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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 59

by Stephan James

  Johnathan shook his head. “Professor, you’re talking to a student. We all know what it’s like to procrastinate.”

  He was delighted and gratified when the professor actually laughed. “So it seems, doesn’t it? Even when it’s something as simple as coming to class.”

  And now he was the one to be embarrassed. “Sorry,” he muttered, looking down at his feet.

  “Don’t be. This is your chance to prove me wrong about you, isn’t it? A second chance. Come in.”

  Professor Devan turned and headed inside his office, and then stood holding the door open for Johnathan like he was some kind of girl. Distinctly aware of the other man’s eyes boring into him, he scurried inside.

  The office looked just like any other office he had ever seen on TV and in real life, with the exception of some interesting items. There were whale and over sea creature statues on some of the shelves, and a pair of flippers on one of the chairs. Devan picked up the flippers and tossed them against the wall, and then pointed at the seat. “Sit,” he commanded.

  Obediently, Johnathan sat. He watched the other man shut the door behind him, feeling way too aware of the way his body moved through the air, and then the professor took his place behind the desk.

  “You clean up very nicely,” he commented.

  Johnathan felt a little bit of a thrill at the compliment and then he blushed, because it was odd how much that meant to him. His insides did another of those slow, tingling burns again. “Uh, thank you.”

  “Now, you saw firsthand the kind of position I am in. But I will have to tell you the truth and let you know that I haven’t even begun my paper yet.”

  “What?” Johnathan exclaimed.

  Professor Devan shrugged. “I just haven’t started, is all. I have all my materials and resources, and I have been letting the information form by itself in my mind before being put to paper. However, it seems I’m now on a deadline. You and I will have to work very hard, very quickly.”

  I’m not liking the sound of this at all.

  But, in a way, wasn’t it a little bit neat that the professor procrastinated so much? He felt like he could almost relate to the guy now, that he wasn’t some sort of emotionless robot.

  “So, in order to be able to work quickly, I have some rules that you must follow.”

  And everything was suddenly a little less neat.

  “You will not stay out late,” Professor Devan began. “No later than 10 p.m. or so, but even sooner the night before we will have meetings. You must eat a good diet. No soda. I have a brochure here for you on eating to fuel your brain for concentration. You will study it and begin to practice it. And no drinking.”

  “At all?”

  “Not while we work together,” Professor Devan said firmly, narrowing his heavy eyes. Johnathan couldn’t look away from it. That was what girls called a smolder and now he thought he understood why. The burn in his stomach returned, and stayed. The whole world narrowed down to a pinpoint until all he knew was heat.

  What’s wrong with me? he thought dizzily, and swallowed hard. In that second, more than he had been all day, he questioned his sexuality. Was it possible that there were some people who just crossed that boundary no matter who or what you were supposed to be interested in? If there was…one of them was definitely Devan.

  “You are to do nothing that will interfere with my success, or yours. You will also occasionally be working some odd hours, and weekends. I’ll need your number.”

  Dutifully, he listed off his phone number. “Weekends? That’s not fair.”

  “It wouldn’t be extra credit if you weren’t doing anything extra, would it?” Devan frowned at him. “Do you want to graduate or not?”

  “I do!”

  “Then, you will do this and you will help me. I expect you to have sufficient knowledge on the evolution of the human species. Do you?”

  “Yes, Professor,” Johnathan grumbled, smarting a little. Of course he wanted to graduate! If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be here at all. Geez. Just when he started to like this guy, he kept ruining it.

  “Very good. Now, you will only have this chance once. You can walk out of here. I see you rolling your eyes. But if you stay, I expect you to work. Which is it?”

  He so badly wanted to walk right out the door but he knew he had to stay. “I’m in.”

  “Then you are in for the long haul. You will not disappoint me.”

  That smolder returned, and Johnathan nodded. “I, I won’t disappoint you. I promise. Uh, it’s like you said, right? We’re both on the line here. Both at risk. So, uh, don’t worry. Sir.” He winced, knowing he could have said that a little better, but the professor didn’t comment on his lack of eloquence.

  “Good. Then we are done here.”

  Johnathan practically threw himself out of the room, but just as he was out of the door, Devan called him back. “Johnathan?”

  He turned, dreading this. This was all too much for him to handle at once. He was starting to think the professor was attractive, and he had rules to follow like some dumb kid. He needed to get out of here and go grab something to eat –something that was approved of by the food chart currently folded up in his pocket, that was.

  “If you do a good job for me, you will be well rewarded.”

  Johnathan nodded and hurried away, his tongue wrapped up in too many words to know what to say in response to that. Maybe Mitch would know what to make of this, and he was dead set on asking the football player but by the time he actually got back to the frat house, he’d changed his mind. He’d just get teased again, and he really wasn’t sure he wanted to be teased right now when he was all over the place like this.

  For the rest of the night, he focused on the TV and even managed to play a few rounds of cards out in the rec room but he bombed it every single time. There was only enough room in his head for thinking about one thing, and that was the tingling, burning way Devan made him feel.

  Chapter Four

  For the next few days, Johnathan went through life as normal. From the way Professor Devan had been talking, he half-expected that they would both be crammed in the office together for hours each day but that wasn’t what happened. He even answered all the unknown calls to his phone just in case it was the professor trying to get in touch with him but it was never him.

  “Maybe he was just screwing with you,” Mitch suggested one morning as they ate breakfast. They had a microwave in their room and Johnathan had made it his life mission to learn how to cook using it alone. Well, that wasn’t true. It was more like that he was lazy, but he could make some passable scrambled eggs and vegan crepes –just flour and water- in there, and they had peanut butter in the fridge. Not the best, but probably better than whatever the cafeteria was serving. And Johnathan liked to know exactly how his food was being screwed up, anyway.

  “Maybe,” he said, picking at bits of undercooked yolk on his plate. It was the third day of the new semester already and although it was overwhelming, he had already gotten himself back into a routine that the previous years had shown to be the most productive. “But he seemed like he was really serious though, you know? I don’t get it.”

  “Well, if he was screwing with you, he would want you to think he’s serious, right?”

  Johnathan glanced over at his roommate. “You have a point.” And he did, just not the right one. Even when buying course textbooks and getting started on the first round of homework for his classes, he still couldn’t put out of his mind all the thoughts about the professor and he was nowhere closer at all to having a satisfying answer about how he felt. Groaning a little miserably, he put his plate down and then stood up. “I need to go for a walk.”

  “Kay,” Mitch said, his eyes glued to the TV. Shaking his head at how clueless and unhelpful even his favorite person was, Johnathan picked up his bag and headed outside through the frat house. This was supposed to be the time he was using to relax and enjoy himself before the hectic day started, and instead he was rummaging
around outside. Great.

  Maybe a walk really would help clear his mind, though. Blood flow and all that. People liked to advocate exercise as a cure to any problem so maybe there was some truth in it, but as a scrawny guy who only scraped by in all his gym classes, Johnathan had always been a little bit of a skeptic. There was no time like the present though, so he started out and turned his feet to the sidewalk path that wrapped right around campus. He figured by the time he got back, he’d be ready to go to class.

  Well, he would never be ready to go to that class. Each and every morning that he went to Biological Anthropology, he dreaded that walk through the classroom and up to his seat. Professor Devan ignored his presence ever since that awful first day when he was late, making it seem like he was really following through on that whole thing about second chances. But he still hated it, mainly because he could feel the man watching him as he went up the stadium-seating type steps, and they often made accidental eye contact as he was teaching. Johnathan assumed it was accidental anyway, but as it kept happening he was no longer so sure.

  The morning was moderately cool and there wasn’t really anyone else out and about to bother him. It actually was turning out not to be such a bad idea when suddenly, Johnathan saw him.

  Professor Devan. Striding across the lawn as though he owned the place, with his head up high and his whole body thrust forward into the motion of walking. Johnathan shrank back against a lamp post but the professor wasn’t looking at him, or anything else. He was power-walking, and Johnathan was spellbound by it. For a man who seemed so calm, almost statuesque, his whole body was moving with the walk. Muscles shifting, clothes stretching, seams barely held in check.

  Stop looking, he scolded himself, but he did exactly the opposite of that and instead began to follow along behind the man. He stayed as far back as he could, knowing it was in his best interest not to get caught stalking a teacher, but he never looked back.

  Very soon, they arrived at the classroom. Johnathan hung back around the corner so Devan wouldn’t see him when he unlocked the door, and then he stalked right up to the window to look inside.

  To his surprise and utter delight, Devan stood up on the stage where he talked and taught, arms stretched up high over his head. And then he bent over. Way over.

  Johnathan leapt back from the door, his heart in his throat. In that split second, with his firmly-muscled butt pressing against the fabric of his white slacks, it became obvious that the professor simply wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  When he looked back again, the man had fortunately –or unfortunately. Johnathan wasn’t sure yet- stood back up and was pushing himself through some more vigorous stretches. None of them were quite as provocative as the first position had been, but he had to be impressed at how flexible and fluid the professor was when he was pushing himself through that routine. He looked like some sort of god, prideful and almost unaware of the perfection of his body.

  Johnathan was almost drooling. He pulled away from the door again and placed one hand on the wall behind to steady himself, swallowing hard. “I’m just jealous,” he told himself. “I can like how someone looks without…”

  “Without what?” a muffled voice asked.

  He looked up and very nearly had a heart attack, because the professor was staring at him right from the other side of the window. “N-nothing,” he squeaked. “Sorry, I…I just wanted to see if..if the door was open yet.”

  “It is now,” Professor Devan said, opening the door for him. He scurried inside, head down, cheeks red with embarrassment, but what the man said next stopping him in his tracks. “Did you enjoy the show?”

  “What, what show, sir?”

  “Call me Devan when it’s just the two of us,” Devan rumbled. “Did you like what you saw?”

  He had no idea how to answer that, and at this point he wasn’t even going to try. Just shaking his head, he hurriedly took his seat and tried to melt into it but Devan just kept watching. His gaze was almost predatory somehow, and Johnathan felt very much like prey.

  Shortly after that, the other students began to filter in and the class proceeded like normal except for the very end when everyone was leaving again.

  Devan grabbed Jonathan by the shoulder as he went to walk out. His heart pounded in his chest as he turned to look up into those eyes that seemed to follow him everywhere he went. “Yes?” he stammered.

  “On Saturday, we will have our first meeting. 8 a.m. Come to my office, not to here.”

  And then, having spoken only what he wanted, Devan turned away and went back to his desk. Johnathan couldn’t get out of there fast enough, but he also couldn’t wait for Saturday.

  There was a party at a sorority on Friday and he was tempted to go but he remembered this time that his future was at stake, so that night he just told Mitch he hoped he had a good time. The football player gave him an odd look and seemed like he was about to stay, but then he just shrugged and left with nearly every other guy in the house.

  Suddenly feeling a little lonely, Johnathan reached for his laptop just as his phone started to ring. He thought about not answering it but then just sighed and picked up anyway. “Hello?”

  “Good evening, Mr. Kellerby,” a laidback voice purred.

  He sat bolt upright and pulled the cell phone back from his ear. What was this guy doing? They already set up the time for the meeting so that couldn’t be the reason. A sudden boldness came over him and he blurted out, “Are you checking up on me? You don’t have to do that, you know. I’m being good.”

  Devan chuckled. “That’s good.”

  “It’s torture.”

  “The bad sort, I assume.”

  Johnathan caught his breath a little. “Is there…is there a good kind?”

  “Perhaps,” he replied, lowering his voice. “Maybe my research assistant should do a little digging around on his own and report his findings back to me.”

  And here it came again, that sudden swell of warmth and tingling in the pit of his stomach. This time though, it was different. The heat traveled down and settled in his loins, making his knees go weak.

  “Are, are you married? Devan?” he asked weakly.

  The professor laughed softly. “You get right to the point, don’t you? I am not married. Why? Is there something you want to ask me?”

  Johnathan stammered some more but no other words would really come. This was some of the weirdest, most forward flirting he’d ever been part of. And heaven help him, he liked it.

  Something suddenly occurred to him. “Are you drinking?”

  “I must be,” Devan chuckled again. “A very astute observation. Well, I must be going. Stay good, and remember. Do well and I will reward you.”

  The call ended before Johnathan could say anything else, which was probably a good thing because he needed as much time as he could to process what just happened. Devan was drinking and he had just called to flirt. Out of all the people that man probably had in his contacts list on his phone, he had chosen Johnathan.

  That was equal parts terrifying and exciting, which meant there was only one thing to do: overthink the hell out of this, just like he had been this whole week.

  “Stop it,” he scolded himself, and leaned back on the couch to cover his eyes with his hands. He knew this wasn’t nearly as difficult as he was making it out to be, which meant he had to stop asking questions and start acting on them instead. Maybe, just maybe, he’d see where this ended up taking him. It wouldn’t ruin his life to give being gay a try, would it?

  Chapter Five

  As it turned out, being gay was going to be a lot easier than Johnathan thought.

  He got up on Saturday morning with his alarm, grumbling a little at the early hour but so excited that he really hardly cared.

  “Where you going, Johnny?” Mitch groaned from his bed.

  “I have to go do some research for the professor,” he answered, snatching up his clothes to head into the shower. “Have some hair of the dog for me, would
n’t you?”

  Mitch flopped one arm over his eyes. “Count on it.”

  His stomach felt too tight for him to want to have anything to do with breakfast, so he skipped all thoughts of that and just got as clean as possible. Standing beneath the water, letting the spray pound the soap off his body, he couldn’t help but to stroke his hands up and down his form. Scrawny. He had no idea what Devan might see in him –if he saw anything in him at all. For all he knew, he was really badly misinterpreting all of this.

  He shoved those doubts out of his mind however, and he shut off the shower. Less than fifteen minutes later, he was ready for the day and hurrying out the front door to get to Devan’s office. He slowed down as he neared the door, suddenly remembering the scene from last time he was here, but a tentative peek through the open door showed him no one was in there at all.

  “Looking for someone?” a soft voice murmured.

  Johnathan yelped and spun around, one hand over his heart. “You almost killed me, sneaking up on me like that!” he gasped.

  Devan grinned, and it was the biggest he’d ever seen the man smile. It seemed to change everything about him, transforming him from calm and cool to a vibrant guy not really that much older than Johnathan himself. “I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t want you to die before I’m done with you.”

  Leaving that mysterious statement out in the open, he pushed past Johnathan and then strode into the office. Johnathan followed, and then looked down with dismay. Piled all across the top surface of the desk was stack after stack of printed paper, and at least a dozen thick-spined textbooks.

  “This is the research, I guess?” he ventured timidly.

  “Correct,” Devan said, sounding at least a little pleased. He went over to the desk and reverently placed one hand on top of the tallest stack of papers like it was the head of a child who had just done some amazing. “All of these papers represent nearly 100 years of biological research on the origins of the human species. These are from within the last ten years, while these ones here were written only this year. And here, these texts are also from varying years, some very old.”


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