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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 70

by Stephan James

  Not listening anymore, the black haired male put his car in drive and sped off down the street. Though he brushed the situation off as random, the appearance of the redhead seemed to pop up more after then. Each day he went to his club to check on things, the redheaded man would somehow find him, and continue to pester him about being his boyfriend to help with his stalker. After about two weeks, Lysander was starting to get incredibly fed up with the constant appearance of the redhead. One warm evening, he was in a secluded area of the club with a woman who had bouncing breasts and curly hair, when one of the security guards came over. And tailing behind him was the redhead, frowning at Lysander.

  “Boss, this kid said he wanted to see you.”

  “Alright, you're really starting to get on my nerves now.” he told the young man, who smirked.

  “Then maybe you should just accept my request already.”

  Lysander scowled. “I told you I'm not gay. Go find someone else dammit.”

  “Come on! If you want money, I'll pay you!”

  “Persistent brat… Get him out of here.”

  The guard roughly grabbed the angry redhead and dragged him away. Lysander sighed, and held his head, snuffing out his cigarette. He apologized to the woman, and just decided to head home before the headache he felt coming on got worse. As he exited the club, he saw two people out the corner of his eye, one of them being the redhead.

  “Let go of me! Stop it, Zavis!” the redhead protested, as the other had a grip on his wrists.

  “You won't let me touch you, but you'll gladly let that thug owner lay his hands all over you. What the hell is that? He's no good for you, Rave but if you come back to me, I'll treat you like a princess...”

  “Get off!”

  “Hey.” The two turned to see Lysander walk up to them. He grabbed Raven from the other's grasp and held him close, practically looming over Raven's lithe body. His eyes were narrowed and sharp like daggers. “I don't know who the hell you are, but you're obviously not a man, if you have to lay your hands on your lover to get them to love you. And you say I'm no good. Tsk, what a laugh.”

  The man scowled. “Raven belongs with me. I can make him happy; I can give him whatever he wants!”

  “Oh yeah?”

  Lysander mentally inhaled before looking down at Raven, who stared up at him, confused and slightly flustered. He let his hand caress the back of the redhead's head, feeling his soft crimson locks run through his fingers. Tilting Raven's head up more, he brought his own head down and kissed the younger male. Raven's eyes widened and he made a small squeak of surprise, but he saw the look in Lysander's eyes, that told him to play along. He let his own eyes close and let his hands lay gently on the black haired man's chest as they kissed. Opening his mouth for Lysander, he allowed the other to slip his tongue into his mouth and shuddered as he played with his tongue, licking and sucking it. Before pulling away, Lysander gently bit Raven's bottom lip then stood back with the redhead looking starstruck. He smirked at the other man, who was now enraged by what he just witnessed.

  “Seems like this is the only thing you can't give him. Let's go Raven.”

  Lysander guided Raven to his car and let him climb into the passenger seat before getting into the driver's seat. He started the car and drove off, leaving a plume of dust and smoke in his wake as well as the seriously pissed off ex. The ride was silent for a while until Raven finally broke it.

  “Um, you didn't...have to do that.” he said quietly, not meeting Lysander's eyes.

  “Where's all that fire you had when you were berating me to accept your proposal?”

  “Well, I didn't expect you to accept it like that!”

  “I just did.” Lysander gripped the steering wheel, a deep scowl on his face. “That guy thinks he's better than me. I'll show him I'm the better man.”


  “I'm saying that as of now, you and I are 'dating'. Understand that?”

  Raven nodded, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. “About time you made a decision.”

  “Don't make me regret this, shortie.”

  “My name isn't shortie! It's Raven, you moron!”

  Lysander dropped Raven off at his apartment. The two exchanged phone numbers and emails, and the man watched the redhead walk away from the car, then stop and look over his shoulder at him. He waved and quickly went into the complex, leaving Lysander feeling confused as he drove away.

  'Why the hell did I suddenly think he looked cute?'

  Around 10 the next morning, just as Lysander exited the shower, a text came from Raven's number. It read, 'Hey, good morning. I hope you slept well. Wanna go grab breakfast together? :)'.

  Lysander raised an eyebrow, but responded. 'Fine. I'll pay since a brat like you probably doesn't have any money.'

  'I have money, you jerk!' was Raven's reply followed by: 'I know a great cafe that has tasty strawberry and chocolate crepes with the best milkshakes. Come pick me up.'

  'What a forceful pipsqueak.'

  ';) Try me.'

  Despite it being a casual breakfast, Lysander threw on one of his many suits. He left his suit jacket open and the first three buttons of his white shirt unbuttoned. Leaving out the front door, he walked to the driveway and climbed into his car. It was only a 15 minute drive from his house to Raven's apartment, surprisingly. Lysander had realized this on the drive home and wondered how he had never noticed the redhead walking around. But then again, he didn't really care about other people that didn't have any relation to his club. When he drove up to the curb in front of Raven's complex, he spotted his fake lover outside chatting with a gorgeous woman with huge breasts, flowing brown hair, and wearing nothing but a thin robe that left nothing to the imagination. A smirk came onto Lysander's lips and he honked his horn, rolling down the window.

  “Well, aren't you looking fine this morning?”

  Raven was the one who turned to him and laughed sarcastically. “You're a charmer, Lys.”

  “Oh, is this the one you were talking about last night, sweetie?” The woman and Raven moved over to the car where he climbed inside and she bent down to get a better look, the upper half of her cleavage fully exposed. “Well, he certainly is handsome, but seems like a player to me.”

  “I'm not a player ma'am. I know how to treat a lady right.” Lysander told her with a charming smile.

  She smiled back. “Good then. I trust you with my precious baby brother then.”


  “Yep! He's really obnoxious and a smart-mouth, but when he's with the right person, he'll curl up to you like a cute little kitty.”

  Raven rolled his eyes, his cheeks slightly red. “Shut up, Erisha...”

  The brunette laughed and kissed her brother's forehead. “Don't give him trouble, you hear? See you later!” She stood back and sauntered off back into the complex, her hips shaking as she went.

  “I'm sorry about my sister. She can be such a pain.” Raven apologized.

  “Don't worry about it...” Lysander drove off down the street. “So, uh, does she have a man or anything?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “You know what kind of guy she likes?”

  “Let's see, someone tall, handsome, charismatic...”


  “And who's a butler, runs track, swims, and is an expert at swords.” Lysander looked at Raven who smirked.

  “You're messing with me.”

  “I am.” The redhead grinned. “My sister isn't interested in someone she thinks is gay AND dating her precious, adorable little brother. That's me.”

  Lysander scowled. “Damn, you're a sly bastard.”

  “I get that a lot. Now turn left.”

  With Raven's direction, the two arrived at a nice looking cafe with the words, 'Hard Haven Cafe' on top of the roof. There was an outside section filled with a few people with various waiters and waitresses. Lysander parked his car, and the two climbed out. They walked inside toget
her where a cute, petite young waitress guided them to a booth by the windows. Sitting down on opposite ends, Lysander leaned back against his seat while Raven looked at the menu. Everyone around them were staring, mostly the women who looked awe-struck.

  “Oh my gosh, look at those guys! So gorgeous!”

  “You think they're dating?”

  “Maybe, but the one in the suit doesn't look like he swings that way...”

  'You have no idea…' Lysander thought with a sigh, glancing over at Raven. The redhead met his gaze and lifted his head, his eyebrow raised.

  “Why are you staring at me, Lys?” he asked. “It's creepy.”

  “Be quiet.” the other responded, rolling his eyes.

  The waitress came back over, smiling brightly. “Well, Raven. It's been a while since we've seen your cute face around here.”

  “I know, I'm sorry Mi.” He said with an apologetic smile. “I've been really busy lately.”

  She nodded and looked to Lysander. “This is your newest love, I'm assuming?”

  “Yeah, he is. Lysander, this is Mimi. I visit this place often and she's one of the friendlier employees.”

  The woman nodded her head and Lysander returned the gesture before turning back to Raven. “So I guess you've been well since then?”

  “It's been rough, Mi… Real rough. Has he been here?”

  “A few times, yeah. Sitting at the table you two sat in, like he was waiting...” The woman frowned for a second then smiled. “Sorry, I'm rambling. So the usual?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  When Mi walked off, Lysander turned to Raven. “She knows?”

  “Mi's smart. Only took her a little while to figure out how bad Zavis was, and how obsessed he was with keeping me tied down.”

  “'Tied down'? What the hell does that mean?”

  “He didn't want me working; he didn't like me going out with my friends. The mere thought that someone would take me away from him, made him angry and when we broke up, he practically chased away anyone that took an interest in me.”

  “So he has a big ego.”

  “You could say that… But yours is much worse.”

  “How do you figure?”

  Raven frowned. “You only agreed to date me because Zavis gave you a challenge and your ego wanted to show him up.”

  “What's wrong with that?” Lysander asked.

  “You're a jerk.”

  “You came to me, remember that.”

  “Here's your order!” Mi set down two vanilla milkshakes and two plates with large crepes dripping with whipped cream and strawberry juice. “Enjoy!”

  “Thanks Mi!”

  While Raven happily began to eat his crepe, Lysander ate his with a little less enthusiasm, his eyes glancing around the room. He felt as though he and the redhead were being watched. And as he thought, in the far corner of the cafe sitting alone at a table with only a glass of ice water in his hands was Zavis, wearing a mean expression that grew meaner and colder when their eyes met. Lysander smirked and looked back to Raven who stared up at him, confused.

  “What are you looking at?” he asked, not noticing the fluff of whipped cream on the corner of his mouth.

  “Hold still.” Lysander leaned forward; he brought Raven's face close to his and licked the whipped cream from the side of his mouth. “Mmm, it's even sweeter.”

  Raven leaned back quickly, looking away. “You moron, don't just do that!”

  “What? Are you embarrassed?” Lysander glanced back at Zavis with a smug smirk on his lips. “Why don't we go out this weekend?”

  “Eh? Why?”

  “What do you mean 'why'? We're dating, aren't we?”

  “Fine. I have to go to work now though.”

  Lysander raised an eyebrow. “You have a job?”

  “I'm not going to tell you about that just yet.” Raven stood up and waved at him. “See you tomorrow night then.”

  The redhead left the cafe, saying goodbye to Mi who was coming in from the outside area. She came over to the table, handing Lysander the bill where he paid it with cash and with another smug glance to Zavis, he left the cafe as well. The next evening found Lysander debating on what he should wear, becoming annoyed that he was giving a fake date so much thought. Finally deciding to screw it, he dressed in a mostly dark outfit with the exception of his silver chain around his neck. Raven had texted him earlier that day, and said that since he was getting off of work later, he wanted Lysander to come pick him up around 8:30. So at 8:20, Lysander was parked by the curb in front of Raven's apartment complex. He leaned back in his seat and sighed softly, glancing out of his window, still annoyed. But he became even more annoyed when he noticed a shadow moving around in the darkness across the street. He didn't have to guess who was over there.

  “What the hell? This guy is really obsessed with that brat...” Lysander scowled. “When is he going to get it through his head that the brat is mine now?”

  Lysander did a double take at his words. What did he just say? Raven was his? When did that happen? And why would he think that? They were faking the relationship so nobody was nobody else's. He ran a hand through his hair, groaning and messing up his black locks.

  “Sorry for making you wait, Lys!” came Raven's voice as he opened the car door and climbed inside. “I wasn't able to leave on time because one of my co-workers got sick and we had to replace her. She claimed she had bad sushi, but I think it was because she eats all gas station food.”

  While Raven was talking, Lysander took notice of his outfit. He was wearing a loose red shirt with black straps and sleeves that start in the middle of his upper arm blew out at the ends and revealed his shoulders, tight black pants that hugged his slender legs and dark red flats, like a deep crimson color. His hair was tied up in a ponytail, his left eye was covered by his bang and he had his silver piercings in his ear. Lysander also noticed how pale and slender Raven's neck, perfect for leaving marks on.

  “Lys? Lys!” Raven waved his hand in front of his face. “Hey, earth to the big headed moron!”

  “What?” Lysander blinked a few times. “What is it?”

  “Where are we going?” Raven asked. “You said we were going on a date, but you didn't even tell me where.”

  “That's because it's a surprise.”

  About half an hour later, Lysander drove into a nearly full parking lot, finding a spot closer to the fence. Raven still had a puzzled look on his face, but Lysander said nothing as they climbed out.

  “Where are we going? Come on, just tell me!” Raven persisted, starting to get annoyed.

  “Just look over there, brat.”

  Turning his eyes to where Lysander was pointing, Raven gasped at the bright, colorful lights, the looming rides and sounds of screaming emitting from them along with delicious scents filling the air. It was a weekend carnival that made an appearance twice each year, and this was the last time for that year, hence why it is so heavily crowded. Raven's hands were trembling and he looked back at Lysander who simply smirked at him.

  “I knew you'd like it, shortie.”

  “Y-You… Y-You...”

  'Oh damn, did I make him angry?' Lysander wondered. 'Maybe he really isn't into all this kid crap.'

  But Raven didn't get angry. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Lysander in a tight hug, a huge smile on his face.

  “I love carnivals!” he said happily. “You're the best, Lys! I love you so much!”

  Lysander stopped for a moment then frowned. “If you keep standing here hugging me, you'll miss the carnival.”

  “You're right!” Raven let go of him and trotted off before looking back to Lysander, waving him over. “Let's go!”

  Honestly, Lysander had never been to a carnival, a festival or any type of fair before, so he had assumed that the date would be fun for the both of them. But that night, he wasn't paying attention to any of the rides that Raven dragged him on, or the food that the redhead ordered, or even the beautiful young women who kept staring at the
m, giggling and waving. Lysander found that for the most part of the date, his eyes were on Raven and his mind was centered on that redheaded male.

  “This is the best date ever!” Raven said with delight as the two finally took a break, resting on a bench. “I haven't been to a carnival in so long!”

  “Heh, you're such a little kid.”

  “Oh be quiet! Hey, want to try that?”

  Raven was pointing at a shooting booth with large prizes, mainly stuffed animals hanging from the top and the smaller prizes near the bottom. Lysander raised an eyebrow in suspicion at the redhead.

  “You know how to shoot?”

  “How hard can it be?” He was given seven rounds and completely missed all of them. “What?! No, one more time please!”

  Another seven rounds that resulted in everything but the targets getting hit. Raven groaned with frustration and was ready to ask for another chance, but Lysander took the gun from him.

  “Watch, brat.”

  Each round that he fired off hit its target dead and center. The man running the booth looked shocked, and people that were watching applauded Lysander. Raven looked up at him, just as shocked.


  “I'm an ex-soldier that was trained to shoot real people. Targets are nothing to me.”

  The man in the booth cleared his throat. “Um, what would you like as a prize, sir? You can pick anything you'd like.”

  Lysander looked at Raven who had been eying a large panda bear with huge eyes. “I'll take that one.” The man took it down and handed it over to him, to which he gave it to Raven.

  “That's for you, so appreciate it.”

  Raven smiled and hugged the stuffed animal tightly. “I will.”

  Finally, around 11 or 12, they were both exhausted and ready to head back home. In the car, Raven kept his panda in front of him, his head rested on its backside, and a sleepy smile on his face.

  “That was so much fun...” he murmured, nuzzling his face in the fur of the panda. “You know, I never would have thought that someone like you could be this nice...”

  “I'm not nice, you're just too trusting.” Lysander told him, eyes on the road.

  “No, you may act like a huge jerk but you're actually really nice...” Raven's eyes were drooping and his voice was getting softer. “If you acted like that more, I think...I'd really love your...”


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