Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 9

by Stephan James

  “Yeah well, whoever the hell you are, you can get out of my house before I call the police!” Jason pointed out with another growl, his hand fluttering up to his own throat in confusion at the sound. “I need to go to the doctor and figure out what the hell is going on with me.” He mumbled, running his fingers over the mark where the bite mark had once been.

  “Unfortunately your doctors aren’t going to be able to explain anything to you,” the dark haired man explained, as he let Jason pace across from him, “You’ve made the change, their medicine can do nothing to help you.” Glaring up at the man, Jason shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Look, I don’t know who the hell you are, but you’d better stop it with the cryptic talk and the weird touching, and get rid of whatever you have on that’s making that smell, because I don’t like it!” He insisted, frowning when the man just laughed. “Is this funny to you? You just assaulted me and broke into my house, you dick!” This accusation only seemed to amuse the man further, his eyes sparkling as he let out a soft patient sound.

  “I understand that none of this makes sense to you, but omega…”

  “Jason, my name is Jason, don’t call me omega. I don’t know what it means, but it’s creepy. Call me Jason,” Jason glared, his fingers fidgeting with his sleeve nervously. Nodding, the man smiled lightly at the name.

  “Jason, I like that,” he hummed softly, “My name is Lee, and I am the alpha who changed you into what you are now. I know that this information makes little sense to you now, but I am your alpha now, and you are my omega. We are mated pair.” He smiled gently, frowning when Jason burst out laughing.

  “Great. I get mauled by some dog, and now I get to deal with some crazy guy who thinks he’s some sort of…” He cut off with a choked noise as the man in front of him started to change.

  Lee’s skin and body seemed to morph slowly from man into canine. A choked scream falling from his lips, Jason scrambled backwards, slamming into the wall behind him as he shook his head and held his hands in front of his face. Much to his increasing horror, the wolf in front of him was the same that had bitten him the night before.

  “Oh my God! What the hell? I’m dreaming, this cannot be real!” He yelped, covering his face with his hands, as the wolf moved forward and slowly shifted back into Lee, the man’s massive hand reaching forward to lift his chin with a cocky grin on his face.

  “Believe me now, Jason?” He whispered, earning a strangled noise from Jason in response. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Lee chuckled, trailing his fingertips over Jason’s pale cheek slowly.

  “Why the hell do you keep touching me?” Jason growled, trying to force the other’s hand off him, only to feel his body relax slowly when the scent he had been complaining about before slowly started to increase. “What the hell…is that smell?” He rasped out, his eyes fluttering slightly as the man pressed forward and trailed his fingers over his chest.

  “That’s just my scent. All alphas have it,” Lee smiled against his shoulder, trailing his hands over Jason’s stomach and earning a soft gasp from the man. “It’s how we calm down our mates once we mark them.” Jason shuddered at this, whimpering when his head rolled to the side, and Lee’s hands trailed down his sides slowly.

  “I’m not your mate.” Jason breathed, trembling lightly when he felt the arousal he had felt before spiking, his thighs quivering as the other’s hand trailed over his stomach. Lee just laughed at this, his honey colored eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “You are, I marked you as mine last night. Can’t you feel the connection?” He breathed in Jason’s ear, leaning down and letting his teeth drag slowly over the smaller man’s pale neck. “Your body wants to be with me, it’s craving my touch.” He growled heatedly, letting his fingers trail over Jason’s back slowly. When Jason let out a soft moan in response, he hummed lowly, gently taking Jason’s hand and leading him towards the bedroom.

  Jason couldn’t force himself to protest what was happening, and as the man lead him towards the bedroom, he felt his heart race. Lee was a stranger, who had broken into his house and apparently assaulted him the night before, but for some reason he couldn’t pull himself away from his hold and his seductive stare. He had never had sex before, and here he was about to spread his legs for a complete stranger. He wasn’t sure what this man did to him, but he was positive that he was starting to like it.

  Laid out on the bed and being pinned down by a complete stranger, Jason couldn’t help but feel that he shouldn’t be as aroused as he was. Looking up at Lee with a whimper as he felt the other’s warm lips start to press slowly up his neck, Jason felt his body start to slowly relax.

  “Why me?” He gasped in Lee’s ear, his eyes fluttering as the man kissed up his neck slowly, panting softly as his legs spread open for the other, without his mind commanding them too.

  “We’re meant to be together,” Lee whispered, smiling as he sat up and pulled off his shirt. Tossing it to the side with a hum, he let Jason take in the sight for a moment chuckling at the awe on his face. “An alpha can always scent out their potential mate, and when I found you, I wasn’t going to let you get away from me.” He breathed, leaning down and slowly starting to drag his tongue up the other’s neck, nipping lightly at his throat.

  Jason couldn’t get his thoughts in order as the man’s hands wandered over his chest and thighs. Trembling when he hooked his hands under his shirt, he let out a gasp of delight when the other slowly peeled away the article and threw it to the side. Letting his eyes slowly roam over the man’s tawny skin, he felt a shiver roll through him when he saw the growing bulge in the other’s jeans, the fabric already straining with the other’s arousal.

  He wanted to smack the man’s hands away desperately when they started to wander down towards his pants, but the wild, dominant look in Lee’s eyes was leaving him breathless. As the other flipped him onto his hands and knees, the keen that fell from his lips as the man tore down his pants was more in desperation than of fear. He wanted the other, despite what his brain was screaming at him.

  “B-be careful! I’ve never done this before!” Jason gasped as the man trailed his hands over his rear, whimpering when the other teased at his entrance with a fingertip. Trembling lightly at the idea that the other was going to take him dry, he let out a sigh of relief; when instead Lee reached down to press his fingers to his lips.

  “Suck,” Lee ordered huskily in his ear, his tongue trailing over his throat slowly and his hips grinding down against his pert rear. Trembling at the feeling of the other’s massive arousal pressing against his entrance even through his pants, he let out a whimper as he let the other’s fingers slide into his mouth.

  Closing his eyes, he moaned as he wrapped his lips around Lee’s fingertips, his tongue sliding over the digits eagerly. Choking softly when the man bucked his hips up against his rear urgently, he gasped, pulling off his fingers with a whimper and gasping as the man pressed his face against the sheets.

  This was hardly what he was expecting his first time to be like, but as the man’s finger slowly slid into his puckered opening, Jason couldn’t find it in himself to care. Throwing back his head with a groan, Jason dug his fingers into the sheets, and keened softly when the man started to hammer his finger in and out of his tight heat.

  The scent that hung in the air was driving him insane, leaving him drooling against the sheets as it flooded into his nose and wrapped around him like a blanket. His mind racing with the urge to please the man above him, he couldn’t bring himself to do more than spread his legs and whimper as the other drove him open with his fingers.

  Shivering when he felt the other scissor him open a few more times before slipping his fingers free, Jason gasped as he heard the other undo his pants slowly. Looking behind himself with a whine, he felt his heart lurch at the size of the other’s shaft. Trembling lightly at how it leaked slowly over Lee’s fingers, he whimpered in need as the man slicked up his shaft with a groan.

; Quivering with anticipation, he closed his eyes and spread open his legs further for the other, his mouth falling open in a breathless gasp when he gradually started to press inside of him.

  The feeling of the other filling every inch of him was enough to leave Jason breathless. The pressure and light burn that radiated up his back was enough to leave him gasping, but not nearly enough for him to beg the other to pull out. His eyes were glazed with lust, and his fingers clawing at the bed, as the man above him rolled his hips to help let him adjust.

  “Nngh! Please!” Jason gasped, trembling as the other chuckled in his ear and lightly slapped his rear in response.

  “As you command,” Lee grinned, slowly starting to thrust in and out of Jason’s tight heat as the smaller man keened and writhed desperately. A smug look on his face, Lee leaned down and slowly started to press kisses up the man’s neck, the scent that had been driving Jason crazy before surrounding them, and driving Jason absolutely mad with lust.

  As Lee’s hips snapped forward into him, Jason could do nothing more than cry out in delight, his face pressed to the sheets and his fingers clawing at the fabric. Gasping and trembling under the man’s forceful thrusts, he whimpered as the other leaned over him with a groan. Whimpering lowly, he closed his eyes as the other bit his neck, the sensation of his teeth breaking skin leaving Jason writhing with delight.

  Screaming out in ecstasy, Jason came all over himself with a scream, his eyes rolling back in his head as he slumped against the sheets, letting Lee continue to pound into him with enough force to fill the room with the sharp slap of skin on skin.

  A few moments after he found his release, Lee was panting behind him, his much larger body trembling as he came hard into Jason, with a groan. Rolling his hips forward a few more times, Lee shivered and pressed a few heated kisses up Jason’s pale neck, pulling the panting man back against him with a hum.

  “That was…wow,” Jason laughed huskily as he let the man kiss up his neck. He had never pictured that he would lose his virginity like he had, but he wasn’t complaining. He still had no idea who this man really was, but for some odd reason he couldn’t force himself to care. He was enraptured with this strange and powerful man, and felt safe, wrapped up in his arms.

  Moaning softly as Lee lay out on the bed with him in his arms, he let his eyes flutter shut as the other pressed soft kisses over his throat. Tilting his head to the side submissively, he started to doze off in his lover’s hold, falling asleep long before Lee pulled away from his side.

  Jason woke to the sound of someone moving around inside his living room, and hushed voices filling the air. Sitting up slowly, Jason cursed as he felt his lower half twinge in pain, grimacing as he rubbed at his spine slowly.

  Slowly, the memories from the night before were starting to flood back to him, and instantly he felt himself slump back onto the bed.

  He had sex with, and had lost his virginity to a complete stranger who had broken into his house, because he smelt good. To top it all off, if he wasn’t hallucinating, on top of everything he had gone through the night before, the man he had slept with was the same dog that had bitten him on the arm.

  Looking up with a start when he heard the door swing open, he let out a yelp and pulled his blankets over his naked form, as Lee smiled at him from the doorway.

  “Are you going to sleep all day, or are you going to meet the pack?” Lee asked with a wolfish grin, earning a stunned look from Jason.

  “Meet the pack? What the hell are you talking about?” Jason demanded, moving to his feet with his blanket around his waist and struggling to pull on his pants. “Who the hell is in my house? Why did you invite people into my house?” His voice cracked a bit as the man laughed at his questions, glaring as he pulled a t-shirt over his hickey covered skin.

  “All your questions will be answered soon, now come,” Lee ordered, snagging onto Jason’s hand and pulling him out into the hall. Ignoring Jason’s protests, he dragged him into the living room, where a collection of men and women were scattered around his house, all of them staring back at Jason.

  From where he was standing, he could see that there were a total of five strangers standing in his front room. Two females, one of them laying out on the floor with her head in the other woman’s lap, and three males, each of them giving off a slightly less powerful scent than the one that Lee produced.

  One of the men, a blond with a nasty scar over his eye smirked as he spotted Jason’s frazzled appearance. Moving to his feet, his steely grey eyes roamed over Jason’s form slowly, and a near predatory look in his eyes.

  “I see you didn’t waste your time in claiming him.” He hummed, noting the way that Lee’s hand tightened around Jason’s waist at his proximity.

  “I wouldn’t want someone taking interest in him before I could, Axel,” Lee’s voice was dangerous, the scent that rolled off of him suddenly far more aggressive and possessive, as he kept his arm around Jason’s waist like a vice.

  The blond, Axel, just grinned at the threat in Lee’s tone, and winked down at Jason. The wink didn’t settle right with Jason. It sent a little shiver up his spine that left him unconsciously pressing up against Lee.

  “I wouldn’t dare think of touching my alpha’s mate,” Axel’s voice all but chirped as he moved back over to the couch and lay out with a hum, the other people in the room shifting anxiously at the tension being displayed between the two males.

  Continuing to glare at Axel for a moment longer, Lee sighed as he squeezed Jason’s hip in a reassuring fashion, sensing his mate’s uncertainty and discomfort.

  “Everyone, this is Jason,” Lee began, earning a chorus of greetings from the crowd surrounding them. “Jason, these are my five strongest pack members. Rachel and Sarah are mates; Sarah is my second in command.” Lee explained, the woman with her head in her lover’s lap raised a hand in greeting, a smirk on her face as she eyed the new wolf.

  As Lee continued, he turned his attention to the other males in the room who were eyeing Jason with obvious interest, though neither of the remaining unidentified males held nearly the same amount of aggression that Axel had displayed.

  “You’ve already met Axel, he’s one of my best fighters,” Lee continued, gesturing to the blond man with obvious distaste. “The remaining two are Seth and Jonathan, they’re brothers and I’m sure you’ll meet their mates later, both of them are wonderful women I’m sure you’ll get along great with them.”

  Jason wanted to make a snarky remark, about how the other should take him out for breakfast first before he started introducing him to his coworkers, but he decided it was best to bite his tongue. Instead he simply nodded at the men and women in the room and glanced up at Lee with a frown.

  “So when are you going to tell me exactly what’s going on?” Jason demanded, glaring up at the man who chuckled in an infuriatingly nonchalant fashion before pressing his lips to the top of his head. Jason would never admit out loud that the feeling of the other kissing his forehead made his heart lurch in a disgustingly adoring fashion.

  “That’s why they’re here,” he pointed out, “I want you to run with the pack, that way you can see for yourself exactly what your new abilities are. All I can explain to you simply, is that when I bit you, I changed you into one of us, a shifter. You are a part of our pack now, and we will stand by you as long as you stand by us.” He explained with a soft smile, earning a blush from Jason who nodded slowly.

  “This all doesn’t make sense,” Jason whispered, shivering as Lee leaned down and pressed their lips together sweetly, coaxing an involuntary hum from Jason.

  “Run with us, and I promise you, it will all be clear,” Lee’s smile was warm, coaxing Jason into relaxing slowly. He couldn’t help it, the other’s touch was maddening, and left his heart pounding in his chest like a drum.

  “I don’t know how to change though!” Jason protested, shivering as Lee smiled and lifted up his chin.

  “Close your eyes,” he ordered, and immediately Jaso
n obeyed, his eyes closing as he pressed up against Lee. “You can feel it, can’t you? The beast residing inside of your heart? Reach out for it, and it will show you what to do.” He explained simply, pulling his hands away as Jason slowly started to concentrate.

  It took a moment, searching deep within himself to find the force that Lee was insisting was inside of him. At first, it was confusing, a mass of powers struggling inside of him for dominance. He had to sift through them one piece at a time, finding strand upon strand of identities tangled together in his chest. They made no sense to him, the tangled mess of threads leaving him confused and disorientated. It took a few moments of grasping at the threads, but eventually they started to make sense to him.

  One of them was clearly himself, it was a cool blue inside his mind, and tangled around another smaller strand whose identity he couldn’t place. This one was a soft rose color, barely formed, but present nonetheless. When he touched it, a warm sensation rolled free from it, one that left his heart yearning to protect it. He had no name for what the feeling brought to him, but he knew that this was not himself. This strand belonged to someone else, but he had no idea who.

  Pressing past the strand reluctantly, he located the third and final strand of his identity, this one a blazing gold. The moment he touched it, he felt his body lurch as a massive beast lurched free from the strand to envelop him. It was not aggressive, but it was powerful. Swallowing him up in its maw, he felt himself jerk back into reality.

  He was outside, running through the grass on all fours. His mind racing as scent after scent flooded into his nose. His eyes were sharper, his body stronger. His lungs filled with the crisp morning air, and left his heart pounding in his chest as a howl ripped from his lips.


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