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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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by Stephan James

  Omega Wanted

  Stephan James


  1. Omega Wanted

  Omega Mpreg Collection

  1. Omega Auctioned

  2. Omega Expecting

  3. Omega Of Convenience

  4. Omega’s Swamp Thing

  5. Omega’s Boss

  6. Omega’s Prince

  7. Omega’s Keeper

  8. Omega On The Run

  9. Omega Marked

  10. Omega’s Protection

  11. Omega turned

  12. Omega’s Superstar

  First Time Gay Contemporary

  1. His Boss’s Request

  2. Bad Professor

  3. Straight Talk

  4. The Mayfly

  5. His Property

  6. College Running Back

  Mpreg Collection

  1. Bad Boy Alpha’s Baby

  2. Protecting His Cub

  3. Alpha’s Pride

  4. Lion In Heat

  5. Tiger Boss

  6. Bear In Heat

  7. Wolf In Heat

  8. Dragon Expecting

  9. Polar Bear In Heat

  Copyright © 2017 by Stephan James

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Omega Wanted


  With limited resources and no marketable skills, Jordon Reynolds finds himself desperate for money and longing to be useful in society. Being a male Omega, Jordon hasn’t always had a lot of support or even been welcomed in society. While searching the job listings, he came across an ad looking for surrogates. He could carry a stranger’s baby easy, and walk away with enough money to provide for himself for at least a year. Everything was going to plan, until he met the Alpha that was seeking his services.

  Dominic Foster, a bad boy billionaire bachelor is known for being impossible to please. He is by far the most beautiful man that Jordon has ever seen. Realizing quickly that he has feelings for the other, he falls quickly into the man’s world of business, celebrities, and power hungry relatives. It soon becomes apparent that fitting in is no longer his problem, it’s surviving.


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  He was never going to make rent at this rate.

  Going on three weeks without a job, Jordon Reynolds was starting to realize that he was in a very bad spot. At twenty-years-old he had already dropped out of college, lost his job working as tech support for a small company, and was finding that the job market was incredibly unfriendly for those with his lack of credentials.

  How was anyone supposed to find a job? He wondered silently, glaring at the listings scrolling down his screen and swearing when saw yet another job requesting that new hires have at least five years’ worth of experience. Not only that, but most of them specifically requested that men of his ‘kind’ refrained from applying. The other jobs that he was finding were so far below his pay grade he wouldn’t be able to make rent, let alone support himself.

  “Face it, you are screwed, Jordon,” He groaned, sitting back in his chair and tearing his baseball cap off his tousled dirty blonde hair. He was going to be homeless at this rate. Maybe his parents were right? He should have just stayed in college.

  Looking up when he heard a knock at his door, he let out a grunt of acknowledgment so that his roommate knew that she could enter. Glancing up, he flinched when a pile of mail was tossed into his face, nearly sending him crashing out of his chair in surprise.

  “Stop sulking!” His roommate scolded, narrowing her sharp hazel eyes at him as he sat up with a scowl. “You’ve been glaring at your computer for hours as if it’s going to give you the answers! Why don’t you just go apply at that restaurant, I told you they were hiring?” Becca had been his roommate since they had graduated high school. She was the closest thing that he had to a sister, and she definitely treated him like the brother she never wanted.

  Grumbling to himself, Jordon stood and collected the piles of mail scattered across the floor, lifting them up and starting to flip through the envelopes with a glare on his face.

  “I already told you that the owner of that store won’t hire me, he’s very…” he paused thinking of a word to describe the hate filled man that owned the diner across the street from their apartments. “Anti-everything? Besides, he’s never going to hire a male omega.” He mumbled, sitting down on his bed as the woman moved forward and sat beside him.

  He had grown up knowing that life was going to be hard for him. The world of shifters was incredibly dependent on your status at birth. It didn’t matter what sort of animal that you could transform into, or who you were as a person. Roles were determined at birth.

  Women were supposed to be omegas, caretakers, providers of children, good mates. Men? Men were supposed to be alphas or at the very least betas. He had been born the joke of his family, a male omega, a minority in their society seen as weak, emotional, and people who couldn’t handle employment. It made finding work incredibly difficult.

  “Hey now,” Becca sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head gently. “I’ll help you out as much as I can, ok?” She whispered, snagging a flier off the ground that he had missed and pressed it into his hands. “We’ll find you a place alright? Not everyone is going to judge you for being born a little different.” She smiled, rubbing his back.

  “I got pretty lucky with that IT position, I’m just hoping that I can get lucky just one more time,” Jordon mumbled, looking down at the stack of mail in his hands with a sigh. Sighing, Becca nodded, understanding her friend’s situation and wishing that she could do more.

  “Tell you what,” She started, her eyes filled with determination as she stood. “I’m going to call my cousin, she owns her own restaurant and I think maybe I can convince her to hire you on as a waiter.” She grinned excitedly, “It’ll be a good job until you can find something else, alright?” She insisted, moving to her feet when he looked gratefully up at her.

  “Thanks, Becca,” he smiled, watching her move out of the room before looking down at the pile of mail in his hands.

  Most of it was bills, reminders of the horrible debt that he was in. Tossing them aside in irritation, he lifted up the flier that Becca had set on his lap a moment before. It appeared to be an advertisement that had fallen free from the newspapers personal ads.

  Man Seeking Surrogate

  $10,000 Upfront

  Coverage of Medical and Living Expenses

  $10,000 at Birth of Child

  Underneath was a list of contact information for him to reach the man who was looking for someone to carry a child for him.

  Frowning, Jordon went to toss the ad away only to hesitate when he realized just how much money that the man was offering. $20,000 plus nine months of having all of his bills covered? He could take that time to find a job in the career that he actually wanted to go into. Maybe fund his own starter business so that he could start repairing electronics in his own home.

  Was that worth having a baby? Biting his lip, Jordon ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, glaring down at the flier as he weighed his options.

  There was a chance the man wasn’t even going to take him. That just made the decision all the more easier for him. This man probably wasn’t even going to want a scrawny, pale, male omega to carry his chi
ld. Snagging his phone from his bed, he bit his lip as he dialed the number at the bottom of the flier. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. What was life without taking a couple risks?

  When he heard the deep voice on the other end, he let out a low shudder.

  “Hello, my name is Jordon, I’m calling about the surrogate position,” He began, biting his lip when he heard the man on the other end shift.

  “Are you calling for your girlfriend?” The man asked, sounding tired and distracted.

  “No,” Jordon bit his lip, preparing for rejection as he took a deep breath. “I’m um…I’m an omega. I was hoping I would still be eligible.” He pointed out bracing himself for the laughter or anger that he was about to be assaulted with. Instead, he heard a soft startled noise on the other end.

  “Well, Jordon right?” The man started, his tone having shifted completely, “I’m very interested in meeting up with you. Are you available tomorrow for dinner so we can discuss this further?” Jordon felt his heart flutter with hope in his chest at the man’s words a broad smile forming on his lips as he realized he had a shot.

  “Yes! I’m free!” he laughed, trying to tone back his excitement and failing, earning a soft laugh from the man on the other end.

  “Excellent, I’ll text you the address where we’ll meet up,” The man explained, sounding almost as excited as Jordon did. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jordon,” He hummed before hanging up the phone.

  Setting down his phone, Jordon felt realization roll through him. He was really going through with this.

  He probably should have told Becca where he was going.

  Sitting down in front of the restaurant that his mystery potential employer told him to meet him at he came to the realization that this man could easily kill him and no one would ever know. Suddenly incredibly nervous, Jordon did his best to look as in control as possible. The last thing he wanted was for his potential murderer to think that he was anticipating his death. That would take away the benefit of surprise when he was running for his life.

  “Jordon?” A familiar voice sounded behind him, sending a yelp of surprise falling from Jordon’s lips as he spun around his smoky grey eyes locking onto a pair of amused amber irises.

  The man in front of him was absolutely gorgeous. Not only was he taller than him by nearly half a foot, but he was ripped as well. His muscles nearly bursting out of the tight fitting t-shirt that he had decided to wear that night. The man’s bronzed skin and ruffled ebony hair framed a strong featured face that Jordon was sure that God himself had to carve out of stone to create.

  “Uh…” he started, looking up at the man with huge eyes and nodding dumbly. The man wasn’t supposed to be gorgeous! This wasn’t fair on so many levels.

  “A pleasure to meet you, I’m Dominic,” The man laughed, reaching out and shaking Jordon’s hand gently. Jordon felt himself shudder at the sight of his own slender pale hand being dwarfed by the alphas. Glancing up at the man through his lashes, he felt his heart skip a beat as warmth rolled through him.

  He was there to be a surrogate for the man’s child, and all he could think about was the other bending him over a table and taking him right then and there. He had been around hundreds of alphas in the past, and not a single one of them had a scent that left him as weak in the knees as the man in front of him.

  “You know I wasn’t expecting you to be as gorgeous as you are,” Dominic pointed out after a moment, sending Jordon’s receding blush back into his cheeks at full force. Chuckling when he saw the flustered look on the man’s face, Dominic offered him his arm. “Let’s eat, shall we? My treat.” He winked.

  Nodding eagerly, Jordon took the other’s arm, his eyes huge as he was led into the restaurant. He hadn’t been on a date in a long time, and though he knew they were there to discuss business, he couldn’t help but feel as though the man beside him was actually going to take him on a proper date. He didn’t care if this man wanted a baby or if he just wanted to hire him for sex. He was already falling head over heels for the man and he had barely known him two minutes.

  “Ah! Mr. Foster, a pleasure. Is your usual table acceptable for the night?” The host standing in front of the restaurant smiled as they entered the room.


  Jordon’s heart skipped a beat when he recognized the name. Dominic Foster was one of the wealthiest men in the world. A young billionaire who had earned his fortune by taking over and managing some of the largest companies in the world. He was an incredibly powerful man, and Jordon was having lunch with him to discuss having his child.

  “That sounds great, thank you,” Dominic smiled, leading Jordon up a flight of stairs to a private dining room above the main restaurant. Sitting down on one of the plush seats, Jordon lowered his gaze when he noticed the alpha was studying him.

  “I wasn’t expecting that I’d be meeting up with a celebrity,” He mumbled, running his fingers through his hair and glancing up at Dominic through his lashes. Dominic smiled at this, pouring them both a glass of wine before speaking.

  “And I wasn’t expecting an angel to respond to my ad,” he grinned, laughing softly when Jordon puffed out his cheeks with embarrassment and shook his head.

  “I don’t understand it. You could have anyone you wanted! Anyone in the world would line up to take this job and yet you keep it secret, search for some nobody like me, why?” Jordon asked, accepting the glass of wine he was offered and taking a sip of the liquid in hopes that it would calm his nerves.

  “I could have anyone, yes,” Dominic shrugged, sighing and leaning back in his chair, “But all those celebrities? All of the people who would line up at my door? They’d be seeking fame. They’d be seeking the advantage of calling themselves the mother of my children instead of actually having any sort of care for the child. I’m not saying that they’re all bad people, I’m just saying that they aren’t the type of people to attempt to keep the child out of the limelight.” He explained, earning a nod from Jordon.

  “I understand,” Jordon smiled up at Dominic, blushing when the man grinned back at him over his wine glass.

  “You know, I wasn’t expecting to be attracted to the person I chose to be the mother of my child, but I can’t get over just how beautiful you are,” Dominic smiled, his eyes sparkling. “Male omegas are so rare as it is, to find one as gorgeous as you? It’s astounding. How are you not already mated?” he asked curiously. Jordon was startled by the question, biting his lip as he looked up at the man.

  “Suppose I never found an alpha who I thought was worth my time,” He smiled shyly, running his fingers through his hair shyly. Dominic seemed genuinely surprised by this, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he reached out and gently lifted Jordon’s hand, his lips pressing against his knuckles.

  The jolt of electricity that shot through Jordon at the contact was enough to send a shudder through his body. He had never felt this way around anyone else and it was intoxicating. Looking up at the man, he felt an unfamiliar sensation in the pit of his stomach, his lips parting in a soft ‘O’ when the other licked his lips lightly.

  “Well, I hope that you find me worth your time,” Dominic smiled, leaving all the thoughts of money flooding out of Jordon’s mind. All he wanted was this man’s arms around him. He didn’t care if he didn’t know anything about him. His inner beast was pleading with him to take the man as his mate, and it took every ounce of his willpower to obey.

  “Dominic, I can tell you already that you are worth my time,” Jordon smiled, his tongue nervously wetting his lips as he looked back at the man. He knew already that he was in over his head, but for some reason couldn’t force himself to feel the slightest bit concerned.

  They didn’t wind up talking much at all about the job over dinner. In fact, they spent more time figuring each other out. Learning as much as they could while they exchanged heated looks over the table. When dinner was over, and Dominic offered to continue their conversation at his home, he was more than willing to join the

  Dominic was not only attractive, but he was charismatic and kind. He seemed genuinely interested when Jordon told him about his life and was more than willing to tell his own stories. He was also a flirt and spent most of the dinner either discreetly touching Jordon’s leg with his foot or complimenting something about him that he found attractive.

  “You never told me what your shifter form is,” Dominic pointed out, smiling as Jordon glanced back at him over his glass of wine the alcohol leaving his mind happy and light.

  “An ocelot,” He grinned, his hand wandering over Dominic’s thigh while the other draped his arm over his shoulder gently. “What about you?” he hummed, glancing up at the other and giggling when Dominic grinned down at him.

  They were both a little drunk, and the drunker that they got the more that Jordon found that their hands started to wander. He wasn’t complaining when he felt Dominic’s hand slide discreetly over his rear. If the man wanted to put a baby in him manually, he sure as hell wasn’t complaining.

  “Panther,” Dominic growled in his ear, sending a shiver down Jordon’s spine as he rested his head just under the larger male’s chin. A panther fit the man. It was a dark, mysterious creature just like the alpha currently holding him in his arms. He could just imagine the already graceful man moving through the trees, his sharp yellow eyes staring out of the darkness.

  Closing his eyes as he breathed in the alpha’s overwhelmingly arousing scent. A mix of mint and earthy tones, it left Jordon melting against Dominic’s chest. He had never understood why other omegas seemed to devote themselves to their mate’s so completely, but he had also never found an alpha that made him feel quite like the man holding him did.

  “You know, this entire night I don’t think that we’ve taken a moment to talk about you having my child,” Dominic mumbled, his lips lightly pressing against Jordon’s ear as he spoke. Shivering, Jordon trailed his hand lightly over the alpha’s chest.


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