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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

Page 54

by Nicole Edwards

  “Well, I guess it’s about time to get this shindig underway,” Zeke said in that booming voice of his. “I’ll go make sure all the kiddies are playing nice.”

  Taking a deep breath, I pushed to my feet.

  “You know where to go,” Langston said as we started toward the dungeon. “It’s all on you now.”

  Yeah. I probably should’ve been nervous, but I wasn’t.

  In fact, I was ready to give the greatest performance of my life, because if I was being honest, this was the only one that would ever matter.


  AFTER BEING HERDED INTO THE dressing room like cattle, I managed to find the locker that my key would fit. Initially, I’d been nervous, confused by this new turn of events. Not once had Master mentioned anything about this, so I had no idea what to expect. And with my one night playing at the club previously, it wasn’t like I had any experience to pull from.

  Since no one else seemed to be concerned, I took that as a good sign.

  An even better sign was the black leather pants in my locker. I thought for sure there would be a leather speedo or some strange little jumpsuit that I was supposed to stuff myself into. It was a relief to know Master hadn’t changed the attire.

  It didn’t take long to shed my clothes and pull on the leather pants. Unfortunately, no one was being allowed back out of the dressing room, so I was stuck with about two dozen other submissives who were standing around chatting about what this could possibly mean.

  And let me tell you, there were a lot of theories.

  Someone mentioned this was the prelude to some big orgy. Another said he thought we would be chained together and then all the Doms would take turns whipping us. Another said a thorough fucking would follow.

  While I prayed none of those were the case, I had to wonder if those were merely hopes for those particular submissives. I couldn’t see Master leaving me or Clarissa to fend for ourselves during an orgy. He was far too controlled and way too possessive for that to ever happen.

  Then again, something was definitely going down tonight.

  “All right, ladies,” Zeke said when he appeared in the doorway. “When you’re ready to head out, line up. Before you leave the room, you will be blindfolded. Someone will then lead you to where they want you to go. Don’t argue, don’t fight. Be good little children and perhaps you won’t get your ass beaten black and blue tonight.”

  Someone muttered that they would give their left nut for Zeke to blister their ass. I could only shake my head. I damn sure wasn’t going to do anything that might provoke the giant Sadist into hitting me.

  As everyone moved toward the doorway, I fell into the line, inching forward while one of the on-duty submissives slipped blindfolds on each person before they were marched back out to the floor.

  When it was finally my turn, I felt a strange churning in my stomach. I wasn’t sure if it was anticipation or fear. This wasn’t what I’d signed up for. I was tempted to find a hiding spot but decided against it just as the blindfold was being slipped over my eyes.

  I trusted Master with my life. I knew he would ensure I was taken care of.

  Didn’t mean I wasn’t on the verge of a panic attack.

  Roughly fifteen minutes later, after being led down two flights of stairs into what I assumed was the dungeon, I’d been shifted a few times until I was evidently in whatever position I was supposed to be in.

  So far, there weren’t any chains or ropes attached to my body. I wasn’t restrained in any way. And that was likely the only reason I wasn’t hyperventilating.

  From what I could tell, Zeke had remained with me and a few others, taking us where we were supposed to go. I could still hear him talking, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

  It wasn’t long until I felt a warm body move closer. Then Zeke’s voice was low and deep right next to my ear.

  “You’re instructed to kneel, sub. Ass on your heels, hands behind your back, head down. Don’t move until you’re told to do so. What’s your safe word?”

  “Red.” My voice quivered slightly.

  “Good. Now get on your knees.”

  His body shifted and I did as I was told, dropping to my knees on the hard concrete floor. I remembered what he said, putting my hands behind my back, my ass resting on my heels and my head bowed. I took a deep breath as my anxiety ratcheted up a few notches.

  Admittedly, I was new to this scene and part of me was looking forward to seeing what was going to happen. But the bigger part of me was about ready to hightail it out of this place because I was scared shitless.

  Safe word or not.



  BACK WHEN I SAID I’D seen it all and I wasn’t surprised by anything that might take place in a club … well, I was wrong. I take it all back.

  Whatever was going on tonight was certainly not in the trade secrets I’d mentally hoarded over the years. In fact, this was beyond anything I ever could’ve imagined.

  So far, about the only good thing was the beautiful corset I’d found in my locker. I hadn’t known what to expect, so when I first saw the exquisite white beaded corset, the tiny white G-string, and the thigh-high stockings, I’d felt somewhat giddy. It was unlike anything I’d ever worn before. It seemed far too virginal for me, but I hadn’t had time to worry about that.

  While all the other women changed and chattered, I’d focused on the task at hand. Addison had appeared to help me lace it up and I thanked her before she disappeared into the crowd. Shortly thereafter, Mistress Jane had started barking orders, insisting we all get in a line so we could get into our places.

  I had absolutely no idea what was going on and I had purposely tuned out all the theories being tossed around. I knew better than to make assumptions when it came to this sort of thing.

  Instead, I had patiently moved with everyone else as we were being blindfolded and then led out of the changing room and down to the dungeon. Mistress Jane had taken my hand, leading the way.

  I noticed the music was louder than usual. Or maybe the room was merely quieter than usual. I only heard the random whispered instruction along with some deep breathing.

  I doubted I was the only nervous one tonight.

  Once Mistress Jane released my hand, I remained exactly where she left me. I tried to tune in to what was going on around me but I had a hard time mentally placing where we were.

  Finally, a warm body moved close, and the next thing I knew, Zeke’s deep voice was whispering near my ear.

  “You’re instructed to kneel, sub. Ass on your heels, hands behind your back, head down. Don’t move until you’re told to do so. What’s your safe word?”

  “Red.” A chill danced down my spine as I said the word.

  “Good. Now get on your knees.”

  “Yes, Master Zeke.”

  I eased down to my knees. The floor was cold and hard, but I quickly got into the position he’d ordered me to. The blindfold kept me from seeing anything at all. And the fact that it was so dark made me wonder if they’d turned the lights off. I wouldn’t doubt it. Some Doms got off on this sort of thing.

  I didn’t know how much time passed, but I knew that my knees began to ache from being on the hard concrete floor. Still, I didn’t move from my position. The entire time I was there, I imagined Trent standing over me, observing me. It was his pleasure I was after. His and only his.

  When I got the sense that someone was standing in front of me, my heart picked up speed, beating faster, slightly erratic. The music changed, becoming softer but no less impactful. I could finally hear others breathing around me. It sounded as though someone was right beside me.

  “Sunshine. Boy.”


  My chest swelled, some of my anxiety dying down. He was here.

  “When I remove your blindfold, I want you to keep your head down. Do not look up for any reason. My shoes should be your only focus. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” we said simult

  I swallowed hard as the blindfold was slipped off my eyes. It was then I noticed several things. One, the dungeon was dark. The only light seemed to be coming from the lanterns I’d previously seen on the wall. Two, Trent’s left shoe was directly in front of me while I could see Troy’s leg beside mine.

  And three, there were a whole lot of feet around us, which meant no one else was kneeling.


  WHILE I HAD PREPARED FOR a formal collaring ceremony, I had kept in mind that my submissives were not aware of this event. I hadn’t asked them because I didn’t want to give away the surprise.

  However high-handed my behavior was, it was imperative that they were willing participants in order for this to happen. Regardless of how large my ego was, I would never assume anything when it came to them.

  So, as their blindfolds were removed and they kept their gazes on the floor, Zeke stepped forward. All other submissives and Dominants were in attendance because I wanted them to witness the ceremony. All submissives had been instructed to remain silent where they were placed. Aside from Luci, Dale, and Addison, not one of them had known this was taking place, and I was rather impressed that so far, no one had botched it up.

  “Clarissa and Troy, I’m going to ask you some questions,” Zeke informed them. “Your head should remain down and you should only answer with yes or no. Do you both understand?”

  “Yes,” they both said quickly.

  “Clarissa Tinsley, do you understand what it means to be a submissive?”


  “Troy Shelton, do you understand what it means to be a submissive?


  “Clarissa, are you willingly in a Dominant/submissive relationship with Trent Ramsey?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was stronger with that answer.

  “Troy Shelton, are you willingly in a Dominant/submissive relationship with Trent Ramsey?”


  “Clarissa, are you here tonight of your own free will?”


  “Troy, are you here tonight of your own free will?”


  “Clarissa, do you wish to proceed in this official collaring ceremony?”

  She swallowed hard, loud enough I heard her before she said, “Yes.”

  “Troy, do you wish to proceed in this official collaring ceremony?”


  Strangely enough, those had been the hard questions and I hadn’t even had to ask them. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel significant relief at that point. I had known going into this that I was taking a significant risk springing this on them without warning. However, I had my reasons for everything I did.

  “Master Ramsey,” Zeke prompted.

  I stepped forward so that I was standing directly in front of Clarissa and Troy. My heart leaped into my throat, even as a strange calm took over.

  “Clarissa,” I said, placing my hand on her head. “Please lift your gaze to mine.”

  Her head tilted back and the instant our eyes met, my heart nearly stopped. As always, she was breathtakingly beautiful, but what I saw in her golden gaze, the submission I saw there had my lungs working a little harder than before.

  Good thing this was going to be relatively straightforward.

  I reached down and cupped her face. “Clarissa, I’m offering you my collar as a symbol of my ownership, my commitment, and my promise to do whatever it takes to be worthy of you. I promise to challenge you while keeping you safe.” I had to swallow past the lump in my throat. “I promise to always support you, to be by your side when you need me and when you don’t. By offering this to you, I acknowledge the trust you have placed in me and I vow to never violate that trust.” God, she was so beautiful. “By offering this to you, I am giving you all that I am. My heart and my soul. Will you accept my collar, sunshine?”

  Tears streamed down her face even as she smiled.

  “I will accept, Master. And I offer you my complete surrender, my total submission, as well as my heart and my soul.”

  With somewhat steady hands, I placed the platinum collar around her neck, holding it in place with one hand while I reached into my pocket for the lock. It had been designed with her in mind. Delicate yet durable. On the back, Forever my sunshine was engraved in small script.

  Once I clicked the lock in place, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. While I wanted to pull her into my arms, I couldn’t. Not yet.

  Stepping over so that I was directly in front of Troy, I placed my hand on his head. “Troy, please lift your gaze to mine.”

  He did and once again my heart twisted in the most incredible way. I reached down and cupped his face.

  “Troy, I’m offering you my collar as a symbol of my ownership, my commitment, and my love. I promise to do whatever it takes to be worthy of you. I promise to challenge you while keeping you safe.” My heart thumped hard against my ribs, a reminder that this was where I was meant to be. “I promise to respect the needs of our relationship above all else, to protect you and to support you in all things. By offering this to you, I acknowledge the trust you have placed in me and I vow to never violate that trust. By offering this to you, I am giving you all that I am. My heart and my soul. Will you accept my collar, boy?”

  He nodded, swallowing a few times. I couldn’t fight the urge to smile. This was all new for him. I was just about to say something when he held up his hand.

  “I … Yes, Master. I accept your collar and in return, I give you everything that I am.”

  At this point, my hands were definitely trembling, but I managed to place the thin leather-and-steel collar around his neck before connecting the two ends with a titanium lock. On the back, the words The link that holds me together were etched into the metal.

  “Sunshine, boy, please stand.”

  As they got to their feet, pride swelled in my chest. Seeing these collars around their necks, knowing what they signified was the greatest feeling in the world.

  Well, except for when they told me they loved me. Nothing beat that.


  WHY IN THE HELL DID no one ever warn me about something like this?

  For the past half hour, I’d remained on my knees willing my heart not to pound out of my chest while Master professed his feelings for Clarissa and me before everyone in this club. It took me by surprise and I was still reeling from it even as I got to my feet before Master.

  The look on his face was priceless. He stood there, completely in control but emotionally stripped bare. It was enough to have my chest rattling from the emotion swirling through me.

  “I love you, Clarissa,” Master said as he leaned in and kissed her thoroughly.

  “I love you, too, Master,” she replied sweetly.

  I stood there, trying to catch my breath, willing the ache in my knees to go away. When Master broke their kiss, he turned to me.

  “I love you, Troy.”

  I didn’t get the chance to respond when he leaned in and locked his lips to mine. I sighed. I did. When he released me, I felt a little light-headed, but I managed to hold myself together.

  “I love you, too,” I told him. As for whether anyone heard me, I didn’t know. My voice was raspy and I was trying to hold it together.

  Suddenly, cheers and clapping erupted. It was so loud it drowned out the music that was steadily growing louder.

  “Not a bad way to spend your second time in a BDSM club, huh?” Zeke asked, clapping me on the back hard enough to have me shifting forward. “Congratulations, you three.”

  “Thank you,” Master told him.

  The next thing I knew, people were coming forward, tossing out congratulations and hugs. I kept Clarissa close to me, not wanting to let her go. Luci appeared, a wide grin on her face.

  I smiled back at her. “So, I assume this was the secret you were barely hanging on to?”

  She nodded. “I’m terrible with secrets. They should know that by now. But it’s cool beca
use it’s now all said and done.”

  “Not entirely, pet.”

  I glanced over to see Langston moving toward her.

  “I think it’s time for some torture techniques. I’d like to know just how much it does take to break you.”

  She giggled, but her eyes widened. With a quick wave, she allowed Langston to lead her away.

  I turned to Clarissa and pulled her close. “While it’s evidently not customary for me to give you a collar or anything, I do want you to know that I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too. With all my heart.”

  I leaned in and kissed her, getting lost in her sweetness until someone cleared their throat. We pulled apart in time to see Master stepping forward.

  “The night’s just getting started, pets,” he said and that wicked gleam was once again in his eyes. “I think I hear some restraints calling your names.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, Master.”

  He chuckled. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that just yet.”

  With that warning, Clarissa and I obediently followed behind him. I was eager to see what he had in store for us next.

  Of course, I secretly hoped he didn’t intend to use that damn prostate massager again anytime soon.



  Friday, October 5, 2018

  “I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THAT woman made this place sound almost like some sort of kinky resort,” Greg noted as the two of us sat at the bar in Dichotomy’s Masters’ lounge.

  “Not everyone’s got a negative outlook on kink, Edge,” I told him as I poured a couple of fingers of scotch into two glasses before passing one over to him.

  While I didn’t serve alcohol in the club, I wasn’t above sharing a few drinks with friends when necessary. Since we’d all gathered to shoot the shit before the festivities kicked off tonight, it wasn’t going to hurt anyone.


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