Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 8

by Stephan James

  “He hasn’t committed any crimes! He is attempting to free people who you have ripped their freedom from!” Kadin roared back, lunging forward and forcing the woman into the defensive, his rapid attacks sending a curse from her lips. “You are not going to steal my child’s father away!” he roared, kicking her backward and sending his sword downward in a ferocious attack.

  The woman’s eyes went wide as her sword was forced downward, the omega looming over the powerful woman with a determined look on his face. He wasn’t just an omega defending his alpha. He was a parent defending his child. This woman was not going to take anyone away from their family ever again. Roaring furiously as he managed to knock her blade to the side, he sent his sword plunging into her chest with a final cry.

  In a moment, the woman went still, leaving Kadin kneeling over her with tears in his eyes. The witch was dead, and with her, and hopefully the institution of slavery that held the country hostage with fear would also diminish.

  Turning away from the woman’s body, Kadin grunted as he limped towards his mate, shakily lifting him up with his good arm and draping his arm over his shoulder.

  “You-you’re pregnant?” Adrian whispered, looking up at his lover with dazed eyes as he leaned heavily on the smaller man. “You said the f-father of your children.” He grimaced, pressing his face to his omega’s shoulder.

  “I am, but don’t worry about it, for now, alright? I’m going to get us out of here. The witch is dead; our part is done. Now let’s get out before the king sends reinforcements,” He grunted, limping down the stairs with his alpha draped over his shoulder. The battle had been won, but the war was far from over.

  It was amazing how much the death of one person could affect a country. Within days of the Crimson Queen’s death, the underworld had broken down into civil war. Too many high-level slavers believed they could take over the other the bloody throne that Lilja held, and because of this fights between groups quickly began to break out.

  “It’s going to take a while for things to settle,” Adrian explained to the group of rebels standing in front of him. “My father is senile, and it’s only a matter of time before the court appoints me as the king, What matters now is that we bide our time, and ensure that none of the gang leaders gain enough power to rise to the level required to take over Lilja’s position.

  The group let out a chorus of approval at this, dispersing once the prince was finished talking and leaving Adrian standing alone in the room with his mate.

  Smiling, Kadin approached the man with a pleased little hum. Sliding his arms around his neck he leaned in and kissed the man on the lips.

  “Seems too good to be true. With the queen dead, we can actually start moving forward,” Kadin whispered, smiling as he trailed his hands over Adrian’s back.

  “That’s not what I’m worried about,” Adrian sighed, smiling as he lifted up Kadin’s chin. “All that matters to me right now, is that I provide the world that our child can be born into without fearing for his freedom,” Adrian explained, his hands wandering over Kadin’s stomach.

  “He won’t have to worry, he’s got you as a father after all,” Kadin reminded the other, smiling when the man pulled him closer. “Are you really ok with this?” he asked, sliding his fingers over his stomach.

  “Of course, I can’t think of anything else that would make me happier than having a child with you,” Adrian whispered, his fingertips slowly tracing over the growing lump under Kadin’s shirt.

  They had quite a few months to worry about what they would do when the baby was born, and until then Kadin was just going to take his time and relax knowing that his alpha would be there to take care of him and his child no matter what happened.

  “You know,” Adrian started, swaying slowly with his hands on Kadin’s hips. “You and I are going to have to start thinking of names.” He mumbled in his ear, pressing his lips gently to his shoulder.

  Kadin hummed softly at this, nodding in agreement and pressing a kiss to his shoulder gently. A name would just make the whole situation that much more real to him. They were going to have a baby, and he had never been happier.

  Looking up with a start when the door swung open, Kadin raised an eyebrow as Otieno walked forward, the gruff man looking frustrated as he tossed a body forward into the room.

  “This man was moving around town asking questions about Kadin. Amsel caught the man and brought him here before he could draw too much attention,” The guard explained, earning a frown from Kadin as he moved forward and felt his eyes go wide. “He said his name was…"

  “Emmet!” Kadin gasped as he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around his friend’s shoulders and laughing as Emmet’s arms wrapped around his shoulders.

  “Kadin! I’m so happy that you’re alright! I thought you were dead, but you’re here and safe and pregnant?” Emmet’s eyes went wide as he trailed his fingers over the bump on Kadin’s stomach, the man’s eyes flickering up to Adrian’s for a moment as the alpha paced nervously in front of the pair. “What happened after they took you?” The man demanded, ignoring the alpha guarding his pregnant omega warily.

  “It’s a long story,” Kadin laughed, moving to his feet once more and sliding back into Adrian’s warm arms. “The better question as how you wound up here of all places!”

  “Lucky I guess, apparently the slavers have been having some issues in their chain of command. It left a nice moment of opportunity for me to come down here and look for you when they weren’t patrolling the forests,” Emmet shrugged, sitting down on one of the couches with a yawn.

  “That wasn’t so much lucky as it was planned,” Kadin sighed, rubbing at the wound on his shoulder which was still working on scarring over. “We put in a lot of work to see that empire fall.” Emmet’s eyes went wide at this, his lips curving into a grin as he leaned forward.

  “You were the ones who did this?” he asked, laughing when Kadin nodded eagerly. “Well shit, I knew you were impressive, Kadin, but I didn’t know you’d take down an entire slavery ring if I left you alone!” he laughed, shaking his head as he leaned back against the couch.

  “Well, I had help, and there’s still a lot of work to do if you’re interested,” Kadin explained, leaning back into his mate’s arms and smiling as Emmet thought about his offer.

  “You know, I was just starting to think that I could use a new job,” Emmet smiled, reaching out his hand to shake Adrian’s. “Consider me part of the team. If there’s a war we still need to fight, I’ll sure as hell be here to fight it.”

  His old life was starting to merge with the new, and Kadin didn’t think he’d ever been happier. Relaxing against his lover’s chest as Emmet and Adrian discussed tactics to finish taking out the slavery rings, Kadin closed his eyes and let the warmth his family and friends provided him flood the room.

  The war might not be over, but he felt certain that they were going to defeat whatever their enemy had to throw their way.

  ********** The End **********

  Omega Expecting


  At twenty-two years old, Jason Mather’s has found himself single, a virgin and still working in his mother’s diner despite his goals of moving to the big city after he graduated high school. As far as he’s concerned, he’s the biggest loser in the world.

  Walking home late one night, a run in with what he thought originally to be his neighbor’s dog leads to him with a nasty bite on his arm. Rushing home to clean the wound, he doesn’t realize just how much his life is about to change.

  When he wakes up, he realizes quickly that he’s not alone. The most beautiful man he has ever seen is standing over him, and when he recognizes the man’s eyes as the ones he had seen glaring at him from the dog he had encountered the night before, he realizes quickly how much trouble he’s in.

  The man, Lee Daniels, quickly puts his claim on Jason, and just like that Jason’s world spirals into chaos.


  Why did he ag
ree to stay late?

  The customers had long since cleared out of the tiny diner by the time that Jason has put the last of the dishes through the industrial dishwasher. His mother's other employees had long since gone home; their shifts were over for the night. Once again he was stuck working alone while his mother worked on God only knew what, in the back office.

  At twenty-two years old Jason never imagined that he'd still be working at his mother's diner. Of course, he also hadn't expected that he'd even still be in town after he graduated from high school. He was supposed to be in New York or Hollywood, living up his dream to be a screenwriter for big name producers.

  Of course, dreams have a strange way of not working out. Instead of living it up beachside in California, he was still trapped in his mother's diner, living his life day by day in the prison that was Helena, Montana.

  "Ma! I'm done with the dishes; I'm going to head home," he called out, as he flicked off the lights in the kitchen. Peering down the hallway towards his mother's office he could hear the distant sounds of Elvis coming out from under his mother's door. Rolling his eyes when his mother didn't respond, Jason moved up to the door and pushed it open, smiling despite his frustration when he saw his mother dozing on a pile of receipts.

  Moving up to his mother, he placed his hand on her shoulder, chuckling when she sat up with a snort. Her graying chestnut hair was plastered to her cheek along with a receipt, earning a soft laugh from her son.

  Abigail Mathers, the owner of Abby's Diner, was a mirror image of her son. Soft hazel eyes framed by dark brown hair, complimented her sharp cheekbones and full lips. All traits that she had passed on to her only son. The only semblance of her deceased husband that one could easily spot on Jason was the freckles that dusted over his tanned skin.

  "What time is it?" Abigail groaned, rubbing at her eyes as she fumbled through the scattered papers on her desk in search of her cell phone.

  "Midnight, Ma, I'm headed out. You need anything else?" Jason asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned in the doorway. Shaking her head, Abigail waved her son off.

  "You can go. I've still got a few more receipts to log before I can head out just yet," she smiled softly, "Be careful, though, Sheriff Thompson said that they've been having some issues with wolves wandering into town at night."

  "I will, ma. Don't worry about me, I'll be sure to take the main road," Jason ensured, waving at his mother before stepping out of the office. Snagging his wallet and keys as he tugged on his coat, he made his way out into the bitter cold winter air.

  The main street was well lit and nearly abandoned except for the occasional car that would roll down the street. Pulling his coat tighter against his shoulders as he trudged through the snow building up on the sidewalks, he grumbled softly to himself. He absolutely hated the cold, which was one of the many reasons he was hoping to be able to leave Montana far behind him.

  Trudging through the snow, he grinned when he saw a few of the town drunks stumbling out of one of the bars singing loudly to themselves as they tried to stay upright in the snow drifts. Shaking his head in amusement, Jason turned up the final street to his house.

  He was just reaching the top of the hill when he heard a noise behind him. Frowning, Jason whirled around his eyes instantly landing on the shape lumbering through the snow behind him.

  In the dim lights of the side street, he could barely make out the form of a dog. A massive beast with shaggy fur and a wagging tail.

  "Damn it, did Jim leave his gate unlocked again? C'mere Rocky," he ordered, kneeling down as the dog approached. His neighbor had a Belgian Malamute that was constantly escaping from his backyard; the beast had even wandered into Jason's kitchen once and plopped down by the fridge like he owned the place.

  As the dog approached though, Jason realized quickly that it wasn't the familiar idiot he had expected. The dog was far larger than Rocky was, his ebony fur shaggier, and his eyes a pale gold instead of soft brown. Startled, Jason quickly reeled back when the dog snarled at him.

  "Son of a bitch!" He hissed, scrambling away from the massive creature. Yelping when the dog lurched at him with a snarl, Jason punched at the beast's jaw as he turned to run. "Get off of me!" He cursed, scrambling away from the dog, and sprinting as best he could through the ankle deep snow.

  The snow didn't seem to slow down the dog at all, and before Jason could so much as make it five feet the creature was on him. Vicious teeth sank into his arm with enough force to tear through the skin like paper. A scream ripping through his throat, Jason punched at the dog furiously.

  He was not going to die like this. He was not going to be mauled to death by some stray in the middle of the street. Kicking and punching at the dog's face and sides, he let out a pained cry when the massive dog pulled away from him suddenly, its massive form reeling back as Jason kicked it in the chest. Bringing his arm up to his chest, Jason scrambled away from the beast as it turned with a snarl, looking ready to lunge at him again. His heart pounding in his chest, Jason lifted up his fists to defend himself.

  Before the beast could lunge at him, a howl filled the air around them, and the dog seemed to pause. With a final snarl in Jason’s direction, it turned and rushed away without so much as a final bark.

  Confused, but not questioning his good fortune, Jason hissed as he scrambled to his feet. Hanging limply at his side, his wounded arm leaving speckles of blood in the snow below him. Searing pain rolled up to his shoulder from the wound, leaving his vision blurred and edged with black.

  Sprinting down the road as fast as he could, he threw open the door to his house. Slamming it shut behind him, he cradled his bleeding arm to his chest. His head spinning and his skin prickling, he felt nausea grip at his stomach. It felt like fire was shooting up his arm, and deep down Jason wondered if the beast had been rabid. That would explain the aggression after all, but Jason had no idea what rabies even did to somebody.

  Stumbling into the bathroom so that he could clean out the wound, he felt a strange sensation curling up his arm slowly, replacing the burning with a dull throb. Reaching into his pocket for his phone so that he could call 911, Jason felt a groan fall from his lips as blackness flooded into his vision. His phone falling from his hand, Jason fell to the ground, unconscious.

  The first thing that Jason realized when he woke up was that he was in his bed. His arm and head throbbed painfully, and he couldn’t place what it was, but something was wrong with him. Something deep in his gut felt different, and all around him scents and sounds seemed clearer.

  Looking down at his wounded arm, he felt his heart lurch when he saw that the bloody open wound had been replaced by scarring that appeared to be months, if not years old.

  “What the hell is going on?” He rasped, sitting up slowly and trembling as he prodded at the previously wounded skin. Something weird had happened the night before, and whatever it was, he wasn’t sure how natural it could have been.

  Going through his head, trying to figure out exactly what had happened the night before, Jason grimaced as he tried to move to his feet, only to groan as his head spun dizzily. He had passed out by the bathroom, and someone had moved him into his room. There was no way that he could have moved himself in the state he had been in the night before. Whoever this person was, he hoped that they were friendly, and wondered why the hell they were in his house.

  Sitting up slowly, cradling his aching head in the palm of his hand, Jason grimaced as he looked around. There was a strange, warm smell filling the air inside his house. He couldn’t place what it was, but it was spicy, overbearing. It burned in his nose like a pepper would, but held a much warmer sensation to it like cinnamon. For some strange reason, he felt like he could feel the scent, and it was incredibly arousing.

  “What the hell?” He whispered to himself, moving slowly to his feet once his brain stopped knocking against the side of his head. Slowly making his way towards the door, he wrinkled his nose as the smell seemed to increase in potency. He cou
ldn’t place what it was, but it was absolutely mind-numbing.

  Pushing open the door, Jason peered around the corner cautiously and began to pad into the hall, only to let out a little shriek as he nearly ran into someone coming from the other direction.

  Reeling back, he was startled to feel strong hands catch onto his waist and pull him into a warm chest, an amused looking smile staring back at him from under a dark fringe of unruly ebony hair.

  Stunned, he let out a strangled noise as he attempted to break free of the man’s hold, his hand snaking up to punch the other in the face, only to feel himself being flipped over and pinned to the wall.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, omega,” the man rumbled in his ear, his voice as dominant as the scent that was rolling from his body. Jason felt himself shudder as the other pressed his face to his neck, a whimper falling from his lips at the feeling that was stirring between his legs.

  “W-who the hell are you?” He demanded, cursing at the way his legs trembled beneath him. “And what the fuck is an omega? Get off me you creep!” He ordered furiously, trying to squirm free of the other’s hold only to whimper when the other growled and bit his neck lightly. Feeling his entire body go numb at the contact, Jason couldn’t force another word out of his throat, until the man slowly pulled away again.

  Feeling the other chuckle at his immediate obedience, he was stunned to hear a low growl fall from his own lips.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you, that wasn’t my intention,” the man murmured, slowly releasing Jason so the other could scramble away from him, and put his back up against the wall. “You might not know who I am, but I assure you that we already met.” He pointed out with a sigh, leaning up against the wall across from Jason as he eyed the much smaller man slowly.


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