Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 79

by Stephan James

  “Miles, would you please sit down? You’re stressing me out,” Kole grumbled softly from the couch, watching his lover pace around the room was driving him insane. His back hurt, his feet were swollen, and every time that he moved his child decided it was the perfect time to kick him in a vital organ.

  Grimacing, Miles looked ready to argue with his extremely pregnant mate, but thought the better of it. Moving over to the couch, he grudgingly sat down and rested his head against Kole’s shoulder.

  “You’re due any day now, he’s got to have something planned,” Miles mumbled, closing his eyes when Kole pressed a kiss to his forehead and pinched his cheek.

  “And we’ve prepared for that, haven’t we?” Kole reminded the other, kissing his neck gently and pinching his cheek in frustration. “Look, pregnant or not I’m not letting him get in my head. You know why? Because he’s trying to get in your head!” he huffed, rolling his eyes when Miles groaned and nodded.

  “I know, I know,” Miles muttered, his eyes filled exhaustion.

  “You haven’t slept a full night in weeks! How on earth are you going to fight the bastard if you’re so tired you can barely walk straight?” Kole huffed, grimacing as he felt another contraction clench in his lower half. He had been having contractions for the past few days. They were just waiting for his water to break so that he could pop the kid out and get it over with.

  “I’ll sleep once you’ve given birth and I know you can defend yourself again,” Miles grumbled into his shoulder, earning a dramatic sigh from Kole who flicked him lightly on the nose.

  “You’re an idiot, and somehow I managed to fall in love with you,” He smirked, biting the other’s lip lightly. “You know when this is over and I recover from this torture I’m about to endure I’m not going let your happy ass out of bed for a week and a half.” He growled dangerously, humming smugly when Miles grinned.

  “I’d like that,” Miles laughed, pressing his lips to his forehead gently and trailing his hands over his sides.

  Kole smiled at the adoring look on Miles’ face, his heart fluttering in his chest. It was nice to feel so wanted, though he would never admit to the warmth that Miles made him feel. He was supposed to be a tough guy, not some sap.

  Leaning in to kiss his lover, Kole hesitated when he heard a crash from downstairs followed by a series of shouts and screams. When an explosion rocked the room, Miles gasped and pinned Kole to his chest, Kole’s eyes flashing with fear when he realized what the explosion meant.

  “Miles…” he started, grimacing as Miles lurched out of his arms immediately and pulled his gun from the holster at the small of his back.

  “Son of a bitch, I knew he would try something,” Miles spat, throwing open the door and peering down the stairs. “Kole go hide in the bedroom.” He ordered, glancing over at his mate.

  Kole would normally argue, moving to his feet, he grimaced as he felt something inside him shift. Swearing at the sudden sensation of liquid rolling down his leg, he grimaced and clutched at his stomach. Of course, it was almost as if his child was working with Lial to make this easier.

  “Oh you have got to be kidding me! Damn it kid I do not have time for this,” Kole spat, changing course to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Scrambling out of his pants, he threw them to the side before they could be ruined any further.

  “Everything ok?” Miles demanded from the living room as firing a shot into the hall, the sound of a body falling to the ground filling the air. “He brought friends this time; we’re going to have to hold down the apartment!”

  “I’m fine!” Kole swore, moving into the bathroom and grimacing as he felt another contraction roll through his body. “Just peachy…” he whispered to himself, snagging onto a towel so that he could have something to catch the baby with.

  “Kole?” Miles called, his voice sounding worried as he fired down the stairs with practiced shots. They would be ok, he promised himself.

  “Focus on the fight, stupid!” Kole ordered, grimacing and grasping onto the side of the bathtub with a grimace. “Damn it kid…” he swore, glaring down at his stomach when a contraction left him all but doubled over in pain.

  Out in the hall, he could hear Miles fighting for his life, the man shouting orders to his men down the stairs while the wolves that Lial hired to swarm the safe house attempted to fight their way up the stairs. Kole did his best not to focus too much on the idea that the men were after him. Instead, he put all of his energy into delivering the child who needed to learn the importance of timing.

  “Son of a bitch!” Miles yowled in pain as a shot filled the air. Kole flinched, the scent of blood filling the air as he let out a final groan and he felt the child slide out from between his legs. Catching the child in a towel, he closed his eyes and shuddered as he slumped onto the ground. Looking down at the baby in his arms, he smiled softly: It was a boy.

  “You’d-you’d better not be dying out there!” he called out to Miles, groaning as he leaned back against the tub with his baby in his arms. Snagging onto the knife he kept clipped at his side, he cut the umbilical cord before wrapping the child up with a blanket.

  “Just grazed me!” Miles called back, his voice cracking as their child’s wails filled the air. “Kole?” he called in confusion.

  “Focus!” Kole roared back, grimacing as he forced himself weakly to his feet, settling his son into the bathtub gently and pressing his lips to the top of his head. “I’ll be right back, ok? I gotta go save your daddy. Don’t go anywhere.” He mumbled as he pulled on his ruined pants and slid over to the door.

  Snagging onto the gun he had discarded in his attempt to scramble out of his pants he eyed the door slowly. Frowning when he spotted a wolf scrambling up the stairs towards Miles, he fired a shot into its skull before taking care of another one of the men trying to force their way into their apartments.

  Glancing over his shoulder, Miles grinned when the men fell flinching as another bullet whizzed by his ear. Ducking down beside the couch, Miles shot a glance over at Kole to assure he was ok before glaring down the stairs.

  “Any sign of our attempted usurper?” Kole demanded, keeping his gun trained onto the hall and earning a quick shake of the head from Miles. “I don’t like that, this is a lot of flash even for Lial,” He mumbled, his eyes flicking towards the window .

  “Flash? I prefer to think of it as finesse,” A growl sounded from the bedroom door. Turning around with a gasp, Kole didn’t have time to so much as blink before a gunshot filled the air and pain bloomed in his leg. Stumbling back, Kole gasped as blood spread across his thigh in a crimson flower.

  “You son of a bitch!” Miles roared behind them, turning to shoot Lial only to jerk back, a bullet piercing his forearm. Flinching, his gun clattered to the floor and Miles’ eyes flashed with panic.

  “Now now, I would hate to end our little scuffle so quickly,” Lial smirked, letting his own gun fall to the floor after emptying out the bullets. “I just wanted to make sure that your darling little mate didn’t decide to jump into the fray. Last time I underestimated him, I wound up with some nasty bite marks.” He hummed, stepping forward with a grin.

  “You deserved it, you bastard,” Kole growled, dragging himself into the bathroom and snagging onto a towel, pressing it up against his wounded leg with a hiss. His head was already starting to spin with blood-loss, his body shuddering in an attempt to cope with the gun shot on top of having just single handedly delivered a child.

  “Hush now, adults are talking,” Lial spat in Kole’s direction, eyeing Miles with a wicked grin. “I’m here to challenge you, Miles. I am going to take control of your pack after I kill you with my own hands.” He growled, looking the other over slowly.

  “If you wanted to challenge me, why not just challenge me to begin with?” Miles hissed, his eyes flickering over to where Kole was leaning up against the wall. “Why go after my mate? Why harm my pack mates?” He demanded.

  “Is it really that hard for you to
understand?” Lial laughed, barring his teeth in a snarl. “Your pack mates are all disgustingly devoted to you.” He explained, growling and letting his devilish gaze wander over Miles’ form. “I had to take out those who would never side with me before I could take over, and your mate? Well of course I was going to target him. What is more distracting than a wounded mate?”

  Miles’ lip pulled back into a snarl at the man’s explanations, his eyes flickering towards the bathroom where the sound of their child’s soft squalls could be heard. The look of murderous intent on his face only increased as he turned back to Lial, his body already starting to look more wolfish with each passing moment.

  “I accept your challenge,” he snarled, sending a shudder down Kole’s spine at the pure intensity of his words. He could tell already that this fight was going to end bloody. Someone was going to die, and he prayed to God that it wasn’t going to be his mate.

  “Excellent,” Lial laughed, his tongue dancing over his lips slowly. “When we’re done, I’ll have to spend some alone time with that mate of yours, to see what exactly makes that sarcastic little spitfire so appealing to you.” He sneered, laughing as Miles let out a menacing growl.

  “I’m not worried, because you won’t be walking away from this,” Miles spat, his body shuddering as he lunged forward, his and Lial’s wolf forms colliding with a clash of teeth and claws.

  In a barrage of teeth and claws, the two wolves began to tear at each other with snarls and howls that filled the building with the sounds of their struggle. Silver and white fur quickly became speckled with crimson as the two clashed, furiously roars of pain filling the air as they struggled. Kole watched in horror as Lial’s teeth sank down into Miles’ shoulder, his vicious teeth sinking deep into his flesh.

  Miles’ let out a howl of pain. His claws raked across Lial’s sides and carved deep gashes into his skin. Reeling back, Lial snarled. Teeth dripping with blood, Lial scrambled back and let out a furious snarl as he circled Miles.

  The two were matched in size, their only advantage now was experience, and Kole could only pray that Miles was the better fighter out of the two. The idea that his lover might actually lose the fight was agonizing. Kole shuddered as he watched the two bite and scrape at each other until blood was splashed across the apartment.

  Scrambling back weakly, Kole moved into the bathroom and pulled his son into his arms. If there was a chance that he was going to die, he at least wanted to be able to meet his son. Looking down at the child, he felt his heart surge when he saw Miles’ eyes staring back up at him.

  The child’s face was a beautiful combination of his and Miles’ while the boy’s ebony hair was clearly his own. He was the most beautiful thing that Kole had ever seen, and as he heard the sound of his mate struggling with the other Alpha outside, he prayed that he would get to see his son grow up.

  Flinching when the sounds suddenly stopped, Kole closed his eyes and continued to put pressure on his leg while he cradled his child to his chest with the other hand. Miles would be ok. He had to be.

  Looking up with a startle when the door opened, Kole wrapped himself around his child tightly and felt tears roll down his face. Gasping when a hand rested on his shoulder, he looked up with a soft shriek only to slump when Miles’ soft grey eyes stared back at him.

  “You won,” he croaked, collapsing against his lover’s broad chest with a look of exhaustion on his face. Miles nodded, pressing his lips to the top of his head as he gently pulled Kole against his chest.

  “Of course I did, I’ve got to take care of my family, don’t I?” Miles mumbled, standing with both his mate and child cradled in his arms. “C’mon, you need to get patched up, and I could use a few stitches myself.” He laughed, pressing his lips to the top of Kole’s head while his gaze fluttered over their child.

  “It’s a boy,” Kole mumbled, trailing his fingers over their son’s cheek, his cheek resting groggily against Miles’ chest.

  “He looks just like you,” Miles mumbled, limping down the stairs and towards their infirmary, grimacing at the bodies and wounded people spread throughout their headquarters. “He needs a name,” he whispered, edging around a mangled body before moving into the infirmary and settling Kole on one of the beds.

  “Michael,” Kole mumbled, trailing his fingers over the boy’s cheek, “We can call him Mike for short.” He hummed, looking up at Miles with a sleepy grin as Janice scrambled into the room so she could tend to them.

  “Why Michael?” Miles asked, raising an eyebrow and grimacing, starting to clean his own wound with a wince of pain.

  “Miles and Kole, sounds a lot like Michael,” Kole giggled, the blood loss leaving him giddy and delirious. Beside him, Miles burst out laughing, his body leaning against the bed as tears of mirth rolled down his face.

  “Well I’ll be damned, it does, doesn’t it?” Miles grinned, closing his eyes with a tired groan. “Well Michael it is.” he declared, reaching up to lift his son out of Kole’s arms. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, he relaxed against the bed with a groan.

  “Hey,” Kole hummed as Janice stitched up his wound, “When we’re done here, you’re getting me a damn drink.” He mumbled, smirking when Miles snorted. “I’m serious! I’ve been sober for nine months, I deserve a drink!” He declared, laughing when Miles nodded.

  “As you command, sweetheart,” Miles smiled, squeezing Kole’s hand when it came to rest on his shoulder. Humming happily, Kole let his body relax against the bed. Against all odds, they were somehow still alive, and it was a wonderful feeling.

  Lial had done a lot more damage than either Kole or Miles had thought possible during his attack. They didn’t find out until after they had spent the night in the infirmary, but they had lost a total of ten pack members during the raid, three of them Omegas.

  The men who had joined Lial for his attack had all been slaughtered. The other members of their pack had no sympathy for Alphas that would attack those weaker than them for pay. The pack was in shambles, and for the moment it seemed as though it would take a great deal of time before they recovered from such a blow.

  “What are we going to do?” Kole asked, sitting beside Michael’s crib while the child slept soundly five days after the attack. “Everything just seems like one big mess now,” he mumbled, looking up and smiling gratefully when Miles handed him a glass of wine.

  “We’ve been attacked like this before, sweetheart,” Miles mumbled, leaning against the wall with a sigh and sipping at his own wine. “This time we just took more losses than we usually do.” He explained, pulling Kole gently to his feet and pressing his lips gently to his lips. “We’ll recover like we always do, it’ll just take time.

  Pressing his face to the crook of Miles’ neck, Kole trailed his hands over the man’s back and sighed when the other pressed a kiss to the top of his hair. He had spent the last few days recovering in bed, cuddling with their newborn. Miles had spent those same days burying bodies and doing everything he could to make sure that the humans who lived in the areas around them didn’t catch wind of their pack’s existence.

  He had tried to insist that his lover should get some rest; his wounds were far more severe than Koles had been. According to Janice, Lial had managed to give major damage to not only Miles’ shoulder, but also had torn up muscles in his legs and side. Despite his mate’s pleas to slow down and take a few days to recover, Miles was determined to show his pack that he was still strong enough to lead. Kole didn’t believe that it was necessary, after all the man had fought off half a dozen alphas and taken out Lial on his own, but Miles had insisted that he needed to keep up appearances.

  “I’m starting to think that maybe Lial wanted to make sure that he didn’t lose either way,” Kole whispered softly, looking exhausted and clinging onto his mate. “We’re probably going to have to move now, and even if we don’t, he caused such a mess that the humans are going to be poking their noses around here. We’re going to have to be careful.”

  Miles nodde
d in a sullen agreement, his eyes closing as he rocked both of them slowly in place. Kole had never seen his lover look so tired. He hated to see the stress on his usually so commanding mate’s face. He didn’t care what it took; he was going to make sure that he saw his lover smile again soon.

  “Let’s not worry about that for now, ok sweetheart?” Miles insisted, leading Kole out of the baby’s room and settling down on the couch. Wrapping his warm arms around Kole’s slender form, he pressed a few kisses over the man’s shoulder. “For now we worry about Michael, and making sure he’s safe and healthy. The rest of this stuff is going to sort itself out one way or another.” He insisted, earning a hum of agreement from Kole.

  Kole knew he was right. The humans always seemed to have their heads turned their way, whether it was because they simply thought that they were a dangerous gang, or because they were truly suspicious that something else was going on. They never seemed to dig too deep though, looking the other way in areas like the one they lived in was normally the better idea.

  Closing his eyes, Kole let his lover pull him closer to his chest while his hands wandered slowly over his sides. It was nice to finally relax, and not have to worry about Lial or any other alpha wanted to take a swing at his mate. For now they were safe, and he was happy about that. They had a lot of rebuilding to do, but that was doable at least

  Pressing his lips slowly to Miles’ when the other leaned down towards him, he let out a soft sigh of content. He was glad that the other had chosen to track him down all those months ago. Living his life alone might have been adventurous and fun, but living his life along side Miles was far more interesting. Miles was able to give him something that none of the Alphas back in his home town could possibly have provided. Miles kept his life interesting, and made him feel like a partner, not a personal belonging.

  Glancing up with a groan when he heard Michael start to fuss in the other room, he took a few more gulps from his wine and chuckled as Miles stood up with a moan.


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