Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 10

by Stephan James

  He had no idea where he was, and he didn’t care.

  He felt free, and he loved every moment of it.

  He realized quickly that he wasn’t alone. Right beside him the same powerful scent that he had caught the night before was present, Lee’s massive form bounding beside him with ease and grace that he couldn’t comprehend. In his mind, he could feel his thoughts racing.

  This was his mate, and he belonged to this man.

  Hearing a howl burst from the other’s around him, he joined in eagerly, the howl that burst from his lips ringing into the trees and sending a few birds flying from their resting spots. Eagerly he bounded after a few, only to have Lee’s massive form cut him off with an amused hum, his honey colored eyes staring back at him from the body of his wolf.

  Rejoining the pack, he felt his heart soar, as they played and danced though the trees with grace. He could identify each and every one of them just from their scent, and it was amazing. As the pack came to a halt just outside a small grouping of farm houses deep in the mountains, he looked confused as they all started to shift back to normal. Feeling disappointment at the idea he needed to change back, Jason reluctantly reached inside himself again.

  Like before, he grasped onto the cord he was searching for, and allowed his human side to envelop him again. His eyes fluttering open, he grinned as he stumbled to his feet, grabbing onto Lee with an excited noise.

  “That was amazing!” He laughed, feeling his heart soar as the man laughed and pressed a few kisses to his lips, obviously amused by his eagerness. “Can we do it again?” He demanded, his eyes huge.

  “Of course, but not now. Now we’re going to eat, and let you mingle with the rest of the pack,” Lee insisted, wrapping an arm around Jason’s waist and pulling him inside one of the larger houses.

  Instantly Jason was caught off guard by the overwhelming array of scents. There were at least thirty people in the small space, including a few children rushing in between the legs of their parents in both wolf and human form. He could smell the bonds between mates, between children and their parents, and even between siblings. It was amazing, and distracted him from a little old woman who rushed up to his side and immediately grabbed onto his hands.

  “You must be Lee’s mate!” The old woman beamed, her bright gold eyes studying Jason critically. Her nose flaring, she turned to Lee with a chuckle, “And you’ve already gotten him pregnant! What a lovely surprise. I knew you were eager, my dear, but I figured you would give him time to adjust first.” She tutted, earning a strangled noise from Jason.

  “Excuse me?” Jason squeaked, looking down at his stomach with a startled noise and glancing up at Lee who looked as confused as he did. “I’m a man, th-that sort of thing doesn’t happen to men.” He laughed, looking at the old woman, who chuckled and shook her head at the dumbfounded Lee.

  “So young and naive, believing that such things can’t happen to you. I forget you’re just like your father,” The woman laughed, shaking her head as she turned to Jason. “Yes dear, I suppose in humans that is how biology works yes, but, in our species both males and females as long as they are the submissive partner can carry young.” She explained gently.

  “Mama Abbot how can he be pregnant already? We only mated once!” Lee stuttered out, earning a stern glance from the old woman.

  “It only takes one try, my dear,” Mama Abbot reminded the man, shaking her head, “It’s about time you had a pup, being the alpha you need to start rearing a child to take over for you once you retire.” She insisted, grabbing onto the stunned looking Jason’s hands.

  “Congratulations my dear boy, you’ll be a wonderful mother. Now, I have to tend to dinner.” She hummed, turning and scooping up one of the pups before they could crash into a wall. Jason watched her go with a stunned expression on his face, feeling Lee visibly slump behind him as the much larger man groaned.

  “I can’t believe I was so careless,” Lee groaned, rubbing at his forehead as he held onto Jason’s waist.

  “You can’t believe it?” Jason’s voice was shrill, his eyes frantic as he looked down at his stomach. “I’m a man! I can’t have a kid! How in God’s name am I supposed to push one out of me?” He demanded, his voice cracking in panic. “It’s not going to come out of this!” He gestured to his groin with a strangled noise, earning an amused sigh from his mate.

  “Calm down, Mama Abbot has delivered dozens of children from both male and female mothers.” Lee explained, kissing the top of his head, “And no, it won’t come out of there.” He hummed, “It’ll come out the…back entrance.” He grinned sheepishly, flinching when Jason let out a distressed, terrified sound.

  “I’m going to die,” Jason moaned melodramatically, gasping as Lee scooped him up into his arms.

  “You are not going to die, I promise you. Why don’t we go relax for a bit ok?” He smiled reassuringly, carrying his cursing omega upstairs and into his rooms.

  Over the next few weeks, Jason gradually adjusted to his life living with the wolves. He had a difficult time dealing with having to abandon his life and his mother, but Lee assured him that they would figure out what to do once their child was born.

  In the meantime, Jason got to know the rest of the pack. For the most part they were friendly; Mama Abbott was the eldest member of their pack and served as a nanny for the children while their parents were out. She was a sweet old woman, and was able to calm a majority of Jason’s fears about the pregnancy.

  She explained that the third strand that he felt inside of himself was his child and that if he reached inside and felt it, he could check up on his child much in the way that an ultrasound would do for a human. It was a connection between mother and child that allowed for them to communicate if there was a problem, and despite how weird the entire scenario was for him, Jason was happy.

  The only thing that was bothering him in the near perfect society was the constant scuffles that broke out between the more dominant wolves. Both men and women struggling to gain more status in the pack would scrap with their superiors, and most of the fights were incredibly violent.

  No one had yet to try to touch Lee, but Axel appeared to be testing his limits more and more each day. He was keeping a painfully close watch on Jason, and the man’s constant gaze was enough to make him feel unsafe.

  Still, he wasn’t convinced that the man was going to try anything.

  That is until Lee had to leave him home alone while he went out with a group of his strongest fighters to investigate a potential overstepping of boundaries by another pack.

  Axel, despite Lee’s obvious attempts to get him to come with him, insisted that he was of better use at home defending their establishment, in case the other group attempted to circle around while the warriors were out.

  As soon as Lee was gone, Jason noticed the other dominant male’s eyes locking onto him. Subconsciously, he felt his hand wander down to rest on his stomach, the steely grey eyes of the man boring into him dangerously.

  Feeling his breath catch in his chest when the other moved up to him, he trembled when the man grabbed onto his wrist before he could disappear back into the house.

  “Hello, beautiful,” He purred, his eyes wandering over Jason’s lithe form slowly. “Hush now, don’t look so afraid, I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was a sickly sweet hum, his thumb trailing over his chin.

  “You see, Lee doesn’t deserve to be the alpha,” he whispered, leaning in and trailing his nose up Jason’s throat, earning a distraught whimper from the smaller man. “Before I could just deal with that mate of yours, but now? He’s gone and knocked you up.” He hummed, pulling Jason forward roughly and into the trees, covering the man’s mouth before he could scream.

  “Hush now, I’m not going to hurt you,” he insisted, moving into a clearing and shoving Jason to the ground, earning a gasp from the terrified omega.

  “Get away from me!” Jason ordered, scrambling away from the man as his hand moved to rest on his stomach.

/>   “How rude,” Axel tutted, moving forward with a wicked glint in his eye, his more powerful body easily pinning Jason to the ground. Trailing a fingertip over Jason’s stomach, he let out a hum, “How easy it would be to get rid of this little brat.” He purred, licking his lips.

  “No! Don’t touch them! Leave me alone!” Jason sobbed, kicking at the man desperately and trying to push him away. The man above him laughed, his eyes flashing murderously as he lifted up his hand to strike him.

  A snap of a branch behind them was the only sound that filled the air before Axel was thrown from his body like a ragdoll. Yelping in fear, Jason scrambled back and let out a relieved noise as Lee slammed the other man to the ground with a snarl, his teeth gnashing as Axel shifted and attempted to get hold of the Alpha.

  Trembling violently, Jason gasped as he felt a gentle hand on him, his eyes flickering up towards Sarah, as the woman helped him to his feet and pulled him behind her, her eyes locked onto the battle in front of her.

  It was clear from the beginning that Lee had the upper hand; he was larger and far stronger than Axel could ever hope to be. As Lee’s massive jaws locked onto the other’s throat with a snarl, he shook the other viciously and let him tumble to the ground.

  Defeated, Axel whimpered as he slumped to the ground, blood oozing from his wound as he looked up at Lee. Shifting slowly back into a human to show he was truly surrendering, he gasped as Lee shifted as well and grabbed onto his shirt collar.

  “Get out. Don’t you dare come back,” Lee hissed, his eyes flashing murderously as he let the man fall to the ground and scamper away desperately into the trees leaving speckles of blood over the ground in his wake.

  Spitting out some of the blood in his mouth, Lee limped over to Jason and scooped him up into his arms. “Are you alright?” He demanded softly, sighing in relief when Jason nodded and wrapped his arms around his neck with a sob. “C’mon love, let’s get you home.” He whispered gently in his ear.

  “Is he going to come back?” Jason whispered softly, his eyes huge as his mate pulled him closer to his chest and kissed the top of his head.

  “He might, but I swear to you if he does, I’ll be right beside you to make sure he doesn’t hurt a hair on your head,” Lee breathed, trailing his fingertips over Jason’s back to sooth the trembling man before making his way back towards the house.

  Birth would forever be one of the most painful, and strange experiences of Jason’s life, but holding his daughter in his arms nine months later was enough to make the struggle worth it.

  She was beautiful, with dark skin like her father, and Jason’s soft hazel eyes. Jason had never been happier than he was cradling her against his chest, her soft coos filling the air as Lee held him against his broad chest.

  They decided on the name Celeste, after some thought when bickering over whether or not to name her after Jason’s mother, quickly left them both deciding against it, despite Jason’s reluctance.

  With their daughter happy and healthy, Jason realized quickly how eager Lee was to get him back into bed. They had made love for the first few months of his pregnancy, but after a while, he had cut his mate off, not wanting to risk the baby. This of course had left him with a grumpy mate for the rest of his pregnancy, but they both agreed that it was for the best.

  After recovering for a week, Lee had enough waiting. While Jason took a nap, he convinced Mama Abbott to watch Celeste before sneaking back into their bedroom. Jason was startled awake by the feeling of Lee’s eager lips pressing along his throat, nipping and biting at the sensitive skin there.

  Laughing outright at the man’s eagerness, he threw his arms around his neck, sliding their lips together with a heated moan.

  “Hello love, feeling a bit eager this morning?” Jason breathed, sliding his hands over Lee’s hips and humming as Lee grinned back at him happily. Letting out a gasp as his alpha ground his hips down against him, he moaned softly.

  “You have no idea,” Lee grinned, mouthing up the other’s neck as Jason quivered under his heated touches. “I’ve needed you so badly for so long, I wasn’t sure that I was going to make it another day.” He hummed, earning a satisfied gasp from Jason when he bit down on his shoulder with enough force to break the skin.

  “I’ve wanted you too,” Jason gasped, his hips arching up to meet his mate’s as Lee slid down his boxers slowly. Shuddering when Lee’s warm hands wandered over his hip bones, he gasped and arched his hips happily, welcoming the probing fingers with an eager gasp.

  As Lee spread him open with his strong fingers, Jason couldn’t help but think back to the first time that they mated. His mind filling with images of Lee’s rough handling of his confused and painfully aroused body. He would have never pictured himself where he was now less than a year earlier.

  Groaning when the other slid his fingers free from his dripping entrance, Jason threw back his head with a cry as his legs were lifted up onto Lee’s strong shoulders to give the man better access to his quivering opening. Agonizingly slowly, the other pressed into his opening with a groan.

  “You’re so big!” Jason gasped, whimpering when the other chuckled, and started to hammer into him eagerly, leaving his omega arching and gasping under his thrusts. Their bodies moved in perfect synchronization, each thrust and rut leaving Jason quivering with lust.

  He had fallen in love with Lee over the past year of their partnership. Everything about the man was perfect, from his dazzling smile to his compassion for others. He took care of Jason as if he meant everything to him, and over the past year, Jason realized that he probably did mean everything to the other.

  Feeling himself climax with a delighted cry over his lover’s hand, Jason slumped back against the sheets while his mate continued above him. Gasping as the other kissed him, he felt his eyes roll back in his head when the man slid out and released over his chest, with a knowing grin.

  “Condoms…next time we go t-to the store,” Jason laughed, kissing his husband on the lips and giggling when the other rolled so that he could lie on his chest. As much as he loved Celeste, he didn’t think he was ready for another child any time soon. “I love you, Lee.” He breathed in his ear.

  Humming softly, Lee kissed the man back sweetly, his fingers trailing over Jason’s back slowly. Studying over every detail of Jason’s body, the man hummed as his fingertips danced over his slender hips and slid up to rest just under his shoulders.

  “I love you too, darling,” Lee smiled, his eyes sparkling as he kissed the scar from the bite that he left on Jason so many months ago. Cradling the other to his chest, he closed his eyes and let out a soft hum, satisfied with the beautiful life he and Jason had built together.

  **********The End**********

  Omega Of Convenience



  A straight mafia crime boss wasn’t exactly what I was expecting from a mate. Neither was marrying a man that I just met, but who wouldn’t want to be taken care of by a strong Alpha. Omega’s need to be protected, but who’s going to protect my heart from him?


  My visa expired and without any viable prospects I need a shotgun wedding. I didn’t expect my partner to be a man. I know it’s for convenience, but how is my dad going to react to my new husband. I’ve never even kissed a man, but now I’m married to one. I don’t think he knows what he has got himself into, I’m involved with some dangerous people that will do anything to get to me.

  Will Angelo be able to protect the husband he didn’t know he wanted and their unborn child from the criminal underground?


  Chapter One

  Angelo stood outside his parents’ house. The walls towered high above him, the gardens covered in green grass and surrounded by tall, bushy hedges. Angelo had not been to the mansion as often as he should have and he still found it odd to look at. His childhood home had been plain, small, barely livable. Now his parents were living a luxurious life—as was he—
and it made his heart swell to know they were able to live a good life.

  Even with the allure of their mansion, he preferred to meet his parents in the city when they came to town for business. The city was better. Where else could you hail a cab down a desolate street or get greasy food in the middle of the night? Out here, in the middle of nowhere, he felt cut off from civilization. That was the way his father liked it, though. The clean air cleared his lungs and revitalized his brain.

  He needs that now more than ever, Angelo thought as his knuckles rapped against the glass front door. From deep inside the house, he could hear his mother’s shoes clacking against the floor. She refused to stop wearing those awful, high-heeled things, even when her doctor told her that she should.

  Soon her silhouette came into view, growing larger and larger until she reached the front door. The handle twisted, the door opened a pinch, and his mother’s head poked out of the gap. Her light brown hair was curled, sprayed solidly into place, and it refused to move along with her.

  When her eyes set on her son’s face, she let the door swing open. “Angelo, oh, look at you!” Her hands grabbed his face by the cheeks and held him at arm’s length. “Have you eaten?”

  “Mamma,” Angelo sighed. He stepped inside and shut the front door behind him. “Stop worrying. I’m a grown man. I can feed myself.”

  She tutted. “Instant noodles and microwave meals are not food, Angelo. It’s rubbish. Let me fix you some lunch.”

  “Thanks, mamma,” Angelo peered down the long, glistening hallway as his mother beckoned him to join her in the kitchen. They had just had new wood floors put in, still shining and mostly unscathed from scuff marks. The floor was bright white, almost blinding, and matching wood panels reached two-thirds of the way up the wall. Above the panels was ornate, gold wallpaper that had to cost more than an average house by itself.

  He followed his mother down the hallway, peering into rooms that were open, until he reached the kitchen. The wood of the cupboards and floor was darker in here, but only by a shade or two. It made all the difference. The room looked almost gray. It was a calm, subtle color that he admired every time he visited. He reminded himself to get the contact information of their decorator as he stared at the marble counter tops. They sharply contrasted with the paint, glittering in the sunlight much like water would on a sunny day.


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