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Byron_Heartbreaker Bear

Page 1

by Candace Ayers

  Table of Contents

  Note from the Author

  Story Description

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Enjoy A Free Sneak Peek…

  Billionaire Bear’s Bride

  Check out these other books by Candace Ayers…

  Copyright © 2018 by Lovestruck Romance.

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  This book is intended for adult readers only.

  Any sexual activity portrayed in these pages occurs between consenting adults over the age of 18 who are not related by blood.

  Created with Vellum


  Note from the Author

  Story Description

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Enjoy A Free Sneak Peek…

  Billionaire Bear’s Bride

  Check out these other books by Candace Ayers…

  Note from the Author

  I am currently recruiting readers for my review team. If you would like to participate by volunteering to read advance copies of my latest books, and leaving an honest review on Amazon, please sign up for my email list here: You will receive updates, notifications of new releases, and sometimes freebies. :)

  ~ Candace

  Story Description

  A sexy heartbreaker with eyes for just one woman.

  Quiet, introverted, curvy, and a little obsessed with bears, Brianna Asbury has gone more than her share of rounds in the dating ring to no avail. She hasn’t completely given up hope. Why can’t she ever be attracted to a nice guy? When she meets Byron Varga, he’s the hottest thing she’s ever seen. Too bad he’s got heartbreaker written all over him.

  Byron Varga knows he’s a screw up. Most of his life is spent either trying to control his bear, or trying to clean up the messes his bear gets him into.

  When he meets Brianna, he’s enraptured by the sweet, curvaceous beauty even though he knows she’s much too good for the likes of him. When he totally blows every chance he has with her, he vows then and there that he’ll do anything to be the kind of man she deserves. Anything. Even if it means killing off his bear for good.


  It was one of those blazing hot days in September when summer should have already started to make way for fall, but hadn’t let up yet. Everyone was muttering about their air conditioning not blasting cold enough.

  I had already called the building supervisor twice to get someone to come up to our office, but he was as lazy and grumpy as everyone else and kept making vague promises he hadn’t kept.

  Fully fed up, I protested by clock-watching. Chloe, my best friend and coworker, was expected back today from a two-week excursion in Aruba with the ridiculously gorgeous billionaire, Nathan Varga. I was all set for some steamy news and juicy gossip about their piping hot romance.

  I rolled a pen up and down my desk, stopping only when my normally even-tempered assistant, Maria shot me a dirty look. I was managing to annoy everyone today.

  Screeches of joy emanated from the reception area of Barefoot PR. Cory, our enthusiastic receptionist and office gem, had obviously laid eyes on an uber-tanned Chloe because he was having a jealousy fit that could no doubt be heard a full city block away.

  Eventually, she entered the office and I fought my way through the throng of well-wishers. Like I said, it was a slow day, and embraced my friend.

  She squeezed the life out of me. When she let me go, I gushed the same way Cory had at her golden skin and the fact that she was practically radiating joy.

  “Okay, so the vacation clearly agreed with you!” I exclaimed, noticing how relaxed and de-stressed Chloe looked. I’d honestly never seen her look so happy before.

  “It was heaven,” she replied dreamily, “I’ll tell you all about it, but be prepared to be green with envy.”

  I laughed. It was exactly what I wanted. With the love life I had, I felt blessed to have a friend like Chloe through whom I could live vicariously.

  “Just go easy on the intimate details so I don’t hurl in my handbag.”

  She winked at me, “Like I’d ever tell.”

  Our company had recently gone to an open-office plan, much to my and Chloe’s dismay. So, we had to find ourselves one of the few remaining walled offices for privacy. We sat ourselves down for a long girl-chat.

  It was about four in the afternoon when we finished, and, no joke, I was starting to feel slightly queasy with jealousy. Nathan Varga sounded like a total romantic god. So, not only was he richer than Midas, handsome, and intelligent, but it sounded like he was also head-over-heels in love with my best friend.

  I was so happy for Chloe. We’d both done our rounds in the dating arena, and I was glad that she’d hit the jackpot. I couldn’t help wondering where my romantic prince was. I’d kissed so many frogs that surely it was time for one of them to turn into prince charming and sweep me off my feet, no?

  “Oh, I forgot to mention,” Chloe leaned over my desk, her eyes alight with excitement, “Nathan’s brother, Byron. He’s single and I told him all about you. He’s dying to meet you. What do you think?”

  I laughed through my nose. I should have seen that coming a mile away. I loved Chloe, but she was forever trying to play matchmaker. No doubt loverboy’s brother would be another in a long line of mismatches or nightmare dates. Besides, I was already sorta seeing one of her friends, Jason, who she’d set me up with on a camping trip. The woman was relentless, I’ll give her that!

  “Chloe, no way.”

  “What?” She whined, “Come on, Bri, he’s sooo good looking and really sweet. A regular heartbreaker.”

  “I’m already sort of seeing Jason, you know that. Besides, your matchmaking skills are awful.”

  She pouted, “How can they be so bad if you’re still dating Jason?”

  She tried to reason with me, but her words fell flat. I gave her the look.

  “I am trying to make it into… something, mostly because I’m trying to be open-minded to possibilities. But, honestly Chloe, there’s really no spark. Jason’s also a really sweet guy, but I think I’ve had my fill of your really sweet guys.”

  “Okay. Well, I’m hoping that when you eventually meet him, you’ll change your mind.”

  She flashed me a huge mega-watt grin and I found myself doing the same. She was happier and more at peace than I’d ever seen her. I’d wait a while before putting my foot down firmly about this. I didn’t want to spoil her good mood.
/>   “I’m going on an iced latte run,” I said quickly, trying to change the subject, “Want one?”

  “I’m okay. Want company?”

  “Uh, no, all good.”

  I grabbed my bag and strode hastily toward the entrance before she had a chance to change her mind and spend an entire coffee run chewing my ear off about the various merits of Byron Varga.

  What kind of name is Byron, anyway? I thought uncharitably.

  As soon as I stepped out into the sunshine, I felt better. Now that the afternoon blaze was coming to an end, there was a slight breeze in the air and the sidewalk didn’t feel like it was going to melt the soles off my shoes.

  I walked along in the direction of the coffee shop, passing the community garden and inhaling the sweet scent of the cherry blossom and Aspen trees.

  A strange sensation came over me, as though I was being watched. I looked around, but didn’t see anyone. Until I turned toward the park.

  The hottest guy I’d ever laid eyes on was sitting on a bench under one of the trees. He was tall and well-built. I could see how thick and toned his muscles were, even from a distance. The intensity of his dark gaze combined with his amazing physical physique had my entire body tingling with arousal, and the muscles of my core contracting.

  The entire scenario was so weird, and while part of me desperately wanted to move on, another part of me, the physical part of me, could only stand and stare. It was the way he was watching me that was the most unnerving. Like he knew me and had been waiting for me. But this guy, I would have remembered meeting. I was positive that I’d never seen him before in my life. Yet… there was something oddly familiar about him, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  As I stood there, probably with my mouth agape and a dimwitted expression on my face, he fluttered his fingers at me in a goofy wave. He looked so cool, so badass, in black denim jeans, a tight black t-shirt glued to his bulging muscles, tattoos interwoven up his arm, that the gesture looked totally bizarre and I burst out laughing.

  He returned the smile with sincerity, and gestured to the seat next to him.

  No way, weirdo.

  Sure, he was as hot as hell, but I was brought up in New York City, and you didn’t just go around getting picked up by strangers in parks – no matter how good-looking, well-muscled, and undeniably delicious they were.

  I gave him a smile and a wave anyway. He smiled back, a mischievous grin that made my insides melt and my heart race. He seemed unbothered by my reluctance to join him, and after a moment of hesitation, I went on my way. I knew if I stayed there a second longer, I would get myself in trouble. I can recognize a toxic guy when I see one. This dude had one-night stand written all over him. And though I was sorely tempted, that just wasn’t what I was looking for.

  The minor flirt had lifted my mood considerably, and I tipped the barista generously. I may not have a man who wanted to jet me off to Aruba, but summer was holding out, my iced latte was made to perfection, and there were gorgeous, flirtatious men on every corner. Things were good.


  Let’s head to the front!” Chloe yelled in my ear.

  I tried to smile back, but the noise and the crowd were giving me a headache. The band, Crazy Monday Blues was Chloe’s thing, not mine. Nathan was supposed to have gone with her, but had last minute business to take care of. So, I’d offered to do the best friend thing and be Nathan’s backup. Chloe had been looking forward to the concert all week; I couldn’t say no.

  Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed my hand and dragged me through the throng of people to the front of the stage.

  Reluctantly, I had to admit it was actually better right up at the front. The crowds were less dense and I could finally breathe. I looked around at the other people enjoying themselves and singing along with the lyrics, and managed a more genuine smile. Chloe was good for me. I had a tendency to hide away, and avoid the general public. Chloe was the total opposite, and sometimes her prodding was just what I needed to coax me from my shell.

  Neither of us were what you’d call slender. Whereas I was sometimes a touch self-conscious of my generous curves and ample backside, Chloe wore every inch of her body loud and proud. Ever since I’d met her, I’d been steadily growing more body-confident. Little-by-little I’d become less envious of tall, skinny girls who peered out at me from magazines and billboards, and happier with my own natural body shape. I thought Chloe was gorgeous, after all, so why not me too?

  As I scanned the crowd, my eyes stuck on a man standing in the corner of the upper mezzanine. A tall, lanky blonde hung off his shoulder in a seductive fashion. I could only see his back, a broad frame and tousled dark hair, but my heart started to palpitate. Crazy.

  The blond saw me staring and whispered something in his ear. Judging by her expression, I was pretty sure it wasn’t anything pleasant. Her eyes scanned me head to toe, and her face screwed up into a grimace.

  The man turned around. Holy hell. It was the same guy from the park, I was sure of it. The lighting was dim, but his physique was a memorable one. He was just as broad as I remembered. Taller than I’d initially assumed. His dark hair was tousled, and a little on the long side, and his chiseled jawline sported the scruff of a day or two’s growth. I felt my body go weak. His eyes were a strange and a piercing bright blue, at odds with the rest of his dark coloring. They bore through me, and seemed to glow more fiercely in the dim lighting of the venue.

  Chloe tugged at my arm, “Hey, what’s up Bri?”

  I realized then that I’d be unabashedly staring at the sexy man-god above me. I swiftly glanced over at his girlfriend. She was apocalyptic with rage.

  “Uh, nothing,” I turned away, “Just thought I saw somebody I knew.”

  Chloe followed my gaze, and smiled brightly.

  “Oh, Byron! Hey, Byron!” She called to him loudly waving her arm back and forth in the air. I wanted the ground to swallow me. He made his way toward the stairs to come down and join us, his girlfriend sulkily following behind him.

  “Didn’t I tell you he was good looking?” Chloe sounded smug. I thought ‘good-looking’ was a serious understatement, but I just rolled my eyes at her.

  “You also forgot to mention that he had a girlfriend?” I replied sternly, not letting her win this one.

  She scoffed, “That’s not his girlfriend! That’s just a…girl.”

  My initial assessment had been correct then, a one-night stand kind of guy. Well, I’d be avoiding him like the plague.

  All too soon he was standing in front of me, his eyes looking down from his above average height in an almost territorial fashion.

  Dude, you have a girlfriend, or a girl… whatever.

  She avoided looking at Chloe or me, looking past us and up at the stage as though we didn’t exist.

  “Brianna, right?” He drawled. His tone was laid-back and casual, but his gaze conveyed a totally different sentiment. He looked as if he could, and would, devour me at any second.

  “That’s right. And you’re Byron.”

  “I saw you walk by the park a few days ago,” he smiled, “Why didn’t you join me?”

  “Because I avoid running up to sit with strange men in parks. It’s a health hazard.”

  “Fair enough,” he smirked, “Can I buy you a drink?”

  I was about to respond with a stern no, but his sulky companion beat me to it.

  “Byron, let’s get out of here. This place is wall to wall losers.”

  Without looking at her, his gaze still fixed on me, he responded, “Why don’t you go, and I’ll stay?”

  “Fine!” She flipped her long blonde hair behind her shoulder haughtily, “Enjoy the chubbos.”

  She stormed off through the room, and I saw Byron shoot her a bemused look.

  “Sorry about that. Jessica’s going through some… stuff…” he trailed off.

  “Doesn’t bother me,” I shrugged, even though it wasn’t true, “We have to be going too, right Chloe?”
/>   I jabbed her sharply with my elbow, so she wouldn’t refuse. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her bewildered expression, but she had to follow girl code, and that meant getting the hell out of somewhere when one of us was feeling genuinely uncomfortable.

  “Really?” Byron asked, looking surprised, “Can’t you stay for just a little longer?”

  “Sorry, can’t.”

  He seemed like a nice enough guy, but I’d had so many bad experiences with men like him. None of them as drop dead gorgeous as Byron, but good-looking ones with roving eyes who treated women like flavors of candy. They couldn’t get enough of sampling each one.

  “A quick drink?” He persisted.

  “No,” I replied firmly. I had to do it now, while I still had some willpower left, “Sorry. I have to go.”

  “Can I at least have your number?” He asked. I was surprised by him. He really wasn’t willing to let it go. Was he just one of those super competitive types? Can’t stand to be turned down no matter who was doing the declining. I hesitated before agreeing. He typed the digits into his phone and then smiled.

  “Hope I see you around.”

  “You too,” I replied, hating myself for desperately hoping I did. Just because I wasn’t going to date him, didn’t mean that every so often I wouldn’t enjoy looking at him. From a safe distance.


  Keeping my bear in check around her had been painful. Seeing her from afar triggered the beast to tug and pull, but I hadn’t anticipated the strength of the pull once she was up close. I could smell the spicy sweetness of her skin. I nearly drowned in her bright emerald eyes.


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