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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 61

by Stephan James

  Johnathan swallowed hard and nodded hugely. “I’m…I’m here to meet Devan Magnus.”

  A flicker of surprise crossed the greeter’s face. “Oh, I see. I believe he is already waiting inside for you. Go right in.” The man moved out of the way and held the door wide open for Johnathan to shuffle through.

  He held his breath and entered into a warm, open waiting area that smelled of baking. The hostesses at the counter nearby all gawked at him, their eyes crawling all over this ridiculous get-up and tearing it to shreds. Looking around, he realized that everyone else there was doing the exact same thing. So many eyes were fixated on him, staring and staring. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move.

  “There you are,” a voice suddenly purred. Johnathan blinked and looked up as a powerful hand curled around his wrist and pulled him in tight against a warm, powerful…something.

  Devan was looking down at him with seriousness and desire on his face, holding him securely to his chest so that their bodies pressed together. Every inch of his exposed skin felt heated and alive, making him shudder and shuffle his feet because some part of him was beginning to react and respond.

  “I’m glad you came,” he continued, as though no one else was watching. And the look on his face made Johnathan feel as though no one else even existed. “Come with me. Our table is waiting.”

  He started pulling on Johnathan, guiding him past the hostess counter and deeper into the restaurant.

  “Thank you for…” Johnathan began, but Devan silenced him with just a look.

  “In here,” he said suddenly, and pushed Johnathan hard to the side. And then they were in a closet and Devan was shutting the door behind him. The thinning beam of light illuminated his wicked grin just in the second before it disappeared and they were plunged into darkness.

  “What’s going on?” Johnathan whispered. “Are we hiding from someone?”

  “No,” Devan murmured in response. “No matter what I do now, you have to be quiet. I told you that I wanted you, and I am going to have you.”

  “Devan, I…”

  A huge hand pressed on his mouth for just a second, reminding him to be quiet.

  Everything about this seemed so wrong and yet when Devan started to explore his body in the dark with his hands, it felt so right. He shivered uncontrollably with heat, breath starting to come faster as the larger man rubbed his touch all over him. It was like fire ignited inside him wherever he was touched, and he leaned into the touches because he wanted more. He wanted to burn. He wanted to be consumed.

  Devan slid his hands down beneath Johnathan’s hem, moving them up his spine and then tugging the wife beater up over his head and tossing it down roughly to the floor. “You’re so perfect,” Devan growled. “So absolutely perfect. Mine to claim.”

  “Yes,” Johnathan whispered. His thoughts were buzzing. He forgot where they were. He knew nothing at all but the sensation of the professor’s hot breath on his skin, fingers receding back down his back and grabbing at the waistband of his tight shorts.

  “You look like such a little twink,” Devan breathed, tugging his shorts down painfully slowly. “So needy. So ready.”

  Now, he couldn’t even talk. All that came from his throat were whimpers as Devan’s searching fingers finally shoved his shorts all the way down so they landed on his feet. Set free, his hard member stiffened even more. It jutted forward between his thighs, feeling bigger and hotter than he ever had before.

  Then, Devan wrapped his hand around the base of Johnathan’s shaft and that was all he could handle. His virgin body thought that nothing else in the entire world could feel so good! Shaking and jerking, he clenched his teeth to keep from screaming as he came so hard he almost fell over.

  When he finally came down, he realized that he really had fallen over. The only thing holding him up was Devan’s broad chest. His legs were shaking and he tried to settle them more firmly against the floor to hold himself up, but the moment he moved he realized that his dick was still hard, and Devan was still holding onto him.

  “I was right,” the big man rumbled very low and soft, starting to rub his hand up and down. Gentle, increasing pressure from hilt to velvety tip made Johnathan tremble all over again. “So needy. But that’s just the beginning.”

  It took longer this time, with Devan slowly rubbing Johnathan up and down, caressing the throbbing head or gently fondling his balls. Everything was so new and somehow so much more wonderful than when he simply did it himself, that his breath came faster and faster and soon he was coming again. A tiny little squeal left his throat this time, which was quickly silenced by Devan kissing him as hard as he could. Their tongues crashed together roughly, with Devan’s claiming his over and over again.

  It happened again a third time and by now, Johnathan had his eyes closed. There was nothing to see and he was blind to it anyway, shoving his hips forward and fucking himself in the professor’s hand. He could no longer tell what Devan said to him, if anything. He no longer had any idea at all what else was going on in the world except for this.

  Devan made him come so many times that he lost count. There was no time in the little closet, no way of knowing how much time had passed, no chance of telling when this had started or when it would end. Everything was blurred together.

  After yet another shuddering, gasping orgasm, Johnathan collapsed even deeper against Devan and let his cheek lay against his chest. And still the man kept rubbing him, fingering his dick with expert precision, but this time nothing happened. Finally, Johnathan was spent. He knew it. He felt it. He wanted something to drink and he wanted to go to sleep. He felt like he had made up for an entire life of not knowing he was gay, all right here in this closet.

  “You’re so perfect,” Devan purred again. He ran his fingers daintily through Johnathan’s hair, then helped him stand on his own two feet. “I can’t wait to do this again.”

  “Is…there more?” Johnathan gasped, still trying to catch his breath.

  Devan didn’t answer, only pulled open the closet door and slipped out into the restaurant beyond. Harsh light seemed to swallow him whole, and Johnathan had to blink a lot before he could follow.

  Like a vanishing magician, he was already gone. Nowhere to be found.

  Mystified, Johnathan tugged the door shut again so that he could dress. It was no use trying to fix his hair, so he just shrugged and left. If people stared at him, if they gawked at how he was dressed, he neither noticed or cared. His thoughts were only full of Devan.

  Chapter Seven

  Another week passed with nothing happening between professor and student, although Devan did once seek out Johnathan just as class was about to get out one day.

  His heart in his throat, he went up to the professor and looked up into his eyes, hoping for some sign or other that their fun was going to continue. Now that he’d had his first taste, he was much more excited than nervous. This was so much easier than he’d thought it was going to be.

  But, all Devan did was politely ask him about how his research was going.

  “Very good actually,” Johnathan said, surprised to find how much he actually meant it. “I actually just finished up with my stack of papers and was going to get more to go through at our next meeting.”

  Devan nodded, seeming pleased. Actually, he looked more than a little pleased. His eyes were shining and genuine friendliness beamed out. It was all Johnathan could do to keep from wiggling, he was so happy. Mitch seemed more and more disappointed in him every day, and he was afraid that he was going to lose his best friend, but maybe he didn’t want a best friend that couldn’t just be happy for him.

  “Very well, then. I will let you know when our next meeting will be, and I wil share with you how my research progress has gone so far.”

  “Great!” Johnathan said happily, and he practically skipped home.

  He wasn’t even halfway there though when his phone buzzed. Grabbing at it, he expected it to be Mitch or maybe his mom, but his eyes went
wide when he saw that it was Devan. Was that what that look he had, had been about? Did he know Johnathan wanted more and had been waiting for a chance?

  Something about the idea of being thought of touched his heart, and he hurriedly read the text.

  “My apartment is #981 on Second Broadway. Come tonight.”

  His feet stopped moving so fast he almost tripped over them. His heart in his throat, he reread the words over and over. No time. No instructions other than to show up at the professor’s apartment. He swallowed hard, realizing what that might mean. No, what it definitely meant. He was going to lose his full virginity to Devan.

  His heart leapt up even higher now, trying to escape. Devan thought he was ready! But was he ready? He’d only just begun to dress and talk in a way that felt comfortable to him –all the while trying not to care that his frat brothers had clearly realized he was turning gay on them. Was he really ready to…try anal?

  I have to act like I know what I’m doing, he thought worriedly, and raced the rest of the way home. Barging into his room and completely ignoring Mitch, he threw his homework to the side and grabbed his laptop to start doing research.

  After more than two hours of combing the internet about how to perform gay sex, the sun was going down and he was more confused than ever. Every article aimed at beginners seemed more like advice for beginners who already knew how to have sex. And the advice for virgins was vague, about taking your time and deciding what felt good and what didn’t. That just wasn’t satisfying enough. He wanted to know the mechanics, but night was falling and he had to get going or pretty soon he was going to worry himself to the point that he wouldn’t go at all. And he couldn’t hurt Devan, who was doing so much for him academically and in his personal life.

  Unfortunately, he found the apartment where Devan lived rather easily. He’d been halfway hoping in the back of his mind that he would get lost and have an excuse for not showing up, but the professor lived on a main street with a lot of traffic and clearly-marked signs.

  Once he found the right building, there was nothing to do but head inside and find the right door.

  And that too was easy to find.

  Standing in front of it, Johnathan took a deep breath as if that would help calm his nerves, and then he knocked.

  AS if he was standing no more than a foot away, Devan opened the door.

  Johnathan gasped, resisting the urge to cover his eyes like a dopey kid who didn’t know any better. Devan was completely naked from head to toe, every inch of his beautiful body on display. He was even more muscular than he appeared to be at first, and his dick was…mind-boggling, was the only description for it. He almost couldn’t even comprehend its existence. It seemed like something that belonged in a particularly good porn film, an alternate-dimension sort of dick.

  “Wow,” he squeaked out.

  Devan threw back his head and laughed, and then reached out and grabbed onto Johnathan’s shoulder with one massive paw of a hand. “It’s okay, John. Come in. I won’t bite. I promise.” He smiled, tilting his head boyishly. “Not yet, anyway. You have to ask for that first.”

  Johnathan felt like he was melting. He tugged at his collar, blushing red with a combination of pure heat and embarrassment. “Devan…just…wow.”

  Then, suddenly, incredibly, Devan held out another hand and grabbed Johnathan’s other shoulder. He pulled his research assistant into his embrace and then quickly released him. “You will be fine. I promise. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

  “I don’t,” Johnathan said, relieved that his voice was a bit less of a squeak this time. The hug had felt weird but also very good, and he secretly relished in the sensation of Devan’s dick rubbing against his thigh. Maybe this was going to be okay after all.

  Hell, who was he kidding? He knew it was going to be okay.

  “Come on in,” Devan purred and stepped back so that Johnathan could step inside.

  The apartment was upscale for what it was, not in a particularly rich neighborhood but certainly doing well for itself. Everything was decorated very tastefully and most of the furniture actually went well together.

  Plus, it was clean.

  Devan stood back to watch Johnathan explore, and he laughed at that. “You live in a frat house, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” he nodded.

  Devan shook his head, still smiling with amusement as he moved away from his doorside perch to sit on the couch. As he spoke, he gently grabbed his dick and began to fondle and play with it. “Young men are either very fastidious or else total slobs. I would bet that it doesn’t mean anything but most of the men I’ve met who can actually take care of themselves tend to be gay.”

  Johnathan gave a little laugh, inching towards the other spot on the couch as the older man smiled at him encouragingly. “Or else most of the men you meet are just gay in general?”

  “That, too! Come here, please.” Devan patted the spot on the couch beside him. Blood starting to pump faster, Johnathan scurried over and plopped down beside his professor. Devan continued to fondle himself, looking completely unbothered by his lover’s presence so nearby. “Tell me something, John. If you are as smart as you are, why on earth has it taken you so long to graduate that you had to resort to taking extra credit? Not that I’m upset you did, but I’m curious.”

  Johnathan shrugged. “I’ve never really been all that into school, honestly… I’m not even sure I want to be an anthropologist. I’m not sure what I want to be.”

  Devan nodded sagely. “Give me your hand.”

  Curious, Johnathan gave over his hand. The next second, his eyes flew wide as he realized what he was doing just before it happened: Devan placed his hand on his dick, curling his fingers closed.

  I’m holding another man’s dick!

  “Play with that,” he instructed. “Get used to it. Now, I understand what you’re saying and I have to admire it. It’s true that not everyone is going to want to participate in the events of the world in the same manner as all the rest. Variety is the spice of life and so many people have forgotten how to live at all. But, you were wise to pursue something instead of just letting yourself stagnate. You will have more opportunities to do as you want when you hold down a steady job.”

  “Is that what you’re doing?” he dared to ask, struggling to keep up with the conversation while everything else was going on. As per Devan’s demands, he was exploring the textures and sensations of his professor’s massive cock. It felt remarkably similar to his own, but even hotter in temperature and the tip was swollen crimson. It was soft over hard, the skin beneath his hand luxuriously smooth. His palm tingled, and he felt his own member start to respond, also begging to be stroked.

  “Another clever question,” Devan answered, and his voice was a little strained this time. “In fact, yes it is. And this research paper is going to be the culmination of my career. Thanks to you, everything is proceeding fantastically.” He suddenly let out a little moan, and his shaft jumped in Johnathan’s hand.

  His eyes were transfixed to it as it moved, almost seeming alive and with a mind of its own.

  “I think you’re ready,” both of them said in the same breath. Then, they looked at each other and it was like they were the same person. Suddenly entangled, they kissed rough and heavy with their lips crushed together hard enough to bruise. Devan moved as they kissed, guiding Johnathan towards his bedroom with his hands, while also carelessly stripping the younger man’s clothes away. Fabric ripped and they ran into the wall but neither of them cared until they spilled through the doorway and into the bedroom.

  There, Devan jerked to a halt and released his firm hold on his lover. “Get on the bed,” he commanded. “Get on all fours with your ass in the air.”

  Shaking and so excited he could hardly even breathe, Johnathan climbed up into the enormous bed that probably cost more than the rest of the room combined. He did exactly as Devan said, and raised up his round, tight little naked ass in the air for the larger man to claim.r />
  A mere second later, the bed shifted beneath him hard as Devan leapt up and mounted him, straddling at his back with his cock laying flat between his ass cheeks. He roughly kissed the back of Johnathan’s neck, raising a little red mark to mark him. Hot breath hitting his ear, he growled, “I want you and I am going to fuck you. I’ll go slow but when I start thrusting, you will fuck your perfect little ass back on my cock. You are mine to take, and you will give yourself to me.”

  “Yes,” Johnathan moaned, and he was so filled with warmth and excitement. His body was shaking, and he wiggled his ass a little, enticing the larger man in.

  First, there were fingers. Fingers that drizzled lube all over his opening until he was slick and hazy-eyed. Then, Devan mounted him for real. The tip of his cock slipped right inside Johnathan and he cried out at the sensation of being entered, of being filled and stretched.

  Inch by slow inch, Devan filled Johnathan completely. It was almost painful and more than a little uncomfortable, but he could also feel the hot, hard ridges of the other man’s shaft rubbing inside him in some rather nice places. Even as he was adjusting to the feeling, he started to rub his ass back against Devan.

  Devan backed away from him slightly, robbing him of some pleasure.

  “Hey! Why did you stop?” he yelped.

  “I didn’t thrust yet,” Devan growled, and then he did. He thrust himself in deeper again, not roughly, but claiming and steady. Johnathan cried out, pleasure burning in his own shaft, and he grinded back against Devan.

  Back and forth, their bodies began to move together. Devan gave and Johnathan took, over and over again. Breathless and whimpering, Johnathan tried as hard as he could to keep up with the pace set by the more experienced man, but his orgasm was coming. His shaft jumping and twitching slightly with each thrust back against the hard member impaling him from behind, he got even closer when the speed picked up.

  Then, from nowhere, he felt Devan shudder and a hot river of searing fluid filled his sensitive insides. That was all it took and he cried out, shaking and spilling out his own seed onto the bed.


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