Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 15

by Debbie Behan

  Next, he focused on Jupiter, the ruler of this planet being Hades’ brother, Zeus. Caitlin asked many questions about Zeus. He, being the King of the Gods, fascinated her.

  Last was the eldest brother Poseidon, ruler of Neptune and God of the Sea. The title of all three brothers was overwhelming enough, without the fact that she and her team were now the peacemakers of this powerful lot.

  ‘Axon, are you sure we have the clout to control such divine characters?’

  ‘Not the way you are, Cait. I knew when you offered to come up here and spend time on your own that you had concerns and I have given you a moment to reflect, but now it’s time for you to face your demons. If we are to have any kind of peaceful outcome, it has to be with you in prime form.’

  ‘So what you’re not telling me is that you know it is the brothers that put the hit out on our farms. That we will be facing these gods head on?’


  ‘And you all believe, or should I say you trust, I am to the planets as Cassie is to the stars. It’s a big call, and yes with Cassie’s input I feel more powerful. I just hope I don’t let you down.’

  ‘Cait as unwell as you have been, it was you that rattled my plan to take you home. Your intuitive fear forced me into bringing the team here, hence saving their lives.’

  She opened her eyes wide and tilted her head in an uppity pose. ‘They’re all indebted to the little redhead then.’

  ‘Maybe I should have kept that quiet.’ He found her amusing. ‘I can only imagine what they will have to do as payback.’

  ‘Mm, yes, they will be at my beck and call for a while. That is for sure!’ Her confidence of not letting anyone down showed in the glow that suddenly surrounded her.

  ‘Okay Miss Bossy, Woody’s waiting downstairs for you. Just remember what I’ve told you and why I needed you to let Woody in, to do whatever it is he has to. These immortal men are ruthless, but don’t forget, they are just men. I am positive you will have them wrapped around your little finger in no time as you have me.’

  He pulled her to her feet. ‘Call me when you’re done.’

  Axon breathed out as the door closed behind her. He had started to wise up that she had a power that was unlike anything he had come across. It was the scent of a goddess, aromatic and delightful. This morning however, it was exceptional. He closed his eyes and groaned. The aroma still lingered and his will against her charms began to weaken.

  Rory and Bree were in the kitchen cooking breakfast and Woody sat at the table sipping a coffee. His hair was ruffled, and his normal spark, low. Caitlin hadn’t slept but felt better after her chat with Axon. He had a way of uplifting her spirits which put her in a cheery mood. Her smile lit up her face as she plonked herself in a chair next to Woody.

  The chair squealed on the tiled floor as she dragged it closer to him which made Woody grunt. ‘Sore head, shh,’ he said quietly.

  Rory put a plate of food in front of her. ‘Here, cooked this especially. The boss said you’d be down about now.’ He took both her arms and treating her like a puppet, he moved them so she could pick up her knife and fork. This had her and Bree in stitches. Caitlin had missed him and the games he played with her.

  Woody leaned on his arm and watched, fascinated. Rory shrugged and grinned at him. ‘Unlike the rest of us, Cait has little interest in fine cuisine. Has plain taste buds I guess. She’s been like it since we met her.’

  ‘What, not a lover of herbs and spices Cait?’ Woody asked.

  She swallowed down a big mouthful of food with a gulp and poked a fork towards Rory. ‘I eat what they cook me.’

  Woody glanced at Rory who smiled. ‘We look after our own, Woody, and it’s not an issue for us. Cait asks for nothing and gives us much. To cook for her is a delight and the least we can do.’

  Woody watched Caitlin devour breakfast and then glanced at the pleasure on Rory and Bree’s face as they looked on. Making a meal she enjoyed was their way of showing her how much they cared. By enjoying it she reciprocated their love. This was much like Cassie did for their team, only this was in reverse.

  A Friend in Need

  Woody held her hand, but said nothing until he found a spot outside where they could be alone. As they stretched out on the grass he moved his head from side to side and cracked his neck. He had tied one on last night to let the men know he was not to be feared. They needed a shake up and happy with them now, he sighed. That session the day before with the men, was a walk in the park compared to what he needed to do next. Caitlin showed cracks in her magic during training. If he didn’t fix it, the planet rulers with their godly powers would easily pick up on her weakness, single her out and maybe even destroy her.

  He allowed his magic to flow from him to her. It relaxed her immediately. Caitlin flopped backwards, eyes closed but her mind far from quiet. Her forehead wrinkled with worry.

  ‘Talk to me,’ he said.

  ‘I stuffed up.’


  ‘Can you fix me?’

  ‘Shush now. Let me see what’s going on.’ He moved his hand above her, and a blue flash was the last thing she saw as her eyes slammed shut; her mind his.


  Woody was almost in panic mode when her lashes fluttered. He had put her in a deep trance, the hypnosis needed to unlock the past. The strong bond of secrecy stayed dormant in a mind that held strong. He was relieved when the comatose body that had been out of it for many hours, finally moved.

  ‘What happened?’ She woke, refreshed.

  ‘I had to go pretty deep to bring out what was troubling you. We’ll try again tomorrow. Today you’ve had enough.’

  A check of her watch took her by surprise. ‘We’ve been out here all morning.’

  ‘Yes it was an exhausting session for you and you’ve slept for a very long time. How do you feel?’

  Caitlin stretched. ‘Like I’ve just been reborn, so you fixed me?’

  ‘The mind can forget, but the experience stays. I have set off a seed of truth in your memory. The magic in the seed will seek it out and then you will be just fine.’

  ‘So you can magically wave away the pain of my yesteryears that I can’t remember yet.’

  ‘Yes!’ He smiled. ‘Now young lady, I have to see what this session uncovered.’

  ‘Another test!’

  He lifted her chin. ‘Cheeky! Now close your eyes and relax.’

  She did as he commanded, and, still under this very powerful man’s command, she heard him communicate with her team. ‘Jarvis, is that you on watch?’

  ‘Sure, what’s going on?’

  ‘Ignore the explosion you will see shortly. Cait is ready to power up and do an exercise for me.’

  ‘No probs; will alert the others.’

  A grin spread across Woody’s lips. ‘Ready.’


  ‘Caitlin, you have the power to do many things, but today I want you to launch a rocket style projectile into space.’


  ‘Concentrate. This exercise, Cassie can do without thinking, so now focus on my orders and quit the negativity.’

  She breathed out heavily. Woody knew stirring her up about Cassie would change her tune. Both so competitive. He grinned at her sulky expression.

  She closed her eyes and let his words flow through her. ‘Twist the head off the invisible casing and fill it full of your own magical explosives. Secure the top with a tight turn before sending it out to the desolate sky to the right of us.’

  Caitlin completed the task in her mind. When ready she opened her eyes and picked the target. The powerful bomb shot out from within her. First, it was like a silver flash of light and as the beam picked up speed, it illuminated and once dull, had moulded into the perfect shape of a rocket. Woody held her. The back draft powerful as it whistled through the air.

  ‘Easier to fire these off when I’m on my horse,’ she called out aloud over the noise.

  ‘Our rides are strong, I know,’ he

  As it hit the target, Woody moved to her. ‘Cover your ears Cait.’

  ‘Won’t need to - watch!’

  Worried about the power she had stored and the damage it might cause, she ignored his last instructions and filled it full of something a little less harmful. Woody’s eyes squinted and his lips squeezed firmly realising she had strayed from what he asked. Caitlin giggled at the look he gave her and made him laugh when she pushed him. The glow from the exploding fireworks that popped and shrilled through the air, a total crowd pleaser, softened his mood towards her.

  Lisha and Bree heard the noise and knew their friend was up to something. Both appeared on the balcony above, jumped around and high fived each other while they took delight in the colourful display.

  Woody smiled. ‘Not what I asked for, but very clever.’

  ‘I can go now.’ Caitlin itched to get up there with the girls and have some fun with them. With so much energy she wasn’t sure where to put herself.

  Woody touched his ear pod. ‘No that’s not us; our session is over.’ In one swift movement, Woody was on his feet and put out his hand to Caitlin.

  ‘You’re up Red, you aren’t going anywhere. There’s trouble coming. Which stable is your horse kept in?’ He looked around at the massive twin barns. ‘I have to get you up in the sky and in a hurry.’

  Caitlin ran with him towards the one on the left.

  ‘Quick!’ He hoisted her up and then fitted the golden bridle securely over Shargan’s head. Her horse transformed, her armour cool against Caitlin’s skin. A new outfit replaced her shorts and top as Shargan stretched out her massive white wings and took off in flight, Woody tailing her on his black stallion.

  Jarvis was nearly out of breath as he, Bree and Lisha got to them. ‘At first we thought it was you guys. It slipped past Zoren’s team and we didn’t pick it up until it was in sight. It looks like a comet heading straight for us.’

  Bree and Lisha came out with the horses; the three of them mounted and were in the air tailing Woody and Caitlin.

  Caitlin could hear Woody as he communicated with the tower below, her ear pod cutting in and out from the power she built. She did get, though, that Nathan and Rory had to stay until relieved by Axon who had just arrived. The two of them itched to relay what was going on to Axon so they could mount up and join their team.

  Rory talked fast. ‘They must be tampering with the satellites, for us not to pick up anything. The only chatter at the minute is coming from Pluto and Jupiter. Hades and Zeus are following it, we’re sure of it.’

  Woody muttered, mostly to himself. ‘Can you hear what they are saying?’

  ‘No, they’re talking in an unfamiliar code and it is crackling so much we are only hearing parts, but it’s being taped. I hope we can decipher it later.’

  ‘Hang on Woody.’ Silence.

  ‘Okay, we’re on our way. Axon wants us up there too. He is decoding some of the words and it’s not good. Axon’s reasonably sure they are calling it a Dwarf Nova, so we’re coming up to help.’

  ‘Orders!’ Woody tapped hard on his ear pod.

  ‘Caitlin is to destroy it if she gets a clear shot at it. The thing is too unstable to try and move it from the solar system.’

  ‘Caitlin.’ Woody’s voice was firm. ‘The rocket type exercise, give it a shot. Oh, and Caitlin – no fireworks, please!’

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and concentrated hard while the explosive magic began to take form in her mind.

  ‘Fire when ready, Cait.’

  He turned from her. ‘The rest of you get into position. If Cait misses the mark we’ll hold it the best we can until there’s five of us. Rory and Nathan are on their way.’

  ‘No probs.’ Lisha gently shook the reins and moved off. ‘Come on Bree, he’ll be here any minute. Stop being so co-dependant.’

  Bree took one last look behind her before she followed.

  ‘Bree;’ Woody stopped her. ‘It’s loyalty that makes you wait, not love, I can feel that, but don’t confuse them by Lisha’s comment. Keep your head clear and do what you know to be right. Rory trusts you and so do I.’

  Bree’s face lit up, her smile cute as pie. ‘He would want me to wait. He puts me at the tail end; less spin allows me to use the extra power to push or drag it, if he needs me to. It’s a trick Caitlin taught me.’

  ‘Then you know what to do.’

  Bree stayed where she was, glad Woody allowed her to make this call.

  Woody turned back to Caitlin. ‘I don’t want to see fireworks or any other half-hearted effort.’ His cheap shot annoyed her. Yes, she deserved it. Woody had been in service many centuries and to have a newcomer deliberately change his orders did not sit well with him. She took a breath, determined to show him that when on the job, she was trustworthy and packed it with a little extra.

  Tuned out on them now, she opened her eyes and focused on the Dwarf Nova. There was no way she would fail. If she could prevent her team from involvement and possible harm, she would have to punch through this bad boy. With that in mind, she shoved the giant ball of hot flares and gas high above her. The thrust she gave it sent it spinning far into open space and at the same time launched the explosive missile. Both finally connected in a deserted sector of the universe.

  Cheers went up around her, for the execution was spot on, and the explosive blast that lit up the sky left sparks that looked like shooting stars.

  ‘Now that was impressive.’ Woody sat upright, strong jaw tilted up as he watched the floating embers, his face squinted, his eyes focused and his ear slightly tilted, listening.

  Rory gave Caitlin the thumbs up and joined Woody. The intensity of his stare was a worry. ‘What’s up Woody?’

  He tapped his ear pod. ‘Axon, can you hear anything?’

  ‘Oh hell! Look out guys; a comet and it’s nomadic. It will reach you in seconds. Has Caitlin anything left?’

  Woody answered for her. ‘I will make her try but even Cassie can’t pull three out in a row.’

  The comet was in sight now and aware of it, Rory already had his team moving into position. He was too far away from Woody and Caitlin so used telepathy.

  Have news the comet won’t destroy Ara, but will hit Axon’s home and take out most of the city Klaxton. Cait if you have anything left, direct it and see if you can’t push this sucker up and away from here, at least push it off course to save the community. Axon said he can rebuild, but Klaxton is a poor community and fears for their survival. He’s there now moving as many as he can transport.

  Caitlin called upon her gift one last time, her hope dashed as she powered up and found she felt like a drained battery. Not even a burst or spark lit up when she threw her hands up high in the air. She overdid the last rocket when she showed off in front of Woody. Not able to save Axon’s castle and his home world horrified Caitlin and tears streaked her face as she strained to draw from within. The magic was weak, and her effort, useless.

  Woody, what’s happened? She should have moved it or slowed it down by now, not sure if we can stop it in time but we’ll give it all we got – I call to the light! He shouted out a plea. His voice vibrated out as he put himself in a perilous spin, the quickest and only way to battle the oversized speeding threat.

  ‘They won’t stop it in time, will they Woody.’ Caitlin’s heart thumped hard in her chest as he agreed. Her lips were so dry from stress, licking them did little to ease the sticky sensation.

  ‘Come to me, Red.’ His powers drew her horse sideways to him. He lifted his leg and got on behind her. ‘With my help, I will teach you how to draw from me and your mare. Afterwards, I will be powerless so you must help us both back to Ara.’ He tied his horse loosely to Shargan. He knew she needed her horse’s magic. His steed was far too old for such a power up that would be needed.

  ‘Close your eyes! And promise me you will never use this on another, ever. It is a dodgy and dangerous use of magic. Very few can control how to use it so please b
e careful.’

  Tears poured from her eyes. ‘What if I kill you? Woody isn’t there another way?’

  He shook his head. ‘Cassie did this in her earlier days, but when her powers become as strong as yours are already, she nearly took Kayden out. It was touch and go for a while. Thought we had lost him so only take what you need okay, just enough to do the job.’ He whispered in her ear, ‘no pussy fireworks. Use it wisely.’

  She wiped her eyes. The comet was in sight. The team had barely moved it; the gases sparked with their magic but not enough to steer it off course. Caitlin took a deep breath, and assessed the size of the comet before her eyes closed, knowing she had seconds before it would hit its intended target.

  ‘I won’t let you win, Hades, you evil tyrant,’ she heard Woody say through gritted teeth as she drew the power from him and her horse. He had opened up the floodgate to his magic and it shot through her like an electric jolt. Snatching what she needed, she closed off the magic feed from Woody. His eyes rolled until only white were visible, Caitlin held strong as he slumped against her, and the horse dipped too.

  ‘Hold us steady, Shargan!’ She took control of both mounts and pulled tight on the reins to keep Woody’s horse close and hers, sturdy. The other hand she moved up and down with vigour, shook all the power to it, and when she could handle it no more, shot out a wave of energy that congealed around the comet and froze it dead in its tracks. Lifting it quickly from her team and out of harm’s way, she shot out the rest of the emission and blasted it to pieces. The soft coldness that remained dropped on them like snowflakes.

  Rory and the team, stunned with what she had just accomplished, freaked out when they saw Woody slumped over his horse, out of it.

  Ohmygod Cait, what did he just get you to do? Is he alive?’


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