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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 46

by Stephan James

  The look of recognition in his face was all the assurance I needed. He knew who I was and he knew why I was following him. I wondered how long he’d known but at the moment, it didn’t matter. My mind was racing. I knew that he wasn’t human, but then how could a vampire turn him? I’d spent enough time wandering around the underbelly of society to know the signs. He was hungry, his eyes were red, and his temper was short. The temper I thought was a normal thing for him.

  “I know who you are; I don’t know anything about your brother. You need to go,” He said to be, pushing me words the door.

  “I know what’s wrong with you,” I said to him, desperate for any chance to stay.

  He froze, “I think you need to reevaluate where you hang out at night then.”

  “Do you know what’s going to happen?” I asked him, spinning around to avoid the door.

  “What do you mean?” he hissed at me.

  I shuffled my feet nervously, “Well, you aren’t human, so what happens when you get turned into a vampire?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am, or I was, human.” he barked at me.

  “Don’t lie to me!” I yelled.

  I was done playing games. It was bad enough that he was pretending not to know anything, but now, things had changed. The second that I was confronted with him, I felt myself opening up. There was something about him; I needed to know him more intimately. The way his eyes traveled over my virgin body made my temperature rise. Even if he didn’t know anything about my brother, I found myself being pulled to him. My loins were on fire with desire. It was a thrilling, but terrifying occurrence.

  He let out a heavy sigh and moved to the bed, carefully avoiding the light, “I don’t know what you want me to tell you. There is nothing that I can. The only thing I know about your brother is that he was one of us.”

  “Was?” I asked him.

  He flinched, “Is, one of us. All I know is, I was told to lead you away, to keep you from finding him. It’s not up to me. It’s up to the elders.”

  My jaw dropped, in just a few minutes I had more information than I had found over the past months in my searching, “What are you then?”

  He laughed softly, “That’s not something you get to find out, not now and not ever.”

  I paced back and forth, racking my mind for a way in. “What if I can help you, and then will you tell me?” Conner glared at me, “How could you help me?”

  I took a deep breath and walked over to him, holding out my arm, “Here. You need to feed. It will complete the transformation and the sun won’t burn you anymore.”

  He looked up at me, slow to drag his eyes away from the open wound on my arm. “How do you know?”

  I smiled, “I’ve been following you for a long time, and I picked up a thing or two.”

  His eyes found mine as he licked his lips. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist fresh blood offered so willingly, but he needed another push. “The headache will stop too.”

  Something inside of him shifted and he rose up from the bed. He towered over me and I took a step back, but he kept approaching until I was backed against the wall.

  “I think you are in over your head Jason,” he whispered to me.

  His body pressed against mine, I could feel his cock pushing between my legs. He was as hard as I was. There was no denying the chemistry between us. It was consuming us both.

  “Let me help you,” I said, turning my head away from him and exposing my neck.

  “What if I can’t stop,” he whispered softly.

  I grinned, “I trust you. You need this and I want you.”

  “How can you know what you want?” he replied, his eyes locked on my neck.

  “I want to feel your touch. I want you to feed on me. Does anything else matter?” I said softly to him.

  His breathing was labored. My heart was racing as he moved closer. I felt his lips brush against my neck as a shiver of pure pleasure coursed through my body. When his teeth punctured my skin, I let out a little squeal of pain, but it didn’t stop him. He grabbed my arms, holding them in place as he started to feed. The pain quickly left my body, replaced by a new sensation of complete euphoria. I knew that it was his vampire saliva, it rendered their victims painless. Still, all my research hadn’t said anything about the pleasure; I knew that was all Conner.

  My hands found his back; I closed my eyes and let my primal instinct take over as I dug my nails into the flesh of his back. I knew it drove him crazy, his body pushed into me even harder and I wrapped my legs around him, feeling his shaft between our clothing, looking for a way in. I wanted him; I wanted to give him my virginity and so much more. As he drank, I started to feel lightheaded, my strength being drained from my body.

  “Conner,” I whispered softly. “Please Conner, don’t kill me.”

  My plea fell on deaf ears though; he was consumed by the blood. I prayed that he would know when to stop because I was helpless to resist him. With each passing second, the world started to fade a little more until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. Finally, I gave in and let the darkness consume me.

  I paced back and forth in my apartment, watching Jason with every pass. He had been on the bed now for at least an hour. When I had finally managed to pull away, I almost collapsed. His blood coursed through my body with crippling euphoria. It was as if he breathed life directly into my body. In the rush to consume as much as possible of his sweet life force; I didn’t know when to stop. By the time I was done, he had barely been breathing. I didn’t know what to do for the first time in my life.

  I had no one I could call. No one would believe me!

  “Mmm, what happened?” came Jason’s low voice.

  I rushed to the bed, “Jesus, you had me scared there for a while.”

  “Next time, you may want to think about taking a little less.” he said with a grin.

  I stepped away, “There won’t be a ‘next time’. You need to go. Thank you for your help.” I said curtly.

  “Bullshit! You promised me answers!” he yelled at me.

  I sighed, “Listen, your brother is fine, at least he was the last time I saw him.”

  I saw the shock cross his face, “Then why did he leave me? Why didn’t he tell me he was okay?”

  I shook my head, “He couldn’t. It was too risky. You could have been hurt.”

  “By whom?” he asked me, his eyes blazing.

  “Listen, I can’t give you details okay? They would be pissed to even know I was talking to you.” I replied, moving towards the door.

  “Where are you going? We aren’t done,” he said to me.

  “Yes. We are. I need to go find someone.” I replied curtly.

  “Are you going to find the vampire that did this? I want to come.” he said to me.

  I laughed, “Not a chance in hell! The last thing I need is you getting killed on my watch.”

  “I know more about them than you do,” he said defiantly.

  I sighed, knowing he was right. I hadn’t even known about drinking blood. How could someone like me, someone so different, be so naive? I didn’t want to take him, but I didn’t see any other way around it. I could protect him, that wasn’t a problem. Who would protect me from him? I hated to admit it to myself, but I was falling for him, hard. He was one of the few people in our world who was off limits and yet, there I was, ready to break that golden rule. You didn’t mess with a full-breed. Protect, but do not mate, he was out of my league.

  “Fine. I said, you can come, but you listen to me every step of the way.” I said begrudgingly.

  A smile lit up his face, it was infectious. He leapt up from the bed and wrapped his arms around my neck. I couldn’t stop my own hands from finding his waist, his frame fit so perfectly into my arms. I shuddered with desire before pushing him away.

  “Alright, you know what we are dealing with, what do we need?” I asked him, trying to recover.

  He grinned and ran to the door before pulling a bo
ok bag from the hallway, “I have everything right here.”

  I watched in stunned amazement as he emptied the contents onto the bed. He had more weapons than I had ever seen. Suddenly, I was grateful for my decision to bring him. I was far more unprepared than I had realized.

  “Holy water doesn’t do anything to them, er, you, umm.” His voice trailed off.

  I laughed, “It’s okay, just don’t go rouge and turn on me.”

  “Fair enough,” he said with a smile. “Vampires aren’t like they are in the movies. You can kill them without a whole lot of fanfare, but their bodies don’t spontaneously combust or anything cool like that. Heads and hearts, the two things no one can live without. Aim for them. The only surefire way to kill them is a stake to the heart or cut off the head.”

  “A stake? Really?” I asked, it didn’t seem very modern.

  He grinned again before pulling out a thin piece of wood. “Not just any stake. It won’t stop them if you went off and plucked a tree branch off a maple. It’s not the wood that matters, what matters is using something that absorbs other elements. In the case of vampires, dog rose.”

  “Dog rose? Please don’t tell me you found a rose and had a dog pee on it.” I said.

  He laughed, “No, and gross! The Rosa Canina is a flower that only grows in Romania. The story says that it was planted by a monk when he tried to save the vampires in his village. They killed him and his blood spilled over the rose. His pure heart and innocence made Mother Nature weep, so she created the dog rose with a flower so potent it could kill the undead. Run through a field of this stuff, and you’ll wish it was just the sun burning you.”

  I raised an eyebrow and stepped away from the vial of liquid he was holding, “Got it, roses bad. Any idea where we could find this prick?”

  Jason grinned again, “Not a clue, but I know someone who might be able to help us.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that.” I muttered.

  “Just trust me okay? I trusted you didn’t I?” He said, his eyes peering into me.

  I flinched. He had trusted me, but he shouldn’t. I didn’t know what I was capable of anymore.

  I was almost bouncing up and down, unable to contain my excitement. Never, in a million years, would I have expected to be where I was. Conner was back to acting aloof, I knew he wasn’t thrilled to have me tagging along. I didn’t care; we were together for the moment. I knew it wasn’t going to last. As we headed out into the sunlight and started walking back towards the club we had left the night before.

  “Please don’t freak out Conner, there is someone who can help us,” I said, my hands rose in surrender.

  He glared at me. I was skating on thin ice.

  He knew right away, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry, I have a plan,” I said with confidence.

  “No! Absolutely not,” he hissed, standing in front of me.

  I almost ran into him. His lack of trust was starting to get under my skin. I stepped up to him, our bodies barely touching.

  “I need you to trust me Conner,” I said to him, meeting his steely gaze.

  “This is dangerous Jason, I can’t put you at risk,” he replied.

  Something about the tone of his voice made me suspicious. I knew that he was hiding a secret from me. I wanted to push him on it, but there was no time. For the first time in a while, trying to find out information about my brother was going to have to wait. Conner’s mission was more important right now. He needed to find the vampire that turned him and I needed him to know that I was ready to do whatever it took to help him.

  “I’m not asking your permission okay? You can either come with me, or find out what you need, or you can get out of my way.” I said coolly to him.

  He sensed the change in my voice and stepped away, looking wounded. “Fine.”

  We walked the short distance to the club, I was grateful that it was open, even so early in the afternoon. The bouncer wasn’t outside like the night before. There was no need. Vampires didn’t like to feed during the day, it just got too messy. We walked right in and I let out a sigh of relief. Behind the counter, looking tired was the same woman from the night before, Gwen.

  She looked up and smiled when she saw me, “Well, look at that, you made it out okay after all.”

  “Hi Gwen,” I said sheepishly, taking a seat at the bar.

  She looked at Conner and her eyes narrowed, I knew what she was seeing, the change. She knew something was different too. He didn’t seem to be as affected by the transformation as a normal vampire would be. His color and personality weren’t altered either. There was something off about him, something not entirely human, but neither vampire. He was the first of his kind that I had ever seen; it seemed to be a first for Gwen too.

  “I see you found your boyfriend,” she muttered quietly.

  Conner’s eyes flashed to me, but I shook him off. “Gwen, did you see the guy he left with last night.”

  She flinched, but nodded her head, “I did. I’m sorry about your luck pal, it happens to more people than you might think. You’re a lucky one, I’ve never see him turn anymore.”

  “I don’t think he did it intentionally,” muttered Conner, “I want to find him.”

  “Ha! Well good luck bud, I can’t help you,” she replied.

  I sighed, “Please Gwen, we need to find him.”

  She shook her head, “I think it’s a bad idea for you to go hunting people down, especially Dante.”

  “Is that his name?” I asked her, “Gwen, Dante may be dying. We need to get to him.”

  They both looked at me in shock. I glared at Conner, “You aren’t the only one keeping secrets.”

  Gwen looked worried, “How could he be dying?”

  I shook my head, “I don’t want to go into details, but we need your help to find him, please.”

  She looked around the bar nervously before scribbling on a notepad. “Here. This is his address, but please be careful okay? Just because I don’t like him, doesn’t mean I want to get tangled up in anything bad, got it? I have a good thing here. You didn’t get that information from me.”

  I nodded my head and thanked her before we slipped out onto the street. I could feel Conner’s eyes burning through me from behind; his temper was starting to boil over. It didn’t take long before I felt him grab my arm. He pushed me up against a wall, and right away the sexual tension between us flared up again.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” he asked, expecting me to be intimidated.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” I retorted.

  His body pressed up against mine, I licked my lips. He was close enough to kiss. I let my bag fall to the ground and I wrapped my fingers through his hair. I was running on pure desire, I knew it was the wrong time, but I had to taste his lips, I pulled him down to me, and he didn’t resist me. His lips found mine in a crushing kiss. I wanted to consume everything that he was, but there was no time.

  “We need to talk,” he said, pulling away from me.

  I nodded my head, unable to speak. He took my hand without waiting for me to respond and drug me back the way we came. As we walked in silence, my mind started to race. Was he going to feed again? What if he had changed his mind and wasn’t going to tell me anything else. I shuddered at the thought of our kiss. I wanted it to be so much more, but I also knew that he wouldn’t let it go that far. As badly as I wanted Conner, he seemed determined not to let me have him.

  When we returned to his apartment, he pushed me through the door. I spun around and saw the fire in his eyes and I knew the time for talking was over.

  My mind was racing, I wanted to blame it on the vampire blood coursing through my body, but I knew better. I wanted Jason. His stubborn personality and drive to find answers was intoxicating. I quickly closed the distance between us, my need to feel his touch overwhelming me. He stepped back against the door, desire showing in his eyes. His lips parted, inviting me back into them. I ran my fingers up his arm
s, feeling his warm flesh beneath them. My heart was racing as I brushed a strand of hair away from his face.

  “Is this what you want?” I asked him in a husky voice.

  He nodded his head, “I want you to be my first.”

  The words were all the encouragement that I needed, my mouth found his, wet and warm. I let my tongue explore his mouth, running along his teeth and toying with his tongue. When I pulled him away from the wall to the bed, I caught his rabid breath. His chest heaving as he lay back against the soft covers. I pulled my shirt off and he followed suit, revealing a toned body and driving me insane. Climbing onto the bed next to him, I leaned closer, kissing his chest. His intoxicating scent made my head spin as I took a hardened nipple into my mouth.

  My hands traveled down his body and over the jeans that were guarding his lower half. I reached between his legs and felt his bulge. His eyes closed as a moan slipped past his lips, his hips pushing against the fabric that separated my touch from his cock. I squeezed his member and felt it jump in anticipation. I begrudgingly released my grip before finding the button and making short work of removing his pants.

  With his body now exposed to me, I continued my trail of kisses down his body. His taught frame tasted like sweet manna from heaven to me. I slipped to my knees off the bed, maneuvering until I was between his legs, his shaft bouncing near my face. He jumped when my hand wrapped around his shaft. As I moved up and down on his rod, I pressed my other palm against his balls, playing with them to torment him. When I saw the first droplet of precum glisten the tip of his cock, it stirred the animal inside of me.

  I leaned forward, parting my lips and licking the nectar from his head before engulfing his stiff manhood in my mouth, sliding down to his thick bush. He arched his back, his hips rising up to meet my mouth. I held him down with my arms, digging into his hips as he gasped out for more. My saliva coated his member as I slipped knowingly up his body, going faster with each passing stroke. His cock grew rigid in my mouth, his climax rising up inside of him, but I wasn’t ready to release him yet, I had other plans.

  When I pulled away from him, he called out my name, begging for more. I laughed softly as I rose up to my feet. I crawled over his body, kissing his body until I reached his mouth. He was on edge with need. His hands found my hair as I gazed into his eyes. With no words spoken, he nodded his head and I knew he was ready. His body trembled beneath me, my cock pressing against his virgin opening. His shaft between us was still rigid. As I pushed myself into him, his member jumped. He was so tight, his body pushed against the intrusion of my member. I struggled to control myself, his body opened up to me and I couldn’t hold back any longer. With one long thrust, I pushed into him. He cried out in pain and I wrapped my arms around him. I froze, waiting for his body to accommodate me. His chest was heaving up and down.


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