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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 18

by Stephan James

  “Look,” he mumbled, glancing up at Emeric and pointing to the small bugs. “They’re dancing together.” He whispered, his eyes drooping as Emeric chuckled and nodded.

  “I suppose that they are, aren’t they?” Emeric mumbled, watching as a few pairs flitted past the window. “Get some rest, Cher,” Emeric smiled, closing his eyes and seeming to drift off as Caleb lay on his chest.

  Caleb hummed in acknowledgment, his eyes already following the dancing lights as he wrapped around the larger man a bit tighter. Falling to sleep to the sound of Emeric’s breathing in his ear, Caleb let his dreams flood with images of dancing lights and Emeric’s smiling face.

  Waking the next morning to the feeling of a warm cloth sliding over his skin, Caleb’s eyes fluttered open and a smile formed on his lips when he spotted his lover standing over him.

  “Morning,” He hummed, sitting up and pressing their lips together with a happy noise. “How long have you been up?” He asked, trailing his fingers through Emeric’s hair and frowning when he saw the sad look on the man’s features.

  “I didn’t really sleep, to be honest, Cher,” Emeric pointed out, setting the cloth aside and sitting down next to his lover. Trailing his fingers through Caleb’s hair slowly, he leaned in and kissed the quizzical looking man gently. “They want me to go fight Blaise today, and there’s a good chance that I won’t be comin’ back from that.” He explained, grimacing when Caleb let out a strangled noise of terror.

  “What? Why? There has to be someone else who can stand up to him!” Caleb pointed out, panic on his face as he clung onto his mate’s hand. “I would rather spend the rest of our lives in your shack in the swamp than lose you!” He insisted, biting his lip when the man pulled him onto his lap and wrapped his strong arms around him.

  “I know you would,” Emeric whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead and sighing when the smaller man whimpered and closed his eyes. “Cher, there’s something that you need to know.” He mumbled, his hand sliding over Caleb’s stomach slowly.

  Looking up at the man in confusion at the touch, he leaned closer to the man the same desire to be near the man overwhelming him when the other pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. He didn’t want the other to let him go, let alone risk his life in a fight that Emeric had no desire to win.

  “Last night, when we made love, I got you pregnant,” Emeric pointed out softly, placing a finger over the smaller man’s lips when he looked startled and opened his mouth to protest. “I wanted to make sure that no matter what you weren’t going to be alone. It’s something that all shifters have the ability to do, and when you accepted me as your mate I had to make a choice. I knew that I might not survive, and I decided to at least leave behind a part of me.” He mumbled.

  “You aren’t going to die,” Caleb insisted, his hand fluttering up to his stomach as panic flooded through him. “If I’m going to have your kid, you aren’t going to die. You are going to raise them with me!”

  He knew he should be more disturbed by the fact he was pregnant, but instead he just felt the warmth. He was carrying a part of the man who he was growing to love more than anything in the world. The man he thought only a few days prior was a monster, had turned into the most important man in his life. There was no way that he was going to let the man die. Not as long as he had breath in his lungs.

  “I won’t let you die,” he glared, grabbing onto Emeric’s hands a determined look on his face.

  “You won’t be able to do anything, Cher,” Emeric pointed out softly, leaning in and kissing the man on the lips. “You’ll be alright.” He smiled, cupping his face in his palm and closing his eyes as he pressed their foreheads together.

  “Not without you. I won’t be without you!” Caleb whimpered, feeling fear roll through him at the pessimistic words his lover had to offer. Wrapping his arms around his shoulders he pressed his face to his shoulders. “I am not going to let you die.” He croaked, looking up with a start when someone knocked at the door and shirking away slightly. He didn’t want to go.

  “Are you ready to go Emeric?” Adrien called into the house, earning a soft sigh from Emeric as he stood and pulled on some clothes.

  Turning to face the man still on the bed, he smiled sadly and leaned in to kiss him on the forehead.

  “It’s going to be ok.” He mumbled, straightening and moving towards the door.

  Panic gripping his chest, Caleb scrambled to his feet when the man walked towards the door. Throwing his arms around his waist, he whimpered and pressed his face to his shoulder. Letting the man pull him into his arms, he leaned up and kissed him on the lips. He was not going to let his lover die. He didn’t care about any sort of duty that his lover thought he had, or what sort of traditions would be broken. He wasn’t going to let the man die.

  “I love you, Cher,” Emeric whispered as he pulled away, leaving Caleb standing stunned in the room as he slipped out into the road. He wasn’t going to let him go. He was not going to lose him. He wasn’t going to let go that easily.

  Pulling on some clothes as fast as he could, Caleb scrambled out into the street, spotting the men move into a car and starts to move down the road. Swearing, he turned and grinned when he spotted a four-wheeler parked beside a shed. Rushing forward, he swung up onto it and started it, ignoring the furious shouts behind him as he took off down the street.

  Spotting the car just up the road, Caleb forced himself to stay behind just enough to remain out of view, his eyes focused in on the vehicle. It took about an hour of weaving through different streets before they reached what appeared to be a small town. Pulling his four-wheeler up to the growing crowd, he bit his lip when he spotted his lover facing off with a massive man with tawny hair and yellow eyes.

  Shoving his way through the crowd, his eyes were wide as he saw the murderous look on the monster of a man’s face. Emeric looked ready to pounce, his eyes flickering over the man as he snarled at him.

  “You’re running this clan into the ground! Ya don’t deserve to run this town!” Emeric was shouting back at the man, a cheer rising from the crowd when he said this. “Step down before I take ya down my damn self!” he hissed.

  “You? The little runaway prince dares to question my authority? What makes you think that you’ll do any better?” Blaise sneered, circling the other slowly and growling when Emeric’s hands started to look more like claws than hands. “I’d rather die than let you take over, little boy.” He snarled, lurching forward furiously, his body shifting from a man into beast in one single motion.

  A massive mountain lion crashed into a panther a moment later, Emeric’s claws raking across Blaise’s skin while the larger man slammed him to the ground.

  “Emeric!” Caleb cried, panic rolling through him as he finally managed to get to the edge of the ring they were fighting in. He didn’t know how he was going to help, but watching as his lover was shoved to the ground and only managed to wiggle free by transforming into a crocodile and striking Blaise with his tail, he knew he had to do something.

  In a blur of movement, Emeric managed to change into a panther as he rolled, lashing out at the Blaise with a hiss when the man slammed into his side and sent him crashing to the side. Snarling, he lashed out, biting down on his arm and yowling when Blaise’s claws raked across his stomach.

  Tufts of fur and blood soon stained the ground. Hisses and snarls and attacks so fast that Caleb couldn’t keep track of what was going on. He wanted to believe that his lover was winning, that Blaise was taking more injuries from Emeric, but he knew it wasn’t true when he saw his lover’s movements slow.

  Before Emeric could change into a crocodile to deflect the attack aimed at his side, Blaise struck him harshly in the side, sending him spiraling to the ground and up against a wooden post marking the edge of their makeshift arena. Caleb knew he couldn’t hesitate any longer. If he did, his lover was going to die.

  Forcing his way through the crowd towards where the men stood, Caleb felt tears roll down h
is face as Blaise loomed towards his downed lover. Caleb could see the realization in Emeric’s eyes, the panic, and the pain, and just as Blaise lurched forward to sink his teeth into Emeric’s throat he lurched forward into the ring.

  For a moment, the world seemed to still. Caleb was standing in front of Emeric, and Emeric was staring back at him with confused golden eyes. He could see the fear, the realization in his eyes even in his panther form. He could see what was going to happen, and he could do nothing to stop it.

  The moment ended as soon as it began.


  Agony like nothing he had ever felt before ripped through his shoulder a moment later. He could feel Blaise’s teeth sink into his skin, the bones of his arm shattering as his powerful maw closed around him. His vision going white as agony rolled through him, his entire form shuddering with fear and distress.

  He could hear a scream fill the air. A terrible agonized screech like nothing he had ever heard before. It took him a moment to realize where the sound was coming from him.

  Looking up as his head spun and nausea-inducing pain surged through him, his eyes met once again with his terrified lover’s. Emeric’s eyes had changed, the fear he had seen replaced by shock and quickly evolving into rage.

  Blaise didn’t seem to know what to make of the small man in his jaws and dropped him onto the ground as the man continued to scream in agony. He had little time to recover as a new screech filled the air.

  There was always something haunting about the screams that a panther could emit, but this time, Caleb could hear the genuine agony in his lover’s tone. Hidden within the tone of the screech, he could hear his lover’s voice.

  Before he could focus on the man once more, a blur of black fur collided against Blaise’s side. Knocking the man back long before he realized what was happening. Attempting to focus in on the blur of tawny and ebony fur, Caleb’s vision started to swim dangerously.

  His adrenaline already starting to fade away, Caleb could see blackness eating at the corners of his vision. The sounds of agonized screeches and horrified gasps from the crowd filled his ears as he felt unconsciousness pulling at his vision.

  Was he going to die?

  Watching the pool of blood beneath him start to slowly grow, and the sounds of the fight fade away, he attempted to find the energy to fight, to do something.

  He couldn’t do it. Just as the claws of oblivious pulled him into darkness, he made out the face of a woman with greying chestnut hair and eyes as golden as his lover’s. Certain that it was an angel coming to collect his soul, he allowed himself to slip into oblivion, the pain fading away as the light faded. The only thing remaining for a brief moment was a few dancing lights, mimicking the same dance he had seen the night before.

  “…shouldn’t have even been here, this was my fight, my fault,” His lover’s voice was the first thing that Caleb heard as his mind pulled itself slowly out of the blackness that had consumed it.

  Was he dead?

  No, he couldn’t be. He was in far too much pain to be dead.

  “If he hadn’t stepped in, you would be dead,” A woman’s voice insisted, her voice soft like music and gentle. “He did his duty as your mate, something even I didn’t have the courage to do.”

  “Ma, you can’t blame yourself for-,” Emeric started, the woman hushing him softly as something cool and wet slid over his blazing forehead.

  “Hush, I shouldn’t have mentioned that, to begin with. You should be resting, your wounds are too severe to be moving around just yet,” The woman scolded, sounding as tired as Emeric did.

  Pulling himself out of the fog threatening to pull him back into its grasp was far more difficult than he ever thought it would be. Groaning softly as he forced his eyes to open despite the weight in his eyelids trying to force them to shut again.

  “Emeric?” he managed to whisper, his throat hoarse and raw, but functional.

  Almost instantly, Emeric was at his side, a warm hand cupping his cheek as his worried face faded into view. Feeling a smile split his lips when he saw the man alive, he let out a soft relieved noise and pressed against the man’s warm palms.

  “You’re alive,” Caleb whimpered, tears bubbling up in his eyes as relief crashed over him. The pain in his shoulder was pushed aside in favor of relishing in his lover’s warmth.

  “Yeah, I am, you idiot,” Emeric laughed, tears rolling down his haggard face as he leaned down and pressed their foreheads together. “I killed that sonofabitch, couldn’t let him get away with hurtin’ my darlin’.” He started, his eyes growing serious as he looked back at Caleb. “Damn it I told you to stay behind, you could have died. You would have died if my ma hadn’t stepped in!” He pointed out firmly, his hand trembling on Caleb’s cheek.

  “Couldn’t stay behind, didn’t want to lose you,” Caleb whispered, his eyes roaming over Emeric’s form slowly in search of wounds that the other might have endured. Relieved when all he saw was a few bandages on his sides and arms, he relaxed back against the sheets.

  Laughing softly, Emeric let out a noise of defeat and trailed his fingers through Caleb’s hair slowly. Pressing a few slow kisses to his lips, he pulled back with a satisfied sound and smiled softly back at the man.

  “You’re stubborn, but you saved my life, just don’t you ever pull that again, understand?” He pointed out firmly, his golden eyes soft and relieved. Caleb let out a soft, breathy laugh at this, his eyes sparkling with adoration.

  “Couldn’t let you die, I didn’t…” he grimaced when his shoulder throbbed painfully, hissing softly and closing his eyes for a moment before continuing. “I didn’t get to say it back.” He muttered softly.

  “Say what back, Cher?” Emeric mumbled, taking the man’s good hand gently and squeezing it.

  “That I love you,” Caleb explained, shivering lightly as his body ached. “You said it, I didn’t get to. I-I love you.” He breathed, smiling when Emeric’s eyes lit up slightly, his lips curving into a soft smile.

  “I love you too, Cher,” He mumbled, leaning in and pressing their lips together slowly.

  Relaxing against the sheets slowly as a happy hum fell from his lips; Caleb squeezed his lover’s fingers and felt relief roll through him. They were both alive, and if what Emeric had said before was true, and still true after what had happened to him, they were going to be able to start a family soon.

  “Glad to see that you’re alright,” The woman’s voice from before piped up. Instantly, Caleb recognized the beautiful woman from the moment just before he lost consciousness. Now that he could make out her features better, he could see the uncanny resemblance between the two. Emeric truly was his mother’s son. “Unfortunately, you are still too weak to be awake right now, and you boy, you need to get yourself back in bed before I drag you there myself.” She scolded Emeric, pointing to the cot just across from Caleb’s.

  “Ma,” Emeric began, wincing when she glared and reluctantly pulling away from Caleb. Settling onto the bed across from Caleb, he hissed as he lay out and closed his eyes.

  Smiling softly at his lover’s response to the woman’s commands, Caleb chuckled softly and glanced up at the woman when she moved over to him and slipped the cool rag off his forehead to replace it with another.

  “You’re lucky that I’m a doctor, or you would never have lasted the night. We would never have had time to get you to a hospital,” She sighed, flicking him lightly on the nose. “That was a stupid stunt you pulled last night, but you saved my boy, and for that, I can’t thank you enough.”

  “You’re welcome, Ms…” he started, his words a bit slurred with exhaustion, biting his lip as she smiled softly.

  “You can call me Jeanine, never could get behind going by the last name, even my late husband’s,” Jeanine smiled softly, squeezing his hand lightly as she sat beside him. “I’m goin’ to put you on some more morphine so you can rest and your arm can recover. You and I will talk later, I promise.” She insisted, kissing his forehead gently as sh
e adjusted the IV drip above Caleb.

  Caleb would have protested, but as the soothing numbness spread through his body, he was relieved and more than willing to let the sensation pull him back towards unconsciousness. His lover was alive, they had won. In that moment, he didn’t think he’d ever been happier.

  He had hoped that by killing Blaise that life would suddenly be easier for himself and Emeric. He soon learned that was far from the truth. As soon as they were both up and walking, they were being berated with questions. Everyone in town had one thought in their mind: who was going to run the town now.

  Over the past few weeks, he had been spending a lot of time with Jeanine while his mate rushed around the town tending to matters that the town leader usually dealt with. The woman was proud of her son, but knew how difficult it would be for her son to give up his wild spirit and settle down in town. Caleb could see the strain that the other was under, and wanted nothing more than to rescue him from the situation, but for some reason, Emeric seemed to not be considering giving up his position at all despite Adrien’s promise to take over if that was what he wanted.

  “You don’t have to take over, Adrien said that he and your mother would be more than willing to take over,” Caleb pointed out, crawling into his lover’s lap during one of their few moments alone. It wasn’t a graceful action, the sling that his arm was in prevented him from doing much movement with his bad arm.

  “I know, Cher, but that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of these folks want me to run this circus act,” Emeric muttered, running his fingers through his hair before pulling Caleb closer and resting his hand on his slightly swollen stomach.

  Caleb had thought pregnancy would be weird. That he wouldn’t enjoy it in the slightest. He was finding it to be the exact opposite. Feeling a growing life inside of him was magical, and he felt closer than ever to his lover. Knowing that it was his child and that they were creating a life together, was a better gift than anything he could ever be given.

  “Who cares what they want? They didn’t seem to care when you ran off and were living on your own for a few years,” Caleb pointed out with a huff, earning a soft chuckle from the man in front of him.


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