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Maxwell, Brandi - Colleen's Desire [The Lost Collection] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 19

by Colleen's Desire

Colleen sat upright, and her breasts swayed briefly, drawing the gazes of her men.

  “Forget you, Frank? I could never do that. Now, you two, sit closer together—hip to hip.” The men did as they were told. Colleen straddled their inside legs, and when she leaned down, her sensitive, swaying breasts rubbed against their thighs, sending tingles coursing through her veins. “We can’t make this a marathon, like last night. My body’s just not up to it.”

  “Maybe it would be better if we just stopped right now.”

  Colleen looked into Frank’s eyes and said, “You’re always the thoughtful one, the one willing to sacrifice. No, we’re not going to stop. If I don’t feel you inside me I’ll feel I’ve been deprived of something truly magical. You’ve just got to climax quickly, that’s all.”

  “In that case,” Frank said, smiling wolfishly as he put a broad palm on Colleen’s head, “keep doing what you’re doing. You’re lips are heaven sent.”

  Sitting upright again, Colleen’s eyes were glassy with desire.

  “I want you men. I’ve got the sponge in, Frank, so you won’t have to pull out. And’ve wanted me from behind. You’ve…I know you’ve wanted my ass. Well, this morning it’s all yours.”

  “It might hurt.”

  “It will hurt.” She straddled Frank’s thighs with her knees. “But I need to do it.” She rubbed the crown of his cock up and down over the lips of her pussy, then lowered her hips. Frank’s hard flesh forced the lips of her cunt to separate. Colleen tossed her head back, sending her hair flying, as she sighed, “I feel complete when I have you inside me.” She put her hands on his chest, her eyes still closed. “I want both of you inside me. Inside me…together. So close to each other, separated only by me. That’s what I want to feel.”

  Marc rose. As Colleen dropped onto Frank, fully impaling herself on his cock so that her pussy lips were surrounding the very base of his shaft, she greedily reached out for Marc, who was now fortuitously at face-level to her.

  “It’s wicked to say this aloud, but I love your cock,” Colleen whispered a moment before sucking Marc’s erection as deeply into her mouth as she could.

  She bounced on Frank for a while, then lifted up on her knees so that he could be the one to move his hips beneath her.

  “Stay up in that position,” Marc said as he got down on his knees behind Colleen. “Stay just like that so we both can move.”

  On her hands and knees, with her breasts rubbing against Frank’s broad chest, Colleen thought, I hope I can take it. But they’re both so big.

  A moment later, they were both inside her. While holding just the crown of Frank’s erection in her pussy, she felt Marc’s cock pressing against her ass. He nudged her several times, and unconsciously she tightened up in reaction.

  “Try to relax,” Marc said. “It’ll be easier for you.”

  Colleen rocked backward as though trying to impale herself upon his rigid cock. “Just do it, Marc. Now.”

  She felt his hands on the curve of her hips tighten. A moment later, despite the resistance she put forward, she experienced the long, hard slide of his cock as it was thrust between her cheeks.

  Clenching her teeth and squeezing her eyes tightly shut, Colleen felt the two men moving, impaling her, advancing and retreating so close to each other. Beneath her, Frank thrust upward as he filled her pussy. Behind her, Marc spread the cheeks of her bottom wide as he plunged deep into her ass.

  She had never felt so possessed by these men as she did just then. To feel them filling her cunt and ass, to hear their harsh cries of ecstasy as they pummeled her fore and aft, to sense their unrefined hunger for her body and soul, gave Colleen the most complete sense of desirability she’d ever known.

  She did not climax, but the men did, and quickly. Frank was still groaning, trying to shove himself ever deeper into Colleen’s pussy, when Marc’s hips slapped against her buns and his balls released their creamy cum.

  Afterward, sweaty from their labors, Colleen slumped onto Frank.

  “C–Come, Marc,” she said between deep gulps of air. “I want to feel your chest against my back.”

  When he did as instructed, Colleen smiled. Literally pressed between her men, with them softening but still in her body, she felt complete, whole.

  “You’re mine now. Mine. You’re mine as much as I’m yours,” she whispered.

  In unison, the men replied, “Forever.”

  On the sofa across the room, the sound of soft snoring signaled that Amanda had slept through the morning’s activities.

  * * * *

  The knock at the hotel room door a short while later made Marc flinch. He looked at Frank, and together they went to the door.

  Knuckles stood in the hallway, holding a note from the telegraph office.

  “Telegram for you, sir,” the big bodyguard said, handing over the single sheet of paper.

  Marc read the telegram and felt the blood run cold in his veins.

  “What’s it say?” Frank prompted.

  “It’s from Sheriff Dixon. They found Ralph’s body in the rubble of the barn. Recognized it by the big medallion he wore around his neck. If Ralph was involved, then Zachery was involved. Only Zachery’s in town acting like there’s nothing unusual, and he hasn’t been asking for the whereabouts of his friend.”

  “Looks like we’re going back to Golden Valley right away.”

  Colleen stepped up and said, “I’m going with you.”

  “No, you’re not,” the men said in unison.

  “Those bastards burned everything I’ve ever owned. If Zachery was behind it, then I want to see that justice is done.”

  Marc looked up into Frank’s eyes and said quietly, “How did we ever fall in love with such a stubborn woman?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Zachery leaned back against the headboard, looked at the woman on her knees between his legs as she pumped her fist methodically on his limp cock and said, “You’re not doing it right.”

  “Am so!” the young prostitute snapped back. “I’ve jerked off a thousand men in my life. When I touch a cock, it gets hard. That is, with everyone ’cept you!”

  “I ought to put my foot right in your mouth.”

  “Maybe you’d like me to suck you some, huh?”

  “Yeah. I’d like that.”

  “That’s an extra three dollars.”

  “You goddamned greedy whore! I’ve already given you five, and all the other whores are just three or four dollars!” His eyes narrowed on the petite woman with the angelic smile and empty heart. “What the hell makes you think you’re so special?”

  “The men who pay me.” She released Zachery’s flaccid cock, which fell lifeless between his thighs. “And until now, I always earned my money.”

  “And you’d better earn your money with me, or I’ll see to it Rosie throws your ass out of here.”

  He had expected the young prostitute to show at least some semblance of fear. Instead, she just smiled. “Rosie won’t throw me out.” Her slender, arched eyebrows lifted for a moment. “In fact, you’re lucky she let you have me tonight.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “She likes me for herself. She pays me double what I make with you men that come here.”

  “You’d do a woman? Rosie ain’t exactly slender.”

  The young prostitute flipped Zachery’s eminently flexible cock with a forefinger. “And you ain’t exactly hard. Stop and think about this. How much difference is there between a slender, young man and a fat, old woman? Neither one of you have anything hard.”

  Zachery wanted to kick the girl in the face, but the agonizing truth of her words burned in his stomach like an acid, and the pain it caused was such that for a moment he doubled over, hugging himself with his arms.

  This reaction was only momentary. Almost the instant the wave of self-revulsion swept over him, Zachery’s sense of self-worth kicked in. When he’d been insulted by his best friend, Zachery had taught Ralph just exactly how suicidal it was
to openly insult him. He was about to teach this little slut the error of her ways.

  Zachery brought his knee up to his chest and was about to smash his heel into the girl’s nose when the bordello room’s door turned into kindling and splattered across the room. The sound of splintering wood filled the small room. Zachery recoiled, fury instantly giving way to a primordial fear that went to the marrow of his bones.

  The first man into the room was Frank Bishop, his big shoulders having made little work of the door and much of the doorframe. He was stumbling slightly, having used all his energy to take the door almost completely off its hinges. Behind Frank were Sheriff Dixon and Marc, the two literally squeezing through the doorway simultaneously, each with the Colt revolver in his hand and righteous fury in his eyes.

  A scream started in Zachery’s chest, but it never quite made it out of his mouth. While the sheriff reached for Zachery’s throat with his free hand, Marc lashed out with his left fist.

  Zachery’s foot was still frozen in midair, ready to launch at the prostitute’s nose, when Marc’s fist connected with his left cheek, just beneath the eye. Zachery’s head snapped backward, and he was unconscious before his naked body tumbled to the floor.

  * * * *

  Golden Valley, Montana

  “And he’s really as rich as you say he is?” Samantha Marks asked in a hushed voice, leaning closer to Amanda. “And as protective of her as you say?”

  “Make no mistake,” Amanda Holloway replied, keeping her voice low so that attendees of the West Montana Cattleman’s Association autumn ball couldn’t hear her, “he’s every bit as protective as I say.”

  “But still...Colleen O’Malley?” Samantha wouldn’t be easily convinced that Colleen had a rich protector willing to lavish her with expensive jewels and gifts and take any steps necessary to see that she wasn’t the object of society’s scornful gossip. “You must tell me everything.”

  “But I thought you’d already heard.”

  “You never know what I’ve missed, and I insist on hearing everything.” Samantha was accustomed to bullying her servants, but she wasn’t against bribery if it got her what she wanted. “I can make it worth your while. The other ladies say that nobody knows her as well as you do.”

  “Her protector is a married man,” Amanda said, her brows lifting briefly as she began the story that Colleen, Marc, and Frank had all agreed would serve a very precise purpose. “But it’s a loveless marriage, one that was arranged for him by his parents. He didn’t have any choice, so you really can’t blame him for falling in love with Colleen. He’s worth several fortunes in mining gold and silver, as well as cattle and railroads. He has various business arrangements with Marc and Frank, and they’re to see that no other man comes courting her. That’s the reason you see those two scoundrels with her so often in town.”

  Samantha Marks nodded thoughtfully, muttering, “Marc and Frank are the best scoundrels this world has never seen.”

  Amanda could almost see the workings of her mind as she tried to make rational sense of Colleen O’Malley going from social pariah to an invited member of Golden Valley’s most exclusive gatherings in, literally, a matter of weeks.

  “Anyway, in Virginia City some man said some nasty things about Colleen, calling her a kept woman and vulgar things like that.”

  “Well, isn’t she?” Samantha inquired softly.

  “Maybe she is, and maybe she isn’t. But it took just a month for Colleen’s benefactor to drive the gossipmonger into ruin. And once he did, once he’d stripped him of every penny he’d ever made, his son committed suicide. There was nothing left. He’d ruined the entire family financially and socially.”

  “Oh.” It was a very soft sound that came from Samantha. She looked directly into Amanda’s eyes and whispered, “He destroyed the entire family just for saying some nasty things about some Irish mistress who...”

  Samantha’s words died away, and Amanda did all she could to keep from smiling. As had been planned, Samantha Marks would tell all the right people in Golden Valley the story of how Colleen O’Malley was fiercely protected and mustn’t be libeled, and those people would tell everyone else.

  Colleen O’Malley might be a kept woman, but she was damned sure a protected woman. Anyone besmirching her reputation ran the risk of being destroyed in the only two ways that mattered to the newly rich in Montana’s flourishing gold towns, financially and socially.

  The real fact was the family that Amanda had been obliquely alluding to had actually self-destructed due to being owners of a bank. Several of the bank’s key officers, all family members, were about to be arrested for embezzling shareholder funds. The family’s financial ruin had happened months earlier, though only a handful of people knew this, and Marc and Frank intended to make sure that that elite group of people didn’t grow in numbers. The suicides had nothing to do with threats from Colleen’s imaginary married lover, but from the very real fear of being dragged through court and then legally dropped from the end of a rope in Virginia City’s town square.

  Even an embezzler found it more dignified to hang himself that be publically executed.

  Amanda turned away from Samantha, secure in her knowledge that before the evening was over, everyone in Golden Valley would think twice about commenting nastily upon Colleen O’Malley’s sudden wealth and social acceptance.

  On the dance floor, Colleen was spinning gracefully in a waltz with Marc. Frank was standing at the edge of the dance floor, waiting with obvious impatience for his turn to dance with her. Though Colleen was stunning in her white silk gown, there were no other men besides Frank waiting to dance with her. The word was out. She was spoken for. Her dance card was full. Frank and Marc, on the behest of their business associate, were to see to it that the voluptuous woman with the flaming hair and vibrant spirit did not have any suitors.

  She’s so lucky, thought Amanda as she started to stack tea cups onto a tray.

  I hope someday I can fall in love like that.

  She heard a man clear his throat. It was the kind of sound intended to draw attention. Turning, she found herself facing Sheriff Dixon and Deputy Hastings. The men were holding their hats. Amanda was aware that it was one of the few times she’d ever seen either of them without his hat.

  “Evening, Miss Holloway,” Sheriff Dixon said. “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind stepping outside for a moment.’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

  “Actually,” the deputy said without delay, “there’s something the two of us would like to discuss.”


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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