I would like that.’ Her fingers moved over his hand and he quivered at her soft touch. Spreading his finge
rs, he wrapped them around hers. ‘Truce.’

  ‘Truce.’ Her face broke into a warm smile.

  Calmer Waters

  Caitlin enjoyed every minute she spent on Ara with Axon. He entertained and pandered to her every need while she recuperated and she couldn’t think of a time in her life that she had been so happy. She had even befriended Russo the crazy eyed wolf that stared her down the first time she saw him. Axon had only just arrived home from work and she knew they had to discuss her going home. The thought put a prickle down her spine, and made her legs buckle. It was on a chair he found her. She was white and moisture dripped down her forehead.

  ‘Cait, what’s wrong? I’ll call the doc.’ He touched the communication pod in his ear.

  ‘No!’ She shook her head. ‘Just want you!’

  On bent knees, he held her and she hugged him so tightly he battled to pry her free of him.

  Axon felt her stress and fear.

  ‘If I let go, leave here, I’m scared what has happened might happen again. Axon, I feel happy here, safe. I’m sorry to freak out but I’m not ready.’

  He soothed her until she was able to converse without tears and the trembling stopped. It was Axon’s first break through with her and he was thrilled Caitlin finally trusted him enough to open up about many doubts, including her ability to do such a demanding job. He pried and prodded, even talked about the friendship between them, and how she felt about it now. He also finally giving a little of himself as he openly admitted he didn’t look forward to her not being there at night when he got home. He said she had been a joy to have, but the Macro Riders needed her and it was time to take her home.

  Again, in the morning she burst into tears when he mentioned it was time to go back to Earth. She still sported bruises, and the doctor informed him it would be at least another week before she was back to her old self. He wondered if the tears were just exhaustion from their late night on top of her grievances.

  ‘What if I come back and stay a couple of nights? Maybe I could organise for Woody to visit and get the big guy to take a look at you,’ he suggested.


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