Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 55

by Stephan James

  “I want to go everywhere!”

  Mason let out a soft “tch” sound and gathered up their trays. He seemed a little too focused on his hands, making the smaller man wonder if he was also feeling butterflies. “Well, then, we had best get started. There’s quite a bit of ground to cover. I will go make a few calls with the company while you take a shower.”

  “Don’t…don’t you want to take a shower with me?”

  Mason let out another of those soft sounds. “Water is not the best lubricant, and I would have to have you. Best not to try it yet.”

  That “yet” made Ethan grow hard, and he watched Mason’s ass as the other man walked out of the room. The cheeks were so tight and firm against the fabric of his slacks that it looked like two kids fighting under a blanket.

  He tried his hardest to ignore how turned on he was while in the shower, but in the end the only thing that brought his erection down as a blast of freezing cold water at the end of his shower. Squealing and jumping, he leapt out and wrapped himself in a towel, hurriedly drying so he could pull on his clothes and fix up his hair. Still shivering by the time he left the hotel with Mason, the warm morning sunlight shining down strongly from the Caribbean sun felt like a gift from God.

  They headed down through the parking lot, just walking off down the street in the direction of a nearby beach. Salt spray filled the sea breeze with a unique tang, and Ethan had to resist the urge to skip. Professional adults in business attire didn’t skip, frolic, or splash around in the ocean.

  “I have to tell you something very quickly,” Mason said out of the corner of his mouth. Ethan looked up at him, a little ball of dread forming in his stomach. “I am very well-known here. I must act the part all the time. If I ever seem a little cold or uninterested, it is because we’re being watched.”

  Ethan frowned. He didn’t like that. It was like the worst sort of lying, pretending to be something you weren’t. The thought stopped him in his tracks. Wasn’t that kind of what he’d been doing his whole life though? Refusing to even entertain the idea that his failed relationships with women might stem from the fact that there was just never going to be a spark between them?

  “Does that mean I’m going to have to do the same?” he asked slowly, dreading the answer.

  Mason reached the boardwalk, stepping gracefully onto the wooden path which meandered gracefully towards a number of beautiful, unique shops and restaurants. The colors were bright, the scents pungent and meaty. He seemed to be considering something. “I see no reason why. It’s freeing to finally be yourself. It’s just that both you and I will have to be careful with what we say to each other.”

  Ethan snorted. “You mean that you will have to be careful. You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever seen. It’s terrible.”

  Mason threw back his head and laughed hard. He laughed so hard that he had to grab the nearby railing to keep himself from toppling into it, and probably right through it. Several people walking past stopped to give him an odd look but he missed it, wiping joyous tears from his eyes. “I think you’re right. Let’s get going, Ethan.”

  They headed off down the path, just walking together. Mason walked like he’d been this way a thousand times before and probably had, but he at least seemed to be paying attention to all the different stuff Ethan kept pointing out. He was so excited that he couldn’t help it. He’d never been to a real beach before and everything was new. The seagulls, the crabs, the children playing in the water, the carnival nearby, the various food stalls. He tried everything that Mason was willing to buy him, to the point where it actually became a little hard to move he was so full.

  “You’re going to make yourself sick,” the big man grumbled as they took a break on a bench looking out over the beach. The waves were cool and calm, licking the shore so teasingly. Apart from having his hair screwed up by the constant wind, he didn’t look affected at all by all the walking.

  Ethan looked at him sideways and gave a little giggle. “I guess you’ll just have to take care of me then, huh?”

  Mason snorted. “Not likely. Shall we go?”

  “Just a few more minutes,” Ethan breathed as they kept looking out at the water. “It’s so beautiful. It makes me kind of sad that there’s so many people around. I wish I could have part of it all to myself for a little while, you know?”

  “I do,” Mason said calmly. “Later tonight, I’ll show you a place just for that.”

  He probably doesn’t really mean that.

  But, as it turned out, he did.

  They spent the rest of the day in a similar manner, with Ethan failing at carnival games and Mason simply handing the prizes he won right over to him instead. They walked and sight-saw and listening to the people talking. Occasionally Mason would take a call and Ethan strayed a few feet away, only for the billionaire to come find him again almost immediately. In his heart, he wanted to believe it was because he couldn’t bear for them to be apart but in reality he knew that couldn’t possibly be the case.

  They had dinner and shared a bottle of wine with dessert. It was sweet and slightly spicy, and went very well with the pineapple-coconut flan. Ethan sat back in his seat when the last bite was devoured and let out a little groan. “Geez, I’ve probably gained fifteen pounds today.”

  Mason chuckled. “You little twinks. If you all weren’t so skinny, you wouldn’t feel so awful after eating.”

  “Well, I won’t be so skinny after this trip!”

  “Well, if you would like to work a little bit of it off…” Mason trailed off mysteriously. Ethan studied him, eyebrows furrowed, and then he suddenly understood.

  “Do you mean going to that place you told me about?”


  After forty minutes of pure walking, with the sun slowly sinking down behind the horizon, they reached the place. It was an extremely secluded patch of beach nearly entirely covered by tightly-grown bushes and palm trees, surrounded by a high fence. Mason had a key for the locked gate and he secured it behind them.

  “This is a reservation-only location,” he explained. “Usually reserved for romantic dinners or very small private parties.”

  “I wouldn’t mind having a private party of our own,” Ethan muttered as he followed Mason down through the thick bushes.

  “And I thought you said that I was the flirt?”

  Ethan was just about to answer when suddenly the hedges opened up around them. He stared, filling in his eyes with the delights before him. This little beach was completely clean, hidden from the rest of the world. The rising moon and sinking sun cast their conflicting rays across the sleepy waters, uniting as one on the soft sand. A nearby bench nearly hidden in the bushes held a big blanket, which Mason went to and began to lay out.

  “Does that just always stay here?”

  “No. During one of my calls earlier, I instructed for this to be left here.”

  That seemed a little bit alarming, to say the least. “But what if they say something about you being…”

  “I certainly didn’t tell anyone who I was going to be here with,” Mason replied, almost sounding amused. He sat down on the blanket and patted the spot beside him for Ethan to come and sit with him. The smaller man did as he was asked, his stomach starting to flutter with nerves again at being so close. He could feel the heat and musk pouring in a waterfall off of Mason.

  “Mason, I…I think I might be falling for you.” Mason stared at him but the words were rushing out of him so quickly that he couldn’t stop. “I really, really like you. You’re making me feel things I’ve never felt before and I enjoy your company so much. But I feel so awful. I don’t know how you feel, and I keep thinking about Bethany, and I think about my girlfriend, and…”

  Mason said shortly, “Stop it. Stop overthinking it.”

  The command in his voice was so powerful that he had no choice but to do just that.

  “Now that you are willing to listen, I like you as well. If that hasn’t become apparently by now, I like yo
u. You turn me on, and I brought you here to have sex with you properly. And Bethany will understand. Don’t worry about her. And you aren’t getting along very well with your girlfriend right now, are you?”

  Ethan shook his head.

  Mason nodded and looked pleased. “So then, the way I see it is that we have nothing to lose and everything will be okay.” He leaned forward and reached out for Ethan, who was powerless to resist his Alpha’s will.

  They kissed deeply, passionately. There was no hesitance this time as their tongue slid together. Their mouths pressed against the other’s hard, taking and giving. Ethan whimpered and moaned, starting to tremble almost immediately even though the tropical night was very warm. Pleasure shook him to his core and his dick was rising, pressing up against the seam of his pants to try and rip them apart.

  Mason’s hands roamed, exploring every inch of his body. Wherever he touched, fire seemed to spread until his entire body was practically burning alive with flame and desire. His back arched and he grabbed at the billionaire’s back, digging his nails in. “Ah! Mason!”

  Mason growled and started in on Ethan’s buttons, practically ripping them out of their holes. He was whimpering with pleasure, writhing in excitement with every touch even when nothing touched his skin. He couldn’t help it. He was excited and nervous all at once, and he felt like he might crawl out of his own skin with happiness.

  “I’m going to make you feel so good,” Mason growled. “I’m going to make you scream for me. You won’t be able to walk for a week.”

  “You’ll have to tether me to the top of the airplane,” Ethan gasped.

  Mason’s hot breath hit his collar as he laughed huskily, and then there was no more collar in the way as it was ripped off of him. Goosebumps rippled up and down his arms, and he braced himself back on his hands so the other man could remove his pants and underwear. Completely nude now, he rubbed and softly stroked his excited dick while watching the billionaire strip out of his own clothes. He was even more glorious with the moonlight shading his body in mellow tones, instead of the harsh hotel room lights. He looked like a god, and Ethan could hardly believe that this was the man who was about to have sex with him.

  But it was very real, and his excitement grew by a thousand as Mason grabbed him by the hips and suddenly tossed him around so that he collapsed on his stomach with his ass in the air. The larger man came up behind him and purred luxuriously, leaning down to hotly kiss and lick all over Ethan’s lower back. Then, his tongue disappeared between Ethan’s cheek and he couldn’t help the hot squeal that pulled from his throat. His cock was pressed against the blanket beneath him but it was burning so hotly he was surprised it wasn’t lifting him up off the ground.

  “Please be careful,” he begged, as Mason replaced his tongue with his finger. Something suddenly occurred to him and he blurted out, “Lube?”

  “You think I’m unprepared?” the other man purred. There was a distinct sound of a bottle being uncapped, and Ethan felt something wet and slick drip down between his ass cheeks. It was warm from being pressed against Mason’s body, and he rose up on his hands and knees and wiggled his ass teasingly.

  “You’re going to make me have to bite you,” Mason said, using his finger to make sure that Ethan was well-lubricated deep between his cheeks. It felt so good that he rubbed back against the touch, almost purring with delight. And then Mason’s finger slipped inside him. He gasped and moaned, his whole body going tense. His ass muscles tightened, but Mason kept pressing his finger in slowly, gently moving it around so that he could get used to how it felt inside him. It was an odd sort of feeling, like he was being filled up and stretched. It didn’t hurt, but it also didn’t feel very good either. At first, anyway. Once he was finally able to relax, the sensation of being rubbed and caressed from inside had him moaning.

  He was dripping from the tip of his swollen cock as Mason finally pulled his finger away. The finger was replaced by the huge, throbbing crimson tip of Mason’s cock. It entered Ethan’s virgin opening and pushed deep inside him, making him cry out.

  At least, it felt deep. Mason paused and stroked his trembling back muscles with one hand. “I’m only in about an inch, Ethan.”

  “It feels so big,” he gasped. There was pain now, not much, but it felt like there was going to be a lot more soon.

  “Well, it is.” Mason growled deep in his throat. “But I’m lubed up. Relax. I won’t hurt you.”

  Ethan tried the hardest he could to relax, starting with unclenching his fists from where they clenched the blanket. He worked slowly on the rest of himself, relaxing one thing at a time. Eventually, he was loose enough again that Mason slid in another inch. From there, he began to very slowly thrust himself in and out of the smaller man’s opening, pressing just the slightest bit deeper each time. Ethan gasped and whimpered beneath him, his body taking over. His desire won out over the feelings of pain and stretching, and he started to thrust and grind with Mason. With one hand, he stroked and rubbed his own dick, stroking the sensitive tip.

  In what seemed like no time at all, he heard Mason say, “I’m in. All the way. You’re doing so well, Ethan. How do you feel?”

  The big man’s voice sounded strained, as if he was doing everything he could to hold onto his self-control. Ethan was beyond answering, however. All he could do in reply was let out yet another little whimper, begging for what he needed.

  Mason groaned then and started to thrust himself inside Ethan, a little harder than before. His hips trembled as they pressed against the smaller man’s ass, showing just how hard he was holding back. Ethan moved with him, his hand pumping up and down on his dick. He suddenly let out a little squeal and his back arched up. His ass shoved back hard against Mason’s cock, and the billionaire suddenly gave on final, much harder thrust that sent them both into orgasm.

  It was a combination of Mason hitting his prostate and the attention he was giving himself that did it. This one was even stronger than when he came when Mason was blowing him, and all he could do was close his eye, grit his teeth, and squeal. His thoughts were exploding with pleasure.

  And then he was spent and he collapsed onto his side, breathless and shaking. Mason slowly slid his cock out of Ethan and lay down beside him, shaking ever so slightly.

  No words passed between them. There was no need.

  Only when night had truly descended upon the Caribbean did they finally gather up their clothes and sneak back to the hotel. Although they didn’t dare hold hands for fear of being spotted by any night owl tourists, that was all Ethan thought of.

  When Ethan woke up the next morning, he knew without a doubt that he was in love with Mason. “Falling for him” just didn’t describe it accurately enough. There was so much more to it than that. It was everything he’d felt last night and so much more that next morning.

  Thinking on it as he brushed his teeth, he realized he’d probably crossed the territory into love when he realized just how gentle Mason was being with him. The bigger man could have been so much rougher, had obviously wanted to turn their first time into a powerful, screaming session where they were both sweating and straining…but he held back. And Ethan loved him for that.

  Hell, all through the next day as they went about legally finalizing the plans to reclaim Merry Island, signing paperwork and drafting and redrafting contracts until they finally reached an agreement down to the tiniest detail, Ethan was obsessed with finding out little details about Mason that he loved even more. The sound of his voice and the rough chuckle he had. It was the restraint in his emotions. He loved how graceful Mason was for such a huge guy, and the neat penmanship with which he signed those endless amounts of papers. He loved his muscles, his hands, his eyes, his hair.

  He loved everything.

  I wish he felt the same way about me.

  He would have asked but the day was just so busy that there wasn’t a chance. It lasted from dawn til dusk, and he didn’t even mind that Mason was treating him just short of fri
endly. Ethan understood the façade, but he was personally having more fun with embracing his newfound gayness than he ever thought he would. He always took care of his hair but now it was so perfect right down to each and every strand. He was finally able to talk how he wanted, to walk in a way that felt natural to him; never before had he realized he was suppressing those things but now that they were all coming out, it was fantastic.

  It was like a veil over his eyes had been lifted, and he was going to milk every bit of enjoyment out of it that he could.

  He was so happy. For once, everything was going to be okay.

  Unfortunately, he’d forgotten some very important things and it was all about to come back and bite him in the ass.

  The next day after settling the deal, the two of them headed back to the airport and boarded Mason’s private plane. Ethan stared sadly out the window, hands and nose pressed to the glass as he watched the beach slowly fading away from beneath them. The island became an indistinct blur, and then they were cresting through the clouds.

  He sighed. “I think that was the best time of my life, Mason. I…I want to say thank you. For hiring me, I mean.”

  “You’re welcome,” Mason said. However, it didn’t seem very sincere.

  Little alarm bells began to ring in Ethan’s mind. “Is something wrong?”

  Mason put one hand to his forehead, and then shook his head. “We need to talk, Ethan.”

  “I knew this was going to happen,” he whispered, very quietly.

  And Mason looked at him like his heart was breaking. “I’m sorry,” he said hoarsely. “But things need to change.”

  Ethan said again, “I knew it.”

  “Ethan, you don’t understand the position I’m in. The company depends on this. I depend on it. I have to keep present a front like this, or else we will lose stock, customers, investors. We could lose everything. My sexuality –my happiness- is not as important as the thousands of others’ happiness. You have to understand.”


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