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Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Mychals, Anna

  Sitting down on the bed, he leans back and watches me. So, I walk into my closet to block his view further.

  “When I came back over, I checked to see if your door was unlocked. Guess what? It was. Grace, I was sitting in your bathroom for five minutes without you noticing I was there.”

  I just roll my eyes and look away.

  “Look at me. Call it years of breaching doors in the military. You don’t want to give your enemy a heads up by smashing in the door when you have the opportunity to enter in a stealthy manner. And that’s exactly what a person breaking in here would do.”

  “This still doesn’t excuse you for about giving me a heart attack.”

  “What it does give me is an excuse for teaching you a lesson.”

  I poke my head out of the closet. “Who are you? My dad?”

  Shaking his head, “Not the last time I checked. It’s just anyone could have come in and done more than just scare the shit out of you. You are an attractive girl that lives alone. There’re sickos in this world that prey on people like you. Please take extra time and make sure your doors are locked.”

  I emerge from my closet fully clothed. Standing at attention giving a stiff salute, “Sir, yes sir!”

  “Smart ass!”

  I turn to walk out of the bedroom and peer back. “I think I have a pretty fine ass, thank you.”

  Jackson follows me down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sitting patiently on the kitchen floor is Thor, thumping his thick tail against the tile. I walk over and place a soft kiss on his block head. I’m rewarded with a juicy kiss upon my cheek.

  Jackson and I settle into a rhythm of preparing breakfast. It’s fascinating that Jackson can anticipate my every move. If I need a spoon, he already has one out for me. If I need a plate from the cupboard, he has one laid out. I bet if I needed to blow my nose, he would have a Kleenex waiting in the wings. Thor sat in the middle of the kitchen watching us like he would a ping pong match the whole time.

  We move to the patio to enjoy our breakfast and the slight morning breeze. We watch Thor chase butterflies as we eat in silence. Usually when there is silence between two people it feels awkward. This just feels relaxed.

  “So, what do you have planned for the day?” Jackson asks while tossing Thor a piece of toast.

  “I thought I would go back downtown to visit a little tea shop I found. I also need to run to another store to pick up a few odds and ends. You?”

  “A fellow Marine is moving all this week. He asked me if I would help pack and move large items since his wife is really pregnant.”

  “What’s really pregnant?” I say quite amused.

  With a brief flash of horror he explains, “Like that sucker could pop out any day now.”

  We both give a little chuckle and settle back into breakfast. Silence overcomes us once again.

  Leaning towards me he whispers, “When can I see you again?”

  I’m a little hesitant because our relationship is moving fast. Comfort has always guided me, but not always down the right road. The past weeks have thrown my life in a whirlwind, thankfully in the direction that I want. Even though it’s overwhelming, I’m excited. I have a new job, new house, and can walk around said house stark naked while drinking milk from the carton. Yeah, yuck to the milk carton but you know what I’m saying.

  Leaning away from him, I continue, “You’re busy and I’m busy. I think we just need to take it one day at a time. This is a tad bit overwhelming”

  Jackson runs his hands through his non-existent hair and leans back in his chair. “Can we try being friends and see where it leads?”

  I reach out and take his hand. Rubbing my thumb across it, I whisper a simple “Yes”.


  Now that Jackson has left, my whole body’s equilibrium is off. I just can’t find my rhythm. Standing in the middle of my kitchen, it gets worse. I can’t find my damn keys. After finally finding my cell phone, I noticed that I killed it last night by whirling it across the room. I need to add getting a new cell to my list. Well, without keys this chick’s not going to get anything accomplished; my other set of keys is with Nate. You remember what Nate said about my keys and phone? Six feet under and in the palm of my hand. This makes me chuckle. Speaking of Nate, I miss his smart ass and his posse of boys known as the bat shit crazies. I know they drove me insane but I do miss them. Also, I still have things at his house that may be more useful here. Like my keys!

  I search the whole house again. I decide to get a glass of tea and just chill out for a second. I’ve worked myself into a tight ball of frenzy in need of a clear head. When I open the freezer, whoop! they are there amongst the orange sherbet. Orange Sherbet! I wonder what it would be like to take the orange sherbet and rub it all over Jackson. Snap out of it, Grace! Your internal dialog is going to gain the reputation of a slut. Things could be worse. Like my infatuation with this man who made me shout his name a record amount of times last night.


  My morning flies by. I was able to check out that quaint tea shop and chocolate haven downtown. For a Monday it’s extremely crowded. With it being summer the tourists, as well as the locals, are perusing the area. Before I know it, it’s three o’clock. My stomach is threatening to eat itself from the inside out. One good thing the town has is an abundant selection of small cafes. The daunting task of purchasing a small computer that we call a cell phone still haunts me. Also changing my number is a must. Last night’s phone conversation with Evan got under my skin. During our time together, I never saw this sinister side of him. Yeah, he ended up being a cheating jerk, but last night he was just malicious in his rant.

  I rush into the same coffee shop where I ran into Rory yesterday to grab a muffin. I need to hurry up and get a phone to make sure our plans are still on for tomorrow. Scarfing down the calorie riddled delight, I head off to find my new NSA tracking device. Just kidding, even though it does makes you think.


  The digital clock in my car reads six-thirty as I pull into my drive. Spending two hours at the cell phone company has exhausted my brain and left me famished. Stepping in the house I stop, taking in the sight. This is mine. All mine. And it smells…it smells like him. What am I going to do about him? I’m having a hard time comprehending how quickly he has invaded my world. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been the one to fall in love at first sight, but falling in lust? That’s another story. However, jumping into a relationship so quickly was never my plan. Considering our jobs and where we are in life, I can’t imagine how this would work. I remember my stepdad’s schedule on recruiting duty. A drill instructor’s life has to be the same or maybe worse. I’ve always grappled with others manipulating my every move. Here I stand trying to build my career and a life on my own. Am I even at a point where I want to share my life with someone right now? Still, I cannot help going back to the questions that have swirled in my mind throughout the day. What’s he doing at this moment? Is he thinking out me? What does he think about me?

  Charging my cell, I make notes of who I need to send my new number to. Most importantly, I need to call Rory as soon as the charge is complete to make sure things are still on for tomorrow. I’m more than giddy to start planning this year’s Cross Country season. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and building new friendships in this journey.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’m exhausted. Between serving an everlasting duty for the last three months, chasing the new gorgeous neighbor and today’s packing from hell, I’m ready to fall into bed and sleep until next weekend. But I can’t. My mind keeps racing about Grace. Thoughts have bounced throughout my mind about ways to make a relationship work. One thought is that I can see if we can even survive three months of my duty. If all goes well, I can ask for a quota so I can recharge and be home at a decent hour every day. Another is that I can continue to work at the pace I am at now. If she wants to be part of my life, she needs to get a taste of what she’s in for. My last
deployment to Iraq was for a year. Unlike some of the other branches, Marine’s don’t get leave during that time. That’s why some studies show that divorce rate for Marines is twice the national average.

  My mind always goes back to my parent’s marriage. I know my mom was lonely and had the extreme load of raising two kids on her own. He could’ve been home more to help, but she didn’t know that he was off screwing the flavor of the month. There were many nights that I could tell that she was exhausted but she kept smiling while she sewed on all my scouting patches. I never heard her once complain.

  Looking back on my Marine Corps career, I see the same pattern. The Corps did not make me go on most of my deployments – I volunteered. I got to travel to places like Spain, Italy, and Greece, where I soaked up the culture and the hot babes. I’m just like him except not married. There’s this thrill in experiencing new places, new cultures, and new people, however, there’s a part of me that’s tired. I’m starting to want a family of my own, but I’m terrified that it won’t be enough and my genetics will leave me wanting for more.

  As I close my eyes, I imagine her soft hair flowing in the breeze while she is trying to capture it to pull it in a clasp. I can feel her sweet, soft lips kissing my neck. Damn it! I’m never going to sleep. I decide to send her a quick text about the same time I remember I didn’t get her number. Glancing over my clock, I realize that it’s too late and too creepy to go over to her house.

  As I toss and turn, I decide to take Thor for a late night walk. I make a mental note to avoid the pool just in case. Since there is no one out at this ungodly hour, I take Thor off his lead and let him roam free. Mistake! He charges back over to the gate that leads to Grace’s back patio. Knocking it open with his block head, I see him rush inside. Great! Standing outside the gate, I contemplate the best course of action. It would be less stalkerish if I went to knock on her front door, but as I take in the time I see that it is already one a.m. I decide that a strategic and tactical maneuver is best to get me in and out without being detected.

  “I can see smoke escaping your ears as you try to figure out how to break in and get your dog.”

  Holy Shit! I grab my chest waiting for the impending heart attack.

  Looking up, I notice Grace on the balcony peering down at me. The moon has cast a warm glow upon her body, highlighting that she has very little on.

  “Give me a second and I’ll be right down.”

  First thing in the morning, I’m looking for a boot camp to whip this once compliant mutt into shape. She’s probably starting to think that this is a game I play with every lady that crosses my path. What she doesn’t realize is that Thor has never once taken with any chick that I’ve brought home. He loathed Lane. He would take a piss on anything she left on the floor. It’s like he’s just as enamored with Grace as I am. I’ve always been told that dogs can judge people’s character better than humans. Grace opens the door allowing Thor to rush in and claim his spot on her sofa. Now that my newly professed wingman is cuddling with this beautiful woman, I realize that I want more. More with this beauty that my dog, as well as my heart, is telling me to take a chance on. Remind me to treat him with a steak.


  The past couple of days have been incredible. It’s a majestic Saturday morning with the warm, radiant sun penetrating Grace’s bedroom. Besides a little time on Tuesday when she met with the Cross Country coach, and me helping my friend pack, Grace and I have spent every moment together. Thor has also been tethered to Grace. I have to sometimes pry them apart.

  I’ve enjoyed getting to know her better by helping unpack the final boxes in her guest room. By helping her go through and organize her teaching materials, I’ve been blessed with a glimpse of her passion for teaching. Her incandescent classroom decorations reflect her radiant passion and personality. Too bad I won’t be around to help her add her personal style to her classroom. And that’s where I’m feeling a little apprehension on both of our parts. Since I have another three month rotation looming down on us starting Monday, I can tell she is a little more guarded. I find that my guard is up as well. In eight short days I have gone from living solely for the Corps by being the best Marine ever, to wanting to be a better person for the angel that lies in the curvature of my body.

  Today, we have decided to travel into San Diego. When she told me that she’d never been, I knew that I had to make it memorable. Earlier in my career I was stationed at Camp Pendleton. A bunch of us would travel down for the weekend and enjoy the night life. Even in drunken stupors, I remember San Diego being not just about the bars and the great eats, but of intriguing culture. One place that I said I would want to come back and visit is Balboa Park. So today, I have arranged a romantic getaway. I don’t care what people say, Marines can be romantic. I want one last hoorah before reality bites us in the ass.

  Right now, I have the wonderful duty of waking up to this sensual jewel. As I gently push back her hair the scent of sugar lemons makes me want to taste her body, something I did all last night. Rubbing my hands down her arms and across her stomach, I playfully nip her neck. Grace quietly stirs, but I can tell she is not awake. I continue my stealthy assault by bring my hand down to her soft folds. A little moan escapes from her lips. Damn it, she’s still asleep. Even though I should feel guilty, I don’t. This is hot. She starts to move against my hand. Feeling her become heated and moist causes my straining erection to push against her. Slowly rotating her body so her back is flat against the bed, making my body slightly over her, I push away the covers and make my way down to the treasure I claimed over and over again last night. Taking her into my mouth, my taste buds explode. Loosing myself, I tease and suckle her. Finally, I feel her hands grab my head and pull me tight against her. She slowly rocks her body as I swirl my tongue about her sensitive nub while I imbed two fingers deep within her. Feeling her juices continuing to overflow, I increase the speed of my tongue along with my fingers. As I manipulate her body over and over again, I feel her body stiffen, causing her core to contract repeatedly. The soft cry from Grace’s lips causes me to turn my assault to them.

  The passion that overcomes me sends me into frenzy. Before I can grab the condom, Grace seizes it. She pushes my body back, gliding the condom down my throbbing shaft. I have to capture both of her hands, pinning them above her head, because I’m about to come unhinged. I thrust barbarously into her causing her to instantly gasp. Calling out my name, she breaks free of my clutch and runs her nails down my back to my ass, aiding every thrust.

  Without warning I pull out, turning her to her stomach. I coerce her up on her knees and grip her petite shoulders. This time I enter her in a slow, tortuous manner. She tries to push her luscious ass back against me but I pull back. I’m in charge and she will follow my lead. I gently bring her back so she is sitting on my knees. This brings me deeper into her. “I want you to play with yourself,” I whisper in her ear. Taking her right hand, I place it over her entrance.

  Continuing my covetous assault, I feel myself growing harder. The intense isolation and tension feels like a bow being drawn back waiting for its arrow. I slow my pace momentarily so I can regain control again. Hearing her moans and cries of an impending orgasm ratchets me up again. I feel every drop of blood course throughout my veins and I begin to contract. I bring my hands to gently knead her breast. With one deep thrust my dam breaks, sending us both into oblivion. Hearing her pant my name sends an electric bolt straight to my heart.

  Lying with Grace in my arms, my emotions become unsteady. It’s hard to determine if it is from extreme exhaustion, awesome sex, or this bundle of energy I don’t want to let go off. Kissing the top of her head, I pull her back and look directly in her eyes.


  Smiling back at me she answers, “Yes.”

  “I…” Hesitantly, I pull back my words.

  She leans up, cupping her head in her hand. Her eyes are fixated on mine with a sense of worry. “Go ahead,” she says gently.

bsp; “I hope you will enjoy what I have planned today.”

  Chicken! Coward! Wimp! Why can I not tell her how I feel?

  Jumping up, Grace leans forward and kisses me quickly.

  “I know I will.”

  As she prances into the bathroom, she glances back blowing me a kiss.

  Leaning back onto the bed, I let out an exasperated cry. Thor comes barreling in the room and nudges my hand. Tilting his head, he gives me his own cry, letting me know he would like to relieve himself.


  Silence befalls us as we drive down to San Diego. There is a sense of tension, almost a dreaded doom. Reaching across the arm rest, I place her hand in mine. The shy smile she gives is one of uncertainty. Is it the uncertainty of today or is it of the days to come?

  I’m able to find a parking spot near the Natural History Museum. It’s not centralized to all the areas I would like to take her, but it will give me more time walking hand in hand with her. Her touch is magical, almost healing. By holding her, my heart knows that everything will be okay. It’s my brain that is screwing it all up.

  Walking around to her side of the truck, I open her door and lead her out. She tries to walk ahead but I pull her back in to a kiss. Our tongues dance and I can’t help but draw her deeper. I pull back and notice her slowly opening her eyes, as if she is savoring every moment. Running my hand gently down the side her cheek, I place one last kiss on her forehead.

  “Are you ready?”

  Her eyes shift, staring back at mine. She leans her cheek into my palm and sighs, “Yes.”


  As we enter the museum, we find a scene similar to the one at the Ocean Institute on our first date. Kids are running from one exhibit to another while exhausted parents feverishly try to keep up. With the madness surrounding us, Grace walks calmly between exhibits. We come upon an exhibit on pirates. Suddenly, a little boy that was probably not even five comes up besides Grace and tugs on her shorts.


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