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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 53

by Stephan James

  Ethan was pretty sure it was considered rude to listen in on phone calls so as the secretary started to dial the number to call Mason, he wandered over to the far wall to look at the portraits of Grey Properties’ founders. There were also depictions of the current management teams, mostly men and a few women who looked to all be in their thirties or forties. Everyone was varying levels of fabulous, except for the Greys themselves. Mason looked predatory and bored, while his father just looked…angry.

  “Mr. Bakkar?”

  He turned and went back to the secretary, who gave him a secretive smile that he wasn’t quite sure he liked. “Mr. Grey will see you now. Please take the elevator to the 18th floor and follow the hallway immediately to your left. It will take you to his office receptionist, and they will let you in. Any questions?”

  “Uh…Elevator, hallway, left, office.”

  “You got it. Don’t dawdle. Mr. Grey doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “I guess not. Thanks.”

  Ethan headed for the elevator. The secretary said, “Have fun.” He looked at her and raised his eyebrows but she ignored him, answering another call.

  That was weird, he thought, but put it out of his mind as best as he could because he knew he was really going to have to focus for this.

  He quickly found himself standing before the receptionist, who greeted him and pointed him to a door behind her before he could even say anything. Nevertheless, he thanked her and strode to the door. His heart started pounding hard. He grabbed the knob, hesitated, and then shoved it open.

  He didn’t really know what he’d expected but it really was just an office, even if it was about four times bigger than he thought it would be. Everything was glossy, expensive, and new. His mouth hung slightly open as he looked around, taking in the fancy carpeting and the huge windows before finally settling his gaze on Mason. The man sat almost primly behind a gigantic oak desk, hands folded before him. He smiled, and it did weird things to Ethan’s nerves. Butterflies exploded to life in his stomach, but he also felt somehow calm at the same time.

  “Ethan. It’s wonderful to see you. Please, take a seat and we’ll get started.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  He was incredibly conscious of the way he walked, as Mason stared at him. It was a relief when he could sit back down and have something solid between them, but then Mason moved his chair around to the other side until they sat with their knees nearly touching.

  “Now then,” the big man said, “if you are going to be my assistant, you need to know what that entails. You will do what I need, when I need it done. You will bring me what I want. You will help remind me of the paperwork I need, and to keep me on track for appointments. You will be in my presence constantly as my companion, and you will occasionally accompany me to my dealings so that I have a second pair of ears. Is this understood?”

  “What?” Ethan repeated. He’d heard but he hadn’t exactly understood. “I…Aren’t you going to interview me?”

  Mason flashed a grin. “You want me to ask you a bunch of boring questions about where you have worked before and why you think you will be good at this job?”

  Ethan blushed a little. “I mean, that’s how it works, right?”

  “I’m waiting, then.” The billionaire sat back and stared at him, waiting.

  He swallowed hard. He’d been hoping for a little more guidance than that but maybe this was a sort of test? If he couldn’t handle a little bit of talking, how was he going to handle being the person in charge of keeping the company president on track?

  “Okay, well…I’ve had the same job at McDonalds ever since I was a Junior in high school. I wanted to start getting some money put away for college.”

  “And what positions have you worked?” Mason interrupted.

  Ethan blurted out the answers before he could overthink them. “All of them. You have to have experience with everything before you can be a manager. That’s, uh, that’s what I am now. A floor manager.”

  “Your duties?”

  “I do everything that needs doing and make sure everyone else does the same.”

  “And why will you be good at this job?”

  That stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t really think he had any redeeming qualities, so he kept it simple. “I learn.”

  Mason regarded him for a long moment before smiling. “A very astute statement, Ethan. I think you and I will get along very well. You may have the job, but I still need to ask some more questions of my own. A man and his assistant must know each other if they are to work well together.”

  “Of course I want the job!” Ethan said, happiness rising up in his throat. Mason seemed to be thinking for a moment so he looked over at his new boss’s desk. Suddenly, he frowned. Didn’t most desk-job people have pictures of their family on their desk? He didn’t see any at all, not even of Bethany. “How was your honeymoon?”

  Mason snorted. “This is my interview. I ask the questions. Are you single?”


  He repeated, “Are you single?”

  Ethan almost said that he was, before he remembered his girlfriend. Luciana. “I’m…I’m in a relationship.”

  “Hmm. Will your partner approve of you traveling around with me?”

  Ethan stammered, “Why would they?”

  But Mason didn’t answer, and Ethan realized he’d better not ask anything else. “What are your measurements? You will be given a company suit to keep up appearances.” Hesitantly, Ethan listed them off and Mason nodded, before tapping at his lips with the pencil he was using to write the numbers down. “And the package?”

  “Package, sir?”

  “Your suit pants will not fit if they are too tight around your bulge.” Mason’s grin turned practically savage. “And tightness harms sexual prowess. Now, how big?”

  Ethan kept stammering, but he no longer really had any words to ask. He couldn’t believe these questions. Was he being hit on right now? It sure felt that way! Or else Mason really had no sense of personal boundaries.

  But if it got him a new suit, there couldn’t be any harm in it.

  “I’m not exactly sure, sir. About, about average?”

  Mason growled. “We will see about that.”

  What…who will see about what?


  And he’d thought the last question was invasive! He stammered out, “No?” and then quickly tried to think of a reason why this could be acceptable. Religious connotations, maybe? Was Mason trying to see if he’d have to make special allowances for Ethan without actually having to come out and say those words?

  “I see.” Mason nodded. “Well, I have much more to ask but we’re running out of time. Ethan, in three days I am leaving on a trip to the Caribbean to deal with some of my properties there. You will come with me. I will call or text you with more details later today, and then you will come in tomorrow and the next day to begin learning the process. I will also give you information about the flight at that point in time. Any questions?”

  He was practically floored. Three days? “But sir, I have to give two weeks’ notice to my current job.”

  Mason shook his head. “Let me take care of that. If there’s nothing else…?” He stood up and held out his hand. “I look forward to getting to know you better.”

  “Me too,” Ethan squeaked shyly and then scurried out of the office as fast as he could. On the one hand, he was practically giggling with happiness about his new job –think of the pay!- but he also couldn’t help but to feel like he’d signed on for way more than he bargained for.

  “Luciana, are you kidding me? How can you be so, so petty?”

  Ethan stared hopelessly at his girlfriend as she smashed yet another plate on the floor. They were in his apartment and those were his plates, and she’d already shattered five of them, and broken a lamp, and ripped ragged wounds in the arm of his couch in the living room. Her curly red hair whipped around her face as she whirled on him, bangs hanging in he
r eyes.

  “How can you be such a playboy?” she shrieked back.

  The shrillness of her voice splintered his ears. He put his hands over them and shouted, “I’m not the one who cheated!”

  He’d invited her over to wait on him to come home, on the evening of his first real day of work with Mason so that he could tell her the good news. She’d come over alright, but she hadn’t gotten rid of the dude she was sucking face with on his couch. It was disgusting.

  “Oh, yeah?” Luciana grabbed another plate from the counter and tossed it on the floor. With a splintering sound, that one also broke beyond all hopes of repair. There were also dents in his kitchen floor now. Great. “Why won’t you commit to me, then?”

  “Commit? You want me to commit? You have a key to my car and my apartment! We went looking for a place together last week. I’ve met your parents. How is that not commitment? What else do you want?” he pleaded with her, stretching out his hands in front of him. This wasn’t their first fight. He loved her. He really did. But she was just so ornery and stubborn, and sometimes downright cruel. And he never gave her anything but respect…

  “I need you to buy me a ring! Show me you love me!”

  “What?” Ethan gasped and stared at her. “I can’t afford to buy you a ring. I can barely afford to be alive.”

  “A real man would buy me a ring.”

  He turned away a little. “Then ask that asshole Chad to buy you one.”

  “His name is Michael.”

  Ethan whirled back around. “I don’t care what his name is, okay? I think we need to take another break, okay?”

  “So, you’re dumping me?” Luciana didn’t even bother picking up just one plate this time. She just pulled the rest of the stack forward and sent it slamming down onto the floor.

  “Stop that! I have to buy new ones now!”

  “So, you do have money!”

  “Money for plates but not for a goddamn engagement ring!” His temper finally snapped. He was exhausted and stressed and dealing with situations he never experienced before, like a boss who kept making weirdly sexual-sounding jokes in regular conversation. He hated to raise his voice, especially at women, but this absurdity needed to stop. “I just wanted a good night with you but I seriously think we need to take a break.” He took a deep breath. “Listen, I just got a new job. I’m going to have to travel for it in a few days. We’re taking a break and when I get back, I’ll have a real decision, okay?”

  “What if I make the decision for you?” Luciana asked.

  Ethan opened his mouth to answer but before he could do anything, she was storming out of the apartment and grabbing her purse on the way. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, and then knelt down to start picking up the larger pieces of his plates. He got this whole stack just for $5 at a garage sale so it wasn’t too big of a loss but it damn sure felt like one.

  This was just all way too damn messy. There was no way he could deal with this all at once.

  Oh well, he sighed, and then went to get his broom. Work with Mason was turning out to be easier than he thought. There was a lot of stuff to remember all at once but none of it was particularly difficult. He just had to memorize what needed done and when.

  The difficult part was that he had just spent ten hours in the presence of a successful and powerful man, whereas before their interactions were less than ten minutes each. His nerves were shot, and he was thinking more and more with every passing hour that he really might not be as straight as he thought. He’d never felt like this before, not even around Bethany. Being around Mason just…did stuff to him.

  Another difficult day of work went by, and then he was up at 6 a.m. the day after that, hurrying to get dressed in his brand-new suit and driving out to the airport while dragging along his luggage behind him.

  Mason was waiting for him at the far end of the parking garage. “You look very good in that,” he commented. His eyes strayed downwards to Ethan’s “package.” “Does it fit well there?”

  By now, he was almost getting used to these kinds of questions. “Yes, sir.”

  “Very good. I had them provide a little extra room than just ‘average.’ Now, come with me. Our plane is waiting.”

  Mason had his own private jet, provided for him by the wealth of the company. Very shortly, they were soaring through the air in complete comfort.

  Ethan stared out the window. It had been ages since he was last on a plane and the view was particularly breathtaking without a ton of other people around to make him feel all claustrophobic. Mason chuckled at him. “It never gets old, does it? Would you like a drink?”

  “Water is fine. Thank you, sir.”

  Mason rose and began to move around the cabin but it quickly became apparent that he was not getting water, when he pulled out two glasses and plunked a few ice cubes in each. Then, he fetched a bottle of scotch and poured them both a generous mouthful, before settling back down in his seat. He raised the glass to his nose and took a deep breath. “This is very high quality.”

  Ethan took an experimental little sip. It tasted like alcohol to him, and burned all the way down his throat. It was a good, hearty burn, though. “I expect nothing less,” he said truthfully.

  “That is quite right,” Mason purred and downed nearly all of the scotch in his glass in one swallow. Ethan watched his lips and throat, mesmerized. “You yourself are rather high-quality. I’m hoping your taste is no less divine.”

  Ethan blinked, chills running up and down his back. Between his legs, something kindled and began to burn. “I think I have very good taste.”

  Mason let out a loud laugh. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  And the way he licked his lips made Ethan suddenly realize they weren’t talking about a taste in alcohol, or movies, or clothing. He remembered again the huge swallow the other man took, the movement of his throat, and he couldn’t help but to tremble. He wiggled around in his seat, distinctly aware that his boss was watching his every move.

  Maybe I’m not as straight as I thought, he admitted quietly to himself. Or else I wouldn’t be…turned on right now.

  The Caribbean turned out to be exactly the way Ethan always imagined it, like every post card he’d ever seen. The waters were pure, warm blue and the sand shimmered with sunlight. He knew the buildings and shops were specifically designed to feel rustic and island-y to cater to tourists, but he was enchanted by them. Mason simply walked on by, and Ethan figured he’d probably been here so much, knew so much of the inside, that it had stopped being so magical to him.

  They hopped into a limo and headed towards a pair of gigantic hotel buildings on the horizon, behind which were some island mountains. Ethan stared at the picturesque site, his jaw practically falling open. “Are those…Do those…belong to you?”

  “Oh, yes,” Mason said, examining the contents of yet another glass of scotch. The big man didn’t even seem slightly tipsy. He probably had the constitution of a horse. “In fact, all of this here is mine, as well are many grounds on other islands than this.” He suddenly frowned a little. “Well, they are my father’s. But they will become mine eventually.”

  “Got it.”

  Mason glanced at him. “When we get to our hotel rooms, I will need you to assemble the paperwork I will need. We are meeting with Marcus Garrison, owner of Paradise Experience on Merry Island. I am buying him out.”

  “Okay. I can do that.” Ethan hurriedly wracked his brains, trying to remember what all exactly needed doing.

  “Bring it to my room when you are ready. Then, we will have dessert.”

  “Don’t you mean dinner?”

  “Ethan, I am in possession of 400 billion. If I wish to eat my dessert before my dinner, there is no one and nothing to stop me.”

  “I guess that’s true,” he admitted, and the talk stopped for a little while. He just took in the sites, distinctly aware of the heat flooding off of his boss’s body. It was almost too much to handle, being crammed in next to him in
such a small place.

  Fortunately, they arrived at the hotel fairly quickly and piled out of the car. Ethan trailed along behind Mason, gawking around, while workers from the hotel fetched their belongings. Mason checked them both in, with the young man behind the reception desk stuttering so badly he could hardly talk. When he handed over the keycards, his hands were shaking.

  Ethan watched that with interest. The fact that it wasn’t just him who got all flustered around Mason made him feel a little bit better. He’d also kind of been thinking that Mason flirted with everyone but he was very cool towards the other man. And that also made him feel better, although he couldn’t understand why.

  Except he did know why, of course. He just didn’t want to admit to himself that he was craving attention from his boss, that he wanted to be the only one Mason ever paid attention to.

  That’s not fair. What about Bethany?

  And what about her? Just because Mason was married didn’t mean Ethan couldn’t just look and figure out his own feelings, right?

  They each checked into their own separate hotel rooms and Ethan got busy with digging through all his luggage to get out the huge pile of paperwork he’d brought with him. He’d just brought every single form they had, along with four or five duplicates, because he hadn’t been told what they were going to be doing here. Now that he knew it seemed a little bit silly, but he was also glad he’d been prepared for anything.

  When he had gathered up what he was pretty sure were the necessary forms, he headed over to Mason’s room and knocked on the door.

  “Coming,” the billionaire rumbled, and then he opened the door.

  Ethan gasped and took a step backwards, dropping his papers all over the floor. The first things he saw were Mason’s shoulders, immense and linebacker wide. And bare. In fact, his boss was completely shirtless.

  “I, I didn’t mean to interrupt you getting dressed,” Ethan stammered. “I would have waited.”

  He bent down to pick up his papers, with Mason standing over him all the while like a giant. And then Ethan started to stand up, but his next realization drove him back down to his knees. Mason wasn’t just missing his shirt. He was completely naked from head to toe, and his…his thing…was right there in front of Ethan’s face. And it was huge. The biggest he’d ever seen.


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