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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 7

by Stephan James

  Entranced by the warmth and adoration in the amber of his lover’s eyes, Kadin didn’t feel the other spreading open his legs until he felt his lover slowly press into him.

  His eyes flying wide at the sudden sensation, Kadin let out a strangled noise and pressed against his lover’s shoulder. Clinging onto him desperately, he dragged his fingers down his sides and moaned heatedly in his ear.

  “Adrian!” Kadin groaned, quivering when the man started to roll his hips forward slowly. His body slowly started to adjust to the fullness, his entire form going lax in order to give his alpha an easier time.

  He might not have had sex before, but his body knew what it needed to do. All he had to do was relax and let his body take over completely. Looking up at Adrian through half lidded eyes, he felt his breath hitch at the angelic halo of light that seemed to form around his lover’s head as his lover started to roll his hips forward.

  “Mine,” Adrian whispered in his ear, biting down on his shoulder once again, leaving Kadin moaning in delight and dragging his nails desperately over his shoulder. “My mate, my omega.” The man continued, his hips slowly starting to pick up space.

  His mate.


  He belonged to Adrian, and he didn’t think that he’d ever wanted anything more.

  Clinging onto his alpha as his body flooded with pleasure and happiness, Kadin wrapped his arms desperately around his mate’s shoulders as he fought to keep up with the alpha’s powerful thrusts. Tangling his fingers into Adrian’s hair, he managed to slide their lips together in a heated, open mouth kiss. Whimpering against his lips, he closed his eyes and gasped as his orgasm quickly approached.

  “Adrian! I’m gonna-.” He started, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks as he threw back his head in a heated scream. Cumming hard over both of their chests, he slumped back against the couch cushions, his vision going white and his legs clenching around his lover’s powerful waist.

  It didn’t take long for his lover to follow suit, releasing with one final powerful thrust and gasping heatedly against Kadin’s lips. Kadin knew that he should protest the fact that the other released inside of him, but those protests quickly died off on his tongue. Though the last thing they needed was an accidental pregnancy, he couldn’t find the idea of having Adrian’s child a bad thing.

  Curling up against his lover’s chest, Kadin pressed his lips sleepily over his new mate’s neck and shoulders giggling when the alpha cradled him closer like a porcelain doll. He didn’t know what the next few weeks had in store for them, and he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  King Lautaro Silveria’s patience with the rebel group was growing thin. That much was evident in the increase in the city guard as well as the implementation of new laws prohibiting anyone from releasing slaves without distinct permission from their owner. The punishment for aiding in a slave’s escape? Death.

  It had only been two months since Kadin had joined up with the resistance, and already he was starting to see an increase in the daily struggle that the men and women went through. Their numbers were increasing with each rescue, but at the same time, death was becoming a much greater threat.

  They had already lost a group of five who had been fed false information on an underground sale of slaves brought in from a foreign country. It had turned out to be a trap, and according to the survivors, the slavers were no longer aiming to capture their opponents.

  “Your father isn’t playing around, and I’m afraid that Lilja is going to wind up on our doorstep any day,” Kadin mumbled, his hand splayed out over Adrian’s back as the other went over a stack of documents that Amsel had brought him about upcoming auctions that they might be able to intercept.

  “My father is a foolish old man,” Adrian mumbled, sitting back and pulling Kadin into his lap with a sigh. “It’s not him that I fear, it’s the power that Lilja has over him that concerns me. She has already tried to place fake slaves into her rings in an attempt to find out where we are stationed.”

  Kadin frowned, trailing his fingers through Adrian’s hair and leaning in to kiss him on the lips. He hated seeing worry crease his lover’s brow, but he knew that his mate was under a lot of stress. They had to be more careful or risk losing everything that they had built.

  “Are you still planning the raid tonight?” Kadin asked softly, hoping secretly that the man would say no.

  The raid had always been a plan that Adrian had been attempting to press the wrinkles out of. A mass freeing of the slaves kept captive in Lilja’s mansion while also taking the fight to the Crimson Queen herself. Adrian wanted the witch dead, because until she was out of the picture, he was never going to be able to make a dent in the slavery ring’s ironclad grasp on his city.

  It was dangerous, and Adrian was unrelenting in his decision to run the raid himself. Kadin had been all for the man taking the risk, and had even believed that he would join the other, but that was before he started to realize that he might have someone else to think about.

  “She isn’t expecting an attack while we’re playing defensive,” Adrian explained, his eyes focused on the board in front of him as he went over his plans once again. “We have the upper hand, and the numbers while she’s focusing her manpower onto keeping the slaves in the auction halls safe from us.”

  Nodding slowly, Kadin sighed as he rested his hand on his stomach. Feeling a small shiver of anticipation roll through him, Kadin trailed his fingers over the slight bump that had formed there. Closing his eyes, he fought back the urge to tell the man about their child desperately. If he told him, there was a chance that the plan would fall apart completely, and even worse, Adrian might decide to go on his own.

  He wanted to fight alongside his mate till the bitter end, and if that meant he had to take on more risk, he was willing to do what was necessary.

  “When do we leave?” he asked, pressing his lips to Adrian’s cheek and brushing some golden hair out of his mate’s face. Smiling when Adrian took his hands gently into his own, he blushed when the man pressed gentle kisses to his fingertips.

  “At dusk, Amsel is going to map out the guard’s paths for the night so that we are ready to attack as soon as we arrive,” Adrian explained, wrapping his arms tightly around Kadin and pressing his lips to his forehead gently. “Once the witch is dead, I am going to take the throne from my father. Then you and I can be together properly.” He mumbled, trailing his fingers over Kadin’s cheek slowly.

  Flushing darkly, Kadin pressed into Adrian’s palm, his eyes soft as he looked up at the man. He loved the man more than anything else in the world, and he wanted nothing more than to stand by his side as he took the throne he deserved.

  He had to tell him about the baby.

  Opening his mouth to speak, Kadin felt his mouth snap shut again instantly when the door to their private rooms opened and Otieno, Adrian’s personal guard, moved into the room with Evi at his side.

  “We just received word from Amsel that the witch has returned to her lair, we’re ready to leave when you give the command,” Otieno explained, his voice filled with the power that only years serving in the military could bring. “Our soldiers are ready when you are.”

  “Good,” Adrian hummed, moving to his feet and over to the drawer where he kept his uniform. Pulling on the same black tunic, breeches, and mask that he had worn when he saved Kadin, he turned towards his generals with a hum. “Tell the others to be ready.” He ordered, moving to stand beside Kadin with the smaller man’s uniform in his arms.

  Kadin felt his heart pound in his chest when the other pulled him against his chest, his hands moving to rest on his lover’s chest. So many things could go wrong that night. He couldn’t fight the fear that built up in his chest, his arms winding around his lover’s neck slowly.

  “Please be careful,” he begged, pressing his lips to his shoulder. Lifting the uniform out of his lover’s arms, he sighed and pulled it on with a cold feeling building at the pit of his stomach. Looking up when Adrian lifted up
his mask and took his hands in his own, he smiled despite himself at the determined look on his lover’s face.

  “I will be; I won’t let anything happen to you or me. We are going to send the witch back to the underworld where she belongs,” Adrian insisted confidently, his eyes flashing with determination as he held onto Kadin’s hands with a bright smile on his lips.

  Kadin felt a smile form on his lips at his words despite the fear that boiled deep in his stomach. He knew that the man was going to take care of them. He had yet to let him down. No matter what happened that night, Kadin was going to make sure that he and his mate got out alive.

  “I believe you,” he whispered, leaning up to press his lips to Adrian’s slowly. “Just make sure you keep yourself safe for me.” He ordered softly, pulling back when he heard Otieno call into the room again, explaining that if they wanted the upper hand, they needed to leave in minutes.

  “Let’s go kick some ass, angel,” Adrian whispered, kissing his lover on the lips and pulling him towards the door.

  “Otieno, Evi, I need you to run the group heading into the slave’s quarters. Take group two and three,” Adrian ordered as the leaders of the resistance met up on a roof a mile away from the Crimson Queen’s home. “Amsel is taking group four to take out the guards circling the perimeter, and to make sure the path out of the city is clear. Kadin and I are taking group one and six to act as an offense. We’re going after the witch herself.” He smirked, ignoring the irritated look he was receiving from his bodyguard.

  “You realize you make it incredibly difficult to keep an eye on you when you make it part of your plan to separate us, correct?” Otieno mumbled, raising an eyebrow at his prince and rolling his eyes when the man just grinned.

  “Maybe I was hoping that your desire to protect me from my own stupidity would be enough motivation to get the slaves out faster so you can come up and save me?” Adrian smirked, laughing when his companion reached out and smacked him upside the head.

  “You had best stay alive,” the man glared, gesturing to Kadin with a frown. “This one can take care of himself, but I fear that you will get him hurt in your attempt to be a hero. Take care of your mate and yourself, even if that means letting the witch go.” Adrian nodded at this, frowning at the serious look on his guard’s face.

  For a moment, even Kadin wondered if the guard knew more than he thought he did. Was it possible that the man knew that he was pregnant? He didn’t get the chance to ask because Adrian was shaking his guard’s hand gently.

  “I would never put Kadin in any more danger than is necessary,” Adrian promised before turning to Kadin and taking his hand. “C’mon, Angel, let’s go burn a witch.” He smiled eagerly, pulling away from the rest of the group to join up with the teams they were taking with them.

  Lilja’s mansion stood just in front of them, the grandiose manor was more glamorous than any of the other estates surrounding them. Kadin had only ever caught glimpses of the castle that Adrian called his home, but he knew from the brief glimpses that the mansion was just as glamorous. The blood money that Lilja had collected over the years stained the very stones that built the home casting an ominous glow over the stones in the pale moonlight.

  “Lilja is in the master bedroom on the fourth floor,” Adrian explained to his men softly, watching as the other groups slowly started to make their way towards the estate. “I don’t care what it takes. Take her out so that we can stop this reign of fear that she has placed over this city.”

  “Yes, sir!” The rebels murmured in response, adjusting the weapons at their belt as they turned towards the manor.

  “Alright, let’s move out,” Adrian mumbled, pushing through a hole that Amsel had put into the menacing iron rod fence that surrounded the building.

  Moving through the ornate gardens leading up the path to the side of the building, Adrian gestured for one of the women to move forward with a silent nod. In the blink of an eye, a raccoon had taken her place. Snagging onto the end of a rope when Adrian offered it to her, she scampered up the ivy covered terraces that grew up the stone walls. After pressing open one of the windows on the fourth floor, she disappeared inside.

  It only took a moment before she poked her head over the windowsill again, a wicked grin on her face as she gave them a thumbs up.

  “Alright, one at a time, let’s go,” Adrian mumbled, giving Kadin one last kiss before snagging onto the rope and easily scaling up the side of the manor.

  Waiting until his mate had disappeared inside, Kadin quickly clambered up the rope behind him. Smiling when Adrian lifted him up over the ledge, he blushed and pressed for a moment against his warm chest while the others rushed up behind them.

  Once everyone was in the room, a small office if the desk sitting against the wall signified anything, Adrian nodded and pressed his ear up against the door. Pulling back, he grinned as he signaled for the others to move with him before slipping into the hallway.

  The sound of chaos quickly unfolding down the stairs was enough of a signal for them to get their job done as fast as possible. The sound of steel clashing with steel made it clear that others had obviously run into some sort of trouble and the fact that they could hear what was going on told them that they had very little time to take care of the witch.

  Pulling a blade from the sheath at his side, Kadin bit his lip when Adrian ordered one of the groups to split off and help the others down the stairs quietly. He was putting faith in their ability to handle whatever the Queen had waiting for them in her den, and that was enough to make Kadin’s heart sink in his chest.

  Keeping close to Adrian as they and the rest of their men made their way through the halls, Kadin froze when he heard the sound of footsteps rushing down the hall towards them. Grabbing onto Adrian he pulled him into one of the side rooms while the others in their group scrambled to do the same. A group of guards rushed around the corner a moment later, and Kadin felt his heart lurch when he recognized Lilja standing behind them.

  They had to move immediately.

  Before Kadin could open his mouth to alert Adrian, the prince was already in action.

  Lurching out of their hiding spot with a roar, he slammed into Lilja and sent her flying backward into a wall. Kadin didn’t hesitate to see what happened after this, dancing forward himself, he slashed open one of the guard’s chests before the man could recover enough to lash out at Adrian.

  Stumbling back, the guard swore furiously. Kadin lashed out nimbly, his knife gliding through the air and slashing open the man’s throat before he could shout for help. Letting him drop to the ground, Kadin turned his attention towards Adrian and Lilja.

  The two had their blades locked. Standing nearly chest to chest as they attempted to overpower their opponent. Their bodies moved like dancers across the floor. Neither fighter managing to get the upper hand without the other gaining some sort of ground. Lurching backward, Lilja took Adrian’s temporary loss of balance as a chance to lurch forward and attempt to slash open the man’s chest.

  Adrian barely had time to lift up his blade, their swords colliding with a horrible crack. The blade of Adrian’s sword, sheared off at the hilt, clattered to the ground a moment later. Lilja’s eyes flashed victoriously as Adrian scrambled back, tossing the useless weapon to the side.

  “Pathetic,” Lilja growled, lurching forward to slash at Adrian’s side only to cry out in surprise when the man shifted suddenly, a jaguar taking the place of the prince as he lunged forward and knocked the woman back.

  Kadin let out a relieved noise as the woman’s sword fell to the side, and she quickly shifted into her wolf in an attempt to fight off the far larger creature. His concentration was drawn away from the fight when a roar filled the air behind him.

  A sword flashed out of the corner of his vision, and Kadin barely had time to turn around before one of Lilja’s guards lurched forward and sent his sword plunging into Kadin’s shoulder. Roaring with pain, Kadin’s vision went white with pain as he was slammed roughly
against the wall.

  Looking up into the cold eyes of his attacker, Kadin let out an agonized noise as the man loomed over him a powerful hand clasping around his throat as he struggled to break free. Behind him, he could hear Adrian let out a distressed noise, his attention drawn away instantly from his fight with Lilja when he heard Kadin’s cry. Lilja didn’t let the distraction go to waste. A moment later, a howl filled the air as she bit down hard the scruff of Adrian’s neck, shaking him furiously and sending him slamming into the wall.

  Kadin felt his heart lurch when his mate let out a pained cry. He wouldn’t be the reason that Adrian lost this fight.

  Roaring furiously, Kadin kicked the man in front of him as hard as he could, the man tearing away his mask as he knocked him backward. Swearing, Kadin straightened and yanked the sword out of his shoulder with an agonized groan. Turning the sword on its owner, he lunged forward knocking the man’s feet out from under him with a quick sweep of his leg. Lurching forward and plunging the sword into the man’s chest, he stumbled backward and turned towards where Adrian and Lilja were still fighting desperately to pin their opponent down.

  Lunging forward himself, Kadin slammed into Lilja’s side with his good shoulder sending her spiraling off of his lover just as she pinned him to the ground. Grunting as he straightened, he lifted up his stolen sword and glared at the woman.

  “Stay away from my mate, you bitch,” He growled, licking his lips as the woman’s eyes widened with recognition.

  He was not going to let this woman take away his child’s father. Catching sight of his lover desperately trying to stand up behind him despite his injuries, he lunged at Lilja with a roar. The massive wolf lurched forward as well, her body shifting in one quick movement as she snagged a discarded sword from the ground to meet Kadin’s attack with an equally ferocious downswing.

  “You little brat. I should have killed you when I captured you in the mountains,” Lilja growled, lunging forward and putting pressure against Kadin’s wounded side to force the man backward. “I know that jaguar, the prince? As soon as I finish you off I’m going to bring his body to the king so he can know that his son is a traitor!” She snarled. “If he’s not already dead he’ll die at the end of a rope, hanging for his crimes!”


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