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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

Page 18

by Nicole Edwards

  “Yes … Master.” It came out breathlessly but that was because, for me, the term Master meant so much more. And I knew Trent was aware of that as well.

  I’d never called any of the Doms I’d played with by that particular honorific. Even Shane, who had not only been my Dom but also my very good friend. I’d referred to him, as well as all the others, as Sir. Strangely enough, Trent didn’t feel like a Sir to me.

  Trent seemed pleased by the acknowledgement, but he turned, motioning for Troy to join us.

  “It’s nice to see you again.” Troy’s voice was as deep as I remembered. An octave deeper than Trent’s, in fact.

  Troy looked slightly different this morning. Gone was the bewildered expression from last evening. In its place, he had a serious countenance, one that said he was here to work.

  “You, as well,” I said as he took my hand and squeezed gently, a smile transforming him from merely handsome to incredibly attractive. While his clothes spoke of comfort—a pair of nice jeans and a white polo that accentuated his bronzed skin—his eyes said he was far more confident today than yesterday.

  I tore my gaze away, looking back at the famous Dom standing before me.

  “I’m not sure you’ve met Ransom Bishop. He’s Troy’s bodyguard for the foreseeable future.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Ransom Bishop nodded but didn’t say a word.

  “Please, have a seat.” Trent motioned toward one of the leather chairs. “Troy, you can sit beside her.” His eyes shifted to Braxton and Case. “Gentlemen, you can join us. There’s plenty of seating.”

  “We’d be honored,” Braxton said politely, taking a seat on the sofa across the aisle.

  Trent peered over at me. “Have you been properly introduced?”


  The flight attendant appeared but she didn’t speak until Trent acknowledged her. “The captain has informed me we’re ready for takeoff, Mr. Ramsey. If you’ll please take your seat and buckle up. Once we’ve leveled off”—she shot a quick glance to Braxton—“breakfast will be served.”

  Trent nodded, then removed his suit jacket, handing it over to Jill before taking the seat opposite Troy and me. I busied myself with the seat belt, hoping to find my composure before I looked up again.

  “You mentioned you were a business associate of Trent’s,” Case prompted and I realized he was speaking to me. “What is it that you do?”

  My gaze shot to Trent’s and I saw the wicked gleam in his eyes. Busted.

  “She’s a lawyer,” Trent offered, his eyes never leaving me.

  “What type of law?” Case questioned, apparently rather nosy.

  “Contract law,” I said, peeking around Troy to give him a sideways glance.

  “So, how did you get into that?” he asked as everyone got situated.

  I hadn’t realized this was going to be an interrogation. As it was, I felt entirely outnumbered by the incredibly attractive men who were apparently accompanying me on this job interview.

  “Totally by accident,” I admitted. “I knew I wanted to be a lawyer, but it wasn’t until I worked in real estate that I understood the significance of understanding contracts.”

  “Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does contract law entail?” Troy asked from beside me.

  It was obvious Troy was attempting to keep the conversation going, so I obliged him by saying, “A lot of people need contract lawyers. Not only when you’re making a big purchase such as a house, but also many businesses utilize contracts with employees. I’ve found it’s important for them to understand the fine print. Not to mention, clients who utilize agents. Whether it be sports, literary, or other types of entertainment.”

  Hoping to defer any more questions related to the status of my employment, I turned my attention to Trent. “Would you mind providing me information on my potential clients?”

  The jet’s engines fired up but they weren’t as loud as I’d expected. Likely due to the quality of the aircraft.

  Trent grinned as he relaxed in his chair. “The public relations firm is owned by four partners. Landon and Langston Moore handle the publishing industry. Benjamin Snowden caters to the technology sector. And Justin Parker deals with the toy industry.”

  “Toys?” I asked curiously.

  “Sex toys, to be more specific.”

  Braxton or Case cleared his throat. I wasn’t sure who it was, though.

  I kept my eyes locked with Trent’s and pretended not to be surprised. “Interesting mix. And do you know how the company came about?”

  “From the way they tell it, they’re all in the lifestyle and met at a club.”

  “Your club?”

  “No. Before Dichotomy’s time. They’ve been in business for over a decade now.”

  “And how many employees do they have?”

  “That’s a question better left for them. However, I do know they’ve recently expanded, bringing on some account executives who can help broaden their impressive portfolios. Zeke is one of those employees.”

  Because he was sitting somewhere behind me, I couldn’t see my bodyguard, so I kept my eyes on Trent.

  “Are they members of your Chicago club?” I asked, merely because I was curious.

  “They are. All four of them are Masters. Landon and Langston recently collared their submissive. Ben and Justin have recently taken a submissive; however, Ben’s a switch, so technically, he’s Justin’s submissive as well but they both top her.”

  “So, two Doms for every one submissive?” I found that intriguing.

  “Does that surprise you?”

  I shook my head and tried to relax. “Not at all. However, you tend to see a single Dom with multiple submissives.”

  “As the norm?” Troy asked.

  I peered over at him. “No. I wouldn’t say it’s standard. But it isn’t uncommon.”

  “True,” Case added. “It’s not uncommon.”

  “Are you a Dominant?” I asked Case.

  He snorted, as did someone behind me, but I wasn’t sure if it was Zeke or Ransom. “No, ma’am.”

  “He’s a submissive,” Trent supplied. “A masochist, to be more specific. As is Brax.”

  That was interesting. Especially since I knew a Sadist who just so happened to be on this plane.

  “Have you ever been with a Dom who had multiple submissives?” Trent asked me.

  “No. Nor have I been with two Doms at one time.” I smiled. “I’m more of a traditional submissive.”

  “By design?” Trent inquired. “Or merely circumstance?”

  I considered that for a moment. “I guess you could say circumstance since I’ve never been propositioned on either count.”

  “Do you have an aversion to either?”

  I was wondering where he was going with this. The way we volleyed back and forth, we could’ve been talking about the price of gold or the ebb and flow of the stock market.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’ve never considered it.”

  Trent’s focus remained on me and I assumed he wanted me to do so now. I took a sip of my coffee and gave it some thought.

  “Personally, I wouldn’t mind a Dom who wanted to share me with another submissive,” Braxton said, his tone light.

  I watched as his dark green eyes shot over to Case. I had to wonder whether the two of them had a relationship. More than merely being employed by the same man.

  “What about you, Case?” Trent inquired.

  He gave a small shrug, his eyes darting to somewhere behind me. “Depends on the Dom.”

  I got the feeling that was an invitation. Perhaps for Zeke since Case happened to be a masochist?

  Trent’s gaze swung back over to me and I knew I’d run out of time to ponder the question. “I don’t think I’m the sort of submissive who would do well with two Dominants,” I admitted.

  “For what reason?” Trent probed.

  “I would prefer to dedicate myself to one Dom. Since it’s my resp
onsibility to give him everything he needs, I wouldn’t want to risk it by dividing my attention. On the flip side, I’m not sure how I would feel if my Dom had another submissive. I don’t think I would know unless I experienced it for myself.”

  Admittedly, I was relatively open when it came to my sexuality. I had experienced quite a bit during my time as a submissive. And the thought of Trent taking Troy and me as his submissives wasn’t off-putting in the least.

  Trent smiled, his eyes locked on my face. I held his stare for a few moments, feeling my blood pressure spike. When it became too much to bear, I turned toward Troy.

  “What about you, Mr. Shelton?” Case asked, drawing everyone’s attention to him. “Would you be open to taking on more than one submissive?”

  Troy’s grin revealed straight white teeth and a rather boyish charm. “Please, call me Troy. And I’m … uh … not a Dom.” He smiled shyly. “I’m not really in the lifestyle.”

  I was grateful for Case since he’d taken some of the heat off me.

  “Is it something that interests you?” I inquired, motioning toward Trent. “Considering you work for a Dom, I figure you’ve seen a few things.”

  “Actually, no. I mean, yes, I’m interested, but no, I haven’t seen anything.” Troy shook his head, his eyes dropping to his lap. “I’ve been Trent’s assistant for three years now, but I’ve only handled the duties that revolve around his acting career and his other business ventures.”

  Really? Three years and Trent had successfully shielded him completely from his alternate lifestyle? That was hard to believe. It would’ve meant that Trent didn’t play at home. Since I knew Trent worked out of his house and Troy had recently moved in, I had to assume they spent a significant amount of time together there.

  I peered over at Trent. “Did you keep him apart from it for a reason?”

  I knew I was crossing a line I shouldn’t, but I felt as though Trent was trying to back me into a corner. The way he looked at me, the inflection in his words. At the very least, he was trying to intimidate me. When I felt trapped, I tended to lash out, and since I had nowhere else to go, this was how I chose to do it.

  I would soon learn that it would come back to bite me in the ass.


  MY LITTLE RAY OF SUNSHINE had a mouth on her and it was obvious she was attempting to push me by turning the tables.

  “Not one reason, per se,” I admitted. “However, I didn’t think Troy was quite ready for the darker aspects of my life.”

  “But you feel he is now?”

  I stared at Clarissa for a moment, wanting to see her squirm a little. She knew exactly what she was doing, and I found it interesting that she was pushing me so hard so fast. Especially considering we had such a large audience.

  She was the exact opposite of the polite little mouse she’d been during our lunch dates and not nearly as casual as she’d tried to appear last night. I could admit, I liked her feisty attitude, even if my first instinct was to make her submit to me in every way imaginable.

  However, if she thought she would embarrass me or put me on the spot, she truly had no idea who she was dealing with.

  Before I could answer, the captain’s voice came over the speaker announcing that we’d reached our desired altitude and it would be smooth sailing from Dallas to Chicago.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” Brax said as he got to his feet. “I think that’s my cue.”

  I nodded.

  Brax nudged Case.

  “What?” the other man asked, his wide eyes shooting up to Brax’s face.

  “Both of you,” Zeke commanded as he came to stand before them. “This way.”

  Case’s eyes widened and it was hard to miss his interest in the big Sadist.

  “Thank you, gentlemen,” I told them as all four men moved toward the front of the plane.

  “Where are they going?” Clarissa asked.

  “There’s plenty of space at the front of the plane. They’re giving us our privacy.”

  When they disappeared from view, I picked up where Clarissa had left off. It was time I laid it all on the line for Troy and Clarissa.

  “Back to your question. Yes, I do believe Troy’s ready,” I told her, glancing over at Troy. “He’s even admitted he doesn’t scare easily.”

  “So, what made you want to include him?” she asked, still digging herself a hole.

  I turned my attention to her. “Because I find myself attracted to him,” I told her. In my peripheral vision, I noticed the way Troy’s mouth fell open, his eyes widening as he stared back at me.

  That seemed to catch Clarissa by surprise, because she had nothing to say.

  Jill appeared at my side, smiling down at the three of us.

  “May I get you something to drink, Mr. Ramsey?”

  “Yes, coffee will be fine.” I motioned toward Troy.

  “Orange juice for me. Thank you.”

  “Ms. Tinsley?” Jill prompted when sweet little Clarissa seemed to be tongue-tied.

  She shook her head as though dislodging her thoughts and glanced over at the flight attendant. “I’ll just take more coffee, thank you.”

  “Of course. And Brax has asked me to let you know he’s equipped to prepare anything you would like. He ensured we were stocked with a variety of fresh ingredients.” She smiled at Troy and Clarissa. “If I might, I’d suggest eggs Florentine, or maybe an omelet.”

  Clarissa’s eyes remained locked with mine while Troy rattled off what he would have. When it was her turn to speak, it appeared she had lost her voice again.

  “Clarissa?” Troy whispered. “Are you all right?”

  Her eyes widened, and she jerked her attention to Jill. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. I’m going to skip breakfast. Thank you.”

  “She’ll have an omelet,” I stated, keeping my attention on Clarissa. “Do you prefer meat or vegetables?”

  She swallowed hard, her eyes narrowing slightly. I didn’t look away until she responded with, “Veggies.”

  I peered up at Jill. “Include a side of bacon and sausage for her.”

  “Links or patties?” Jill asked, her question aimed at Clarissa.

  “Oh, it doesn’t matter. Whatever’s easier.”

  “Yes, ma’am. And you, Mr. Ramsey?”

  “The usual. Egg whites only,” I told her, then waited for her to give us some privacy. When she was gone, I met Clarissa’s stare once more. “Now, where were we?”

  “I think you were saying you were attracted to your assistant.”

  “Right.” I looked at Troy. “I am. As for whether that’s appropriate or not, I haven’t decided. Doesn’t mean I don’t have the urge to dominate him.” I glanced back at Clarissa. “The same way I want to dominate you.”

  Her eyes flared momentarily, but she recovered relatively well, reaching for her coffee cup.

  I waited her out.

  Clarissa cleared her throat and sat up straight. “Is that why we’re here? So you can exert your dominance over me?”

  “Actually, no,” I said, wanting to reassure her. “You’re here because I have friends who would be interested in your services. I thought it would be appropriate to make the introduction.”

  “So this is strictly business then?”

  I had a feeling she was hoping for one answer over the other. I didn’t know which one, but I could only go with the truth.

  “This particular trip is business-related.” I shifted, keeping my eyes locked with hers. “Were you hoping for something different?”

  “Of course not,” she said quickly.

  “I didn’t say expecting, sunshine. I said hoping.”

  She held my gaze for several long seconds, then stared down at the table. “I’m not sure what to say to that. I hardly know you.”

  I chuckled. “You know me far better than you’re letting on, pet.”

  Her eyes shot up once again and I knew she was thinking about our interactions at lunch on Monday. When I’d made her come with my fingers in the
middle of a crowded restaurant.

  “The question is whether you want what you know I can give you.”

  Clarissa’s tongue darted out, swiping across her bottom lip. I wanted to bite that lip, to hold her in place until she admitted every single one of her desires.

  “Keeping in mind we would have both a business and personal relationship, what is your answer, Clarissa?”

  She cleared her throat but managed to hold my gaze. I waited patiently, knowing full well what her answer was going to be. The woman might be hesitant, but there was no way she could deny what was transpiring between us.

  “Yes,” she said quickly. “I’m interested.”

  “And what’s the appropriate way to answer?”

  “Yes, Master,” she said softly, her eyes glazing over. “I would be interested in what you can give me.”

  “Good. Then this morning we’ll handle the business at hand. And tonight, when we return to Dallas … that will be strictly pleasure.” I peered over at Troy. “The same goes for you, boy.”

  Once again, both of their mouths opened as they stared at me like I’d grown a third eyeball.

  I did enjoy keeping them on their toes.



  I knew I did, but I was having a difficult time doing anything except running Trent’s statement through my head on an endless loop. The man had admitted he was attracted to me.

  As for whether that’s appropriate or not, I haven’t decided. Doesn’t mean I don’t have the urge to dominate him.

  Honest to God, I would’ve expected Trent to admit to some heinous crime from his childhood before I ever would’ve thought he would announce that he was attracted to me.

  And he’d said it so casually, as though it wasn’t a big deal.

  It was a huge deal.


  Trent Ramsey wanted … well, he wanted me.

  And by God, I wanted him, too.

  Then again, I wasn’t quite sure what it meant to be dominated by the man. As far as Domination and submission went, I wasn’t versed in the lingo. Perhaps dominating me didn’t consist of the kinky things I had in mind. In fact, I wasn’t even sure it consisted of sexual relations. Did it? Or could he merely want to … tie me down? Chain me up? Whip me? Hell, I had no idea.


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