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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

Page 38

by Debbie Behan

  Lord Mensa cupped his other hand over his friend’s. ‘I was foolish, insane, thank goodness she’s smarter than both of us. I hate to think now how that could have turned out. Sorry old friend.’ The remorse in his voice supported the depth of his apology.

  Caitlin moved towards them. ‘Now that is over, we are going on a hunt. I was promised angaroos for dinner, if I remember correctly.’ She pulled at them both with eagerness to continue the day with less stress. Now that they had at least shaken hands, she skipped ahead of them, entertaining her still moody, but happier, companions. The memory of the hunt the previous day came to mind and it was a perfect topic to engage them both. ‘Did you see the look on the grizzly when he went down and knew he was done for?’ She turned to them, walking backwards. ‘Now that was a look.’ She giggled and turned back around, and a smile spread across her face when she heard them reminisce. By the time they reached the Angaroos, the tension was out of their voices completely, the casual banter of two blokes back on a hunting trip overpowered what had just gone down, with a little help from my magic.

  Secret Uncovered

  Late afternoon they came across a swimming hole. Caitlin swam over by the waterfall. ‘Yuk you guys. That’s disgusting.’ She shuddered at the discoloured reddened water around them.

  When they were finally clean, Caitlin moved back towards them and stirred up Aurek. He pushed her under the water playfully and on surfacing she smiled at the look on his face. He still wasn’t used to games with girls and it made her want to be more annoying than usual, just to put that look on his face some more. ‘You’re so cute when you do that.’ She grinned and dived away from him.

  He chased after her, his big hands finding her within seconds. ‘When I do what?’

  ‘When you put that look on your face; like how come she likes me?’ She smiled.

  ‘Well, how come?’

  ‘Because you accepted my friendship before you knew who I was. You liked me for me, and I for you. It’s that simple.’

  He grinned. ‘Yes, I guess it is.’

  She splashed water at him, changing the subject. ‘Lord Mensa isn’t wet yet. Let’s forget about us and our crazy relationship. Let’s go stir up the old dude. Can he swim?’ she whispered and Aurek nodded.

  ‘Let’s get him.’

  They both took off together, and a race it had to be. Caitlin pulled Aurek’s leg when he got in front of her and he got such a shock he stopped and she sped past him.

  She jumped up on the bank. ‘I won, I won.’

  ‘You cheated; it doesn’t count when you don’t play fair.’ He restrained himself from picking her up and dumping her back in the water.

  She winked at him, his attention now back to why they were there. Both grabbed a hand and dragged Lord Mensa in the water. He struggled, but finally gave in and pulled them in with him. They mucked about, stirring him up until he finally caught hold of Caitlin.

  ‘Your skin; you feel like a child.’ His voice softened. ‘I’m terribly sorry I nearly hurt you.’

  She smiled and ran her hand over his wrinkled frown. ‘I know. I forgive you.’ Her tone too was caring. ‘You would have made a good father. I’m glad we ended up friends.’

  He coughed. ‘If you would let an old fool into your life, I would love to get to know you better.’

  ‘I already have. But no more games. My friendship at this point with you is fragile, so tread carefully.’

  His voice shook. ‘I’m so sorry and promise from now on to never hurt you again.

  Aurek got out. The abruptness of his departure surprised Caitlin. Had she upset him by giving in so easily to a man that almost kidnapped her?

  ‘Give us a minute.’ She turned back to Lord Mensa who nodded. Out of the water, she eased herself quietly next to Aurek. He seemed almost spaced out.

  ‘You okay? I’m sorry if that upset you. I don’t understand what my attachment to him is either. It’s like I’ve known him all my life. Don’t be mad.’

  He put his hands to his head. ‘I think he is your father,’ he said, and shook with the revelation.

  ‘What! That’s insane! What makes you think that?’ She sat up, aghast.

  ‘It suddenly dawned on me.’ He took hold of her hands and held her attention. ‘Forgive me if I’m wrong, but the way you both are with each other, it has to be.’

  Lord Mensa overheard what he was saying and was planted to the spot, listening intently.

  ‘I’ve had many talks with Lord Mensa about his earlier years before I met him. I know he wasn’t lying when he told me his secret because he was so shaken up when he revealed it. He talked of a daughter he had to hide from certain god’s hell bent on killing her. It was pre-destined that she would only need to look evil in the face to turn them from their wicked ways. Her presence would save many from being killed and prevent others following destructive rulings that took them from the path of goodness. Mensa was devastated he had to give her up. Then there was the confession of how he had to pay huge amounts of money to a couple of trusted allies to keep her locked underground, so that the gods she was to change wouldn’t find her, kill her.’

  ‘I don’t understand how one person would ever become a threat to gods so mighty.’

  ’They have ruled by fear. Together they have been an unstoppable force, terrorising those that dare stand against them. The brave and mighty immortals that have been game enough to take them on in the past have failed miserably. They paid with not only their kingdoms but their lives. Mensa told me that once his daughter came of age and went through immortality, her powers would be beyond imaginings and the prophecy was that a new style of ruling would evolve, their tyrants ways never to be tolerated again.’

  Lord Mensa moved towards them, stunned his friend revealed something so secret, a part of his life he had revealed only to Orion.

  ‘Then the other night you told me you had spent many years, until your late teens, locked underground and never saw the light of day. After you told me your innermost secret, I was so shocked and emotional that you two might be father and daughter that I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t tell you then; you would have called me a liar and been angry, and maybe even demanded to go home. I needed you too, and so, kept quiet.’

  He glanced up at Lord Mensa.

  ‘It’s been heartbreaking watching you both go through so much, when I could have saved all this from happening.’

  ‘What made you tell me now?’ Caitlin’s cheeks were wet with tears and Lord Mensa was no different. Aurek was sure now.

  ‘That little scene in the water was so father and daughter. I couldn‘t hold it in any longer.’ He turned to face Caitlin again. ‘Even the green eyes in that picture. It all fits.’

  She looked up at Lord Mensa. ‘You’re my father?’ she said with a shocked look. ‘You lied; your daughter didn’t really die.’

  ‘No, she was alive somewhere, I just never knew where. Your name was Chloe Mensa. They changed it, but I never knew what to. I’ve made your life so miserable and I’ve lived every day of it with you.’ His voice cracked and lips quivered.

  ‘You did make my life hell, and I should hate you. Wasn’t there another way?’ She moaned, feeling the hurt of him leaving her and still remembered.

  He shook his head. ‘For the first few years I travelled the world with you, but we were only in one place for five minutes and they would track us down each time. Underground they couldn’t track your powers and you were safe. I came back home here and hoped you would make it through to immortality. I knew if I tried to hide you here, they would know and find you. Even here, I’ve been hounded for years with raids and continually infiltrated with spies. I’m sorry, love, I tried to keep you with me, but there was no other way. I wasn’t able to protect you.’

  He waded out of the water to join them on the bank and for the next few hours they talked of a time so frightening for both of them. Caitlin cried as she told him about how horrible the people, that he trusted and paid so well, were to her. Then
he told her how he had searched for her for many years, after he had notification she had escaped and run away. He searched high and low, on Earth and in the heavens, and vowed he would never have given up the search, his mind in disarray at how fate had at last stepped in and brought her to him.


  Caitlin wiped her tear-stained face and stiffened. ‘Now you have found me, and you know Orion will not back you with the takeover of Taurus, will you continue your quest? As I am a Rider I will fight you on this. Father or not, we will always be on opposite sides.’

  ‘If you choose to accept me now as your real father, I would never need more. I have fretted for you, my beautiful daughter, for all your life, and if you would let me stay in your life now, I would never ask the gods for more. When you even bless me with one of your smiles you fill me with so much joy, I feel I could burst, and that was before I knew who you were.’

  The sun had gone down, and Caitlin shivered. ‘I appreciate your honesty, but we need to talk more about this. I have to be sure I can trust what you are saying here, now.’

  ‘How about we move this conversation to a warmer place. We can finish this back at the cabin.’ Aurek placed an arm around her. ‘You’re frozen.’


  Dressed, warm and sitting in front of the fire, Caitlin took the seat next to her father. Aurek passed them each a goblet of moonjuice, which they drank in silence. She had to go home tomorrow and yet she also felt the need to be with this man, get to know him better. As a Rider she had doubts, as a daughter, she wanted to hug into him and give in, allow him time to fill in the gaps of her missing life.

  Caitlin was also mindful of Aurek. He had brought her here to work out his own feelings towards her, and she eyed him. For him to open up and reveal to her a secret even she kept second-guessing made her feel proud of the level of friendship that had developed. He was looking a little forlorn and left out so she put her hand out. ‘Come, join us.’ She wiggled over to make room for him to sit the other side of her, knowing he still needed her. What the situation was putting him through emotionally had rattled him enough without all this and she felt responsible. She held up her goblet first to Aurek. ‘To my new best friend Aurek and to my father.’ She smiled when she raised her goblet to him. ‘Friends or foe, the court is still adjourned.’

  Lord Mensa took a sip and raised his goblet back to her. ‘To my long-lost and much loved daughter. May she forgive an old fool who will spend forever making it up to her even if she never trusts him again.’ Lord Mensa toasted her. He turned and raised his goblet to Aurek. ‘And to my oldest friend who brought us back together, I am eternally grateful and forever in your debt.’

  Aurek grinned. My turn! ‘To my new hunting buddy,’ he said, and clinked his goblets against hers before turning to Lord Mensa to add, ‘and cheers to a renewed friendship with my oldest hunting buddy.’ Aurek raised his goblet to him. ‘May you never cross me again.’ He eyed Lord Mensa with Orion-like eyes.

  Caitlin’s mood changed as the moonjuice flowed and they talked more freely. ‘Now that I have found you both, I want to forewarn you that from this day forward, I will want to follow you both around like a little lost puppy and don’t either of you think you will ever have a peaceful hunting trip again. It’s not going to happen.’

  ‘Really,’ they both said together.

  ‘Better get her off that subject ‘cause that isn’t going to happen,’ Aurek joked.

  Mensa agreed with him much to Caitlin’s outburst of why she should be allowed to tag along. ‘Not a place for my only daughter. When you visit it is within the Castle walls and I will spoil you rotten.’

  ‘You want me to become a refined lady.’ Ha!’ She laughed. ‘Wait until I tell Axon how you wish me to spend my time, fine dining and dressing up to the nines.’

  ‘While we’re on that subject…’ Lord Mensa was inquisitive to find out everything about her. ‘Bet your fiancé will have something to say about your desire to hang out with a couple of losers that both need a kick up the arse for what we did to you.’

  ‘Don’t worry, he knows I can look after myself and, between you and me, he and the boys were probably hoping Aurek was the one to muck up. That’s something they would get pleasure hearing about.’ She turned to him. ‘As for you, well this story is going to blow their minds. That’s if Jett hasn’t already eavesdropped and dobbed.’

  No sooner had she spoken the words, when Jett and Axon shimmered in from a vortex. Neither looked in a particularly good mood.

  ‘What the hell’s been going on?’ Axon almost had steam coming from his ears with annoyance at finding his fiancée cosied up to a couple of other men. Aurek he knew, but the other fool he wanted to punch, no questions asked.

  The glare was enough. Lord Mensa stood with hand outstretched. ‘Axon, I assume. I am Lord Mensa, ruler of this terrestrial, and after what seems to have unfolded here, father of your fiancée, Caitlin.’

  ‘What!’ Axon’s head snapped around so quickly to see the truth in Caitlin’s eyes. The truth struck him hard; she had found her father. But he was still annoyed she hadn’t contacted him by now and filled him in. ‘We were worried sick, Cait. You’ve been sending some pretty weird vibes through to Jett. He’s been on tenterhooks all afternoon waiting for me to knock off. You should have let us know what was going on. This obviously unfolded quite a few hours ago.’

  ‘Then if you knew, why not pop in then? Teach you for putting work before me.’

  ‘I was giving the team a hand. Seems they were short a powerful member. And anyway, if you wanted us here sooner you know you only have to call Jett for help?’ He eyed her, his temper cooled with her smile.

  He was always moody when he first knocked off and today was no different. ‘Let’s leave this lot to chat while we take a walk.’ She slipped her arm through his and turned her head up delicately. ‘Miss me babe, did you?’

  He nodded. ‘Every second.’

  Outside, Axon stopped a little down the path. ‘You okay now, beautiful? You really did have us quite concerned. It wasn’t a, “come and get me now vibe” so we decided to make it a late call to give you time to sort it out.’

  ‘We had our moments. All sorted now though.’ She shook her head. ‘Unbelievable how it unfolded. Still blown away I found my father, here.’

  ‘Any doubt he isn’t?’

  ‘At first, but not after spending this much time with him.’ Her eyes lit up. ‘He even laughs like me. Stay for dinner and judge for yourself. I bet you anything that Jett’s already in there giving him the once over for you.’

  ‘Jett knows him, I can tell. None of this adds up though. Jett suggested for Aurek to bring you here.’

  ‘Then he must have known, but how?’

  ‘Cait, there is a lot Jett keeps to himself. You have broken through some of his barriers but the layers to an ancient ruler such as he, run deep.’

  ‘I know. Aurek is a test at times too although he has turned a corner, and become a real friend. Even so, I don’t think this is the end of it.’

  ‘Something else is keeping you from coming home.’

  ‘A feeling. I want to play this out fully to see where it leads. Mensa talks about superior beings that mean me harm, threaten death, evil men that still search for me. If I am to stop this lunacy, I have to learn more.’

  ‘Just be careful honey. I know you feel safe here with them both, but never underestimate the powers of evil.’

  ‘Are you worried about your fragile little girl?’ She grinned.

  He threw his head back and laughed. ‘My god no! I’m worried for them!’

  ‘Rotten sod,’ she said and slapped his arm. The movement had Axon excited and he snatched her up in his arms, his mouth finding hers with luscious desire. When he let her go, his eyes were glazed and loving. ‘Come home soon honey, okay.’

  ‘Stay for dinner?’ She leaned into him. Her heart tingled with love for this gorgeous man that trusted her completely.

  ‘Sure, if th
ere’s enough.’ His voice was sexy, alluring. ‘Are you on the menu?’

  She moved away and slipped her hand in his. ‘Soon,’ she whispered to him as they walked back toward the cabin in silence. It was their time, moments they cherished.

  ‘What is it that smells so good?’ Jett took the lid off the large pot and took a whiff as they strolled back inside.

  ‘Angaroos with baked veg.’ Aurek basted the meat.

  ‘We’re staying for dinner Axon. Plenty here by the looks of it.’

  ‘Just invite yourself, Uncle.’

  ‘Tosser.’ Jett ruffled his hair. ‘Dish up, we’re starving.’

  While having dinner, they filled in the gaps for Axon and Jett. Both had a laugh about the grizzly, thinking that was funny until they heard how Caitlin had wiped the floor with Lord Mensa’s army and destroyed their weapons.

  Aurek was in stitches of laughter as he told them the tale. ‘The speed she snatched them at knocked out two of his most brawny guards. Funny as, you should have seen their faces when they woke and found she was still standing. Hands on her hips, red hair flamed out around her and a cute little pout that he had hurt her feelings.’ He eyed her affectionately. ‘You got some gal there, Axon. You’re a lucky man.’

  ‘Yes I know and I’m taking her home with me,’ Axon stirred him. ‘Come on Jett, time to make a move.’

  Aurek stood so quickly his chair flung backwards. ‘You’re not taking her anywhere, even if you are her damned fiancé. Firstly I’ve had to put up with her father intruding in on my trip. Now you two, her security guards, arrived and stuffed up my whole night with Glow.’ He glanced at her and back at Axon indignant and flustered. ‘I reckon you owe me one more day now or you can kiss your treaty goodbye, you lot of unsociable manipulators of my time!’


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