Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 16

by Debbie Behan

  Exhausted, she put her hand up for help. Rory and the team raced to their rescue and only just arrived as Cait too collapsed.

  Macro Riders Pevail

  What am I doing in bed? Caitlin tossed the covers back and threw her legs over the bed. ‘Woops.’ Her giddy head spun.

  The door flung open and Rory swaggered in. ‘Bout time you woke up, had me worried sick.’

  ‘What? How did I get here? I feel like crap!’ She smacked her dry lips together, picked up the goblet on the side of the bed and sculled it down.

  Rory opened up the curtains, and the sun streamed in. ‘You’ve been out of it for some time, delirious most the time. How are you feeling?’

  She put out her arms and swung her legs, all seem to be intact. ‘Fine.’ She finally recalled what happened, and her words were almost a whisper. ‘How’s Woody?’

  ‘You did well Cait, he made it just fine. He couldn’t believe you returned the power that you didn’t use to him. It saved his life, and the guy’s done nothing but rave about how talented you are. You’re Axon’s golden girl at the minute. Trust you to win all their hearts.’

  He bent down on a knee. ‘Axon wants you to stay here even after we leave. Thinks it’s dangerous for you on Earth and doesn’t trust that we can look after you.’ He looked worried, his frustration at the situation obvious. ‘I want you to come home with us. You’re one of my team and this is just too hard. I need us to train together. It’s the only way we can become spontaneous, to be one unit. Tell him you’re coming home with us.’

  ‘Geez Rory, he’s the boss. Anyway, that won’t be for ages. We haven’t got a home; this is it, remember.’

  ‘Caitlin you’ve been unconscious for nearly three weeks. We have a new home and it’s ready. I came up here to say goodbye, but now you’re awake you can tell him your home is with us.’

  Caitlin threw her arms around him. ‘Don’t worry; we’ll work this out. You’re still my best friend Rory, always. I want to be with you guys too. Help me into a bathroom and once I’m dressed and feeling better, I’ll talk to Axon.’

  After she bathed and felt refreshed they sat on the balcony and talked. Rory filled her in on the comings and goings of Hades and his brothers. ‘Once they learned their plan had failed, the lot of them have laid low. There has not even been a sighting of them visiting their usual hangouts.’

  ‘We can be sure something big is coming.’

  ‘That’s why I want us all together. I don’t even trust the security here.’

  ‘We won’t be safe anywhere until this is sorted out Rory.’

  Rory sat with a sullen expression on his face. She had been with him for what seemed forever and she hated to see him worried, never mind upset they were splitting up as a team. They had a connection even she found hard to understand. Woody had opened up some past memories on their last session and she knew it was Rory and he alone, who had healed her painful past. She owed him much, but there was also a part of her that had matured, made her want what he had also found, love and happiness. Could she live without Rory and the team? They had been her world, her joy. But Axon had a piece of her heart now too. It skipped a beat and she blushed as the need to see him heightened. Could she say goodbye to Ara, Nigel, the crazed wolf, Russo, and most of all, Axon? The man who made her feel like a woman. Her mind stuck on that for a minute. Why didn’t she say female, girl – little girl? It tugged at a memory and she shook it away but it kept repeating in her head, girl – little girl.

  ‘Where’s Axon?’

  ‘Are you telling him goodbye?’

  ‘I’m a Rider and belong with you.’

  The grin she received was worth every sacrifice.


  Axon’s smile widened when Rory walked with her into the den. ‘Caitlin!’ It was a cool night and the fire which had just been lit, crackled and spat sparks as he poked at it. ‘Sit!’ He puffed a cushion on the couch for her.

  Rory sat her down and knelt in front of her. ‘I’ll give you time to talk and say goodbye, and then I’ll be back to collect you.’

  He stood to a surprised Axon and decided to use bluff. ‘She wants to come home with us so we’re taking her when we leave.’ Not allowing Axon to respond, he stomped heavily out of the room, and the door closed with a thud.

  Axon, stunned, turned to the chair opposite her and sat carefully in it, taking his time to collect himself. He had told Rory it was best she stayed with him, for safety reasons. Had that been the motivation for the decision? Now she was actually leaving his mind was in tatters. He didn’t want her to go and was speechless.

  ‘You look tired, Axon.’ She stared into warm kind eyes set in dark shadows. His face wore a frown.

  ‘I have missed you.’

  ‘And Rory’s comment has upset you?’

  His head was down, and the slight shake of his curls made her want to get up and run her hands through them, ease his worries. He cared for her too and he was only just seeing that now? It was time to choose; she would hurt Axon if she left, Rory if she stayed. Caitlin loved them both. Rory, she trusted with her life. Did she trust this gentle man that had become entwined in her life? She was just a girl, no – not a girl but a woman. There it was again. Caitlin closed her eyes. The dark scared her and she snapped them open, but darkness was everywhere. Had I fallen asleep? Did Axon turn off the lights? What happened to the fire; did it go out?

  It was strangely night. She could barely see and feared everything – feared the hours of darkness, loneliness. Memories flooded back of her childhood, she was but a young child. She had a doll in her hand as the light went out – pitch black.

  ‘Where is everyone?’ she cried out. But alas, there is no answer, I am here on my own, not a soul can hear me.

  She screamed. Was that me or was that the little girl? Why can’t anyone hear me?

  ‘I don’t know where my bed is,’ she cried, ‘and where is my doll I held?’ That girl – that is me?

  Caitlin was locked underground, alone. Memories flooded back and once again she was that little girl and tears ran down her face. ‘Someone, help me.’ She’s so scared and the sobs break my heart. I can hear them so clearly.

  Arms were holding her and now she wasn’t alone. ‘Don’t cry little one.’ I kept hearing that. ‘You are not alone anymore, so don’t cry.’ Did I say that, or did someone else?

  Her heart broke as she recalled the dark nights that sometimes lasted longer than the light. Meals left, but no contact. Doesn’t anyone care just a little?

  ‘Yes, we care, come back! Come back to us. You’re loved now and have a happy home, many friends.’ I hear a voice through the terror and yet now I run through the bush. I am grown but I see a little girl that looks like me. I follow her through the bush, scared for the child that sobs and runs from me. ‘Wait!’ I call to her as I stumble over bushes and rocks. I have to get to her and even though I am hurting, this little girl is all I care about. Exhausted Caitlin drops to the ground; she hears the girl no more and is at peace. She looks up and sees the sunrise of a new day and wonders where she is and how she has become such a mess. Cuts, bruises and exposed bone freak her out.

  ‘I remember everything!’ She cries on a shoulder only too willing to be there.

  ‘The little girl is better; she is grown up and loved so very much by me and she is finally happy,’ the person that holds me says.

  I want to stay in sadness, but there is a happy ending for me and I can see a little light shining through the cracks.

  The brightness opened wider and wider until the glow of light illuminated. Axon held her gently and it was he who had talked to her, and loved her. She had to stay with this man, the man she loved and she was sure the little girl was happy, for she had the life she dreamed of all those nights. The little girl had finally poured out all her terrifying years of darkness to this man that held her so-caringly in his arms.

  Axon kissed her tear stained face and hugged her gently. ‘I love you. I will always love you,
so please stay here and let me show you how lovely your life can be.’

  Rory came in while Caitlin had her meltdown. Axon was with her, and by his words and how carefully he handled her return to realism more than impressed him. He wished it had of been him, but she chose Axon. He would not give up though; he was taking her home with him.

  The three of them sat and talked through the night; Rory relented and promised he would leave it up to Caitlin to decide when she was ready to go home, and then he would come and get her.

  He wasn’t a total monster. He could see they needed time alone and he wanted Caitlin in the right headspace for the next mission so made an offer. ‘Why don’t I stay an extra day and you take her somewhere special tomorrow?’

  Axon’s eyes widened. ‘Really, you don’t mind?’

  ‘No, go for it. Cait will need a day to relax after what she has just had to go through.’

  ‘You knew about her past and yet kept it secret.’

  ‘For her!’ He stood up.’ I could have killed the mongrels when I saw how she had been living. But all I could think of was to get her out of that stink pit of a dungeon. I don’t know how she survived. When she forgot, I let her. Right or wrong of me, I didn’t care. I hate that she has to remember, go through that again.’ He moved her hair back off her forehead. ‘She is my family, my friend. Don’t hurt her.’

  ‘Never, I love her too!’

  Axon held her, you’re mine, and he grinned happily as Rory left to get some sleep. He had a big day ahead if he was to handle things while Axon was off world.

  Fate has its

  Own Plan

  Axon smiled. ‘You look beautiful,’ he said before transporting them and poof! Caitlin stood on a beach of what appeared to be a tropical island resort. He landed them in the water’s edge. They laughed as the waves lapped gently at their feet and ran up on the beach, both plopped onto the sand and sank into the softness, kicking off wet shoes. With loafers in hand, Axon stood and helped her up.


  ‘Starved.’ Caitlin took his arm as they strolled along the water’s edge until they reached a restaurant. A waiter fussed with napkins after they were seated and gave a hearty welcome, but the name he called Axon confused Caitlin.

  ‘Ah, Mr Wolf, just in time. Would you and ma’am like to try Delphinus ambrosia? The grapes are from my grandfather’s very own vineyard, the young crop gives it a fruity yet robust flavour.’

  ‘Yes thank you Garston.’ The waiter poured a small amount for him to try. Axon swirled the ambrosia in the goblet, sniffed the bouquet and sipped it. ‘Very good; that will be fine.’

  After both goblets were filled, and an order taken, Garston left to organise their meals.

  ‘Mr Wolf – what?’ she whispered to Axon once they were alone again.

  ‘Homage to the wolves on my home world. An alias is necessary when off world without security.’

  ‘Yes of course. I hadn’t thought about it but now I’m a Cloud Rider I will, won’t I?’

  He reached out for her hand. ‘For the moment it isn’t an issue. If I have to introduce you to anyone here, I will call you Red.’ He grinned.

  She was happy with that and glanced around. ‘I still can’t believe I’m here and, with you.

  They sat under palm trees. The fronds on the branches quietly rustled in the delicate warm breeze. Axon poured her more wine and they sipped it in silence, Caitlin taking in the ambience of loveliness that surrounded her. ‘Are we still in the stars? Has this island a name?’ She turned back to him.

  ‘I hinted to you that the stars were an exuberant place to live and I’m so pleased you are finally well enough for me to prove to you just how much you would enjoy it, if you chose to stay. This is Delphinus Island on the Delphinus constellation.’ He directed her attention to the water’s edge where a few dolphins had come close to shore and, once noticed, they began to make a ruckus. ‘They’re friendly, if you want to pat them.’

  ‘Hell yes!’ She stood up quickly, wanting to make the best of it. She had no intentions of wasting one minute of this chance to experience something new.

  In the water, they swam around her legs, rubbing themselves against her. If one missed out on attention it made a funny whining sound that made her laugh.

  ‘They talk to you, how cool.’ She was fascinated. ‘They feel soft.’ Her hands ran across them as Axon dragged her back to the table when their meal arrived.

  ‘This is just what I needed. Thanks for giving up your day for me.’

  ‘My pleasure, but I have a lot planned so eat and let’s go and explore.’

  Three Islanders played soft music to them while Caitlin used her fork to push the food around her plate, preferring to chat. With a movement so fast that she held her breath, he stood, picked her up in his arms and swung her around, smiling. ‘Wine, music and still I can’t get you to eat. Maybe a day in the fresh air might just do the trick.’

  Caitlin giggled uncontrollably as he stomped up the beach with her still in his arms and sat her in a Delphinus Island buggy. A dig in his pocket produced notes that he gave the attendant. With a tug of an electrical lead that charged it, they set off. The fat wheels churned up the sand as they took off. Caitlin laughed at how bad his driving was and took over. ‘You guys up here have become far too complacent with your transporting powers. Have none of you got a licence?’

  He joked, ‘What’s that?’

  They stopped at the edge of a thick forest and walked through the fresh scented woodlands.

  ‘Well now I know how the person in the land of the giants felt.’ Caitlin stood with her head back trying to see the tops of the trees.

  ‘Giant Delphonies,’ he told her. ‘Many years ago this was all sand. Not one plant. It is said the Dolphins struggled through the sand and planted seaweed. It rained until the entire surface of the Island was flooded. When the rain subsided the Dolphins circled the entire Island and sang to the seeds and set growth in motion. To this day if you listen hard, you will hear the song within the trees. Legend has it that if the Dolphins leave, the trees and vegetation will die.’

  ‘I love that story.’ She smiled and moved gently in the breeze; sure she was hearing the song.

  ‘Where now?’ She came to a dead end.

  ‘That rock.’ He pointed to a huge mountain of rocks beside them. Axon dug into the back seat and pulled onto his lap a large bag. ‘Need to gear up Cait. We’re climbing to the top.’

  ‘Ohmygod! You’re kidding me right.’ The high, steep and rugged rock surface loomed above them so high; the top was out of sight.


  ‘Me! Hell no. Give me them.’ She snatched at the gloves he held up for her.

  Climbing the uneven and crumbly surface Caitlin wished she hadn’t been so gung-ho. ‘This is hot work.’ She wiped the perspiration from her brow.

  ‘Nearly there.’

  ‘You said that half an hour ago.’

  He smiled and gave her a hoist up to a ledge. ‘See, we are here.’

  Eyes open wide, she was in awe, the view spectacular. Ocean surrounded this lush spot in the middle of nowhere. Goal accomplished, they slapped hands and sat to enjoy what they had achieved. After some time she stood up. ‘So how do we get down?’ It had been a big climb and she didn’t look forward to the descent.

  Axon stood beside her. ‘I have enjoyed every minute with you. Only because I am greedy and want more time with you, this is how,’ he grinned and transported her there.

  ‘Hey, isn’t that cheating!’ she chuckled.

  ‘I’m not always the good guy, especially when it comes to going after what I want.’

  That was the first time he’d mentioned how he felt since her melt down. She liked it and needed to hear more. ‘So does that mean you’ve finally fallen for my charms?’

  He snatched her up in his arms and plonked her in the driver’s seat. ‘Drive.’

  Back on the bumpy sandy track, the subject was changed and deep in conversati
on, they arrived back at the resort far too quickly.

  Caitlin dropped her lip when they pulled up. ‘Do we have to go? This has been amazing.’

  He smiled. ‘Not just yet. You don’t come to Delphinus and not have a cocktail at sunset. The night sky here is quite spectacular, something you shouldn’t miss.’

  ‘Is that why you hurried me?’

  He grinned. ‘There’s a reason for all I do and from here on in, it’s about you, Caitlin. I want you to start experiencing all the things you missed. You won’t see any of it locked up in my arms.’

  ‘But that would be nice too.’

  ‘Cait, behave. I’m trying to show you a good time.’

  She chuckled and made him smile too. He looked attentive and inviting until a light shower came down on them from nowhere. Arm in arm they looked more like happy lovers on a honeymoon as Axon ran with her into the restaurant.

  ‘This is a bit posh.’ She started to back out of the door. ‘I should have brought a change of clothes.’ She felt underdressed.

  ‘You look just fine. Stop worrying woman!’ He held her close to prevent her leaving and waited for the maître d’ who attended to them and seated them in a private booth.

  ‘See, no one will even see you.’

  ‘Guess not.’

  Next thing an Islander came from behind her and placed a string of flowers around her neck. He grinned like a schoolboy. ‘You pretty lady.’ He backed away and tripped over the table behind him, unable to divert his eyes, apologised and scurried off.

  Axon shook his head at the young man who had no hope with the woman he had every intention of spending the rest of his life with. He relished that she never gave the young man with bright blue eyes a second glance, having her eyes fixed on him only.

  She shrugged. ‘Guess I don’t look as frightful as I feel.’

  He pointed to a poster. ‘The theme tonight is Hula of Delphinus. See, your colourful sundress will fit right in.’

  She eyed him, unsure what Hula of Delphinus meant.

  ‘Similar to the celebrations from your world, they dance to preserve traditions and the culture.’


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