Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)

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Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1) Page 12

by Mychals, Anna

  “Miss?” he says quietly.

  Grace leans down to his level. “Yes,” Grace says with an enchanting smile.

  “Miss, I can’t read and my mommy is busy.”

  Grace looks over his shoulder and sees a woman talking on her cell, laughing and carrying on. The look on Grace’s face is of disgust, but changes to pity as she leans back down to him.

  The little boy continues. “I love pirates. Can you read what these things say?”

  Grace gives her signature heavenly smile. Immediately I can see Grace, the teacher, taking over.

  Standing back, I take in the sight of her leading the young boy around the exhibit. The look on his face is of wonder and excitement. He is drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I know the feeling. You can see his little brain soaking in all the information. Every once in a while Grace will look in the proximity of where the boy’s mom is yapping on her cell, giving a slight grimace. She continues to the next artifact and I’m amused at seeing the boy skip behind her. My heart falls deeper into her grasp. By watching the scene unfolding before me, I can see what kind of mother Grace will be. Her gentleness and patience remind me of my mom. I’m instantly drawn back to my negative thoughts. She deserves so much more than me. She needs a man that will be by her side always, not traipsing back and forth across the seas.

  After about an hour, the young boy’s mom comes over and yanks the boy’s arm, dragging him away. Immediately he breaks away and throws his small arms around Grace’s legs with the brightest smile. Letting go just as quick, he skips back to his mom, smiling ear to ear.

  “Parents like that tick me off. They can’t see what they have in front of them, pissing away precious moments that will be gone before they know it. Hell, she didn’t even realize he was hanging out with a complete stranger.”

  Grabbing her soft hand, I bring it to my lips and gently kiss it. Her grimace slowly fades away. We head off to our next adventure of the day.


  We grab a lunch to go and I lead her to an empty park bench sitting under a shade tree. Watching people walk by, I notice a couple walking hand in hand. The woman has a baby in a wrap close to her chest. A curious little girl with a bright pink dress and blonde pigtails twirls, stopping briefly to pick up a flower. Every time, she runs it back to her dad who holds them like a bouquet in his hand. She smiles briefly at him and skips back looking for her next treasure.

  Grace snuggles closer to my body, taking a long sip of her soda. Giving a soft sigh, she leans even closer.

  “I know that we’ve only talked a little about your job, but what should I really expect?”

  How do I explain to her that I will be pretty much non-existent for the next twelve weeks?

  “This Monday through Thursday will be like a typical work day. I will go in for regular PT around six a.m. to go over the new recruit files. We do this so that when we receive the new recruits on Friday, we are all on task. Usually I will be done by five p.m. Starting Friday, my schedule will be varied. Working in a three man team, we rotate twenty-four hours shifts every three days, unless something comes up where someone cannot serve. It’s been Ben, a guy named Logan, and myself for the past year and a half. We work well together and each is very flexible. Our days start at four thirty to go over the schedule for the day before waking the recruits at six. Our day, if not on the twenty-four hour shift, can end anywhere between six p.m. and nine p.m. as long as there are no problems with the recruits. I’m up at three o’clock the next morning to start the madness all over again.”

  Grace shows no emotion as I continue. “If there is a holiday during this cycle, I work. I get zero days off until the cycle ends. It’s rough, but on graduation day, it’s so rewarding.”

  “I guess with me starting my new job and being an assistant coach, I’ll be pretty busy as well. Not to the magnitude of what you do, but any time we can spend together will be more precious.”

  Grace leans forward, turning slight towards me. “I can see the struggle that is going through that head of yours. If you want to do this, you have to have faith in us that we will make it work.”

  Pulling Grace up to my lap, I tilt her chin up so that we are eye to eye. “I have faith in you; it’s me that I’m struggling with.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Sitting here with Jackson, I’m taken aback by his comment. Afraid to have him explain further about his faith in himself, I rest my head on his shoulder, taking in the sights around us. We fall into a slight moment of melancholy and I decide that enough is enough. Jumping off his lap, I pull at his arms until he is standing. “So what’s next on the agenda, big guy?”

  Seeming to snap out of his dismal state, he gives me his signature smile. “How about the zoo?”

  “Sounds perfect.” I reach up on my tippy toes and plant a feathery kiss on his lips. “Let’s go.”

  Minutes later we are surrounded by mobs of people. The entrance of the zoo shows the iconic symbol of the panda, ape, giraffe, polar bear, and the huge elephant jutting from the sign. As we walk in, we are surrounded with topiaries of various animals. It always amazes me the talent that one possesses to create a work of art like that.

  With the abundant sunshine and a comfortable breeze, everyone and their mother are out. This feeling brings me back to the one and only time I visited a zoo. I was ten and my mother and I had tagged along with my stepdad on one of his business trips. Since he had to spend most of his day at the Pentagon, we explored DC. The National Zoo was top of my list. I remember that the panda exhibit had just added a baby. I sat there so long that my mom had to pry my hands from the railing. I made her promise that we would come back one last time before we left the zoo. I was high off of sugar and the excitement of my surroundings.

  As I make my way into the zoo, it’s not sugar I’m high off. The man holding my hand makes me feel like I’m floating on a cloud. We stand in the moment trying to figure where we want to start.

  Jackson jerks me to the right. With a child-like smile, he walks feverishly towards the bus tour landing. Surprisingly enough, we walk right onto the bus. I guess the parents want to wear out their kids by walking. Jackson leads me to the top of the double-decker bus where we sit tucked into the back corner. As we wait for the bus to depart, Jackson still has a vice like grip on my hand. He holds my hand to his mouth, pausing briefly. I assume he is going to kiss my hand when he lightly bites my thumb, causing an electric pulse to travel to my heart.

  How have I fallen for this man in such a short period of time? I know he is affected by me, but have no clue where his heart may be. At this stage in the game, do I have the right to ask that? It’s only been a week. We have chemistry that would make anyone spontaneously combust, but that doesn’t mean anything. When I take a look back on my past relationships, things progressed much slower than what has happened between Jackson and myself. I secretly wonder if the passion has clouded my feelings of lust instead of possible love.

  The bus weaves through different trails, highlighting the big exhibits. There would be no way that we could have covered this amount of area in just one day. With the bus, it takes us only forty to forty-five minutes to see seventy percent of the zoo. The tour guide’s knowledge is extensive, but extremely animated. Jackson and I find ourselves laughing, along with the kids on the tour, at her goofy jokes.

  I keep going back to the previous thought about our relationship. I find that passion is good, but I feel like we are creating a friendship too. It’s extremely easy to laugh with him. Unlike some of my other relationships, I can be myself. He’s seen me at my cell phone throwing worst and still stayed. Why does it feel like it’s too good to be true? Maybe because last time with Evan, it was.

  The tour bus comes to its ending destination. As families file off the bus, I take the opportunity to study Jackson. He’s a people watcher. It’s interesting seeing people through his eyes and expressions. When we were eating lunch, I caught him watching a family with two small childre
n. The adoration in his eyes melted my heart. By him being so attentive and passionate about others, there is no doubt in my mind that he would make an awesome husband and father. However, I get an inclination that he feels differently.

  We are the last to exit the bus. Always a gentleman, Jackson helps me navigate the stairs.

  “It’s your turn to decide what we need to do next.”

  Thinking back to the exhibits we drove past, the Panda Exhibit stays in my mind. I tell Jackson the story about when I went to the National Zoo as a child. As I am telling my story, Jackson is smiling, though with a little sadness in his eyes.

  As we walk to the Panda Exhibit, Jackson has a story of his own. “Just like you, I remember the new stories about the pandas being born. The only time my dad allowed us to go on a business trip with him was to DC. My sister and I begged my mom to let us go to the zoo. Once we got there, my sister was jumping from one bed to another talking about wanting to go. She had to see the pandas or she would just die. My father said that she made such a ruckus that he wouldn’t allow our mom to take us. What he didn’t know was that my mom took us to the zoo anyway. My mom said that sometimes secrets were good. What she didn’t realize was that my dad was harboring many secrets.”

  Jackson and I start walking in silence. Even though I had a non-existent father, my mom did choose a great dad for me. I see a lot of my stepdad in Jackson. He was dedicated to the Corps, but always made sure we knew that he loved us even though he could be thousands of miles away. We couldn’t always afford a lot of extravagant vacations but he took the time to help me build forts in our backyard or take me to the beach for a fun-filled day of the surf. He tried his best to fulfill the roll that my father should have taken. I feel ashamed that regardless of the time he spent doting over me, I still craved my father’s attention. It seems like Jackson is struggling in a similar way. The only difference is that I still have my father and his father has passed.


  For the rest of the afternoon we stroll from one exhibit to another. We eat ice cream and share funny stories from our childhood. He tells me about the day he found Thor. Someone had dropped off a litter of pure bred labs at the local animal shelter. The girl he was dating at that time just had to have one. When the girl bent down to pick up one of the pups it came barreling to Jackson. He said the puppy hit him with so much force, it felt like Thor’s hammer. And that’s how Thor got his name. The girl became so jealous of the way Thor clung to Jackson, she left Jackson as well as Thor.

  Pulling me so that we are standing face to face, Jackson looks deeply in my eyes. He takes a strand of my ever errant hair, and places it gently behind my ear. His sharp gaze pulls at every fiber within me. It’s as if he is searching for something, causing me to feel a little uneasy. He slowly leans in, kissing me ever so lightly. Withdrawing slightly, he murmurs, “I don’t want this to end.”

  Neither do I.


  As we climb back into his truck, Jackson informs me that he has one more surprise. We’re heading south towards the harbor when he pulls into a majestic hotel situated in the historic Gaslamp Quarter. A young man greets me by opening my door. He helps me out then meets Jackson as Jackson is rounding the front of the truck. I notice Jackson handing off his keys and a gracious tip. With a panty dropping smile, Jackson makes his way towards me with an overnight bag in each hand. When did he do this?

  Motioning forward, he says, “After you Ms. Weatherly.”

  The door man greets us politely and points us to the front desk. Jackson leads me to a plush sofa in the hotel lobby.

  Kissing me on the cheek, he whispers, “I’ll be right back. Sit and relax for a few minutes.”

  As he walks towards the hotel desk, I take in the fine ass that does a little shake just for my pleasure. Looking back, he grins and gives a little chuckle. I take this moment to examine my surroundings. The lobby is filled with warm golden tones and teak wood. Accenting the walls is art from local artisans from the San Diego area. Some pieces are in black and white, while others showcase bright, vibrant colors that accentuate the already warm hotel. The modern architecture blended with historical aspects would appeal to anyone gracing its doors.

  I feel like a fish out of water standing here in a casual yellow t-shirt matched with a pair of khaki shorts and flip flops while the Greek god stalking towards me in his navy t-shirt stretch over his bulging biceps, khaki cargos and flip flops exudes ease and confidence. Damn he’s hot. Waving a card key in my direction, I see he has nothing but wicked intentions. Hallelujah.


  As we enter our room, I see the same theme that is expressed in the lobby carries over here. The walls are crème colored with orange and gold accents. The king size bed is adorned in the finest linens. Sitting on an end table is a bouquet of yellow tulips with a card jutting from it that reads ‘Grace.’

  Jackson sets our luggage on two racks within the closet while I examine my generous gift. I pluck the card from the bouquet, opening it with sweet anticipation.

  Reflections on the past weeks

  Makes me hopeful for more.


  Feeling my hair shift off my shoulders, Jackson brings his lips to the crook of my neck. Ever so lightly, he rains kisses down to the tip of my shoulder. As he glides back up my neck, his moist lips caress my ear lobe. As he gently tugs it with his teeth, tingling sensations travel up and down my spine. My breathing becomes jagged as he runs his hands under my shirt and cups my sensitive breasts. His sensual assault on my body saturates my core, making it hum just for him. All at once, his warmth is gone.

  “If I don’t stop now, we’ll miss our dinner reservations.”

  With tottering limbs, I sink into the chair overlooking the lighted historic district. Trying to steady my breath, I watch as he undresses in front of my eyes and makes his way to the bathroom. Hearing the glass shower door open and close, I decide to match his game play. Who cares if we eat?

  The pelting sounds of the shower mask my stealthy approach. As I enter, Jackson’s eyes are closed, rinsing the soap from his hair. Just as I am about to attack him from behind, he shifts and pins me against the marble wall. Holding both my hands in one of his above my head, he claims my mouth, taking me deeper with every taste. With his other hand, he slides into my awaiting folds. Thrusting one, then two fingers inside me, he uses the pad of his thumb to encircle the bundle of nerves which causes a quake to begin within my soul.

  The overwhelming impalement and pressure drives me to the point of ecstasy. Flooding warmth spreads outwards from my head, down to every crevasse of my body. The graveling sob that escapes my lips fill this confined space that our bodies share. Feeling my knees buckle, he releases my hand and pulls me into a secure embrace. With my head resting upon his chest, I can feel the accelerated drum of his heart.

  We take turns lathering each other, the silky bubbles from the wash soothing my sensitive skin. Hoping that his intentions would be less than admirable, he turns off the water and retrieves two towels for us.

  Jackson exits the bathroom before I do. I take this time to access my appearance in the foggy mirror. Wiping it with a soft cloth, I notice that my eyes are bright and skin flushed. My feelings are mixed because I’m still searching for that sign that tells me that everything will turn out okay. I go back to something my mother once told me. She said that if we search too hard for something, we may miss it, never finding it again. By being too focused, we may also miss and lose precious opportunities along the way.

  As I exit the bathroom, I see my favorite dress hanging in the closet. It’s a simple black dress, with a shoulder-skimming neckline and sheer mesh insets. The fit and flare style puts a little saunter in every swing of the hips. He has matched it with three inch strappy black and white contrast heels. They’re exactly what I would’ve picked out myself. I turn and see him watching my reaction.

  “How did you do this? When did you do this?”

  Continuing to dress, he says, “You
snore…loud. And when you are out, you are out. Last night when you fell asleep, I found your bag in your closet and saw this dress. I looked down and saw the first pair of black shoes and thought, if they don’t match, we can just buy another pair.”

  “What about my make-up? When did you get that?”

  “Do you remember when I forgot to use the bathroom? That’s when,” he says smugly. “Now hurry. We’re going to be late.”


  I lock my arm with his and we make our way to the elevator. Jackson exudes sexiness. He’s wearing a classic, tailored black suit paired with a crisp white shirt. The top buttons are undone, reminiscent of a twisted yet sexy business man ready to seal the deal. Yummy.

  As we enter the elevator, the electricity sparks around us as he pulls me closer. Before I know it, we are stepping out to a rooftop restaurant. Now that the sun has set for the evening, lights from the San Diego skyline illuminate all around us. In the distance I can see the harbor, lights from the ships dancing across the night. As I turn to the dining area, potted trees are lined with twinkling white lights. The waiter leads us to the back corner of the rooftop where an isolated table for two awaits us.

  The waiter moves to hold my chair for me but Jackson takes that task. As I take my seat, Jackson leans down and places a soft kiss to my cheek then scoots my chair closer to the table. As he takes his seat, the waiter leaves, but shortly returns with a bottle of Moscato.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve taken the liberty to order for us.”

  Right on cue, the waiter brings us a cup of lobster bisque. As I bring the spoon to my mouth, the mixture of cream and sherry complements the rest of the ingredients. It took all I could not to tip the cup to reach every drop.

  Our second course is a bed of mixed greens with dried cherries, shallots, and tomatoes tossed in a white pear balsamic, topped with goat cheese and spiced pecans. Oh, it only gets better. The third course consists of Asparagus Steak Oscar with garlic whipped potatoes. The béarnaise sauce combined with some of the potatoes makes them even more rich and creamy.


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