Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 54

by Stephan James

  “You like my dick?” Mason rumbled. “You like what you see? It’s not often I’ve brought men to their knees right away. You’re flattering me.”

  Ethan just kept staring. He couldn’t stop staring right at Mason’s dick. It was just…there.

  “Answer me, Ethan. See anything you like?”

  “But…Yes, but, uh, what about Bethany?” As he spoke, he got to his feet but he still couldn’t stop looking down.

  Mason shrugged. “Have you ever heard of a marriage for convenience? It was all just for appearances. You saw those magical resorts out there? The family-friendly empire I run? Many parents would refuse to bring their children to a place run by a gay man. I also like my private life to remain private.”

  Ethan just shook his head. It made sense in a way. He just couldn’t believe it. “But, sir, I’m not gay.”

  “Aren’t you?” Mason shrugged. “And really, what does that have to do with it? If you want to have sex with someone, you have sex with them.” And then he smiled a very sly, knowing smile. “Besides, that doesn’t matter. I said I always get what I want, and I want you. The whole reason I fired my current assistant and hired you was because I couldn’t stop thinking about putting my dick in your mouth.”

  “But, I…”

  Mason waved his hand dismissively. “Yes, I know. You aren’t sure. I’ve heard it before. Why don’t you go think about it until you are sure?

  Ethan did as he was told and went straight back to his room. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system or maybe it was something way more intense than that but he was tingling all over, his skin buzzing with heat. He couldn’t believe what was happening and he had no idea how he was going to work his way out of this.

  He also had no idea if he even wanted to.

  He groaned and covered his face, and then flopped over on the hotel bed. He was throbbing and aching, wanting to do something about it, and definitely not knowing whether he should or not.

  Mason really fired his old assistant just so he could have Ethan? Really? That was such a flattering thing, except it made Ethan think that if Mason got bored of him that he could also be replaced just as easily. He shuddered to think of that. In these past couple days he was really starting to enjoy the work. But that wasn’t a good reason to hang around and get fucked by his boss.

  Except…if he only thought about himself…He wanted it. He was turned on by Mason. The billionaire was hot and rugged and predatory, and it made him feel weird and tingly all over. He couldn’t help it. That was just how it was.

  They were both in relationships but Mason’s wasn’t actually real and full of feeling, and Ethan’s was currently taking a break. If he wanted to do something…this was the time to do it. This time in the Caribbean where no one but Mason knew him, it was the perfect time to experiment and figure himself out, wasn’t it?

  It didn’t mean he was gay, just like when college girls kissed it didn’t automatically make them lesbians.

  He sat up and pushed himself up off the bed. He took a deep breath, and willed himself not to think about what he was doing when he stepped out into the hall and went over to Mason’s room again. Then, he knocked and waited with his heart pounding in his throat.

  Before long, the door opened again and Mason was looking at him with that same unreadable expression. “What can I do for you, assistant?” he rumbled.

  Ethan swallowed hard, and then he closed his eyes. “I thought about what you said.”

  “Not for very long,” the big man noted.

  “Yeah, I guess not,” Ethan muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess I didn’t need to think much. I just needed to think. Anyway, I was…I thought about it and I’ve never ever done anything like this before but I want to.”

  There. He said it. It was out, and so was he.

  Mason nodded. “I told you that I always get what I want. Dessert, before dinner. Come in.”

  He stepped aside and Ethan entered, looking around shyly. He felt like he was walking into his boss’s house instead of into a hotel room that was identical to his. When he turned around, Mason was reaching into the mini fridge and pulling out what could only be a very expensive bottle of wine.

  “This is a favorite of mine,” he growled. “Scotch is very good but an occasion like this calls for something a little classier.”

  Ethan nodded, his stomach practically exploding with nerves. The wine didn’t taste very good to him –too dry and sharp- but Mason seemed to love it, and drank three more glasses. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful, so he raised his glass to take another sip. Then, when he lowered it, Mason was there.

  His large body pressed against Ethan, forcing him to take a step back. The bed was in the way, so he sat down hard. Mason leaned over him, and then their lips met roughly.

  It was like nothing Ethan ever experienced before, and he was starting to understand that was because he was with the wrong people. Having sex with the wrong sex, if you will. He was aroused in nearly half the time it normally took, and he had never felt so hard in his life. Mason’s lips against his were firm and demanding, making him tremble. They tasted sweet and dry and sour, like the wine and something more. After the kiss carried on for a few seconds, as Ethan struggled to keep up, he slowly realized the unique taste was distinctly Mason.

  A soft little moan pulled from his throat as Mason kissed him harder, and then he felt the billionaire’s tongue push against his closed lips. All sense of chasteness was gone from Ethan, so he parted his lips to give the other man access. His tongue was wet and very warm, and even sweeter than his lips. His excitement growing, Ethan grew bolder and pushed his tongue forward to meet Mason’s. Mason growled at him, his tongue immediately pouncing, thrusting against his. The kiss carried on and on, growing more heated as the two men mimicked the act of sex with their mouths, fucking, giving, taking.

  Then, Mason started to lower his body down against Ethan’s on the bed, straddling him. He purred through the kiss, pressing his hips forward to rub his ramrod-hard dick against Ethan’s.

  Ethan gasped and he grabbed the mattress beneath him, his back arching up in delight. His own cock was straining against the fabric of his new suit pants, trying hard to burst forward right through them. “Mason,” he gasped.

  Mason looked up at him with a gleam in his wild eyes. “You are mine. Mine to do what I please.”

  Ethan swallowed hard, a little bit of fear breaking through his excitement. He wanted to do anything and everything but he had no idea how to do half of it. “Please nothing too hard yet?” he begged.

  Mason laughed. “I have nothing but hardness right now, Ethan.” He rubbed his hips forward again, grinding their aching members together. It felt so good that Ethan writhed and squealed on the bed, then had to catch his breath before he could answer again. It was especially difficult when Mason was undoing his buttons and sliding his tongue along his collarbone, tasting him.

  “It…It’s just I don’t know what to do.”

  Mason shrugged. “Just pretend I’m a girl.”

  “No! I like you as a guy!”

  Mason chuckled. “Fine. Then I will show you. Watch and learn. An Alpha like me doesn’t normally do this for a little twink like you but since it’s your first time being with a man…”

  Ethan watched, mesmerized, as Mason slid off the bed onto his knees. He began to roughly undo Ethan’s belt, yanking off his pants with his nails tracing hot paths down his pale skin. Then he leaned over, grabbed Ethan’s underwear in his teeth, and yanked it right off his body with a sultry growl.

  “Fuck,” Ethan whispered, and reached down to tangle his fingers in Mason’s mussed hair. The large man looked up at him with fierceness in his eyes, and still maintaining eye contact, he bent down and almost nonchalantly licked the tip of Ethan’s cock. “Fuck!” Ethan shrieked, clutching his handfuls of Mason’s hair as beads of precum started to glisten on his sensitive tip. He could feel heat climbing up the length of his rigid member and was astonished that h
e was already so close to cumming.

  Mason purred at him, and then opened his mouth and started to take him in. For a man who said he hardly ever did this, he managed to take in nearly all of Ethan’s length. Not like he was measuring though, because he was so blind with pleasure he could hardly think. He writhed and bucked, thrusting himself deep into Mason’s mouth. In response, Mason rode his dick with his mouth and started to suck.

  That was all Ethan could take. He collapsed on his back, screaming as his sperm spurted out of him. It just kept coming and coming, until he thought it would never end. And when it finally did, he shut his eyes and went completely limp.

  “Oh, my god,” he breathed.

  Lips settled against his, sharing the taste of his own cum. And it felt right, way better than when he often lay awake after having sex with Luciana, feeling a little dissatisfied. This was perfect.

  He couldn’t even open his eyes again before falling happily asleep. The last thing he heard before drifting off was Mason giving a powerful chuckle.

  When Ethan woke up several hours later, he was back in his darkened hotel room. He felt sated right down to his toes, and stretched out luxuriously. “Mmm,” he purred, and kept stretching as he thought of what he and Mason had done together.

  Suddenly, he sat bolt upright and whipped around to stare at the clock. 8 p.m.?! What about the meeting?

  He sprang out of bed and grabbed his suit, but his legs were still so wobbly that he had to sit down on the chair in the corner to be able to put the pants on. Pulling on the jacket and fumbling the buttons together as he grabbed his own copies of the paperwork, he burst out the door and leapt over to Mason’s room. He fell against it, knocking frantically, and then he heard voices.

  Around the hall came Mason and a tall, sculpted black man came around the corner, speaking comfortably. Ethan stared at them, his heart hurting with jealousy for just an instant before he realized that this was probably the Marcus guy they were here to make a deal with. Both men held pieces of paper in their hands, and they looked so calm that Ethan had no idea how everything had gone without him.

  Just as Mason looked up and seemed to notice him, Ethan blurted out, “I’m so sorry, Mason, I…”

  Marcus spoke over him. “Who is this, Mason?” His voice was deep, although not quite as deep as Mason’s. He was also tall and broad but also not quite as tall and broad as the man he stood beside, looking almost like his shadow. Even their suits were nearly identical.

  Mason looked harshly over at Ethan and gave an almost imperceptible shake of the head. Ethan blinked, trying to signal that he understood. He would be quiet.

  “This is my brand new assistant, Ethan. Ethan, this is Marcus Garrison.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Marcus said, and held out his hand for Ethan to shake. He did so, as firmly as he could. He was distinctly aware of his disheveled state and realized he hadn’t even checked over his hair at all before coming out here. He probably looked like a loser and a slob.

  “As I was telling you before, Ethan was recovering from a very foul case of jet lag. It seems he has recovered, however. I will need to brief him on our meeting if you don’t mind.”

  Marcus nodded. “I’ll leave you to it, then. Perhaps we’ll have dinner together before you leave, all three of us.”

  Ethan waited until he heard the elevator and then he spun around. He meant to ask how the meeting went but the first thing out of his mouth was, “Is he an old boyfriend?”

  “A very clever observation,” Mason said drily. “Yes, Marcus and I go back. If you must know, Merry Island was my parting gift to him. He no longer wants it. Can we discuss this in my room?”

  He couldn’t stop until his questions were answered, however. He persisted. “Why do you want someone like me when you can have someone like him?”

  “Ethan, please. Inside. I’ll answer all your questions.”

  Reluctantly, Ethan shut his mouth and followed Mason inside. The big man turned on all the lamps in the bedroom and then sat down on the bed with his papers spread out before him. He looked irritable and impatient. “Listen, Ethan. I don’t want to discuss this for long. Okay?”


  I’m not sure why this is so important to me. It just is.

  Mason sighed and folded his hands before him. “Marcus and I were friends in college. He was not always that size. He was more like you and I prefer the type. Once he started working out, and once I began to work for my father, we drifted apart and decided we were better as friends.”

  “Like me and Bethany.”

  “I suppose so,” Mason growled. “But when we ended our relationship, I gave him Merry Island and the funds to support it from my own bank account. He no longer wants to be responsible for it, which leads us to the deal I made on my own, without my assistant.”

  “I’m sorry,” Ethan muttered.

  Mason waved his hand. “It’s flattering, really. I tired you out so much you couldn’t even work. But please, let us go over these papers.”

  Judging from the organized state of the papers, Mason really didn’t need an assistant to keep him on track. Very quickly, but also patiently, he ran down through the deal they struck. Mason would reclaim complete ownership of the island, while Marcus would continue to make 5% of the earnings from the resort. It was easy and clean, with only a minimal amount of negotiating required.

  By the time they were done discussing though, Ethan felt like he’d been hit with a ton of bricks. Even after having just been asleep, he felt extremely exhausted, struggling to stay awake while blinking rapidly and often.

  Mason noticed, however. “Perhaps you should return to bed. We have another few days here to ensure the deal is sealed, so it wouldn’t hurt for you to get more rest. I wasn’t exactly lying when I told Marcus about the jet lag.”

  “So why are you still so perky?” Ethan muttered as he stood up and headed for the door.

  Mason pointed at a few bottles of pills sitting out on the counter. “Melatonin. A few other supplements with a similar purpose. I’ve grown immune to the drowsiness effect but they still work well with resetting a man’s sleep schedule. They are beginning to wear off however, so I would also like to get to bed.”

  He didn’t really expect Mason to walk him to his door. The big guy wasn’t exactly about romance and taking his time. So, when the door did shut behind him, he wasn’t surprised or hurt. He just went back to his own room and fell right to sleep without another thought.

  Waking up in the small hours of the morning was a lot less peaceful that he would have thought, however. He lay there holding one of the other pillows in his arms, buried his face in it, and thought hard.

  Just what exactly had yesterday been? It was sex and it was great, plus Mason had said he had a thing for the little guys, but Mason didn’t do romance. He drank and he fucked, and he gave away entire islands as parting gifts. Money and personal touches didn’t really seem to mean much to him.

  But, Ethan wondered, was it possible to be in a relationship without romance? And if it was, was that even what he wanted?

  Yes, he answered himself immediately. It was. He really liked it and he would keep going back for more as long as Mason would have him. He didn’t actually have any idea of how long that would be, especially when the guy just fired what was probably a long-term assistant just on a whim, but he had to hope it would at least be long enough to get some savings put away. If Mason hired and fired a guy almost immediately after taking him on a business trip, that would reflect badly on him.

  And he knew how important this was to Mason. With 400 billion, there was no way it couldn’t be.

  Yet, as much as Ethan tried to tell himself that this was just about the job, and about discovering he might be gay, he knew it was more than that. This was about Mason, too. He was falling for him, more than he’d ever fallen for a girl.

  He shuddered, remembering how furious and skillful Mason had been when they had sex.

  Suddenly, ther
e came a knocking at his door. The hour was still too early for housekeeping, so he went to it with his shoulders tense and his breath held.

  “I’m coming,” he said as the knock came again, and unlatched the door to let his visitor in.

  “Without me?” Mason replied, barging in. Ethan leapt back as the big man forced his way into the room, shoving the door fully out of the way with one massive shoulder while balancing two very different breakfast trays in his hands. One held an absurd amount of food: every single protein available on the breakfast buffet, two glasses of orange juice, three pieces of toast, and hashbrowns. The other had a cup of coffee, a bagel, yogurt, and an orange.

  “I wonder which one is for me?” Ethan said teasingly, as Mason set the lighter tray down in front of him.

  The big man gave a huff of laughter. “Guys like you normally like stuff like this.”

  Ethan reluctantly admitted that he did, and the two of them set about quietly to eating. Not much passed between them. Mason ate, and Ethan mostly watched him eat. He put away every single bite of what was on the tray.

  After a bit of awkward silence, Mason said, “So, how was your coffee?”

  The coffee was some burnt hazelnut crap with too much sugar in it. Ethan sipped at it to show his appreciation. “It’s good.”


  “I’ll have to show you how to make it,” he teased.

  Mason shook his head. “Or we can walk around and find something better. Unless Marcus suddenly decides that he wants another meeting, he will be busy squaring away finances with his lawyers and passing the news on to his people. He made this decision largely alone so it will take up a lot of time today. We can do anything we want.”

  “Anything?” Ethan breathed. He hadn’t thought he’d get to do anything but look at the beautiful scenery outside his window.

  “Anything at all. What would you like to do?”

  He looked up into Mason’s eyes for a moment, testing to see how he actually felt. It was hard to tell beneath the gruff, nonchalant exterior but he thought he saw a glimmer of happiness deep in those pale irises. His heart began to beat double-time. He knew that happiness. He was feeling it himself. This was…almost kind of freeing.


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