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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 32

by Stephan James

  Looking into those eyes, he felt himself calm a little. There were answers in there. Somewhere.

  “Please don’t panic,” he said softly, “but I think you’re pregnant.”

  Surprise tore a laugh from his throat. “That’s ridiculous! I’m a guy!”

  “No, no,” Eric interrupted, shaking his head and holding Shawn’s hands tighter. “I think when I was younger, I heard something about this. I used to try to research what was wrong with me, you know. I think I saw something like this and thought it was ridiculous. That’s why I stopped searching.”

  I don’t blame you.

  “But…if that’s what it is…” Shawn shook his head now, too. There was simply too much going on! It was crazy to be able to keep track of any of it. Pregnancy and tiger-men and…

  “Hey.” Eric squeezed his fingers gently, and then kissed his lips. It was so sweet and loving that Shawn immediately felt himself start to calm down. “If I found information on it before, I can do it again. Right? We’ll figure it out.”

  They embraced tightly, and shared another passionate kiss. Eric whispered again, “I promise, from now on I’ll work my hardest to figure this out. Figure everything out. We’ll be okay. I promise.”

  Impossible things or not, Shawn decided to believe him.

  **********The End********

  Omega On The Run


  Matias is a thief, unknown by most which is a testament to his traceless track record. A rare coloration leopard shapeshifter with specific talents his clients are more than happy to compensate. A brief homecoming leads to boredom which puts this leopard on the prowl.

  When a mistaken pay for play arrangement leaves Matias carrying a power couples child, things get complicated. Even more so when one of the potential fathers is a hitman that has been contracted to kill him. Crossing the mob wasn’t one of his smartest moves.

  Will this couple get the baby they have been so desperate to have and can Matias avoid sudden death long enough carry him to term.


  Matias had no real obligations on this particular day, no jobs in his immediate future that needed his attention as of yet. There had been several offers but none of them were deserving of his time and effort and so he had declined them all in favor of a day off. Except, perhaps that had been a mistake because he hadn't been without a job for over a decade. And for good reason, at that.

  Which meant that from the moment he woke up, he was bored as hell. It was the first night he'd slept in the apartment, which he paid for and was reserved for him but which he had never before used. It was fully furnished and aired out once a month, as per his instructions, but dust still cling to every surface and the fridge was understandably barren. That meant if he wanted anything, he was going to have to get his ass in gear and get it himself.

  Sighing, Matias pushed himself through a shower. As a leopard shapeshifter, the other half of his form preferred water but he himself was missing the point this time. What was the bathing for when there was no disguise to don for which a blank slate was needed?

  Perhaps I work too much, he thought, scrubbing at his shock of short, dark hair with a handful of soap bubbles. However, working too much was one thing. It was another when work and life were tied up so intimately together. Not once in the past decade had he considered having his own life, and now he wasn't sure he wanted it.

  Dressing in the only pair of casual street clothes that he owned, seeing as how most of his outfits were too specific for every-day wear, and he discarded most of them when he was done with them to cut down on the trail he left behind, Matias wandered over to the fridge and opened it.

  He had a vicious appetite, though. Always had. He was a leopard, the third largest big cat in the entire world, with the third largest appetite to match. The fact that he was on the small side didn't diminish how much energy it took simply to maintain his human form. Deciding that food was in order first thing for the day –although it was already noon- he opened the window to his apartment and slid down out of it and onto the roof. Shapeshifting casually into his slender leopard form, he lowered his head and skulked out along the edge of the roof to a point where he could drop down unseen.

  His body was a flash of yellow gold, tawnier than the normal rustic colors of other leopard shifters. He was rare, a strawberry leopard who had only encountered one other of his kind, and utterly unique; the rosettes upon his body were tinged scarlet like falling autumn leaves. The brightness of his form, shimmering in the dappled shade beneath the old tree outside his apartment, was in direct contrast with his human's dark skin and eyes. It would have been poetic to have this be the reflection of his light soul, but it was nothing of the sort.

  Matias was a common thief.

  Well, not quite a common thief. He was one of the most sought-after thieves in over half the existing countries, and handsomely paid for removing artifacts, paintings, or anything else, really, and delivering them to his clients. The money then went through a whitewashing period where it was held and erased of all prior connections to the client, before being dropped into one of several offshore bank accounts.

  Quite illegal, yes, but so was the method through which he made his money. It worked for him, and he was incredibly good at it. That was why, even when he heard mentions of his jobs in certain circles, or on the news, no humans could physically describe him, and no shifters had been able to pinpoint his exotic coloring.

  Certainly, there were politics and more important things going on in the sideways world where he and his kind lived, hidden away from human eyes, but he didn't want any part in it. This was what he did, and all he would do until his joints were too noisy and old to allow him to sneak around.

  Transforming back into his human shape, his current set of clothes returning –it was a rare shifter who could save their outfit, just like he could. Matias stood up on two feet, brushed off some imaginary dirt, and set out across the yard to hit the sidewalk. This neighborhood of San Antonio, Texas, was upper-scale and decidedly beautiful, with the river walk and a long strip of grand buildings nearby. There was no shortage of art here, in the museums and touted upon the streets by struggling artists offering portraits at $10 a pop. It was the only place Matias had stayed where he had not stolen, but that was simply covering his back.

  Today was different, however. He was itching to do something, so he snatched a piping-hot sausage right off the carousel on a hot dog cart near the river, while plucking a napkin with the other so that the expanse of white obscured what he was doing from the seller. He held the sausage and ate it in rapid bites while continuing down on the way.

  No one had noticed, as always. That was best. The food was only a morsel, just barely enough to satisfy the emptiness, but he knew better than to push his luck and lift again so soon.

  However, that begged the question of where exactly he was supposed to go now until enough time had passed so that he could come back through here and make another pass.

  It was a good sausage.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something and had to turn his head to follow what it was. A brochure, amidst a wall of brochures on the outside of a touristy little shop selling River Walk memorabilia as though it was such an important landmark; but no, it was what was on the brochure.


  Curious, he made his way over to the wall and selected a number of pamphlets and then walked on, pretending to read them all with the same level of curiosity. It seemed as though a nearby art gallery and museum was trying to get a bit too big for its britches. A scan of the building on the front of the brochure and a similar glance around at his surroundings let him know that it was a small riverside hotel unfit for anything but the most gullible of tourists. And yet for a limited time, one of the exhibits was going to be crafted of a pure chipped gemstone.

  Most likely it would be nothing worth his while, especially since he had a habit of not lifting what there was no dema
nd for, but perhaps it would inspire him.

  To that end, he headed for the building and found himself greeted at the front entrance by a burly man in a dark suit, eyes hidden behind sunglasses.

  "Evening, sir," the obvious guard rumbled. "Welcome to the Orilla Museo y Galeria. Please remember to look and not touch."

  "Of course," Matias replied readily and slid in past the guard. He hadn't thought a dumpy little place like this was going to have any security at all, but it must have been the jewels' presence which required it. In any case, he was still fully expecting to be a good boy and not touch anything anyway.

  The museum was packed and he spent a good thirty minutes roaming around before it was obvious how much of a waste of his time this was. Everything was obviously a replica, with the only genuine articles being the mediocre and uninspired works hanging in the gallery.

  Wondering miserably why he had even come here, feeling depressed by the lack of sparks in his psyche, he decided that he had best take a look at the jewels and then leave before he transformed and killed someone out of pure frustration.

  As he was making his way to enter the grand room, with a stand set up in the center of the sculpture, he suddenly became aware of eyes on his skin.

  Stopping, Matias looked around. No one nearby was looking right at him, and none of these stupid humans would have noticed anyway, so he reached for his shifter senses. Immediately, the low din of the crowd became a confused roar as the sound increased in sharpness and intensity, allowing him to pick out any conversation that he wished. Scents flooded his nostrils, identical to the tastes on his tongue. Boredom, body odor, nervousness…


  At the same time, he heard a man's low voice murmur, "Is that him?"

  A chill of something that wasn't quite fear, but instead seemed to be a sort of paranoia which had often served him well in life, had him turning around to face directly in the direction of the one who had spoken. It was the same direction he felt the piercing stare coming from. His shoulders tensed as he got ready to defend himself, although surely someone who recognized him wouldn't be willing to break shifting code by revealing themselves in this crowd. Or would they? That was the real question.

  His gaze fell upon a very tall and grand, pompous sort of fellow with golden hair and amber eyes. The feline coloration of those eyes was enough for Matias to realize he was a shifter, but there was also the customary silver around the iris that was the only true physical sign.

  At the tall man's side was another man, their arms linked together. This one was enormous and broad-shouldered, with pale skin, dark hair, and gleaming leaf-green eyes. There was a sort of skulking about him, a dangerous air.

  For a moment, Matias thought he recognized that one but then the moment was gone and he wasn't sure. Actually, they both looked a little bit familiar but shifting communities in certain areas tended to be small and tight anyway; he could have noticed them without really ever having taken notice.

  But the thing was that they certainly looked like they recognized him and now they were walking towards him.

  Matias readied his claws and fangs, bracing himself.

  The tall man stopped in front of him and stuck out his hand, the gesture fluid with incredible grace. "Hello. My name is Albus. I believe we spoke?"

  I know not of an Albus.

  This was a huge misunderstanding, but he decided to go along with it and see where it went. After all, it wasn't like there was anything pressing which needed doing.

  "Oh, yes, of course." Matias shook the offered hand, finding it smooth and womanly. "And then, this must be…"

  "Lance," the huge shifter growled.

  "It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Matias said, sticking to the neutral.

  Albus looked pleased, however. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

  "Ah…I got lost in the art. I'm sure you know how that is."

  "Indeed," Albus agreed, nodding. "Though I usually lose myself in better quality than this. In any case, are you ready to go?"

  There was a split second decision to make here, and there was no way he could back out now when he was already so intrigued by these people who thought he was someone else. "Of course I am! Just remind me where we're headed?"

  Lance looked at him oddly, and Matias knew he'd have to be careful here. Obviously, the big guy was the one to watch and be afraid of. "Our hotel."

  "Right, of course," Matias purred, lowering his eyelids in his best sultry manner. "I'm completely ready. Let's go."

  He understood now that these two men were looking for someone to have sex with, and that was what had pushed his decision in the affirmative direction. So what if this was a different type of action than he'd come looking for? He'd been planning to find something to steal, and it looked like he was going to cheat these guys out of their money anyway –and have a damn good time doing it.

  While there were many drawbacks to being a gay man, being a gay man from a very long and pure bloodline was definitely up there. The responsibility fell to Albus Cassian, the only heir to his parent's companies and their blood, to ensure that the line continued. Of course, the line got a little more diluted around the edges with every new generation, but as long as he mated with another leopard, there would still be that solid and most important of bases.

  His family owned many companies of various divisions from all across the United States, which meant he was a wealthy man already. A wealthy and gorgeous man, bearing the mark of the Cassian bloodline: the tight cluster of perfect rosettes at the nape of his neck, set in a uniformly golden body.

  Unfortunately, as the years had gone on and he had become increasingly less convinced that he would find a female mate, so too did he threaten everything his family and ancestors stood for. The companies were a front, most of the profit filtering back into the shifter communities to ensure that they did not suffer from human presence, and vice versa. Without an heir after him, those measures would dissolve and he would fail everyone.

  And then, only a short year ago, one of his old bodyguards retired and a new one took his place.

  Albus remembered the first time he'd ever seen Lance. The enormous young male, fresh out of college where he played as a ferocious linebacker, had been skulking around his room in the dead of night, searching for enemies. A startled Albus threw on the lights and had found himself staring right into the deepest, most haunting pair of eyes in the entire world. He felt the leopard within him respond and had felt Lance's soul cry out in response.

  Their romance was short and quick, a single month of unity where he discovered that his new love had actually been passed over by the big leagues for how violent he was out on the field; as a result, he'd switched course and become a bodyguard.

  Very quickly after that was their wedding. For a short time, it seemed as though the problem of bloodlines was solved. The magic of shifters was a terrible and powerful thing, overriding the laws of nature. According to the old tales, males who mated in their other forms could get each other pregnant.

  However, no matter how much they tried, the end result they sought simply never came about. Some more digging into the tales brought about another truth: the male to be impregnated was to be the lesser dominate. And Albus and Lance were both dominate, one in physical power and the other in influence and ambition. Between them, there could be no child.

  A subordinate surrogate, however…

  Sitting in the back of the car with their chosen surrogate, while Lance rode up in the front seat with their driver, he glanced at the little shifter out of the corner of his eye. He had to admit, he didn't exactly match the profile picture but then again, who did? And if his mannerisms were odd, they were surely all nervous about this. They were going to be putting their flesh and blood into this small, submissive man with the dark, shy eyes, and then hoping that it would take, followed by pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood…

  At least, the surrogate didn't seem bothered by the fact that he was going
to be expected to fuck two ferocious leopards. Actually, they would be fucking him. Both of them cumming inside him. Technically it should only have been Albus, but he had had a talk with Lance one night where they decided they were both tired of talk of purity and blood. If they did it this way, neither of them knew who the father would be and perhaps that was best –although they would tell the world that he was pure anyway. And if the markings of Cassian were not present…

  Well, they would jump that hurdle when they came to it.

  The surrogate, who was named Alexander, seemed rather intrigued about the city they were passing through. Albus supposed that he had just never been to this part before. It was rather high-end, hotels and skyscrapers overlooking the waterfront without being tainted by the touristy nature of it. Really, it was a perfect day, as well. Maybe after this was over, he would take Lance out and they would have a nice dinner. Both of them were just so busy lately that it was difficult to find time for a treat but tonight looked like a good occasion for one.

  As they arrived at the hotel, Lance was the first one out. He steadfastly ignored their chosen surrogate and instead came around to open Albus's door.

  Albus looked up into the eyes of his love, lips slightly parted. For a moment, lost in their own little world, he reached up to wrap his arms around Lance's broad neck, while his mate stroked his lips with one finger.

  Then, he felt a solid bulge forming against his leg and smiled. I knew you were looking forward to this just as much as I was, he thought. Don't worry, my sweetheart. We'll both get what we're looking for from this.

  And then Alexander was getting out of the car, stretching luxuriously. They both watched his wiry muscles as his jeans rode up, and his t-shirt did as well, exposing creamy skin and a pleasant little pack of abs.

  "Should we go inside then?" Alexander asked, blinking his dark eyes.


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