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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 14

by Stephan James

  What made matters worse was that when he kissed Angelo, blood had rushed to his cock. He’d walked out of the restaurant awkwardly, trying to adjust himself without anyone noticing what he was doing. And now he was sat beside him, so close he could reach over and kiss him if he wanted to. Trying to suppress the idea made his balls ache.

  It’s the wine, he tried to tell himself. It’s the wine, it’s the booze, every time I’ve kissed him I’ve been drinking. It’s the wine, it’s the wine, it’s the wine…

  The driver spoke. Antonio had been so consumed by his thoughts that he missed what had been said. It couldn’t have been good, though. Angelo had turned around in his seat to look behind them, staring out the window to the car behind. Antonio followed his gaze.

  It was a pickup truck following them, the headlights in line with their eyes. The lights were bright with a blue tint, making it impossible to see the make of the car or even the numberplate. But Antonio could make out the grille of the car, covered with a large bull bar that stretched the entire length of the front bumper.

  “How long have they been following us?” Angelo asked the driver.

  “Since we left the restaurant, sir. I tried to shake them off but in a limo it isn’t easy.”

  “Someone is following us?” Antonio asked, his throat tight and squeaking.

  “Can this thing go any faster?” Angelo asked. “We need to get out of here, now.”

  “I’m tryin’, sir,” the driver said. “The limo doesn’t have enough horsepower, the truck’ll be able to catch us no matter how fast I go.”

  “I’m calling for backup,” Angelo said as he grabbed hold of his cell phone.

  “I’ll run through red lights,” the driver said. “Try and shake the guy off that way. It’ll be a bumpy ride in the back there.”

  “We’re being followed?” Antonio asked again. He got no response. “Will someone please talk to me?”

  Angelo spoke into his cell, covering his mouth with his hand, asking for faster cars to come help them. After giving them their current location, Angelo turned to Antonio.

  “Stay calm,” he said. “We’ll be fine.”

  The pickup truck was still behind them. Only now it was so close it was almost touching the limousine’s back bumper. Angelo turned to look at the car and was blinded. He raised his hands to cover his eyes and turned to face the front. The person behind had turned on the high-beams, they shone into the car and illuminated everything in a blue-white glow. The driver of their limousine tried to shield his eyes from the light reflecting in his rear view mirror, removing one hand from the steering wheel as his foot slammed down onto the gas pedal.

  The limousine lurched forward, hardly gaining any speed, as they weaved in and out of stopped cars. Angelo looked through the windshield, his eyes staring up at the red light above them. He opened his mouth to say something but his words never came. Another pickup truck, with the same paint and same blinding headlights, charged at them from the left.

  Antonio heard the rumbling engine careening toward them. The limousine sped up in time for the car to smash directly into the middle, inches from where Angelo sat. Antonio felt his body fly to the right, his shoulder smashing into the door and bumping his head into the window. The glass shattered, deafeningly loud beside his ear, and glass rained down on him. His body sloshed back to the left as his eyes focused on the wine glass in his hand.

  In his fright he’d crushed it. Large shards of glass protruded from his skin and blood was dripping from the wounds. Mixed in with his blood was wine, chilled and sticky. It was then that sound returned to him. He could hear the engine of the car that hit them, hissing loudly. When he turned to look, he saw it was spurting out steam. The horn was blaring, unrelenting in it’s loud, monotonous whine. Their driver was struggling with his airbag, brushing it off his arms as he tried to look in the back. Antonio looked to his left, remembering that Angelo was next to him.

  The pain in his hand dimmed the moment he saw blood trickling down Angelo’s face. With his unharmed hand, he cupped his cheek and tried to get a better look at the wound. His scalp had been sliced open by a piece of glass. It looked shallow and he remembered that head wounds tended to piss blood. It was a small relief, but if he didn’t stop the bleeding it could be dangerous. Angelo looked into Antonio’s eyes for a moment before looking around at the rest of the limousine. It was then that he saw Antonio’s hand.

  “Fuck, you’re hurt,” he said.

  “We’ve got to get out of this car,” the driver said. “The guy that hit us… His car is leaking something and I don’t think we should sit around and wait for an explosion.”

  “Get out of the car,” Angelo demanded. “Once we’re out of here we’re taking you to a doctor.” Angelo leaned over Antonio’s lap and opened the door. Angelo’s side of the car had been bent and was completely crumpled, ruined from the impact. Antonio stumbled out, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline as he got to his feet. Curiosity got the better of him and he turned to look at the car that had hit them. It seemed to be an exact replica of the one following them, only this one was now out of commission.

  The whole front end had been crushed to nothing. The windscreen was shattered, completely gone, and inside the car a person was leaning on the steering wheel. Blood was oozing out of the person’s ears and mouth, and their bald head was covered in cuts. That was where the horn was sounding from, the person leaning on the wheel. Was he dead? Antonio rushed around the limousine, aiming for the car to see if the person was still alive, but Angelo grabbed his arm and stopped him.

  “Leave him be,” he said. “It’s no great loss if he’s dead. Trust me.”

  Antonio looked into Angelo’s eyes. He was only a few inches taller than him, but it made all the difference. Looking up into those eyes, looking up at that strong jaw and determined expression, made Antonio feel helpless and weak.

  “Who is he?” Antonio asked.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Angelo said. He turned on his heels as the driver got out of his door, going to speak to him, but Antonio grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

  “Look at me!” Antonio shouted. “Did that man try to kill us? Did the car behind us force us onto this intersection so we could be crashed into? Is this why you didn’t want me to take a cab?”

  Angelo sighed. “Yes, Antonio. This is why we need drivers, and yes, they were most likely working together. I need you to just… stop for a minute.” Angelo turned to face the driver. “Are you hurt?”

  The driver shook his head.

  “Good. Get everyone down here. Now. I need this limousine towed and I need a ride out of here as soon as possible.”

  The driver turned his back on Angelo to make his calls. Angelo turned to face Antonio.

  “What’s going on?” Antonio asked, tears stinging his eyes. “Please, talk to me.”

  Angelo did the only thing he could think of. With both hands on Antonio’s cheeks, he pulled him in for a kiss. Within seconds their tongues were writhing in each other’s mouths as their bodies pressed tightly together. Antonio’s hand wrapped around Angelo’s back, grabbing a fistful of his shirt.

  They parted when they heard the rumble of a car, stalking by. With his hand still on Antonio’s cheeks, Angelo watched as the pickup truck approached them, the window winding down. Through the small gap between the roof and the half-opened window, a gloved hand pointed to the men in the shape of a gun. The hand mimed shooting them—one, two, three… Then the hand shrank back into the car and the tinted window rolled up. The truck crossed the intersection, keeping the same slow pace, until it disappeared into the night.

  “Was that the same truck as the one that was behind us?” Antonio asked, his voice shaking along with his chin.

  “I think so,” Angelo said. He gripped Antonio’s cheeks tighter and pulled him in for another kiss.


  A doctor was already waiting for them when they got back to Angelo’s apartment. He had a first aid box open a
nd ready. Angelo rushed through the hallway, summoning the doctor to follow them into the kitchen. As Antonio walked through the apartment, he stared at his surroundings. The art on the walls caught his eye as he passed. If he wasn’t in so much pain he might have paused to look at the canvases hanging beside his path. The adrenaline had vanished on the drive back to the apartment, leaving his body weak and shaking. His hand stung violently, sending shivers up his left arm.

  The kitchen was covered in light brown wood with white tiles on the floor. In the middle of the room was a curved breakfast bar. The doctor pointed to one of the stools, motioning for Antonio to sit down. He did as he was told and watched as the doctor pulled out gauze, tweezers, and ethanol. He cupped his unharmed hand under the droplets of blood, trying not to ruin Angelo’s apartment.

  First the doctor cleaned Angelo’s wound, then he began stapling his skin together. Three staples later, the doctor turned his attention to Antonio. He pulled out the shards of glass embedded in his hand easily, his hands deft as if he’d done it a thousand times. Antonio grimaced and groaned through the pain. At some point Angelo had joined his side, his hand gripping onto Antonio’s shoulder. Whether he was trying to distract him, or show support, Antonio couldn’t tell.

  When all the glass was out, the doctor inspected the wound and declared no stitches were needed. He wrapped up Antonio’s hand, gave him some pills for the pain, and gathered up his belongings before leaving. Antonio took a pill immediately, dry swallowing it, as Angelo fawned over his hand.

  “I’m so sorry this happened,” Angelo said. “I’m sorry.”

  Antonio shook his head. “It’s fine, honestly. It’ll heal.”

  “I let this happen to you,” Angelo continued. “We’ve been married for a few days and you’re already hurt. I never should have agreed to marry you, it’s just not safe.”

  “Because you’re involved with the Mafia?”

  Angelo’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “It’s kind of obvious. You haven’t said a word about what you do for a living, you have enough money to just give it away to strangers, and two men tried to kill us tonight. I had my suspicions before tonight, but that car t-boning us was kind of a tipping point.”

  “You weren’t meant to be involved in any of this,” Angelo ran his fingers through his hair, careful not to touch the wound on his hairline. “It wasn’t supposed to happen this way, but some people are mad that I am the one taking care of business, instead of my brother Roberto, and… It’s going to take some time for the attacks to stop.”

  “Okay,” Antonio said. “You kept me safe tonight. I can trust you to keep me safe again.”

  “You can?” Angelo stared at him.

  “Yes, I trust you.” Antonio gazed around at the kitchen, trying to keep his eyes off Angelo’s intense stare. “Better judgment tells me not to but—”

  Angelo closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to Antonio’s. His hand snaked around his neck, winding into his hair and sending shivers down his spine. Antonio managed to kiss him back, breathlessly, as he parted his mouth to allow his tongue inside. Antonio put his one good hand on the small of Angelo’s back, pulling him closer. Their breaths swarmed onto each other’s cheeks, heating their skin.

  Angelo broke the kiss to look into Antonio’s eyes. “I want you.”

  “I…” Antonio searched for the words he wanted to say and came up short. He didn’t know what he wanted. Instead of finishing his sentence, he gripped Angelo’s back and straightened his own back, reaching up to kiss him. Angelo sighed through his nose, his breath streaking past Antonio’s cheeks to mingle with the rest of the air in the room.

  Then his hands were at Antonio’s chest, unbuttoning his shirt with shaking hands, as they continued to kiss. Blood rushed to Antonio’s groin, he could feel his heart beating down there until his pants grew too tight for his crotch to bear. He broke the kiss and stood up.

  “Where’s the bedroom?” He asked, his voice no more than a breathless whisper.

  “Come,” Angelo said, grabbing him by his good hand. “I’ll show you.”

  The walk to the bedroom passed him in a blur. His boxes were piled up in the living room to his right and the paintings in the hallway all merged together until they were little more than a mess of color. Antonio stood in the doorway to Angelo’s bedroom. In the middle of the room was the biggest bed he’d ever seen, at least reaching waist-height, covered in soft blankets and cushions. Angelo ripped them off the bed, throwing them over his shoulder to land haphazardly all over the floor. Antonio wanted to help but at the same time he didn’t want to bleed all over Angelo’s pristine furniture.

  He looked down to his maimed hand, wondering where the pain had gone, before noticing his crotch in the background behind his hand. His cock was sticking out of his pants at an odd angle, pressing against his zipper. Angelo stopped undressing the bed and followed Antonio’s gaze. When he caught sight of his erection, he licked his lips and beckoned for Antonio to join him by the bed.

  Antonio took a step toward him, then stopped. “I don’t want to bleed over everything.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” Angelo said. “It’s just stuff. Stuff can be replaced. This night can’t.”

  Angelo crossed the room and kissed him with such passion, such ferocity, that Antonio was nearly knocked of his feet. Angelo kept a strong hold of him, slowly leading him over to the bed. When they were next to it, Angelo’s hands floated down to Antonio’s zipper. A second later he could feel cool air brushing against his cock, sending a chill through him. Next Angelo’s hands pried the shirt from his shoulders, pushing it down his arms while stroking his skin.

  “Do you want to?” Angelo asked before planting small, tender kisses along his jaw.

  Antonio sighed and his eyes rolled back into his head. “Yes.”

  Angelo’s lips moved down his neck, kissing and sucking at his skin, before moving down to his chest. His warm hands touched his stomach, stroking his abs as he gently pushed him back onto the bed. Antonio scooted up onto the edge and shuffled backwards until his feet were lifted from the floor. Angelo pried the bandaged hand through the armhole as gently as he could before throwing the shirt over his shoulder, just as he had done with the cushions.

  They returned to kissing, their hands exploring every inch of skin they could as they undressed each other. When Antonio next opened his eyes, they were both naked. He could see his cock pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Angelo climbed onto the bed, reaching across to his bedside table, and Antonio took the chance to glance at his cock.

  It was huge, covered in veins and fully erect. On the tip, Antonio could see a small dribble of pre-cum threatening to spill onto the bedsheets. He bit down on his bottom lip as he stared at it, trying to concentrate on the sound of Angelo rifling through his bedside table, but before he could stop himself he had lunged forward and taken Angelo’s cock in his mouth.

  It was warm against his tongue, the taste of his skin both salty and sweet all at once. Antonio closed his eyes as he eased more of the cock into his mouth. Angelo gasped above his head and straightened his back, giving Antonio more room to move. Then his knees shuffled beneath him so he could kneel on the soft mattress comfortably. Antonio’s tongue stroked the underside of Angelo’s cock, feeling the veins raised out of his skin, pulsing, as he lowered his mouth to the base.

  Angelo’s breaths turned ragged and his seed spilled into Antonio’s mouth, shooting to the back of his throat. It was saltier than anything he had ever tasted before, and swallowed with Angelo’s cock still in his mouth, who let out another gasp. Antonio removed his lips from Angelo’s member and looked up to him, still able to taste his semen on his lips and absentmindedly licking at it.

  “I guess it’s been a while,” Angelo said.

  Antonio smiled. “And there I was thinking I was a natural at it.”

  Angelo wiped sweat away from his brow before reaching across the bed. Antonio watched as his obliques stretched a
nd tensed in front of his eyes. Then Angelo placed a condom and a packet of lube in his hand, raising an eyebrow.

  Antonio frowned. “I’ve never…”

  “Had anal sex before?” Angelo finished.

  Antonio blushed and nodded, staring at the little tube of lube.

  “Don’t worry,” Angelo said. “You won’t hurt me.”

  “You mean…” Antonio said. “I get to…”

  “Only if you want to.”

  Antonio felt heat rush to his cock as he imagined what it would feel like. He knew it was meant to be better than vaginal sex, tighter, and men had the prostate to make it feel good for both parties involved. He ripped the condom packet open with his teeth and slid it down his cock as best as he could with only one hand. As he covered the condom with lube, Angelo took some and spread it between his own buttocks.

  Antonio watched as Angelo rolled over onto his stomach and looked over his shoulder. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” Antonio moved his body over Angelo’s back to kiss him. “Are you?”

  Angelo nodded and lifted his hips. Antonio got to his knees and positioned himself behind Angelo, holding the base of his cock between his fingers. As he eased himself inside, his throat erupted in guttural groans. Tight, he thought, so tight. Slowly he pushed himself inside, watching as his cock vanished inside Angelo.

  His heartbeat moved down from his chest to his cock, pulsing hard. Angelo moaned, the sound muffled by the bed beneath his mouth, and Antonio began to thrust. Angelo’s tightness was all around him, squeezing down on his cock. He managed to thrust three more times before he came, screaming and groaning as his body jolted and spasmed.

  Chapter Five

  Antonio was standing in his new bedroom, admiring the neatness of it all. His things had all found their places. His toothbrush was in the en-suite bathroom, leaning in the cup beside the sink; his clothes had been folded and placed inside the walk-in closet; photographs of his family had been dotted around the living room, turning Angelo’s apartment into their apartment. He liked the way it felt, being accepted into Angelo’s life so quickly and easily.


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